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Dask's Clan
Leveling perma-dragons to 25
Clan Info

In the beginning, there was just Hilde and Grasker. The two were best friends and did everything together. Even from the moment they hatched, the pair were inseparable. They learned to fly together, they ate every meal together, and they played together in the Windswept Plateau all day without fear. As the pair grew older, they began to feel an indescribable closeness. They felt as though the Eleven had put them together for a reason. Both of them could feel it, they had a destiny to discover.
In an effort to begin their great destiny, the pair found a handful of other dragons and began their clan. It was small at first, just a smattering of dragons who had carved out a small piece of the world. Their clan was located in the Zephyr Steppes. The most notable feature was a large pond in the center that held the biggest fish either Hilde or Grasker had ever seen. Their clan settled well and they began to prosper and flourish.
Then, destiny reared its head once more. As Grasker lay in his bed, preparing to drift off to sleep one night, he felt a tug, then a yank, and soon he was drifting through endless space. Eyes surrounded him and a sourceless voice filled the void. The voice told Grasker that the clan's good health and leaps towards greatness were elsewhere. The clan had barely put down roots, but it was time to leave and find where greatness would take them.
The next morning, Grasker announced the news to the rest of the clan and they prepared to leave. Homes were packed, hatchlings given to relatives for safe-keeping, and every dragon was ready to make the trek, led by their seer, Grasker.
The clan traveled for many months. Their journey took them all over Sornieth. At one point, Grasker settled the clan in the Ashfall Waste, only to be awoken in the middle of the night by another vision; they were not yet home. Onwards the clan went, seeking the place that would satisfy Grasker and bring the clan peace and prosperity.
At long last, he found it. As they flew over the Sunbeam Ruins and towards the Tangled Wood, Grasker spotted a perfect grove of trees. Each tree was massive, its branches reaching towards the sky. Thick, dense roots wound together across the forest floor, creating a tricky landscape for anyone unfamiliar. There was also a small clearing nearby filled with the largest, most plump pumpkins anyone had ever seen.
Grasker settled the clan there then, in the woods near the Dusk Sanctum, on the border between Earth, Nature, and Shadow. Their perfect slice of Heaven, though, needed a name. After much debate, Hilde and Grasker named it the Clan of Umbra Thorns.
After some time of peace, tragedy struck. As the clan lay sleeping for the night, peacefully enjoying a cool evening in the Tangled Wood, sounds of violence rang out from the front gate of the clan. Hilde and Grasker rushed to the front to see what was the matter and were met with a horrible scene. Dragons swarmed their front gates, their eyes as deep blue as the sea itself. Many lay slain at their feet, having been easily cut down by the sharp talons made to carve whales and sharks.
Grasker and Hilde had no chance but to flee. Luckily, two dragons stepped up. Dask, a young pearlcatcher, joined the fray of the battle, taking down dragon after dragon. Despite her small stature, she was a force to be reckoned with, easily tearing through the enemies before her. She held no reservations and no hesitations when it came to protecting her clan. Iason also took charge of the situation, setting up a triage area to treat those who were injured in the attack. As Dask felled their enemies, Iason made sure the clan didn’t lose too many bodies.
Once all was said and done, the casualties were high on both sides. The dragons from the Sea of a Thousand Currents were forced to flee with their tails between their legs, but the Clan of Umbra Thorns had many dead and even more injured. They knew this loss of life would take a toll for generations to come.
Dask and Iason were lorded for their courage and quick thinking in battle. Grasker and Hilde, knowing their limits, stepped down and gave the clan to Dask, knowing a stronger dragon was more suited to run such a clan. Dask graciously accepted the position, vowing to never let such an event occur again.
In order to keep her promise, Dask invited two new dragons to the clan, Ilsa and Kyune, two very strong dragons from the Southern Icefield. The pair, mother and son, were brought in to help train the rest of the clan. Dask promised that everyone would learn strength and everyone would be able to take on anything that came at them. Thus, she also implemented a new rule: any wishing to join the clan must first be trained by Ilsa or Kyune to ensure that they are strong enough and worthy to protect and honor the Clan of Umbra Thorns.
After some time, the clan had grown substantially. Big enough, in fact, that they had to split into three separate factions. Dask, not being able to oversee all the factions by herself, appointed Graker and Hilde to help her. As the original progenitors of the clan, Dask thought it their right to help manage the clan. Grasker was put in charge of the Autumn Haunters, a group that lived by the pumpkin patch. Hilde oversaw the Bramble Souls, dragons deeply tied and connected to the Shadow Flight. Finally, Dask personally worked with the Abhorrent Outliers, dragons that didn’t particularly fit anywhere else.
A year had passed since the last attack on the clan when Murik came scurrying into the main hall of the clan. He told everyone that he foresaw an attack coming. The brambles had told him as he had dug his claws into the soft soil. He knew what was coming and he couldn’t sit back and leave the clan to be unprepared.
Dask immediately began preparations. She gathered all the strongest warriors of the clan and posted them at the front gate, ready for anything that should come their way. Much to her surprise, it wasn’t dragons that came to attack the clan, but a large group of serthis. The beastclan came in the hoard, wielding poisons and wickedly sharp weapons. The battle waged for hours, but in the end the Clan of Umbra Thorns was victorious with no casualties. Thanks to Nix, the serthis were also spared.
As Dask stood over their leader, blood dripping from her claws and teeth, she snarled. She had but one thing to say to him.
“Leave and spread the word of the warrior clan that cannot be defeated.”
Written by: Reiyn #291920

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Recent Comments

Your pair had 2 eggs

Your dragons have 2 eggs!

Vanish was on the front page! What a pretty dragon!

Xebra and Nightmare have 4 eggs!

Thanks for adopting, interesting challenge!

The lore you wrote for Aleksey is PERFECT, thank you so much! :D <3

Hi! I really like what you wrote for mataafa in the lore thread, do you mind if I quote it in his bio (with credit obv)?

Just stopped in to say that your PFP and your banner are SO aesthetic, I love your styling of your dragons! Thank you for gracing my eyeballs with them!

I love Cookie, her concept and outfit is very cute!

Love your Bramble Souls!

Proud to be Epica’s 200th like. Gorgeous dragon.

I like what you did with "Ash" :-) Well done! Definitely worth the wait.
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