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TOPIC | Equalize Level 25 Food
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Simple suggestion: for older enemies in Level 25 venues, one half of the pair gives food worth 5 points, the other half gives food worth 4 points. Make them both 5. I don’t… exactly see anything wrong with this? Anyone grinding there was doing Level 25 effort, so they should have Level 25 rewards. The food inequality between the same recolor is silly, especially because the Forbidden Portal and newer Level 25 mobs don’t seem to do this. Unless this is a display error, in which case my mistake. Examples: [item= Butterflyfish] [item=Copperband Butterflyfish] [item= Coppercoil Spider] [item= Black Iron Spider] Edit: As has been pointed out, there are multiple instances of this happening in other venues too! I’ll keep the title as is, but I’ll tack on just a general “Review the venues and equalize all recolors” for food here. Same reasoning as above, of course! Thank you to those who pointed this out! [quote name="milkiemoth" date="2023-12-05 11:18:08" ] Big support! This happens with a few other food items from other venues too. In the arena, the [url=]warcat protectors[/url] drop a different valued food item than the [url=]double-tailed warcats[/url] [item=Protective Wasp] vs [item=Two-tone Wasp] It also happens with the [url=]basilisks[/url] and [url=]cockatrices[/url] from the woodland path [item=Game Fowl] vs [item=Forestpath Rooster] [/quote]
Simple suggestion: for older enemies in Level 25 venues, one half of the pair gives food worth 5 points, the other half gives food worth 4 points. Make them both 5.

I don’t… exactly see anything wrong with this? Anyone grinding there was doing Level 25 effort, so they should have Level 25 rewards. The food inequality between the same recolor is silly, especially because the Forbidden Portal and newer Level 25 mobs don’t seem to do this. Unless this is a display error, in which case my mistake.


Butterflyfish Copperband Butterflyfish

Coppercoil Spider Black Iron Spider

Edit: As has been pointed out, there are multiple instances of this happening in other venues too! I’ll keep the title as is, but I’ll tack on just a general “Review the venues and equalize all recolors” for food here. Same reasoning as above, of course! Thank you to those who pointed this out!
milkiemoth wrote on 2023-12-05 11:18:08:
Big support! This happens with a few other food items from other venues too. In the arena, the warcat protectors drop a different valued food item than the double-tailed warcats

Protective Wasp vs Two-tone Wasp

It also happens with the basilisks and cockatrices from the woodland path

Game Fowl vs Forestpath Rooster
Yes please. I understand wanting to create some variation, but like... not when it randomly penalizes players. Oops, you got the bootleg enemies, you get the off-brand fish today. The enemies are not weaker, their food shouldn't be less useful.
Yes please. I understand wanting to create some variation, but like... not when it randomly penalizes players. Oops, you got the bootleg enemies, you get the off-brand fish today. The enemies are not weaker, their food shouldn't be less useful.
eSzGOae.pngCollector of Sickle Claws
Support, it's frustrating to not get as much food as you could just because you got the wrong enemy
Support, it's frustrating to not get as much food as you could just because you got the wrong enemy
"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"
Pixel Adopts --- Wishlist/Gene tracker
Support. High level venues should yield the higher level food, no matter the enemies.
Support. High level venues should yield the higher level food, no matter the enemies.
FR+9h, Germany, she/her
please! Support, a while ago I grinded a lot in lv 25 venues and it was soooo annoying to find out some food items are just... arbitrarily lower value
please! Support, a while ago I grinded a lot in lv 25 venues and it was soooo annoying to find out some food items are just... arbitrarily lower value
— Cha
— they/them
Skin Shop
I see no harm in this change. Support!
I see no harm in this change. Support!
~* SCB *~
* accent *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *
Huh. Yeah, that's honestly just incredibly odd?? It should definitely be fixed for consistency and a lot less frustration certainly.
Huh. Yeah, that's honestly just incredibly odd?? It should definitely be fixed for consistency and a lot less frustration certainly.
Book of Eldritch Horror
-He/They, +8 FR Time
-Lore and Fandragon enthusiast, love to talk!
-Wishlist! / Skin Idea Generator
Lurching Tome
Support! I never even noticed that, bootleg fish is a hilarious term for that.
Support! I never even noticed that, bootleg fish is a hilarious term for that.
Has some Pixel Cats and some Dragon Caves | Pings Okay!
Wow, I never noticed! Yeah, full support, I can't see any reason why they should stay as different food point values
Wow, I never noticed! Yeah, full support, I can't see any reason why they should stay as different food point values
yeah, support. I am kinda more bothered by just pure inconsistency than "oops got little less food". I thinkk there are some other venues that also have this issue, but tbh I forget which they are so can't really point them out (I think it is plant, where one is 3 points and other 2 or 4?)
yeah, support. I am kinda more bothered by just pure inconsistency than "oops got little less food". I thinkk there are some other venues that also have this issue, but tbh I forget which they are so can't really point them out (I think it is plant, where one is 3 points and other 2 or 4?)
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yeet hYZxkBA.gif
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