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TOPIC | Words on the Wind, November 2015
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I almost feel like it should be a gather 1000 of x and trade it in for and egg type of game, this way we are not hoping, we are knowing how long it will take for get x.. like baldwin brewing, but grinding for items...

I know a lot of people don't grind, which is why I would suggest allowing for gather exlusive items to count too but in lesser numbers...

say 10 crunchy dragon toes, 10 nocturne eyeballs, 10 duckwing nuggets, 10 elf teardrops.
dragon toes are a meat, eyeballs are a trinket, nuggets are a scavaging item and teardrops are catching...
the items are about at the rarity 10 per 15 turns so that players can expect to get an eg 4 days in, or about 5 in the entire festival..
scroll items would be a 2 items/15 turns so expect about 1-2 in the entire festivle,
in addition there could be the many chests! because even though they where tedious to open (and please give the open 99 at a time option because after 1000 chests my hand hurt) filled with butt rocks and familiars and the same scroll/egg rates..
I almost feel like it should be a gather 1000 of x and trade it in for and egg type of game, this way we are not hoping, we are knowing how long it will take for get x.. like baldwin brewing, but grinding for items...

I know a lot of people don't grind, which is why I would suggest allowing for gather exlusive items to count too but in lesser numbers...

say 10 crunchy dragon toes, 10 nocturne eyeballs, 10 duckwing nuggets, 10 elf teardrops.
dragon toes are a meat, eyeballs are a trinket, nuggets are a scavaging item and teardrops are catching...
the items are about at the rarity 10 per 15 turns so that players can expect to get an eg 4 days in, or about 5 in the entire festival..
scroll items would be a 2 items/15 turns so expect about 1-2 in the entire festivle,
in addition there could be the many chests! because even though they where tedious to open (and please give the open 99 at a time option because after 1000 chests my hand hurt) filled with butt rocks and familiars and the same scroll/egg rates..
I am VERY unhappy with the NotN chest drop rate decrease. I mad insane amounts of money last year by farming the coli and selling chests by the stack. I was looking forward to doing so again this year. Less chests = less to sell = less profit = an unhappy coli farmer. I didn't see anything wrong with the way it ran last year and I am extremely disappointed that anyone felt the need to change it. =/
I am VERY unhappy with the NotN chest drop rate decrease. I mad insane amounts of money last year by farming the coli and selling chests by the stack. I was looking forward to doing so again this year. Less chests = less to sell = less profit = an unhappy coli farmer. I didn't see anything wrong with the way it ran last year and I am extremely disappointed that anyone felt the need to change it. =/
I freaked out about Butterfly earlier (and have pre-emptively put 55 Butterfly Gene Scrolls on my wishlist cause MY ENTIRE LAIR IS GETTING IT) but...

I also want to comment on Crossroads 2.0! The ability to just give stuff away! Yay, I can give away dragons without making people give me 1 treasure now! Woot woot~ Looking forward to item trading too~

I freaked out about Butterfly earlier (and have pre-emptively put 55 Butterfly Gene Scrolls on my wishlist cause MY ENTIRE LAIR IS GETTING IT) but...

I also want to comment on Crossroads 2.0! The ability to just give stuff away! Yay, I can give away dragons without making people give me 1 treasure now! Woot woot~ Looking forward to item trading too~

When did the turkeys disappear? I assumed they'd disappear at rollover at the end of Nov 30 based on the news post; did they disappear early or am I just really unlucky? (If they disappeared early, I would've liked an earlier notification so I didn't waste time trying to get one today...)
When did the turkeys disappear? I assumed they'd disappear at rollover at the end of Nov 30 based on the news post; did they disappear early or am I just really unlucky? (If they disappeared early, I would've liked an earlier notification so I didn't waste time trying to get one today...)
Still trying to get a Turkey familiar. Been at it since the announcement.
However I haven't ran into any in the last 30 minutes. Did they leave early?
Still trying to get a Turkey familiar. Been at it since the announcement.
However I haven't ran into any in the last 30 minutes. Did they leave early?
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Butterfly and Petals genes, how gorgeous! Can´t wait! <3
Butterfly and Petals genes, how gorgeous! Can´t wait! <3
I know it's a bit late, but I did want to say this.

I'm really, really, getting super OCD about seeing the empty areas of familiars I just. Can't. Get. I've tried various methods to acquire older items and a lot of people have either quit with the items on their person or I'm just not lucky enough to find said people with the familiars I'm looking for.

With how big the site has gotten and with how big the site us and Alchemy as it is as well -- Could we perhaps see an alchemical ability to get these familiars. I Know they were for older versions of the website and 'thank you's, but it impacts my bestiary (and everyone's) just like those who had it and had the chance years ago.

Newer players are even more penalized when it comes to familiars from the way back when and while I don't disagree with the sprites perhaps or monthly ones (because those ones I've actually seen quite a few except light and fire are a little tricky. I did have them already but I do have a look now and again), these others that we've never had the chance to get our hands on is a constant bane on completionism.

I thank you profusely for reading and for the chance to speak up!
I appreciate everything that /is/ here and that there's so many new awesome things coming about! Thank you guys!!
I know it's a bit late, but I did want to say this.

I'm really, really, getting super OCD about seeing the empty areas of familiars I just. Can't. Get. I've tried various methods to acquire older items and a lot of people have either quit with the items on their person or I'm just not lucky enough to find said people with the familiars I'm looking for.

With how big the site has gotten and with how big the site us and Alchemy as it is as well -- Could we perhaps see an alchemical ability to get these familiars. I Know they were for older versions of the website and 'thank you's, but it impacts my bestiary (and everyone's) just like those who had it and had the chance years ago.

Newer players are even more penalized when it comes to familiars from the way back when and while I don't disagree with the sprites perhaps or monthly ones (because those ones I've actually seen quite a few except light and fire are a little tricky. I did have them already but I do have a look now and again), these others that we've never had the chance to get our hands on is a constant bane on completionism.

I thank you profusely for reading and for the chance to speak up!
I appreciate everything that /is/ here and that there's so many new awesome things coming about! Thank you guys!!

I'm looking for someone who levels dragons to max and has some sort of feedback area (not so I can read, just so I know they'll give them back xD) to assure me. Please PM me, if that's you. I'd love to be given a thread link and work something out!
Can't wait for the new crossroad ! So awersome :D
Can't wait for the new crossroad ! So awersome :D
It sounds like a nice balance for the Nocturne chests. Not everyone who plays and does a lot of gathering grinds the colosseum and visa versa so here's hoping that balances it out a bit :3
It sounds like a nice balance for the Nocturne chests. Not everyone who plays and does a lot of gathering grinds the colosseum and visa versa so here's hoping that balances it out a bit :3
loving the gene and excited to see the new impostor bears!!!!
loving the gene and excited to see the new impostor bears!!!!
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