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I'm subbed, no need to ping :)
Pardon the dust, I have yet to actually make a banner or anything yet lolol.
I have made a huge buncha’ skins, accents & skincents for like..quite a while. And while I’ve always wanted to open up a skin shop it never really happened, up until now!
A few things to think about:
- All accents/skin(cent)s are pre-order only unless stated otherwise.
- I mostly print in 5-10 copy runs, however, runs for some skins may differ from time to time.
- I do make customs, but you'd have to PM me about that because I 'aint got a set pricetag for it.
- You are allowed to resell my skins but if I see you resell stuff at a way high price when it’s not retired, you’re banned from my shop. Don’t be a jerk :)
- I take both gems & treasure as payment, the ratio is 1:1100.
- I can preview the skin on any of your dragons except dragons with Jaguar and/or Rosetta. These genes cause me nausea & dizziness and for my own health’s sake I’m not previewing on dragons with either of these genes, thank you for understanding!
(Leopard & Clouded are however completely fine)
Intro |
(Pre-)orders |
Printed Gallery |
Hall of Fame |
I'm subbed, no need to ping :)
Pardon the dust, I have yet to actually make a banner or anything yet lolol.
I have made a huge buncha’ skins, accents & skincents for like..quite a while. And while I’ve always wanted to open up a skin shop it never really happened, up until now!
A few things to think about:
- All accents/skin(cent)s are pre-order only unless stated otherwise.
- I mostly print in 5-10 copy runs, however, runs for some skins may differ from time to time.
- I do make customs, but you'd have to PM me about that because I 'aint got a set pricetag for it.
- You are allowed to resell my skins but if I see you resell stuff at a way high price when it’s not retired, you’re banned from my shop. Don’t be a jerk :)
- I take both gems & treasure as payment, the ratio is 1:1100.
- I can preview the skin on any of your dragons except dragons with Jaguar and/or Rosetta. These genes cause me nausea & dizziness and for my own health’s sake I’m not previewing on dragons with either of these genes, thank you for understanding!
(Leopard & Clouded are however completely fine)
[center][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Pre-orders[/url] | [url=]Printed Gallery[/url] | [url=]Hall of Fame[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url]
[size=5][u][b]Accents ready for Pre-Orders:[/b][/u][/size]
[center](Preview on scry)[/center]
Accent - Pearlcatcher F
[emoji=gem size=1] 450 per copy.
[*] HazardousH
[*] Malachite
More than one run available.[/quote]
[size=5][u][b]Skins for pre-order[/b][/u][/size]
[center](Preview on discord friend's dragon)[/center]
Skin - Skydancer F
[emoji=gem size=1] 700 or [emoji=treasure size=1] 770,000 per copy.
Try it out [url=][u]Here![/u][/url]
[*] Gladiolusa
[*] Me
[size=5][u][b]Pending/Possibly Available Soon:[/b][/u][/size]
(These are pending to be printed using my own skin/accent blueprints as I'm unsure of one thing or another on my skin, should they be accepted by the judges they will be available for ordering, at which point I will ping people about it)
[i]All possibly available skins will be shown on scries,
they are [u]not[/u] available as previews on your own dragons until the judges have approved of it[/i]
None Atm
Intro |
Pre-orders |
Printed Gallery |
Hall of Fame |
Accents ready for Pre-Orders:
More than one run available.
Skins for pre-order
Pending/Possibly Available Soon:
(These are pending to be printed using my own skin/accent blueprints as I'm unsure of one thing or another on my skin, should they be accepted by the judges they will be available for ordering, at which point I will ping people about it)
All possibly available skins will be shown on scries,
they are not available as previews on your own dragons until the judges have approved of it
None Atm
[center][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Pre-orders[/url] | [url=]Printed Gallery[/url] | [url=]Hall of Fame[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url]
[size=5][u][b]Hall of Fame:[/b][/u][/size]
Got one of your dragons with one of my skins/accents on it? Post it in the thread and I may display it here!
Elextra's lovely boy Catfish.
[center]*sweats, okay I hope I do this right* Please no yelling if I did wrong x'D
Hello everyone, I finally opened a shop as I've been wanting for ages and am[u] taking pre-orders on my Male Banescale Accent: Ancient Gold[/u].
[s]If anything shall be my first thing to print, I want it to be this one x'D[/s]
Each copy costs 300g.
A preview on a scry as well as general info about the accent can be found [url=]in this post[/url]
Please read the [url=]"things to think about"[/url], I cannot preview the accent on dragons with jaguar and/or rosetta due to health reasons (Leopard & clouded is fine however) [/center]
[center][url=]Please click here to go to the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Keywords selected: Banescale M, Accents, egyptian, gold[/center]
*sweats, okay I hope I do this right* Please no yelling if I did wrong x'D
Hello everyone, I finally opened a shop as I've been wanting for ages and am
taking pre-orders on my Male Banescale Accent: Ancient Gold.
If anything shall be my first thing to print, I want it to be this one x'D
Each copy costs 300g.
A preview on a scry as well as general info about the accent can be found
in this post
Please read the
"things to think about", I cannot preview the accent on dragons with jaguar and/or rosetta due to health reasons (Leopard & clouded is fine however)
Oh that’s lovely. may I have a preview on this boy?
Oh that’s lovely. may I have a preview on this boy?

> Kneph/Worm
> He/They/It
> +3 FR
here ya go!
here ya go!