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TOPIC | Coliseum Keyboard Compatibility
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Hi there, so I have a chronic joint pain issue, and after grinding the last few days on the Coliseum, I'm experience a lot of discomfort in my wrist.
I was wondering if it might be possible to implement a way to use abilities/items on targets via the keyboard.

For instance:
a - Abilities
s - Items
d - Defend
f - Flee

1 - ability/item 1
2 - ability/item 2
3 - ability/item 3
4 - ability/item 4

As for targeting, it could use either WASD for switching between targets or maybe a number system like

1234 - Team Member/Opponent Targeting

Something like that.

Anyway, thanks for reading, if you have any suggestions to make this suggestion better, I'm all ears.
Hi there, so I have a chronic joint pain issue, and after grinding the last few days on the Coliseum, I'm experience a lot of discomfort in my wrist.
I was wondering if it might be possible to implement a way to use abilities/items on targets via the keyboard.

For instance:
a - Abilities
s - Items
d - Defend
f - Flee

1 - ability/item 1
2 - ability/item 2
3 - ability/item 3
4 - ability/item 4

As for targeting, it could use either WASD for switching between targets or maybe a number system like

1234 - Team Member/Opponent Targeting

Something like that.

Anyway, thanks for reading, if you have any suggestions to make this suggestion better, I'm all ears.
FR +2
she/they sidhe/fae
I support this. With all the clicking in the colliseum it often leaves my wrist sore and I can only imagine how much pain people with repetitive stress injuries (I think that's what they're called?) and carpal tunnel must be in after Coli.
I support this. With all the clicking in the colliseum it often leaves my wrist sore and I can only imagine how much pain people with repetitive stress injuries (I think that's what they're called?) and carpal tunnel must be in after Coli.
56 of ? Loga Collected
yes please!

My wrist would be thankful.
yes please!

My wrist would be thankful.
all of my hoards are located here! // free level twenty-four cauldron!
Absolutely support!
Absolutely support!
Support, yes please!
Support, yes please!
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