
Pure G2
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Crackling Leo
Crackling Leo
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Energy: 49
out of
Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Aberration
Male Aberration
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Frozen Tunnel


6.33 m
7.18 m
527.33 kg


Primary Gene
Flaunt (Aberration)
Flaunt (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Spade (Aberration)
Spade (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene
Glimmer (Aberration)
Glimmer (Aberration)


Aug 28, 2022
(2 years)


Aberration icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aberration
EXP: 0 / 245



{AH Purchase}




Fade -> Basic -> Flaunt
Trail -> Basic -> Spade
Ringlets -> Basic -> Glimmer
Portent hatched as one of many skydancers in a large nest, but only one brother was like him, with many bright eyes along his body. They shared a strange Sight that their parents, siblings and birth clan members couldn't understand. Most assumed that the two inseparable hatchlings were feeble-minded, as they sat and swayed together quietly, seemingly slow to develop speech and motor control compared to their nest mates.

But Portent and Promise could just see more. They experienced so much that it was overwhelming and they were far too young to understand that not all dragons had the ability to see potential possibilities ripple across their vision. They didn't even understand that was what they were experiencing. It took a lot of focus for any brain, but especially a young one, to separate what was the current reality and what was Potential.

Portent saw many Potentials when looking at Promise. Most often they were sad and in pain, covering their face to shield their eyes, but the eyes on their body refused to close, staring wide and crazed, taking in more and more information. Sometimes Promise's future didn't seem to extend very far at all. Other times they became a dragon Portent didn't recognise, a dragon who didn't seem to recognise themself. Mad. Driven into wild insanity by their own body.

That dragon frightened young Portent, as did all of the other scenarios in which his beloved brother suffered. Even as a hatchling, these visions caused him to be plagued by night terrors.

Promise couldn't seem to see his own futures and his ability wasn't as strong as Portent's. Understanding from a young age that he was the only one who knew the dangers that lay ahead for Promise, Portent knew he was the only dragon who could intervene. He vowed to use his ability to protect his brother, guiding him along the safest path.
As the patterns over their scales faded, so did their Sight. Other dragons may have taken this as a blessing and stopped worrying about terrible futures, but not Portent. All of his visions had been of Promise as a young dragon or, if he survived beyond that, an adult dragon. Now they were growing, all of the possibilities involved Promise as an adult, sometimes as different breeds but always with patches of hardened, shimmering scales.

Promise was going to undergo a change which would grant him a different, stronger, more dangerous kind of Sight.

But they had time, and Portent followed the paths that he could still faintly see to find another clan for Promise and himself. He may have exerted some influence, ensuring that they got the help they needed along the way, but by the time they reached the Meristema Clan, he was exhausted and the kindness they showed was their own.

They took Portent and Promise in without hesitation and Portent allowed himself two days of rest, feeling safer than he'd ever done before. The immediate Potentials had been averted, but danger was still on Promise's horizon and might always be.

There were clan members who had many eyes too and had their own forms of Sight, but none like what Portent had seen in Promise's future. But they'd had they're own struggles which they'd overcome or were working on - some had even been to Saga City for help. Portent knew he would need to travel there to gain all the knowledge he could, but first he needed to secure his fading power and harness it better.

Musa told him that she could see where choices could lead and know which road to take, and Beans had a similar ability. Both had shimmering scales on their bellies. Portent visited a dragon he'd seen the fuzzy shape of in all of the Potentials he'd followed.

He found Sodalite's cave without direction, and asked the Spiral to read what was in Portent's heart.

"I want to see all points of any crossroad clearly. I want to guide my sibling safely through their life."

Sodalite nodded sagely. There was no question in Portent's determination and honesty. Sodalite told him that would make it easy.

"Just focus on that desire, make it as clear as glass in your mind."

Portent did. He sat on the cave floor, all eyes closed, and filled his young heart with hope. He didn't flinch or stray from his thought as Sodalite spritzed him with various potions and powders. For once he didn't see anything beyond his own mind and missed the runes in the cave glowing with those on Sodalite's scales.

"Open your eyes," Sodalite coaxed.

He did. And he saw. Clearer than he'd ever done before.

He hadn't expected any changes to his form, but his body was different. All of him was different. But good. Better. Exactly what he wanted. Of course having two heads would allow him to view different options with greater ease.

He was ready to go to Saga City to learn everything he could, and he'd take Promise with him to keep him safe. Surely there was nowhere safer than the City for dragons like them. He exited the cave to share his plan with Promise who had waited outside to minimise distraction.

The dragon laying unconscious in the grass was Promise, but not anything like how Portent had left him. His body was large and powerful, an Obelisk with a bright, curling mane. And patches of hardened shiny scales. Smooth, glass-like, unbreakable.

Portent cried out in horror. These were the scales that had haunted him, the physical tell of madness. He desperately cradled Promise, desperately trying to scrub away these shiny patches on his body.

Sodalite and his mate, Ember, pulled Portent away.

"You don't understand!" He wailed. "My brother... those scales... its a curse!"

"I understand enough to know that you are so closely linked, your hearts so connected, that your changes have caused his. Your only desire was to protect him, wasn't it? Now he has a body to better protect himself too," Sodalite said.

"But-" Portent sobbed, unable to continue speaking. Had this all just been a self-fulfilling prophecy? Had his drive to protect Promise only caused his downfall?

"I'm sure it's not as dire as it seems," Ember attempted to soothe. "At least wait until he wakes before jumping to any dire conclusions."

They waited with him, and helped to make Promise comfortable.

"Look how he sleeps," Ember said. "Peaceful. Untroubled."

Portent tried to cling to hope, but it kept slipping through his claws.

When Promise finally, finally blinked all of his eyes open, he looked at Portent with a lazy smile.

"Hi," he said, voice unexpectedly soft, immediately recognising his brother despite the changes. His smile faltered, noticing Portent's distress. "What's wrong?"

"How do you feel?" Portent asked.

"Fine. Great, even!"

"And in here?" Portent touched a claw to Promise's forehead, making him go cross-eyed.

"Also fine? Kind of empty, actually!" He laughed, sunny and bright, leaving Portent bewildered. "But I feel kind of... more." He must have seen the worry in Portent's expression at that statement and hurried to clarify. "Inside."

He pressed a large furry paw against his chest. "Like I'm not just your brother, but your sister too. And both!"

"Oh," Portent blinked. Not shocked by this development, just knocked off course by how unexpected and benign it was compared to the Potentials he had fretted over. Maybe instead of their mind fragmenting, Promise's self had just... expanded?

As if reading his mind, Promise asked: "Did you not see that?"

"I didn't."

"You focus on the bad ones, huh."

Portent had never told Promise of what he had seen. They had no idea of their terrible potential futures, and Portent wanted to keep it that way. But they heard Portent's night terrors, saw his anxiety, his exhaustion and comforted him as best they could through all of it. Promise might appear to not possess any kind of Sight anymore, but she wasn't stupid. She knew his fears would be about dangers to the two of them.

"I follow the good ones! I guess I just don't look at them too hard... Well, it's nice to know I can still be surprised!"

"Yeah!" She laughed, pushing herself up to stand. "Will you rest now? Just for... oh, I don't know, at least a week. I think I quite like this clan. I'd like to know it better, be a proper part of it, maybe?"

The last part was hesitant, hopeful, waiting for Portent to say they had to keep running. Enough running. Promise was fine (better than!). They could join a clan. They could do anything together. Maybe even lead a normal life.

"Sure. I'll go to Saga City to study, but not yet. And I'll just go to study. Temporary."

Promise beamed at him and gave Sodalite and Ember her profuse thanks for their help. Ember insisted the siblings use her den for the next few days so they could rest and recover completely before properly settling in.

Portent slept for the entire rest of the day, secure with Promise's soft, warm bulk curled around him. Her rumbling breaths and strong heartbeat reassuring and soothing at once.
Sage Subspecies: Horizon Seer

Give a Sage with this ability a simple choice and they can tell you where the choice might take you. Especially effective with actual crossroads hence their name. The more choices however the harder this can become.

Code adapted from Disillusionist | Dividers made by Ezevic
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Exalting Portent to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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