
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Shadowspun Fantasy/Cackle of Grackles
[center] [img][/img] [b][size=4][color=#9214FF]~ [/color][color=#8627FF]K[/color][color=#7B3AFF]R[/color][color=#704EFF]I[/color][color=#6561FF]T[/color][color=#5974FF]T[/color][color=#4E88FF]E[/color][color=#439BFF]R[/color] [color=#439BFF]A[/color][color=#4E88FF]C[/color][color=#5974FF]C[/color][color=#6561FF]E[/color][color=#704EFF]N[/color][color=#7B3AFF]T[/color][color=#8627FF]S[/color][color=#9214FF] ~[/color][/b] Hello I'm K and I make accents sometimes. General Pinglist: [pinglist=22321] Gets pings for: [columns][color=transparent]___________________[/color][nextcol] [LIST] [*]New Accent Preorder [*]New Accent Release [*]Reprints brought back after over a year [*]Polls for which to do next [/LIST][/columns] [center][b]Customs -[url=][/url][/b][/center] ------------------ [center][b] 3/4/2025[/b] [LIST] [*]Cackle of Grackles has been updated and resubmitted to have darker linework, hopefully it's good now and that one and Shadowspun Fancy/Finality will come back soon! [/LIST] [b]2/25/2025[/b] [LIST] [*]Had to make a few subtle changes to Shadowspun to chip it down to 30% coverage -- not much, mostly just lightened the shadow layers. [*]Two new recolors: Shadowspun Fancy and Shadowspun Finality [*]Preorder form open: [url=][/url] [/LIST] [center][size=5][b][color=#CF009E]S[/color][color=#D2138A]h[/color][color=#D52676]a[/color][color=#D83A62]d[/color][color=#DB4D4F]o[/color][color=#DE603B]w[/color][color=#E17427]s[/color][color=#E48713]p[/color][color=#E89B00]u[/color][color=#E48713]n[/color] [color=#DE603B]F[/color][color=#DB4D4F]a[/color][color=#D83A62]n[/color][color=#D52676]c[/color][color=#D2138A]y[/color][/size][/b] Veilspun M [img alt="An accent for Veilspun M that has adds orange and pink iridescent, multicolored, spiky insectoid wings below the existing pair and on the head. There is gold filigree on the forehead, back, and forming an eye shape on the shoulder with a red gemstone."][/img] [columns] [img alt="A preview of the skin on a dark purple dragon"][/img] [nextcol]ReSkin - [url=][/url] [color=#635DD4][b]Pre-order Price: 600G/kT[/b][/color] [b] Pre-orders open[/b] (no pre-payment required) [b][url=]Preorder Google Sheet Link[/url][/b] Or comment here if Google Sheets isn't your friend [/columns] [center][b]Accent:[size=5] [color=#AE1EBE]S[/color][color=#9F2AC2]h[/color][color=#9037C7]a[/color][color=#8144CB]d[/color][color=#7250D0]o[/color][color=#635DD4]w[/color][color=#546AD9]s[/color][color=#4576DD]p[/color][color=#3683E2]u[/color][color=#2890E6]n[/color] [color=#2398D2]F[/color][color=#209CC7]a[/color][color=#1EA0BD]n[/color][color=#1BA4B3]t[/color][color=#19A8A8]a[/color][color=#16AC9E]s[/color][color=#14B094]y[/color][/size][/b] Veilspun M [img alt="An accent for Veilspun M that has adds green and purple iridescent, multicolored, spiky insectoid wings below the existing pair and on the head. There is gold filigree on the forehead, back, and forming an eye shape on the shoulder with a purple gemstone."][/img] [columns] [img alt="A preview of the skin on a dark blue dragon"][/img] [nextcol][center][skin=62186] [color=#635DD4][b]Extra-Early Price: 600G/kT[/b][/color] [b] Comment to receive a private auction, waiting for these other skins to come in to fulfill people's preorders before listing it on the AH.[/b] [/center] [/columns] [center][b]Accent:[size=5] [b][color=#7B909E]S[/color][color=#808F9E]h[/color][color=#858E9E]a[/color][color=#8A8E9E]d[/color][color=#8F8D9E]o[/color][color=#948C9F]w[/color][color=#998C9F]s[/color][color=#9E8B9F]p[/color][color=#A38A9F]u[/color][color=#A88AA0]n[/color] [color=#A593A9]F[/color][color=#A398AD]i[/color][color=#A29DB2]n[/color][color=#A0A1B6]a[/color][color=#9FA6BB]l[/color][color=#9DABBF]i[/color][color=#9CB0C4]t[/color][color=#9AB5C8]y[/color][/b][/size][/size][/b] Veilspun M [img alt="An accent for Veilspun M that has adds silver, spiky insectoid wings below the existing pair and on the head. There is silver filigree on the forehead, back, and forming an eye shape on the shoulder with a blue gemstone."][/img] [columns] [img alt="A preview of the skin on a midnight colored dragon"][/img] [nextcol]ReSkin - [url=][/url] [color=#635DD4][b]Pre-order Price: 600G/kT[/b][/color] [b] Pre-orders open[/b] (no pre-payment required) [b][url=]Preorder Google Sheet Link[/url][/b] Or comment here if Google Sheets isn't your friend [/columns] [center][b]Skin:[size=5] [color=#AE1EBE]A[/color] [color=#9334C6]C[/color][color=#8640CA]a[/color][color=#784BCE]c[/color][color=#6B57D2]k[/color][color=#5E62D7]l[/color][color=#506DDB]e[/color] [color=#3684E3]o[/color][color=#2890E7]f[/color] [color=#2892D8]G[/color][color=#2893D1]r[/color][color=#2795C9]a[/color][color=#2796C2]c[/color][color=#2797BA]k[/color][color=#2699B3]l[/color][color=#269AAB]e[/color][color=#269BA4]s[/color][/size][/b] Mirror Hatchling Skincent [img alt="A skin for Mirror Hatchling depicting a flock of mischievous-looking grackles with purple, green, and brown iridescence."][/img] But wait... there's a MultiGaze Surprise! [columns] [img alt="The eyes of the grackles line up with MultiGaze allowing the eye shape and color of the grackles to be changed by the underlying dragon"][/img] [nextcol] [nextcol]ReSkin - [url=][/url] [color=#635DD4][b]Pre-order Price: 750G/kT[/b][/color] [b] Pre-orders open[/b] (no pre-payment required) [b][url=]Preorder Google Sheet Link[/url][/b] Or comment here if Google Sheets isn't your friend [/columns] [img alt="A preview of the skin on a green dragon"][/img] [img alt="A preview of the skin on a dragon with shadow multigaze"][/img] I've wanted to do a skin like this for a long time and finally did it. Honorable Mention Trickmurk 2 year streak. [size=5][b][color=#000000]C[/color][color=#230606]o[/color][color=#460C0C]r[/color][color=#691212]r[/color][color=#8C1818]u[/color][color=#AF1E1E]p[/color][color=#D22424]t[/color][color=#F52A2A]e[/color][color=#D22424]d[/color] [color=#8C1818]S[/color][color=#691212]o[/color][color=#460C0C]u[/color][color=#230606]l[/color][/b][/size] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [skin=60623] [size=4][b][color=#000000]C[/color][color=#230606]o[/color][color=#460C0C]r[/color][color=#691212]r[/color][color=#8C1818]u[/color][color=#AF1E1E]p[/color][color=#D22424]t[/color][color=#F52A2A]e[/color][color=#D22424]d[/color] [color=#8C1818]S[/color][color=#691212]o[/color][color=#460C0C]u[/color][color=#230606]l[/color][/b][/size] Pearlcatcher F [b][color=#148e67]Early Bird Price: 500G/KT[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] [/columns] [img][/img] [center][size=5][b][color=#69593E]O[/color][color=#775E38]p[/color][color=#866332]e[/color][color=#94682C]n[/color][color=#A36E26]e[/color][color=#B17320]r[/color] [color=#CF7E15]o[/color][color=#C0781A]f[/color] [color=#A36E26]P[/color][color=#94682C]a[/color][color=#866332]t[/color][color=#775E38]h[/color][color=#69593E]s[/color][/b][/size] Skydancer F [b]Skincent[/b] - Now available on Auction House [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [skin=59992] [size=4][b][color=#69593E]O[/color][color=#775E38]p[/color][color=#866332]e[/color][color=#94682C]n[/color][color=#A36E26]e[/color][color=#B17320]r[/color] [color=#CF7E15]o[/color][color=#C0781A]f[/color] [color=#A36E26]P[/color][color=#94682C]a[/color][color=#866332]t[/color][color=#775E38]h[/color][color=#69593E]s[/color][/b][/size] Skydancer F [b]Skincent[/b] [b][color=#148e67]Price: 1025G/KT[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] [/columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----------------- [size=5][b][color=#00D600]B[/color][color=#29D600]I[/color][color=#52D600]O[/color][color=#7BD600]T[/color][color=#A4D600]O[/color][color=#7BD600]X[/color][color=#52D600]I[/color][color=#29D600]N[/color][/b][/size] You ever think about how Nature's most powerful weapon is [b]Envenom?[/b] [item=Envenom] [img][/img] [columns][center] [skin=56978] [size=4][b][color=#00D600]B[/color][color=#29D600]I[/color][color=#52D600]O[/color][color=#7BD600]T[/color][color=#A4D600]O[/color][color=#7BD600]X[/color][color=#52D600]I[/color][color=#29D600]N[/color][/b][/size] Dusthide M [b][color=#148e67]700G/KT[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] [nextcol][img][/img] [/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=#2BDCFF]T[/color][color=#55B0FF]O[/color][color=#7F84FF]X[/color][color=#AA58FF]I[/color][color=#D42CFF]C[/color] [color=#EF33CC]C[/color][color=#E06699]A[/color][color=#D19966]N[/color][color=#C2CC33]D[/color][color=#B3FF00]Y[/color][/b][/size] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [skin=57245] [size=4][b][color=#2BDCFF]T[/color][color=#55B0FF]O[/color][color=#7F84FF]X[/color][color=#AA58FF]I[/color][color=#D42CFF]C[/color] [color=#EF33CC]C[/color][color=#E06699]A[/color][color=#D19966]N[/color][color=#C2CC33]D[/color][color=#B3FF00]Y[/color][/b][/size] Dusthide M [b][color=#148e67]Price: 700G/KT[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] [/columns] [img][/img] ----------- [emoji=butterfly size=1][emoji=butterfly 2 size=1][emoji=butterfly 3 size=1] [b][size=5] [color=#2BDCFF]P[/color][color=#4B89FF]O[/color][color=#6B36FF]L[/color][color=#B51BFB]L[/color][/size][/b] [b][size=4]If I were to make "Biotoxin" for another breed, which should I do?[/size][/b] [url=][b]VOTE HERE: [/b][/url] ----------- [center][size=4][i]Currently Printing[/i][/size] [color=#999999]________________________________________[/color] [img][/img] [columns][center] [skin=55371] [size=4][b][color=#9214FF]V[/color][color=#7B3AFF]O[/color][color=#6561FF]I[/color][color=#4E88FF]D[/color][color=#38AFFF]S[/color][color=#4E88FF]P[/color][color=#6561FF]I[/color][color=#7B3AFF]L[/color][color=#9214FF]L[/color][/b][/size] Auraboa F [b][color=#148e67]Price: 900G[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] [nextcol][img][/img] [/columns] [center][color=#999999]________________________________________[/color] [img][/img] [/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [skin=55372] [size=4][b][color=#9214FF]V[/color][color=#8033FF]O[/color][color=#6E52FF]I[/color][color=#5C71FF]D[/color][color=#4A90FF]S[/color][color=#38AFFF]P[/color][color=#4A90FF]L[/color][color=#5C71FF]A[/color][color=#6E52FF]S[/color][color=#8033FF]H[/color][/b][/size] Auraboa M [b][color=#148e67]Price: 900G[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] [/columns] [center][color=#999999]________________________________________[/color] [img][/img] [/center] [columns][center] [skin=27848] [size=4][b][color=#9214FF]S[/color][color=#8923FF]T[/color][color=#8033FF]E[/color][color=#7742FF]L[/color][color=#6E52FF]L[/color][color=#6561FF]A[/color][color=#5C71FF]R[/color] [color=#4A90FF]I[/color][color=#419FFF]L[/color][color=#38AFFF]L[/color][color=#419FFF]U[/color][color=#4A90FF]M[/color][color=#5380FF]I[/color][color=#5C71FF]N[/color][color=#6561FF]A[/color][color=#6E52FF]T[/color][color=#7742FF]I[/color][color=#8033FF]O[/color][color=#8923FF]N[/color][/b][/size] Skydancer M [b][color=#6e235d]Reopening Special: 725G[/color][/b] [b][url=][Purchase on Auction House][/url][/b] [size=2](Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)[/size] First time reprinted since 2019! The counterpart to my 2018 fest winner, Stellar Inspiration [skin=27794] [nextcol][img][/img] [/columns] [center][color=#999999]________________________________________[/color][/center] ------------------ [center] NEWS [b]3/20/24[/b] OKAY everything is now in stock. I'll see about making a fancier post about it and getting people pinged later but yes all three of these are now available, let me know what you'd like and I'll send out a PA, or you can send me a CR. Not going to open list on the AH just yet [columns][color=transparent]_________[/color][nextcol] [center][skin=55372] [size=4][b]Voidsplash[/b][/size] [color=#828282]Auraboa M[/color] [color=#148e67][b]Early Bird 500G [/b][/color] 7 In Stock[/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]________[/color][nextcol] [center][skin=55371] [size=4][b]Voidspill[/b][/size] [color=#828282]Auraboa F[/color] [color=#148e67][b]Early Bird 500G[/b][/color] 15 In Stock[/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol][nextcol] [center][skin=27848] [size=4][b]Stellar Illumination[/b][/size] [color=#828282]Skydancer M[/color] [color=#6e235d][b]Reopening Special 725G[/b][/color] 11 in stock[/center][/columns] ------------------------------ Previously Printed: [columns] [color=transparent]____________________[/color][nextcol] [center][skin=27848] [b] Stellar Illumination [/b] ??? in circulation[/center] [color=transparent]____________________[/color][nextcol] [center][skin=27861] [b] Stellar Luminance [/b] ??? in circulation [color=transparent]____________________[/color][/center][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]__________[/color][nextcol][center][skin=14296] [b] Astrogenesis [/b] 9 in circulation [color=transparent]____________________[/color][/center] [nextcol][center][skin=15903] [b] Imperious Nebulae [/b] Custom 4 in circulation [color=transparent]____________________[/color][/center][nextcol] [center][skin=17795] [b] Cloudburst [/b] 9 in circulation [color=transparent]____________________[/color][/center][/columns] Fest Winner: [skin=17006] [skin=27794]


Hello I'm K and I make accents sometimes.

General Pinglist:

Gets pings for:
  • New Accent Preorder
  • New Accent Release
  • Reprints brought back after over a year
  • Polls for which to do next

  • Cackle of Grackles has been updated and resubmitted to have darker linework, hopefully it's good now and that one and Shadowspun Fancy/Finality will come back soon!

Shadowspun Fancy
Veilspun M

An accent for Veilspun M that has adds orange and pink iridescent, multicolored, spiky insectoid wings below the existing pair and on the head. There is gold filigree on the forehead, back, and forming an eye shape on the shoulder with a red gemstone.
A preview of the skin on a dark purple dragon
ReSkin -

Pre-order Price: 600G/kT

Pre-orders open

(no pre-payment required)

Preorder Google Sheet Link

Or comment here if Google Sheets isn't your friend
Shadowspun Fantasy

Veilspun M

An accent for Veilspun M that has adds green and purple iridescent, multicolored, spiky insectoid wings below the existing pair and on the head. There is gold filigree on the forehead, back, and forming an eye shape on the shoulder with a purple gemstone.
A preview of the skin on a dark blue dragon

Extra-Early Price: 600G/kT

Comment to receive a private auction, waiting for these other skins to come in to fulfill people's preorders before listing it on the AH.

Shadowspun Finality

Veilspun M

An accent for Veilspun M that has adds silver, spiky insectoid wings below the existing pair and on the head. There is silver filigree on the forehead, back, and forming an eye shape on the shoulder with a blue gemstone.
A preview of the skin on a midnight colored dragon
ReSkin -

Pre-order Price: 600G/kT

Pre-orders open

(no pre-payment required)

Preorder Google Sheet Link

Or comment here if Google Sheets isn't your friend
A Cackle of Grackles

Mirror Hatchling Skincent

A skin for Mirror Hatchling depicting a flock of mischievous-looking grackles with purple, green, and brown iridescence.
But wait... there's a MultiGaze Surprise!
The eyes of the grackles line up with MultiGaze allowing the eye shape and color of the grackles to be changed by the underlying dragon ReSkin -

Pre-order Price: 750G/kT

Pre-orders open

(no pre-payment required)

Preorder Google Sheet Link

Or comment here if Google Sheets isn't your friend
A preview of the skin on a green dragon
A preview of the skin on a dragon with shadow multigaze

I've wanted to do a skin like this for a long time and finally did it. Honorable Mention Trickmurk 2 year streak.

Corrupted Soul


Corrupted Soul
Pearlcatcher F

Early Bird Price: 500G/KT

[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)

Opener of Paths
Skydancer F Skincent - Now available on Auction House


Opener of Paths
Skydancer F Skincent

Price: 1025G/KT

[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)


You ever think about how Nature's most powerful weapon is Envenom?

Dusthide M


[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)


Dusthide M

Price: 700G/KT

[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)

If I were to make "Biotoxin" for another breed, which should I do?


Currently Printing

Auraboa F

Price: 900G

[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)



Auraboa M

Price: 900G

[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)



Skydancer M

Reopening Special: 725G

[Purchase on Auction House]
(Treasure also fine, ask and I'll set up a private auction!)

First time reprinted since 2019! The counterpart to my 2018 fest winner, Stellar Inspiration





OKAY everything is now in stock. I'll see about making a fancier post about it and getting people pinged later but yes all three of these are now available, let me know what you'd like and I'll send out a PA, or you can send me a CR. Not going to open list on the AH just yet


Auraboa M
Early Bird 500G
7 In Stock

Auraboa F
Early Bird 500G
15 In Stock

Stellar Illumination
Skydancer M
Reopening Special 725G
11 in stock

Previously Printed:

Stellar Illumination
??? in circulation

Stellar Luminance
??? in circulation

9 in circulation

Imperious Nebulae
4 in circulation

9 in circulation

Fest Winner:

Accent Thread - They/Them - Seeking Familiars - Familiars available to trade

Accent Thread - They/Them - Seeking Familiars - Familiars available to trade
[center][b][size=5]CUSTOMS[/size][/b] [color=#148e67][b]Open[/b][/color] [b]Price List:[/b] Recolor - $8 USD or 3kg shared/10kg unique X for Y Group A - $25 USD X for Y Group B - $35 USD Full Custom - $50 USD Other than recolors, in game currency payment only available if part of a trade for the following: [gamedb item=975] [gamedb item=746] [gamedb item=760] [gamedb item=910] [gamedb item=919] [gamedb item=591] (Custom skin counts as 15K gems credit towards purchase, working on saving up for the rest) ----------- [b] Available for Recolor - $8 USD[/b] or 3kg skared/10kg unique [skin=17795][skin=27861][skin=57245][skin=55371][skin=55372][skin=56978][skin=60623] ----------- [b]X for Y Group A - $25 USD[/b] Get one of these accents on a different breed/pose! [skin=17795] [skin=59153] [skin=55372] [skin=55371] [skin=56978] [skin=57245] [skin=17006][skin=60623] ------------[center] [b]X for Y Group B - $35 USD [/b] Get one of these accents on a different breed/pose! [skin=27794] [skin=14296] [skin=27861] [skin=15903] ---------------- [b] Full Customs - $50 USD[/b] [img][/img] Example [/center]


Price List:

Recolor - $8 USD or 3kg shared/10kg unique
X for Y Group A - $25 USD
X for Y Group B - $35 USD
Full Custom - $50 USD

Other than recolors, in game currency payment only available if part of a trade for the following:
Light Sprite Skycat Cog Frog Bone Fiend Golden Idol Boolean
(Custom skin counts as 15K gems credit towards purchase, working on saving up for the rest)

Available for Recolor - $8 USD
or 3kg skared/10kg unique

X for Y Group A - $25 USD
Get one of these accents on a different breed/pose!

X for Y Group B - $35 USD
Get one of these accents on a different breed/pose!

Full Customs - $50 USD



Accent Thread - They/Them - Seeking Familiars - Familiars available to trade
[center][b]FESTIVAL QUESTIVAL [/b] Goal: Win the skin contest for each elemental holiday! Progress: 3/11 Honorable Mention: [url=]Starfall 2015[/url], [url=]Trickmurk 2024[/url] [/center] [columns][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img][nextcol] [center][skin=59153] The Fires of Creation 2024 [img][/img][nextcol] [center][skin=17006] Inscribed Cartographer 2016 [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img] [nextcol][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img] [nextcol][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______[/color] [nextcol][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img] [nextcol][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img] [nextcol][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img] [nextcol][center][item=Skin Blueprint] [img][/img] [nextcol][center][skin=27794] Stellar Inspiration 2018 [img][/img][/center][/columns] [center] [color=#BBBBBB][size=1]Banner Graphics: [url=]Osiem[/url][/size][/color]

Goal: Win the skin contest for each elemental holiday!

Progress: 3/11

Honorable Mention: Starfall 2015, Trickmurk 2024
Skin Blueprint


The Fires
of Creation

Skin Blueprint

Skin Blueprint

Skin Blueprint

Skin Blueprint

Skin Blueprint

Skin Blueprint

Skin Blueprint


Banner Graphics: Osiem

Accent Thread - They/Them - Seeking Familiars - Familiars available to trade
@ everyone who already asked if I was printing these!

@Niharike @PenquinGrace @Luminare @AyumiNemera
@ everyone who already asked if I was printing these!

@Niharike @PenquinGrace @Luminare @AyumiNemera

Accent Thread - They/Them - Seeking Familiars - Familiars available to trade
@masterk could I have a slot? Thank you!
@masterk could I have a slot? Thank you!
@masterk may I get a slot
@masterk may I get a slot
Liquidating Accents.

Bumped into you again! Beautiful entry, a shame you didn't win! The colours are absolutely lovely!


Bumped into you again! Beautiful entry, a shame you didn't win! The colours are absolutely lovely!

@Niharike @Luminare Yes absolutely!!

@Kiaora Thank you!!
@Niharike @Luminare Yes absolutely!!

@Kiaora Thank you!!

Accent Thread - They/Them - Seeking Familiars - Familiars available to trade

what a beautiful skin! ;o; I don't use skins at all but I am really tempted to grab a copy. I'll come back here after I've made a decision, if that's okay with you!

Meanwhile, may I be on your general ping list, please?

(I'm disappointed this didn't win, I actually like it better than some of the festival winners.)

what a beautiful skin! ;o; I don't use skins at all but I am really tempted to grab a copy. I'll come back here after I've made a decision, if that's okay with you!

Meanwhile, may I be on your general ping list, please?

(I'm disappointed this didn't win, I actually like it better than some of the festival winners.)