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TOPIC | Bestiary sorting: Not in Hoard/Vault
Now that I'm getting close to finishing my bestiary I've been completing most of the final entries by awakening them through Fiona. However, the completionist in me wants to own as many of the familiars as I can. This is why I think a search option to find what I don't own in the discovered tab would be a great tool as my current option of scrolling through the pages of awakened familiars isn't a great way to spend time
Now that I'm getting close to finishing my bestiary I've been completing most of the final entries by awakening them through Fiona. However, the completionist in me wants to own as many of the familiars as I can. This is why I think a search option to find what I don't own in the discovered tab would be a great tool as my current option of scrolling through the pages of awakened familiars isn't a great way to spend time

I've also been slowly filling out my bestiary and it can be hard to remember what I actually have and what Fiona has shared with me. It doesn't even have to be a whole tab, maybe just a toggleable filter?

I've also been slowly filling out my bestiary and it can be hard to remember what I actually have and what Fiona has shared with me. It doesn't even have to be a whole tab, maybe just a toggleable filter?
you can already filter familiars by not in hoard/vault in the database, but not by awakened level - both would be v useful!

e: although i'm not actually sure if this counts familiars on dragons ???
you can already filter familiars by not in hoard/vault in the database, but not by awakened level - both would be v useful!

e: although i'm not actually sure if this counts familiars on dragons ???
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Support! Absolutely anything that makes sorting familiars easier is an easy yes for me. Also "not bonded today" and "unowned".
Support! Absolutely anything that makes sorting familiars easier is an easy yes for me. Also "not bonded today" and "unowned".

the Vanguard
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I'd like to see something like a book with chapters on familiars. Sorting by groups. These familiars are the harpy clan. These familiars are festival ones. And these are from the Coliseum level. I want to see where and what I haven't collected yet. And so it's just a long list for a very long time and boring to scroll through and it's not clear
I'd like to see something like a book with chapters on familiars. Sorting by groups. These familiars are the harpy clan. These familiars are festival ones. And these are from the Coliseum level. I want to see where and what I haven't collected yet. And so it's just a long list for a very long time and boring to scroll through and it's not clear
Support! I really want a way to sort familiars by both awakened and not in hoard/vault or not owned
Support! I really want a way to sort familiars by both awakened and not in hoard/vault or not owned
Support! I had to start noting in my wishlist every time I awakened, e.g., an expensive boss familiar I don't have. I can only imagine how tedious/easy to miss it would be going through pages and pages if you forgot to find the one without the background.
Support! I had to start noting in my wishlist every time I awakened, e.g., an expensive boss familiar I don't have. I can only imagine how tedious/easy to miss it would be going through pages and pages if you forgot to find the one without the background.