

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Pearl In The Storm (Wind Flight RP)
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Hope----It was all too gone and forgotten to all the dragons as the vortex from the western shore brought in an all-consuming air current that not even a master flier could go through, so every dragon and hatchling had to stay in their lairs and hope that one day it would clear up. Many dragons have considered timing themselves in order to fly away from their home, the Wind Flight territory, and seek residence in other flights that can be good to them until the storm ends, yet nobody can see when it actually will. It had consumed over five of their best flying dragons and sucked it into the eye of the vortex and were never seen out of it again, so only few of the best remained. Only a handful of Wind dragons resided there now and were trying to leave everything and go to some friends, though one dragon remained in his lair, not threatened by the storm just yet. It was a obsidian black dragon with navy tufts and wings, and he had connections with almost every dragon in all the flights. He could go join his mate, Osley, in the Light Flight or go to Halley and his father in the Arcane flight, or maybe go see Sulmara in the Earth flight, yet he was preparing the best things when he would leave. He knew he must have been worrying his mate and his familiar when he sent his owlcat to give her to bad news, and had been constructing a blocker so his lair won't be destroyed as he is gone. The vortex was spelling the devastation of the Windswept Plateau for this season, and everyone was to either disappear in it or flee to a friend in another flight and escape destruction, and he was planning to as well.

Rules and Info----:
-This is mainly a RP i thought of for those in the wind flight, but other people can join in but only if they have a Wind flight dragon that they can use alone in this RP, since it revolves around the wind, so don't use a dragon that is not of the Wind flight; only wind flight dragons.

--This RP is based off the vortex from this Flight's eastern shore going crazy because of something and is going to make all the Wind dragons go into the claws of death unless they leave, so this is about all the dragons that are left journeying to a meeting point in the RP so they can live, but it'll be at the Viridian Labyrinth, and from there we'll all make a huge posts about us separating and going to where we will flee, then i'll bring another plot in where those same dragons will return to the flight in curiosity, only to see the storm is gone and the Vortex is calm and normal now, meaning they must signal all the wind dragons to return home and clean up whatever mess it made.

--- We can make some sidetrack spots, like having trouble in another flight, but that means we must choose which flight to travel too first and if they get in trouble or not, then we can use some of the dragons we have from that other flight till the Wind dragons get away.

---- I know, its probably not a good RP to join, but lets have some fun! I don't want a Flight out of a Flight RP, ya know~

----~Have Fun Posting, so lets start!~----
Hope----It was all too gone and forgotten to all the dragons as the vortex from the western shore brought in an all-consuming air current that not even a master flier could go through, so every dragon and hatchling had to stay in their lairs and hope that one day it would clear up. Many dragons have considered timing themselves in order to fly away from their home, the Wind Flight territory, and seek residence in other flights that can be good to them until the storm ends, yet nobody can see when it actually will. It had consumed over five of their best flying dragons and sucked it into the eye of the vortex and were never seen out of it again, so only few of the best remained. Only a handful of Wind dragons resided there now and were trying to leave everything and go to some friends, though one dragon remained in his lair, not threatened by the storm just yet. It was a obsidian black dragon with navy tufts and wings, and he had connections with almost every dragon in all the flights. He could go join his mate, Osley, in the Light Flight or go to Halley and his father in the Arcane flight, or maybe go see Sulmara in the Earth flight, yet he was preparing the best things when he would leave. He knew he must have been worrying his mate and his familiar when he sent his owlcat to give her to bad news, and had been constructing a blocker so his lair won't be destroyed as he is gone. The vortex was spelling the devastation of the Windswept Plateau for this season, and everyone was to either disappear in it or flee to a friend in another flight and escape destruction, and he was planning to as well.

Rules and Info----:
-This is mainly a RP i thought of for those in the wind flight, but other people can join in but only if they have a Wind flight dragon that they can use alone in this RP, since it revolves around the wind, so don't use a dragon that is not of the Wind flight; only wind flight dragons.

--This RP is based off the vortex from this Flight's eastern shore going crazy because of something and is going to make all the Wind dragons go into the claws of death unless they leave, so this is about all the dragons that are left journeying to a meeting point in the RP so they can live, but it'll be at the Viridian Labyrinth, and from there we'll all make a huge posts about us separating and going to where we will flee, then i'll bring another plot in where those same dragons will return to the flight in curiosity, only to see the storm is gone and the Vortex is calm and normal now, meaning they must signal all the wind dragons to return home and clean up whatever mess it made.

--- We can make some sidetrack spots, like having trouble in another flight, but that means we must choose which flight to travel too first and if they get in trouble or not, then we can use some of the dragons we have from that other flight till the Wind dragons get away.

---- I know, its probably not a good RP to join, but lets have some fun! I don't want a Flight out of a Flight RP, ya know~

----~Have Fun Posting, so lets start!~----
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
[left][img][/img][/left][center]He slowly climbed out of the lair he called home, his body being slashed by the harsh winds as he kept his wings tucked as well as strapped to him, his pearl in his possession. He never wanted to loose it, like any PC would be like, and he plugged up his lair, deciding to gather up some others that stayed and help them reach the only place that they can go to; the Nature flight. When they get there, they will be lucky to meet Taker and have them taken care of, though once that would be done he will go to the Light flight to meet his mate and wait out the storm. As he began to walked away from the storm, he kept struggling to move as he looked around. [color=navy][b]"Whoever is still here, hurry and get what ever you can take and leave your lair! Do not fly until we can see its safe and follow me if you want to survive from this!!"[/b][/color] He shouted out loudly, trying to call out any others that wanted to stay/ He wasn't going to let anyone from the very flight he lived in die while he runs, so he was going to do his best as he could to help them escape with him. ((My starting post to put this into action.))[/center]
He slowly climbed out of the lair he called home, his body being slashed by the harsh winds as he kept his wings tucked as well as strapped to him, his pearl in his possession. He never wanted to loose it, like any PC would be like, and he plugged up his lair, deciding to gather up some others that stayed and help them reach the only place that they can go to; the Nature flight. When they get there, they will be lucky to meet Taker and have them taken care of, though once that would be done he will go to the Light flight to meet his mate and wait out the storm. As he began to walked away from the storm, he kept struggling to move as he looked around. "Whoever is still here, hurry and get what ever you can take and leave your lair! Do not fly until we can see its safe and follow me if you want to survive from this!!" He shouted out loudly, trying to call out any others that wanted to stay/ He wasn't going to let anyone from the very flight he lived in die while he runs, so he was going to do his best as he could to help them escape with him.

((My starting post to put this into action.))
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
(This sounds very intriguing and I would like to join in. Not sure when I can put in my intro post but as a fellow Wind Flighter, I'd like to put a dragon or two of my own into this RP.
(This sounds very intriguing and I would like to join in. Not sure when I can put in my intro post but as a fellow Wind Flighter, I'd like to put a dragon or two of my own into this RP.
Come ride the winds with me!
They'll take you where you've never been.
[center][quote name="Wolfkitten" date="2013-09-09 14:03:34"][/quote] Oh, you may indeed! Anyone with a wind dragon or in the Wind Flight can join, and you don't even have to ask; its an open RP! You can put any dragon you want in, as long as it has the wind mark, and RP! :3[/center]
Wolfkitten wrote on 2013-09-09 14:03:34:
Oh, you may indeed! Anyone with a wind dragon or in the Wind Flight can join, and you don't even have to ask; its an open RP! You can put any dragon you want in, as long as it has the wind mark, and RP! :3
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
Oooh I'm joining in~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She did not want to leave. This was her home, after all. The rumors started out small. The great cyclone to the west of the Windswept Plateau was gathering strength, and had suddenly began to expand. Irsul was certain her lair would be safe, it was on the other side of the Plateau. The lair of the Annwyn (pronounced “ah-nun”) Clan would be safe, it was built underground in a sea-facing cliff. The lovely lair even had carved out windows that let the inhabitants gaze upon the sea and allow the warm breezes carried by the sea to blow through lair. But Irsul had been wrong. Days ago, they could see the line of stormy clouds on the horizon. A nasty wind began to blow from the west. It was cold and harsh. Being the matriarch of the clan, the others looked to her for a solution. Irsul was a Guardian, however, and she was too stubborn to leave. She protected the lair, and her family, with her life. Some storm wasn’t about to make her shy away from her responsibility. Her mate, Draoi, had other thoughts. He was the patriarch and druid of the clan, highly skilled in alchemy and magic. Draoi could sense this storm was nothing to be trifled with, nothing but death was carried on its winds. Against her wishes, Draoi had taken some the younger dragons of the clan to the safety of the Viridian Labyrinth. The dragons of the Nature Flight were one of the Wind Flight’s greatest allies, and would be welcomed there. A few of the adult dragons of the Annwyn Clan followed Draoi, fearful for their lives. Only yesterday did Irsul know she had to leave. But she had to go last. Hours ago, the last of the Annwyn Clan departed for the Viridian Labyrinth with some of their possessions. The underground lair was abandoned. Irsul thought she had time to close up the windows and secure the remaining goods before leaving, but the storm arrived in force. She could barely walk in the blustering wind, and it was hard to see even with her flight goggles. She was starting to lose hope in her survival, until she heard a voice on the wind. Was she imagining it? She tentatively answered back. [b]“Hello? Is anyone still out there?”[/b]
Oooh I'm joining in~


She did not want to leave. This was her home, after all.

The rumors started out small. The great cyclone to the west of the Windswept Plateau was gathering strength, and had suddenly began to expand. Irsul was certain her lair would be safe, it was on the other side of the Plateau. The lair of the Annwyn (pronounced “ah-nun”) Clan would be safe, it was built underground in a sea-facing cliff. The lovely lair even had carved out windows that let the inhabitants gaze upon the sea and allow the warm breezes carried by the sea to blow through lair.

But Irsul had been wrong. Days ago, they could see the line of stormy clouds on the horizon. A nasty wind began to blow from the west. It was cold and harsh. Being the matriarch of the clan, the others looked to her for a solution. Irsul was a Guardian, however, and she was too stubborn to leave. She protected the lair, and her family, with her life. Some storm wasn’t about to make her shy away from her responsibility. Her mate, Draoi, had other thoughts. He was the patriarch and druid of the clan, highly skilled in alchemy and magic. Draoi could sense this storm was nothing to be trifled with, nothing but death was carried on its winds. Against her wishes, Draoi had taken some the younger dragons of the clan to the safety of the Viridian Labyrinth. The dragons of the Nature Flight were one of the Wind Flight’s greatest allies, and would be welcomed there. A few of the adult dragons of the Annwyn Clan followed Draoi, fearful for their lives.

Only yesterday did Irsul know she had to leave. But she had to go last. Hours ago, the last of the Annwyn Clan departed for the Viridian Labyrinth with some of their possessions. The underground lair was abandoned. Irsul thought she had time to close up the windows and secure the remaining goods before leaving, but the storm arrived in force. She could barely walk in the blustering wind, and it was hard to see even with her flight goggles. She was starting to lose hope in her survival, until she heard a voice on the wind. Was she imagining it? She tentatively answered back.

“Hello? Is anyone still out there?”
((@Wolfkitten ~ @Layz - Just a way to let you two know :3 ))

He heard a female's voice, making him determined to find it and see if anyone was willing to rush to safety of the other side of the world. Everything was being blocked out; his senses of smell and sight was being covered by the wind and it was trying to block his hearing, but he knew he heard a voice. He began to walk to where he thought it was their and felt nothing but pieces and crumbled rock and earth going towards it, making him growl in frustration. As he pressed on, he eventually saw a distant flicker of metal and paced towards it than stopped to see a guardian from the flight, and he chuckled. He knew the female was certainly taller than her, and he respected that, but they had to get moving. "Are you another dragon that decided to stay behind? We've gotta find out if any others are as well and get away." He said and kept his forest green wraps together, yet many could tell he was without a pearl, but he had a reason; he let his familiar, a Red-winged Owlcat, take his pearl with it to Osley in the Light flight so he doesn't loose it to the vortex. He knew there were some others that were around, they had to hurry and find them then leave and let the natural system of life save their home.
((@Wolfkitten ~ @Layz - Just a way to let you two know :3 ))

He heard a female's voice, making him determined to find it and see if anyone was willing to rush to safety of the other side of the world. Everything was being blocked out; his senses of smell and sight was being covered by the wind and it was trying to block his hearing, but he knew he heard a voice. He began to walk to where he thought it was their and felt nothing but pieces and crumbled rock and earth going towards it, making him growl in frustration. As he pressed on, he eventually saw a distant flicker of metal and paced towards it than stopped to see a guardian from the flight, and he chuckled. He knew the female was certainly taller than her, and he respected that, but they had to get moving. "Are you another dragon that decided to stay behind? We've gotta find out if any others are as well and get away." He said and kept his forest green wraps together, yet many could tell he was without a pearl, but he had a reason; he let his familiar, a Red-winged Owlcat, take his pearl with it to Osley in the Light flight so he doesn't loose it to the vortex. He knew there were some others that were around, they had to hurry and find them then leave and let the natural system of life save their home.
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
((@DraconisSiirexus Mind if I join? I am a little rusty ^_^;) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] At first, she thought she'd imagined it. A barely audible voice - not very far away, just drowned out amongst the endless howl of the vortex. Chryso was the firstborn of her clan. A tiny, golden wisp of a dragon who was so unlike her parents in appearance, one would wonder how she ever popped out of her egg looking as she did. She had fled her home with everyone else, as instructed, never being the type to disobey orders. But she had foolishly returned to check that everyone had left, having miscounted her clan's numbers, forgetting that a member had recently left them to join another clan. She remembered this now, silently cursing her absentmindedness as she clung to the base of a bamboo cluster. Being of such a tiny stature, there was no way she had the strength to safely flee from the Plateau, and her only hope was to hold on and hope the vortex would soon pass. She'd started to think this was how she would meet her premature end, when she heard that voice. As loudly as she possibly could, Chryso called out: [b][COLOR=darkgoldenrod]"Hey! HEY!!! OVER HERE!"[/COLOR][/b]
((@DraconisSiirexus Mind if I join? I am a little rusty ^_^;)


At first, she thought she'd imagined it. A barely audible voice - not very far away, just drowned out amongst the endless howl of the vortex.

Chryso was the firstborn of her clan. A tiny, golden wisp of a dragon who was so unlike her parents in appearance, one would wonder how she ever popped out of her egg looking as she did. She had fled her home with everyone else, as instructed, never being the type to disobey orders. But she had foolishly returned to check that everyone had left, having miscounted her clan's numbers, forgetting that a member had recently left them to join another clan. She remembered this now, silently cursing her absentmindedness as she clung to the base of a bamboo cluster.

Being of such a tiny stature, there was no way she had the strength to safely flee from the Plateau, and her only hope was to hold on and hope the vortex would soon pass. She'd started to think this was how she would meet her premature end, when she heard that voice. As loudly as she possibly could, Chryso called out: "Hey! HEY!!! OVER HERE!"
(@DraconisSiirexus Haven't seriously RP'd in years, but this is quite intriguing!) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lian was scared. No, he thought, not scared. Petrified. Terrified. [i]Scared[/i] could not be anywhere near a good description for the utter hopelessness he felt, the sinking feeling in his stomach. With every ounce of his strength he clung onto his father's wing as it sheltered him from the howling winds, but part of him told him to let go. His tiny frame could never withstand this wind, and if either of them would survive, it should be Boreas. Lian was nothing but dead weight. ... Boreas closed his eyes to shield against the wind and struggled blindly forward. The news of the storm had crossed through the Windswept Plateau like wildfire, and as soon as Archin had heard the news, he'd evacuated the lair so as to take no chances at all. That is, while he and his son had been out scavenging. He often did scavenging work for the clan, going out for days at a time, but as the storm approached he had realized it was nothing ordinary. This was no small windstorm. The few lairs he'd come across were empty with nothing valuable left behind. Not to mention he'd come with only his son, when normally a few others would join him. He could tell Lian was tiring of clinging to his wing. The headwind kept pushing the pair back, and it was all Boreas could do to keep going, to keep him and his son alive. North, that's where he was headed. He had to go north. Luna was there, surely it was the most sensible place to go. If Boreas could somehow get across the Reedcleft Ascent and into the Scarred Wasteland, perhaps he could meet them there. Then again, the Plaguebringer might not take kindly to Wind refuges, due to their alliance with Nature, so perhaps his clan was headed to the Gladekeeper? Boreas prayed for someone, anyone, to find him and his son. His hope of getting out of this alive was quickly dwindling, and the storm was much too close for comfort. Before, there wasn't anything he loved more than a good cold wind, but now the mirror just wished it would stop.
(@DraconisSiirexus Haven't seriously RP'd in years, but this is quite intriguing!)



Lian was scared. No, he thought, not scared. Petrified. Terrified. Scared could not be anywhere near a good description for the utter hopelessness he felt, the sinking feeling in his stomach. With every ounce of his strength he clung onto his father's wing as it sheltered him from the howling winds, but part of him told him to let go. His tiny frame could never withstand this wind, and if either of them would survive, it should be Boreas.

Lian was nothing but dead weight.


Boreas closed his eyes to shield against the wind and struggled blindly forward. The news of the storm had crossed through the Windswept Plateau like wildfire, and as soon as Archin had heard the news, he'd evacuated the lair so as to take no chances at all. That is, while he and his son had been out scavenging. He often did scavenging work for the clan, going out for days at a time, but as the storm approached he had realized it was nothing ordinary. This was no small windstorm. The few lairs he'd come across were empty with nothing valuable left behind. Not to mention he'd come with only his son, when normally a few others would join him.

He could tell Lian was tiring of clinging to his wing. The headwind kept pushing the pair back, and it was all Boreas could do to keep going, to keep him and his son alive. North, that's where he was headed. He had to go north. Luna was there, surely it was the most sensible place to go. If Boreas could somehow get across the Reedcleft Ascent and into the Scarred Wasteland, perhaps he could meet them there. Then again, the Plaguebringer might not take kindly to Wind refuges, due to their alliance with Nature, so perhaps his clan was headed to the Gladekeeper?

Boreas prayed for someone, anyone, to find him and his son. His hope of getting out of this alive was quickly dwindling, and the storm was much too close for comfort. Before, there wasn't anything he loved more than a good cold wind, but now the mirror just wished it would stop.
Like an idiot, his familiar followed the raging currents to Leniu, making him grunt. "Sarril, i told you to stay with Osley till i got there! Oh, well; You go look for some survivors while i get the one and maybe others along the way out of here." He said as he grabbed his owlcat, though it just squirmed and nodded but had to tell him. "You better make it quick, Leniu; I had to come because Osley wanted to tell you that you have three sons now, one of them is just like you in breed and color!" The little familiar squawked and he froze for a minute in surprise from that news. He had sons, he has three little boys, and he has to be in this storm instead of being by her side. Letting his familiar free, the little owlcat heard a voice and began flapping its wings towards the sound all the way to the reeds with its paws and screeched as it tried to help a golden fae while Leniu began going north, hopping that the other survivors had that same idea and were moving.
Like an idiot, his familiar followed the raging currents to Leniu, making him grunt. "Sarril, i told you to stay with Osley till i got there! Oh, well; You go look for some survivors while i get the one and maybe others along the way out of here." He said as he grabbed his owlcat, though it just squirmed and nodded but had to tell him. "You better make it quick, Leniu; I had to come because Osley wanted to tell you that you have three sons now, one of them is just like you in breed and color!" The little familiar squawked and he froze for a minute in surprise from that news. He had sons, he has three little boys, and he has to be in this storm instead of being by her side. Letting his familiar free, the little owlcat heard a voice and began flapping its wings towards the sound all the way to the reeds with its paws and screeched as it tried to help a golden fae while Leniu began going north, hopping that the other survivors had that same idea and were moving.
If you wanna speak personally, talk to me on Skype, but PM me about it first.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lara flew toward the storm. [i][color=green][b]This is completely insane,[/b][/color][/i] she thought to herself, rushing back to her old lair. Archin refused to leave the clan and refused to let Boreas and Lian be left behind, so she had volunteered to find her brother and nephew. The wind howled from every direction around her, and she saw lightning crack across the sky that would impress the Stormcatcher himself. Normally, she was one of the best fliers in the clan, but it was all she could do to stay in the air. Walking wasn't an option; through the dust and everything being kicked up by this wind, it was the best view she had. For quite some time she flew back, trying not to look at the looming clouds ahead, when she saw an unnatural bright blue patch on the rolling hills below her. Immediately she descended, realizing it wasn't one, but two dragons. A guardian and a pearlcatcher together, heading away from the storm. [b][color=green]"Hey!"[/color][/b] she yelled, rushing toward the pair. [b][color=green]"Over here!"[/color][/b]


Lara flew toward the storm. This is completely insane, she thought to herself, rushing back to her old lair. Archin refused to leave the clan and refused to let Boreas and Lian be left behind, so she had volunteered to find her brother and nephew. The wind howled from every direction around her, and she saw lightning crack across the sky that would impress the Stormcatcher himself. Normally, she was one of the best fliers in the clan, but it was all she could do to stay in the air. Walking wasn't an option; through the dust and everything being kicked up by this wind, it was the best view she had.

For quite some time she flew back, trying not to look at the looming clouds ahead, when she saw an unnatural bright blue patch on the rolling hills below her. Immediately she descended, realizing it wasn't one, but two dragons. A guardian and a pearlcatcher together, heading away from the storm.

"Hey!" she yelled, rushing toward the pair. "Over here!"
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