

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | .. FR Roleplay: Greet the Morning ..
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Ooc- Anyone is free to join at any point! I'm a bit of a rusty old-school roleplayer, so don't mind me while I get back into the swing of things. I'm just looking for some leisurely storytelling, I have no specific plotline. [b]Aurorae[/b] female Skydancer [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ic- The far-away horizon lit up with blush pink, then gold. Through the treetops at the periphery of the Shrieking Wilds, silhouetted in the darkness of lingering nighttime, one could see the sun emerging. Dawn! As though with silent alarm, Aurorae was rustled from her nest of leaves. Her sleek blue body unfurled and stretched, fragments of leaves crunching around her. Slowly she blinked, then she shook herself with a smile crossing her face, crawling up the tree to set her eyes on the beautiful sunrise itself. She settled at the treetop, taking a deep breath of dewy forest air. She couldn't help but be a morning person; she simply woke when the sun came. From legends she'd heard, her namesake's duty was to welcome the sun with each morning. She cheerfully took it to be her duty as well. Her clan was elsewhere; she always found herself creeping away to greet the sunrise in seclusion. Well, near-seclusion. Her familiar, a pudgy Bramble Guardian, blinked his eyes and swept his fat tongue across his lips. He laid nearby, close to her nest of leaves. He didn't share her same enthusiasm for the AM as Rae, but perhaps few did. With a great reaching sweep of her wings, she lifted up off the treetop and let out a pretty soprano note. Her feathers rustled in the breeze she alone created, shimmering as the sun's rays grew in force. Another few flaps lifted her further, and she gazed down at the quiet Wilds below. Another song came from her, like that of a bird: gentle, waking, lovely. To welcome the sun each day, her duty was — whether it woke unsuspecting strangers or not.
Ooc- Anyone is free to join at any point! I'm a bit of a rusty old-school roleplayer, so don't mind me while I get back into the swing of things. I'm just looking for some leisurely storytelling, I have no specific plotline.

female Skydancer



The far-away horizon lit up with blush pink, then gold. Through the treetops at the periphery of the Shrieking Wilds, silhouetted in the darkness of lingering nighttime, one could see the sun emerging. Dawn! As though with silent alarm, Aurorae was rustled from her nest of leaves. Her sleek blue body unfurled and stretched, fragments of leaves crunching around her. Slowly she blinked, then she shook herself with a smile crossing her face, crawling up the tree to set her eyes on the beautiful sunrise itself. She settled at the treetop, taking a deep breath of dewy forest air. She couldn't help but be a morning person; she simply woke when the sun came. From legends she'd heard, her namesake's duty was to welcome the sun with each morning. She cheerfully took it to be her duty as well.

Her clan was elsewhere; she always found herself creeping away to greet the sunrise in seclusion. Well, near-seclusion. Her familiar, a pudgy Bramble Guardian, blinked his eyes and swept his fat tongue across his lips. He laid nearby, close to her nest of leaves. He didn't share her same enthusiasm for the AM as Rae, but perhaps few did.

With a great reaching sweep of her wings, she lifted up off the treetop and let out a pretty soprano note. Her feathers rustled in the breeze she alone created, shimmering as the sun's rays grew in force. Another few flaps lifted her further, and she gazed down at the quiet Wilds below. Another song came from her, like that of a bird: gentle, waking, lovely.

To welcome the sun each day, her duty was — whether it woke unsuspecting strangers or not.
(( @estarti I'll join! :D )) Kir Male Guardian [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kir's eyes snapped open. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but it had happened. Looking from side to side he remembered where he was. The Shrieking Wilds... He was still lost. Deciding that he shouldn't stay on the ground Kir climbed a large tree. When he rose to the top he peeked his head out of the lush leaves. [i]What's that sound?[/i] he thought to himself. He could hear a voice. The voice had a pretty ring to it and he realized someone must be singing. Scanning the sky, Kir found the voice's source. A Skydancer was singing and flying above the trees. Tilting his head to one side he watched her silently, not wanting to interrupt. (( I apologize for shortness. :/ ))
(( @estarti I'll join! :D ))

Male Guardian


Kir's eyes snapped open. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but it had happened. Looking from side to side he remembered where he was. The Shrieking Wilds... He was still lost. Deciding that he shouldn't stay on the ground Kir climbed a large tree. When he rose to the top he peeked his head out of the lush leaves. What's that sound? he thought to himself. He could hear a voice. The voice had a pretty ring to it and he realized someone must be singing. Scanning the sky, Kir found the voice's source. A Skydancer was singing and flying above the trees. Tilting his head to one side he watched her silently, not wanting to interrupt.

(( I apologize for shortness. :/ ))
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pahmkin opened her eyes slowly, the sun warming her tiny wings. She stretched and pawed at the edges of her earthy nest, a shallow hole in a pumpkin patch. An unfamiliar sound caught her attention. Was it singing? [i]It is... But where is it coming from?[/i] Looking up she noticed a glimmery blue dot on the horizon. [i]Oooh! How pretty! I wonder if that's where the singing is coming from? [/i] Picking herself up slowly, she squinted against the sun in her eyes to catch another glimpse of the shiny blue blur. She realized it was coming closer, and it was - [i] A Skydancer?![/i] Stretching her wings in excitement, she quickly drew them back in. [i]They're so pretty and agile. Nothing like me...[/i] She looked over her shoulder at her tiny wings. It would be a while till they were strong enough to lift her. She picked up one of her huge paws and examined it, her print embedded quite deeply into the ground. Hanging her head in shame as the song sounded closer, she began to trudge away in search of breakfast. [i]A beautiful Skydancer like that would want nothing to do with a thing like me. I can't even fly yet...[/i] (I'm a little rusty too, but I want to get back into it. Hello everyone!)


Pahmkin opened her eyes slowly, the sun warming her tiny wings. She stretched and pawed at the edges of her earthy nest, a shallow hole in a pumpkin patch. An unfamiliar sound caught her attention. Was it singing? It is... But where is it coming from? Looking up she noticed a glimmery blue dot on the horizon. Oooh! How pretty! I wonder if that's where the singing is coming from? Picking herself up slowly, she squinted against the sun in her eyes to catch another glimpse of the shiny blue blur. She realized it was coming closer, and it was - A Skydancer?!

Stretching her wings in excitement, she quickly drew them back in. They're so pretty and agile. Nothing like me... She looked over her shoulder at her tiny wings. It would be a while till they were strong enough to lift her. She picked up one of her huge paws and examined it, her print embedded quite deeply into the ground. Hanging her head in shame as the song sounded closer, she began to trudge away in search of breakfast. A beautiful Skydancer like that would want nothing to do with a thing like me. I can't even fly yet...

(I'm a little rusty too, but I want to get back into it. Hello everyone!)
zXd6MrP.png 8KmrkcK.png
((... This may or may not be my first time trying something like this out... I apologize in advance if I mess anything up or sound like an idiot. Okay...)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Alexa groaned as she stretched her body out and flapped her wings in the early mornings warm rays, slightly basking in the warmth. Despite the beautiful morning, she found herself feeling a little perturbed at having to get up at such an annoying hour, "Ugh, I hate mornings..." She grumbled quietly to herself; no need to call unwanted attention to herself. Lifting herself up from the small, temporary nest of moss she had made the previous night, Alexa surveyed the ground below for breakfast, stretching her wings out slightly, [i]a ladybug perhaps? Hmm, or maybe a mosquito? Ladybug is closer,[/i] and with that thought swiftly swooped down from her perch, and caught the insect. Pleased with herself, Alexa flew back to her little nest to eat her breakfast in comfort and peace. [i]That didn't last long,[/i] she thought to herself when a high, soprano like, voice carried itself to her ears with a slight breeze, [i]Not bad though. Pretty.[/i] Slightly distracted by the sudden music, Alexa was a little startled when she noticed the little Snapper that was standing by some pumpkins. "Oh my, she's adorable! She looks sad though, I wonder why? She is a baby, maybe she's lost? I'll go say hi." Alexa fluttered over to baby, and landed close to her before announcing herself, "Hello Pumpkin."
((... This may or may not be my first time trying something like this out... I apologize in advance if I mess anything up or sound like an idiot. Okay...))


Alexa groaned as she stretched her body out and flapped her wings in the early mornings warm rays, slightly basking in the warmth. Despite the beautiful morning, she found herself feeling a little perturbed at having to get up at such an annoying hour, "Ugh, I hate mornings..." She grumbled quietly to herself; no need to call unwanted attention to herself. Lifting herself up from the small, temporary nest of moss she had made the previous night, Alexa surveyed the ground below for breakfast, stretching her wings out slightly, a ladybug perhaps? Hmm, or maybe a mosquito? Ladybug is closer, and with that thought swiftly swooped down from her perch, and caught the insect. Pleased with herself, Alexa flew back to her little nest to eat her breakfast in comfort and peace.
That didn't last long, she thought to herself when a high, soprano like, voice carried itself to her ears with a slight breeze, Not bad though. Pretty.
Slightly distracted by the sudden music, Alexa was a little startled when she noticed the little Snapper that was standing by some pumpkins. "Oh my, she's adorable! She looks sad though, I wonder why? She is a baby, maybe she's lost? I'll go say hi." Alexa fluttered over to baby, and landed close to her before announcing herself, "Hello Pumpkin."
Welcome to Whimsy
[center]((Don't mind me joining in; i'm a rusty RPer a bit since i'v had to hold back, and i best use this new little guy to keep myself at a certain level :3 )) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A young and wet hatchling, still very new to this world, was struggling to move around with his nerves calm. He whined, missing his family already though he was lost, and what was worse was that his own thieving brothers stole his pearl. [color=navy][b]"When i tell Mommy about what Baxil and Wynfor did, they'll have to try and flee to Daddy in order to get away, though he is almost on the other side of the world. Besides, he is supposed to visit today!"[/b][/color] He complained, thinking of his parents as he walked down a made-up path in his mind of the forest. His father was Leniu the Pearlcatcher dragon of the wind flight, and his mother was Osley the Spiral dragon of the light flight. Here we have the only Pearlcatcher out of three male-only hatchlings, meaning his brothers are Spiral dragons, but this boy named Meade was most resembled to his papa, so a lot of dragons could mistake him being his father's younger twin brother from time to time. His brothers decided to trick him to see the borders of the light flight and nature flight, since they were staying with their mother till they could fly and leave with their father, which brought him here. As he walked though, he heard a tune and thought it was familiar to how his mother sang and picked a tree he could climb and began hopping upward in it, till he reached the top and saw none other than a Skydancer. With a huffed, he scoffed at it since he had a bit of a temper. [color=navy][b]"Hah! Daddy said that soon, a new Skydancer hatchling that would go to the ice flight was being escorted by Papa, so their no big deal to me! Besides, i heard the hatchling was to marry either a wildclaw or a imperial, as long as one of them is pink or red."[/b][/color] He said, remembering what his father said about his job. Spacing out, he began to search for a way down to retrace his steps and try to find a way out of here before he would get caught.[/center]
((Don't mind me joining in; i'm a rusty RPer a bit since i'v had to hold back, and i best use this new little guy to keep myself at a certain level :3 ))


A young and wet hatchling, still very new to this world, was struggling to move around with his nerves calm. He whined, missing his family already though he was lost, and what was worse was that his own thieving brothers stole his pearl. "When i tell Mommy about what Baxil and Wynfor did, they'll have to try and flee to Daddy in order to get away, though he is almost on the other side of the world. Besides, he is supposed to visit today!" He complained, thinking of his parents as he walked down a made-up path in his mind of the forest.

His father was Leniu the Pearlcatcher dragon of the wind flight, and his mother was Osley the Spiral dragon of the light flight. Here we have the only Pearlcatcher out of three male-only hatchlings, meaning his brothers are Spiral dragons, but this boy named Meade was most resembled to his papa, so a lot of dragons could mistake him being his father's younger twin brother from time to time. His brothers decided to trick him to see the borders of the light flight and nature flight, since they were staying with their mother till they could fly and leave with their father, which brought him here.

As he walked though, he heard a tune and thought it was familiar to how his mother sang and picked a tree he could climb and began hopping upward in it, till he reached the top and saw none other than a Skydancer. With a huffed, he scoffed at it since he had a bit of a temper. "Hah! Daddy said that soon, a new Skydancer hatchling that would go to the ice flight was being escorted by Papa, so their no big deal to me! Besides, i heard the hatchling was to marry either a wildclaw or a imperial, as long as one of them is pink or red." He said, remembering what his father said about his job. Spacing out, he began to search for a way down to retrace his steps and try to find a way out of here before he would get caught.
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
Ooc- Thanks everyone for joining! It's a pleasure to get back into it :)

Aurorae's voice traveled and ricochet off the treetops, spreading through the Wilds. She saw a swoop out of the corner of her eye, a Fae. A grin lit up her face. Not often were others awake at this hour! Seeing the Fae gather breakfast, Aurorae's own stomach rumbled.

To her left, a swarm of mosquitos buzzed. Closing her wings, she quickly dove through the bunch, claws spread wide. By chance, she caught two and cupped them gently to her chest. "Perfect!" she thought to herself.

Now, where was that Fae? She swept down beneath the canopy where she thought the Fae had roosted. She flitted through the trees, dodging to and fro. Sure enough, a moment later she stumbled upon the pumpkin patch where two new faces gathered — as elegantly as possible, I might add. Flying through treeboughs was no clean feat. Sticks and leaves clung to her iridescent skin.

Nonetheless, a Snapper was here as well! An adorable little youngin', Aurorae thought to herself. She thought of her breakfast offering. Though she gurgled with hunger, it was convenient that she had caught two Mosquitos. She held them out gingerly, sheepishly, with her voice almost as musical as her song. "I'm sorry to interrupt, I wondered if I could share these with you? It's a beautiful morning for breakfast!"
Ooc- Thanks everyone for joining! It's a pleasure to get back into it :)

Aurorae's voice traveled and ricochet off the treetops, spreading through the Wilds. She saw a swoop out of the corner of her eye, a Fae. A grin lit up her face. Not often were others awake at this hour! Seeing the Fae gather breakfast, Aurorae's own stomach rumbled.

To her left, a swarm of mosquitos buzzed. Closing her wings, she quickly dove through the bunch, claws spread wide. By chance, she caught two and cupped them gently to her chest. "Perfect!" she thought to herself.

Now, where was that Fae? She swept down beneath the canopy where she thought the Fae had roosted. She flitted through the trees, dodging to and fro. Sure enough, a moment later she stumbled upon the pumpkin patch where two new faces gathered — as elegantly as possible, I might add. Flying through treeboughs was no clean feat. Sticks and leaves clung to her iridescent skin.

Nonetheless, a Snapper was here as well! An adorable little youngin', Aurorae thought to herself. She thought of her breakfast offering. Though she gurgled with hunger, it was convenient that she had caught two Mosquitos. She held them out gingerly, sheepishly, with her voice almost as musical as her song. "I'm sorry to interrupt, I wondered if I could share these with you? It's a beautiful morning for breakfast!"
(Sorry for the late response, I work a lot -__-;)
@estarti @MagpII

Startled by the sudden presence of the two dragons, Pahmkin tripped over a vine right in her path. She squeaked and tumbled into a nearby pumpkin, crashing right through it. Instead of picking herself up, she cowered behind it, covered in pumpkin guts and moist soil.

In a soft spoken voice she replied, "H-hello..." Her eyes darted to Alexa. "Uhm... I heard you singing." Her bright green eyes darting to Aurorae. She looked down. "Thank you for the offer, but I don't eat bugs. Thank you though..." Her gaze trailed to the broken pumpkin around her. It's already broken, so I guess I could eat it. She took a bite of the shell, it was so ripe and juicy. Between bites she responded. "I eat... Mrf... Plants... Crunch crunch." Swallowing and wiping dirt and guts off of herself, she smiled, forgetting her shyness, suddenly very happy from food and company. "But you're both welcome to have breakfast in my pumpkin patch. I would enjoy the company."

She took another bite. "By the way, my name is Pahmkin. What's yours?" Her eyes glittering with joy. Or was it the sunlight?
(Sorry for the late response, I work a lot -__-;)
@estarti @MagpII

Startled by the sudden presence of the two dragons, Pahmkin tripped over a vine right in her path. She squeaked and tumbled into a nearby pumpkin, crashing right through it. Instead of picking herself up, she cowered behind it, covered in pumpkin guts and moist soil.

In a soft spoken voice she replied, "H-hello..." Her eyes darted to Alexa. "Uhm... I heard you singing." Her bright green eyes darting to Aurorae. She looked down. "Thank you for the offer, but I don't eat bugs. Thank you though..." Her gaze trailed to the broken pumpkin around her. It's already broken, so I guess I could eat it. She took a bite of the shell, it was so ripe and juicy. Between bites she responded. "I eat... Mrf... Plants... Crunch crunch." Swallowing and wiping dirt and guts off of herself, she smiled, forgetting her shyness, suddenly very happy from food and company. "But you're both welcome to have breakfast in my pumpkin patch. I would enjoy the company."

She took another bite. "By the way, my name is Pahmkin. What's yours?" Her eyes glittering with joy. Or was it the sunlight?
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((Hakuna matata~))

Hearing the sudden voice, Alexa made a sound she wasn't even aware she could make, and furiously fluttered her way behind a large pumpkin. Being a Wind dragon had it's definite perks, being an expert aviatrix one of them. Seeing that it was a Skydancer, (and not likely to eat her), she perched herself on the stem, folded her wings and dusted herself off, obviously embarrassed, "Ah, hello. Thank-you, I've already eaten though. Small body; doesn't need as much food," Alexa replied after the pumpkin Snapper had politely refused.
A small silence ensued as Alexa watched the little Snapper munch on the pumpkin she had tumbled into. She really does look like a pumpkin, I wonder what her name is? Oh, she looks happier, maybe she's like me and is a little grumpy before breakfast?
"But you're both welcome to have breakfast in my pumpkin patch. I would enjoy the company," The Snapper said, wiping herself off before taking another bite, "By the way, my name is Pahmkin. What's yours?"
Alexa blinked, well I guess my intuition was correct, "My name is Alexa. I'm from the Windswept Plateau." She looked over at the Skydancer, awaiting her response.
((Hakuna matata~))

Hearing the sudden voice, Alexa made a sound she wasn't even aware she could make, and furiously fluttered her way behind a large pumpkin. Being a Wind dragon had it's definite perks, being an expert aviatrix one of them. Seeing that it was a Skydancer, (and not likely to eat her), she perched herself on the stem, folded her wings and dusted herself off, obviously embarrassed, "Ah, hello. Thank-you, I've already eaten though. Small body; doesn't need as much food," Alexa replied after the pumpkin Snapper had politely refused.
A small silence ensued as Alexa watched the little Snapper munch on the pumpkin she had tumbled into. She really does look like a pumpkin, I wonder what her name is? Oh, she looks happier, maybe she's like me and is a little grumpy before breakfast?
"But you're both welcome to have breakfast in my pumpkin patch. I would enjoy the company," The Snapper said, wiping herself off before taking another bite, "By the way, my name is Pahmkin. What's yours?"
Alexa blinked, well I guess my intuition was correct, "My name is Alexa. I'm from the Windswept Plateau." She looked over at the Skydancer, awaiting her response.
Welcome to Whimsy
((My cute, funny man.))

First he fell onto the lowest branch by how the Skydancer swooped down, but at on it with his tail hanging down as he listened to the adults and huffed sharply. Since he would probably have to ask for help from them sooner or later, he began to listen to their conversation but became stunned by the Fae's words. 'So that tiny dragon is from where Daddy is from?! I think i saw that other kid around Mommy's flight before...meaning i can go home! I'v got luck on my side today!' He thought and tried to crawl closer on the branch to them, but accidentally stood on it and lost his balance, making him screech as he fell down and hit the ground hard and groaned as he got up and shook himself to get rid of some of the leaves. "Hey, the tiny dragon and the other kid; i'v got something i wanna ask, and i gotta ask to big one something as well! You don't mind answering me a bit, do ya? He said as he came a little closer to them, feeling a horrible disadvantage with them around; well, he felt the disadvantage from the Skydancer, but not the other two.

Before he could ask anything, he had to examine the two and began to process slowly till he looked at the skydancer and huffed. "Ya know, for a Skydancer, your not really all that big. My own Daddy is bigger than you, so i don't really think any of you are a threat. Anyways, right to the point; Little adult, you say your from that wind place, right? Do you think you know my Daddy by any chance? And as for the other kid, i wonder if she seem my Mom before; she is of the same place. For the so called big one, i wonder if you can help me out." He said, going right to the point; he wasn't going to show his fear because he had a lot of pain to dish out at his brothers when his parents come for him.

Wait a minute, he thought about it and huffed; if his parents get worried, they would have to confess and get punished while his Papa would save him, making him stand on his feet. Turning his little rump around, he began retracing his steps to the water to wait.
((My cute, funny man.))

First he fell onto the lowest branch by how the Skydancer swooped down, but at on it with his tail hanging down as he listened to the adults and huffed sharply. Since he would probably have to ask for help from them sooner or later, he began to listen to their conversation but became stunned by the Fae's words. 'So that tiny dragon is from where Daddy is from?! I think i saw that other kid around Mommy's flight before...meaning i can go home! I'v got luck on my side today!' He thought and tried to crawl closer on the branch to them, but accidentally stood on it and lost his balance, making him screech as he fell down and hit the ground hard and groaned as he got up and shook himself to get rid of some of the leaves. "Hey, the tiny dragon and the other kid; i'v got something i wanna ask, and i gotta ask to big one something as well! You don't mind answering me a bit, do ya? He said as he came a little closer to them, feeling a horrible disadvantage with them around; well, he felt the disadvantage from the Skydancer, but not the other two.

Before he could ask anything, he had to examine the two and began to process slowly till he looked at the skydancer and huffed. "Ya know, for a Skydancer, your not really all that big. My own Daddy is bigger than you, so i don't really think any of you are a threat. Anyways, right to the point; Little adult, you say your from that wind place, right? Do you think you know my Daddy by any chance? And as for the other kid, i wonder if she seem my Mom before; she is of the same place. For the so called big one, i wonder if you can help me out." He said, going right to the point; he wasn't going to show his fear because he had a lot of pain to dish out at his brothers when his parents come for him.

Wait a minute, he thought about it and huffed; if his parents get worried, they would have to confess and get punished while his Papa would save him, making him stand on his feet. Turning his little rump around, he began retracing his steps to the water to wait.
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
Kir watched as the Skydancer dived and landed gracefully near two other dragons. A Fae and a.... Snapper? He watched as they talked, curious about their conversation. As he watched a small Pearlcatcher fell out of a tree near him and screeched. The hatchling seemed to be about Kir's age and he wondered why he was there. And where was his pearl? He thought they were important to the hatchling's species.

Finally being over come with curiosity, Kir strolled to the end of his branch and glided down a few yards behind the Pearlcatcher. The dragon was talking quite fast and all Kir managed to make out was he asked if the Fae knew his dad. The dark colored hatchling the stopped speaking for a moment. At this time Kir was only a couple feet away from the hatchling. Shortly after the Pearlcatcher stopped talking, he spun around and started walking toward Kir. Unable to stop from walking forward, as he was in mid stride, Kir ran straight into the Pearlcatcher hatchling. "Ow!" he said, completely shocked by the dragon's sudden movements.

Kir watched as the Skydancer dived and landed gracefully near two other dragons. A Fae and a.... Snapper? He watched as they talked, curious about their conversation. As he watched a small Pearlcatcher fell out of a tree near him and screeched. The hatchling seemed to be about Kir's age and he wondered why he was there. And where was his pearl? He thought they were important to the hatchling's species.

Finally being over come with curiosity, Kir strolled to the end of his branch and glided down a few yards behind the Pearlcatcher. The dragon was talking quite fast and all Kir managed to make out was he asked if the Fae knew his dad. The dark colored hatchling the stopped speaking for a moment. At this time Kir was only a couple feet away from the hatchling. Shortly after the Pearlcatcher stopped talking, he spun around and started walking toward Kir. Unable to stop from walking forward, as he was in mid stride, Kir ran straight into the Pearlcatcher hatchling. "Ow!" he said, completely shocked by the dragon's sudden movements.

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