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Site Status

Dragon Share Theme Week: Dragonsona!
Maintenance Update: After discussion and technical review, we determined that the 'curtains down' maintenance scheduled for Wednesday February 5th needs to be pushed back to a later date. Flight Rising will still have a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, February 5th from 09:00 to 10:00 server... [View]
Dragon Share Theme Week: Crystalline Gala!
The twelfth annual Trickmurk Circus will begin on February 23, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration!
Spare Inventory Crate now have items from Riot of Rot 2023 and Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2023 added to the potential drop pools.
Exalt Bonuses
For today only, exalting dragons that meet this criteria will net bonus riches!
Wisteria Tertiary+
2500 treasure

Spiral Breed +
1250 treasure

Contour Gene +

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