

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private Rp} Death and Life Clan!
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"Umm Treat him? I am no doctor I have no idea how to.. I may be Arcane and fire bor in a nature area but I also grew up here .. Voss is the medical doctor. I am not nature dragon sadly my eyes fool you." Glade walked away rather sad.

Buzel's eyes narrowed as he seems to follow along side Glade chatting rather friendly with him. Trying to cheer him up.

Buzel: "I meant nothing by it. I simply mean your family should continue to care for Marrow while he's injured. Your eyes may have fooled me, but I never thought of you as "someone from my home". Some dragons grow up never knowing their homelands or their birth grounds haha~ In my eyes you are a dragon who lives in the plague realm regardless of your element."

*wraps around a tree as he scans around looking for the others who ran off*

Buzel: "Ah, they know where they're going I presume? . . ." *flies above the trees looking more* "Hmm...*mumbles* Che...Lost them..." (I can't have them causing any trouble...that was the whole point of coming alone!) *Buzel looks irritated now but he realizes Glade is still below him watching* "Ah I'm sure they'll be fine..."

Buzel continues to stay with Glade but he's constantly becoming more irritated knowing a group of dragons is heading straight for the lair. He's becoming tense and constantly looking for them but he doesn't want Glade to catch on so he remains calm on the outside.
"Umm Treat him? I am no doctor I have no idea how to.. I may be Arcane and fire bor in a nature area but I also grew up here .. Voss is the medical doctor. I am not nature dragon sadly my eyes fool you." Glade walked away rather sad.

Buzel's eyes narrowed as he seems to follow along side Glade chatting rather friendly with him. Trying to cheer him up.

Buzel: "I meant nothing by it. I simply mean your family should continue to care for Marrow while he's injured. Your eyes may have fooled me, but I never thought of you as "someone from my home". Some dragons grow up never knowing their homelands or their birth grounds haha~ In my eyes you are a dragon who lives in the plague realm regardless of your element."

*wraps around a tree as he scans around looking for the others who ran off*

Buzel: "Ah, they know where they're going I presume? . . ." *flies above the trees looking more* "Hmm...*mumbles* Che...Lost them..." (I can't have them causing any trouble...that was the whole point of coming alone!) *Buzel looks irritated now but he realizes Glade is still below him watching* "Ah I'm sure they'll be fine..."

Buzel continues to stay with Glade but he's constantly becoming more irritated knowing a group of dragons is heading straight for the lair. He's becoming tense and constantly looking for them but he doesn't want Glade to catch on so he remains calm on the outside.
25kraja.png -MiniClaw done by NekoMimi101
Glade opened his powerful jade wings as he took off into the sky after the spiral.
Nodding to the words he spoke he commented in a smooth voice. " oh indeed we will take care of him he always getting hurt and it's sad he has some type of curse we think.. But yes I have lived with the plague for quite some time it's nice if you know your way around!" glade chuckled his last sentence and jogged in the sky next to Buzel.

Down below Sukio and leafstorm finally took to the air while Ice venom and the other guardian took off to find Kiven who happen to be sleeping in his family's old home. As Sukio came out of the tree line leafstorm was right behind him like a speed of light. Most mirrors never flew but she was skilled and almost like she wasn't a mirror at all. Both flew up to glade an Buzel. "lead the way.." Sukio said tilting his head he didn't really want to get lost at a time like this.

Leafstorm spoke in a clam voice "the other two went to find Kiven he is very wise. "

Glade commented with a smile and nodded. He enjoyed Kiven in there group of dragons.


As Buzel Lead them to nature land everyone followed . Sukio seemed to be fling to the left side as Leafstorm flew above everyone and coasted on the air ways. Every now and then she dive and almost nail someone with her long whip like tail.
Sukio and Glade had to dougde it twice before Sukio growled at her.
Glade opened his powerful jade wings as he took off into the sky after the spiral.
Nodding to the words he spoke he commented in a smooth voice. " oh indeed we will take care of him he always getting hurt and it's sad he has some type of curse we think.. But yes I have lived with the plague for quite some time it's nice if you know your way around!" glade chuckled his last sentence and jogged in the sky next to Buzel.

Down below Sukio and leafstorm finally took to the air while Ice venom and the other guardian took off to find Kiven who happen to be sleeping in his family's old home. As Sukio came out of the tree line leafstorm was right behind him like a speed of light. Most mirrors never flew but she was skilled and almost like she wasn't a mirror at all. Both flew up to glade an Buzel. "lead the way.." Sukio said tilting his head he didn't really want to get lost at a time like this.

Leafstorm spoke in a clam voice "the other two went to find Kiven he is very wise. "

Glade commented with a smile and nodded. He enjoyed Kiven in there group of dragons.


As Buzel Lead them to nature land everyone followed . Sukio seemed to be fling to the left side as Leafstorm flew above everyone and coasted on the air ways. Every now and then she dive and almost nail someone with her long whip like tail.
Sukio and Glade had to dougde it twice before Sukio growled at her.

Buzel led them all towards the lair feeling slightly more relaxed that they seemed relatively nice. But before he allowed all of them to go inside, Buzel stops in the valley and asks them all to wait a moment.

Buzel: "Ah if you'd just wait here a moment, I'm afraid Aris and the others arn't aware that I went out to look for you." *he slips inside and wakes up everyone*
Buzel: " three wake up...I found Marrow's family...*Since they both stay asleep he nudges Aris tickling her to wake her up and she kicks him half asleep laughing* "Ughh...A-aris wake up please! *coughs regaining his breath* Ryu! Anubis! *gets annoyed at all of them being lazy and he yells in the center of the lair* WAKE UP!!!!! *Aris and Ryu jolt awake as Anubis screams in terror at the sudden yelling.*

The others outside can hear him and wonder what on earth is going on.

As Aris begins to go out Ryu tells Anubis to lay low and stay still if anything were to happen - Anubis looks worried as he slips under a pile of leaves and stays perfectly still in hiding.

Aris walks out rather half asleep but she smiles and welcomes them as she yawns and apologizes. Ryu narrows his eyes as he follows and whispers to Buzel.

Ryu: They're cool right? *glares at Buzel* . . .I can't take them all out y'know...
Buzel: *smiles nervously* I believe so, they're rather friendly actually~
Ryu: That so? *sighs as he stays next to Aris and Buzel in silence*

Aris: Ah little Marrow is inside~ I've treated himfor his injuries and he seems to be doing rather well ^ ^ Please come inside! I'll get you all something to eat or drink! *turns walking inside as she rushes to clean the lair in 5 seconds and goes to make some herbal tea* Hmhmhm~ *hums a tune*
*Back at The Bones of Blood Lair*

A young adolescent imperial hides behind a large bulge in the wandering contagion. His dark black color wasn't helping him very much in this barren, reddish brown landscape. He stares, his face covered with a black wrap as he continues to watch the seemingly abandoned plague lair from which all the dragons had left following a spiral. He narrows his eyes and decides to rush forward and slip in unnoticed. He immediately starts looking for any valuables or food keeping his body low in case there were any dragons about. He only notices piles of bones and some weird herbs. He doesn't know if mere herbs are valuable but he does investigate by smelling them. He finds them appalling and some of it almost makes him want to sneeze. He buries his nose under his paws trying to stop himself from doing so. After he finds the food hoard and begins to eat some and put some in a large pouch he used to carry things in. He takes much more than he'd need just to have a nice meal. Xaitos didn't mind taking from others anymore. It had become natural for him to take what he wanted. As he works to collect the food a fat sleeping snapper rolls over snoring loudly all of a sudden. Xai freezes in shock. He hadn't noticed the various sleeping dragons laying in the back of the lair until now. He rushes closing his bag and goes to get out as quietly as possible but the scattered bones all over the floor made it very hard to tiptoe around. Xai steps on a legbone and it snaps and crumbles under his paw making sharp popping sounds. Xai freezes lowering down and trying to remain unnoticed hoping the adult dragons didn't wake.

Buzel led them all towards the lair feeling slightly more relaxed that they seemed relatively nice. But before he allowed all of them to go inside, Buzel stops in the valley and asks them all to wait a moment.

Buzel: "Ah if you'd just wait here a moment, I'm afraid Aris and the others arn't aware that I went out to look for you." *he slips inside and wakes up everyone*
Buzel: " three wake up...I found Marrow's family...*Since they both stay asleep he nudges Aris tickling her to wake her up and she kicks him half asleep laughing* "Ughh...A-aris wake up please! *coughs regaining his breath* Ryu! Anubis! *gets annoyed at all of them being lazy and he yells in the center of the lair* WAKE UP!!!!! *Aris and Ryu jolt awake as Anubis screams in terror at the sudden yelling.*

The others outside can hear him and wonder what on earth is going on.

As Aris begins to go out Ryu tells Anubis to lay low and stay still if anything were to happen - Anubis looks worried as he slips under a pile of leaves and stays perfectly still in hiding.

Aris walks out rather half asleep but she smiles and welcomes them as she yawns and apologizes. Ryu narrows his eyes as he follows and whispers to Buzel.

Ryu: They're cool right? *glares at Buzel* . . .I can't take them all out y'know...
Buzel: *smiles nervously* I believe so, they're rather friendly actually~
Ryu: That so? *sighs as he stays next to Aris and Buzel in silence*

Aris: Ah little Marrow is inside~ I've treated himfor his injuries and he seems to be doing rather well ^ ^ Please come inside! I'll get you all something to eat or drink! *turns walking inside as she rushes to clean the lair in 5 seconds and goes to make some herbal tea* Hmhmhm~ *hums a tune*
*Back at The Bones of Blood Lair*

A young adolescent imperial hides behind a large bulge in the wandering contagion. His dark black color wasn't helping him very much in this barren, reddish brown landscape. He stares, his face covered with a black wrap as he continues to watch the seemingly abandoned plague lair from which all the dragons had left following a spiral. He narrows his eyes and decides to rush forward and slip in unnoticed. He immediately starts looking for any valuables or food keeping his body low in case there were any dragons about. He only notices piles of bones and some weird herbs. He doesn't know if mere herbs are valuable but he does investigate by smelling them. He finds them appalling and some of it almost makes him want to sneeze. He buries his nose under his paws trying to stop himself from doing so. After he finds the food hoard and begins to eat some and put some in a large pouch he used to carry things in. He takes much more than he'd need just to have a nice meal. Xaitos didn't mind taking from others anymore. It had become natural for him to take what he wanted. As he works to collect the food a fat sleeping snapper rolls over snoring loudly all of a sudden. Xai freezes in shock. He hadn't noticed the various sleeping dragons laying in the back of the lair until now. He rushes closing his bag and goes to get out as quietly as possible but the scattered bones all over the floor made it very hard to tiptoe around. Xai steps on a legbone and it snaps and crumbles under his paw making sharp popping sounds. Xai freezes lowering down and trying to remain unnoticed hoping the adult dragons didn't wake.
25kraja.png -MiniClaw done by NekoMimi101
@Atsukarii - glade is not longer with me so I just umm should we kill him off or what he flys away? or goes and lives with glademother?)

*Nature area*

Sukio lifted his head as the screamed came echoing out side the area Buzel went into .

"sounds like there more wrose than us.." Leafstorm hissed in a sour tone and laied down and looked at everyone. Then as she noticed Glade wasn't around. "where is Glade?"

Sukio looked around and growled. "Dam him where is he I keep losing drgons.. Dear plague mother help me bring them back.." He preyed as his eyes glared at Ice Venom and Osoroshii. "Go find him one of you go..."

The gurdain nodded and opened his massive wings and took off into teh air to find teh missing dragon.
Ice venom sat still looking around as he never been in teh nature land befor and seemed to like it a bit. His cheime growled as the fire flies that started to appear now.

Aris: Ah little Marrow is inside~ I've treated himfor his injuries and he seems to be doing rather well ^ ^ Please come inside! I'll get you all something to eat or drink! *turns walking inside as she rushes to clean the lair in 5 seconds and goes to make some herbal tea* Hmhmhm~ *hums a tune*

Aris sparked Sukio's interest as she was so green he wondered if she was some type of leaf wild claw or something. Then looked at Leafstorm and then back at her.
"stop starring at her!" Leafstorm mumbled and walked past him giving everything and one a death glare like she was going to murder something.

sukio followed in behind her as ice venom sat there still confused and somewhat not wanting to go in. "Nooo.....Addddssssppptt Me...."

Both dragons looked at him. "It's okay Ice come in you can adapted to this place too its just like are home just.... GREEN! " He said teh last word like he pointing to aris for a moment!
Ice venom still didn't move as he frowned and looked around. Then started speaking snake to his pet and then looked at Ryu with a death glare. "EVIL!" His word came out so clear you could understand it it was so scary!

Sukio and leafstorm's mouth droppped as they heard him speak.

*At Tidelords place*

Vio was trapped in a bubble of air as he glared at the lord of the sea. "Let me out!" He growled attacking the bubble but it didn't break at all..

tidelord didn't respond but looked at the eggs and then glared back at him. He took one of teh eggs and tossed it out of the sea and let it sit there once it hacthed the female let out a soft cry for help. It was cold and wanted it's mother's care or fathers.

Arcanist was flying back from lightweavers area when he saw the baby and picked it up. He was stunned tidelord do such a thing so He took her back to live with him...

At Bones of Blood Lair

Everyone was sleeping but once the sound of a bone crack echoed thruoght teh lair Voss woke up and so did Uther.

Voss flapped up and sat on the snapper and glared at the imp. While Uther let out a nasty roar which made everyone wake up.
Zomine lifted her head and snorted as Laggoona sreacthed under her and gave the new dragon a cold heart stare.

"Who are you " Uther stood over teh little imp with a cold ice glare at him.

The others all circled around but once Gumball came bouncing in with nevermore they stopped died at what they where looking at. they joined teh circle.

Plague nest

A couple of crimson dragons sat around the nest. One had eyes of shadow the other had nature. Both looked scared as they never been to this part of teh world before and wanted to use the scary plague nest.

"Should we find a plague dragon and ask if we can use it?" the female fea shivered

"I guess.." the male mirror looked around confussed what to do. He never breed before and was creepedd out that his female wanted a plague nest. Couldn't been a shadow or nature or any other nest.. Why plague.....
@Atsukarii - glade is not longer with me so I just umm should we kill him off or what he flys away? or goes and lives with glademother?)

*Nature area*

Sukio lifted his head as the screamed came echoing out side the area Buzel went into .

"sounds like there more wrose than us.." Leafstorm hissed in a sour tone and laied down and looked at everyone. Then as she noticed Glade wasn't around. "where is Glade?"

Sukio looked around and growled. "Dam him where is he I keep losing drgons.. Dear plague mother help me bring them back.." He preyed as his eyes glared at Ice Venom and Osoroshii. "Go find him one of you go..."

The gurdain nodded and opened his massive wings and took off into teh air to find teh missing dragon.
Ice venom sat still looking around as he never been in teh nature land befor and seemed to like it a bit. His cheime growled as the fire flies that started to appear now.

Aris: Ah little Marrow is inside~ I've treated himfor his injuries and he seems to be doing rather well ^ ^ Please come inside! I'll get you all something to eat or drink! *turns walking inside as she rushes to clean the lair in 5 seconds and goes to make some herbal tea* Hmhmhm~ *hums a tune*

Aris sparked Sukio's interest as she was so green he wondered if she was some type of leaf wild claw or something. Then looked at Leafstorm and then back at her.
"stop starring at her!" Leafstorm mumbled and walked past him giving everything and one a death glare like she was going to murder something.

sukio followed in behind her as ice venom sat there still confused and somewhat not wanting to go in. "Nooo.....Addddssssppptt Me...."

Both dragons looked at him. "It's okay Ice come in you can adapted to this place too its just like are home just.... GREEN! " He said teh last word like he pointing to aris for a moment!
Ice venom still didn't move as he frowned and looked around. Then started speaking snake to his pet and then looked at Ryu with a death glare. "EVIL!" His word came out so clear you could understand it it was so scary!

Sukio and leafstorm's mouth droppped as they heard him speak.

*At Tidelords place*

Vio was trapped in a bubble of air as he glared at the lord of the sea. "Let me out!" He growled attacking the bubble but it didn't break at all..

tidelord didn't respond but looked at the eggs and then glared back at him. He took one of teh eggs and tossed it out of the sea and let it sit there once it hacthed the female let out a soft cry for help. It was cold and wanted it's mother's care or fathers.

Arcanist was flying back from lightweavers area when he saw the baby and picked it up. He was stunned tidelord do such a thing so He took her back to live with him...

At Bones of Blood Lair

Everyone was sleeping but once the sound of a bone crack echoed thruoght teh lair Voss woke up and so did Uther.

Voss flapped up and sat on the snapper and glared at the imp. While Uther let out a nasty roar which made everyone wake up.
Zomine lifted her head and snorted as Laggoona sreacthed under her and gave the new dragon a cold heart stare.

"Who are you " Uther stood over teh little imp with a cold ice glare at him.

The others all circled around but once Gumball came bouncing in with nevermore they stopped died at what they where looking at. they joined teh circle.

Plague nest

A couple of crimson dragons sat around the nest. One had eyes of shadow the other had nature. Both looked scared as they never been to this part of teh world before and wanted to use the scary plague nest.

"Should we find a plague dragon and ask if we can use it?" the female fea shivered

"I guess.." the male mirror looked around confussed what to do. He never breed before and was creepedd out that his female wanted a plague nest. Couldn't been a shadow or nature or any other nest.. Why plague.....
@Sukio Wow this is getting long and segmented so much is going on XD haha
Nature Lair

Buzel offers to follow the guardian Osoroshii and help look for Glade who mysteriously disappeared. They leave rather hurriedly.

"EVIL!" Icevenom says glaring at Ryu as he speaks to his snake. Ryu narrows his eyes but maintains his calm. He wanted to snap the snake in half but he simply snorts as he walks in ignoring the odd Tundra. Whatever Icevenom's problem with him was, it was not of Ryu's concern.

Aris hums a tune as she puts the tea pots over a small well maintained fire in the center of the lair. It's built into a small cylinder of rocks so that it won't spread and a large opening in the roof allows the smoke and light to go out and brighten up the room. Woven branches line the walls carved out of mud and rock and vines and leaves cover most of them. The flowers that bloom form the vine release a relaxing scent.

Ryu walks to the small pile of leaves where Anubis was hiding and calls him out.
Ryu: Come Anubis. Go play outside.

Anubis crawls out nervously as the large wildclaw and mirror walk into the room. He looks to Ryu and Aris before he walks out any further.

Aris: Don't be shy! *nudges him forward encouraging him to make new friends*

Anubus: H-Hi I'm Anubis!. . .*looks nervous but happy to meet knew dragons*

Aris pulls the tea pots off the fire and hands them out to everyone.

Aris: "Here you go dear, *hands a cup to leafstorm* You seem tense? The tea should help you relax a bit. *smiles warmly* Ah, Marrow is in the back room where it's quieter. You can go see him of course. *motions to the smaller back room with three large leaves covering the door*

Ryu lays his head down still irritated about being woken up and about the strangers and the odd Tundra. He's being rude and Aris quickly stomps on his tail with her claws as she smiles with an Angry grin and hands him a cup of tea. She got her point across and Ryu stands up and sighs sipping the tea.
Somewhere further away from the Nature lair

A dark colored spiral notices the Blue spiral from the Nature clan come back with a group of dragons. One of them also nature. Valus grins as he notices the guardian slow down looking around the nature land as if taking in the sights. Glade smiles a bit just before the spiral coils around him sinking his icy fangs into Glade's neck trying to kill him. Glade shoves him off but the spiral blast him with frigid cold breath.

Glade: "What's your reasoning for attacking me?" . . .*stands strong though his body is in pain*

Valus: It doesn't matter, One less to bother with latter. Don't need you all grouping together now do I?. . .*grins as he lunges back at Glade biting him again freezing his throat making it hard for Glade to breathe*

Glade starts to black out only seeing the twisted smile of the spiral laughing at his death as he passes out.
Bones of Blood Lair

Voss flapped up and sat on the snapper and glared at the imp. While Uther let out a nasty roar which made everyone wake up.
Zomine lifted her head and snorted as Laggoona sreacthed under her and gave the new dragon a cold heart stare.

"Who are you "
Uther stood over teh little imp with a cold ice glare at him.

The young Imp soon found himself surrounded and two more had just came in and joined the others. Xaitos's stance was very agitated and defensive as his ears were pulled back and he bared his teeth. He backed away to the center and kept turning growling at them as they got closer. He wanted to get out of here.

He snarled at the large ridgeback male that questioned him and didn't care to answer. He lowered his head dropping the bag full of food seemingly giving up. Then suddenly he grabs the bag in his teeth and slings it backwards hitting Gumball square in the face putting him off-guard as the small agile Imp leaps past the wildclaw and bolts outside. The large ridgeback follows him catching up quickly followed by the others.

Xai takes to the air and dive bombs into the mists of the Shadow lands, his dark colors become very hard to see and he manages to lose them temporarily. He hides low behind a group of trees staying very quiet but his heart is racing from the fright of almost being caught. Hopefully they wouldn't find him, but it was too risky to keep moving with so many dragons chasing him.
@Sukio Wow this is getting long and segmented so much is going on XD haha
Nature Lair

Buzel offers to follow the guardian Osoroshii and help look for Glade who mysteriously disappeared. They leave rather hurriedly.

"EVIL!" Icevenom says glaring at Ryu as he speaks to his snake. Ryu narrows his eyes but maintains his calm. He wanted to snap the snake in half but he simply snorts as he walks in ignoring the odd Tundra. Whatever Icevenom's problem with him was, it was not of Ryu's concern.

Aris hums a tune as she puts the tea pots over a small well maintained fire in the center of the lair. It's built into a small cylinder of rocks so that it won't spread and a large opening in the roof allows the smoke and light to go out and brighten up the room. Woven branches line the walls carved out of mud and rock and vines and leaves cover most of them. The flowers that bloom form the vine release a relaxing scent.

Ryu walks to the small pile of leaves where Anubis was hiding and calls him out.
Ryu: Come Anubis. Go play outside.

Anubis crawls out nervously as the large wildclaw and mirror walk into the room. He looks to Ryu and Aris before he walks out any further.

Aris: Don't be shy! *nudges him forward encouraging him to make new friends*

Anubus: H-Hi I'm Anubis!. . .*looks nervous but happy to meet knew dragons*

Aris pulls the tea pots off the fire and hands them out to everyone.

Aris: "Here you go dear, *hands a cup to leafstorm* You seem tense? The tea should help you relax a bit. *smiles warmly* Ah, Marrow is in the back room where it's quieter. You can go see him of course. *motions to the smaller back room with three large leaves covering the door*

Ryu lays his head down still irritated about being woken up and about the strangers and the odd Tundra. He's being rude and Aris quickly stomps on his tail with her claws as she smiles with an Angry grin and hands him a cup of tea. She got her point across and Ryu stands up and sighs sipping the tea.
Somewhere further away from the Nature lair

A dark colored spiral notices the Blue spiral from the Nature clan come back with a group of dragons. One of them also nature. Valus grins as he notices the guardian slow down looking around the nature land as if taking in the sights. Glade smiles a bit just before the spiral coils around him sinking his icy fangs into Glade's neck trying to kill him. Glade shoves him off but the spiral blast him with frigid cold breath.

Glade: "What's your reasoning for attacking me?" . . .*stands strong though his body is in pain*

Valus: It doesn't matter, One less to bother with latter. Don't need you all grouping together now do I?. . .*grins as he lunges back at Glade biting him again freezing his throat making it hard for Glade to breathe*

Glade starts to black out only seeing the twisted smile of the spiral laughing at his death as he passes out.
Bones of Blood Lair

Voss flapped up and sat on the snapper and glared at the imp. While Uther let out a nasty roar which made everyone wake up.
Zomine lifted her head and snorted as Laggoona sreacthed under her and gave the new dragon a cold heart stare.

"Who are you "
Uther stood over teh little imp with a cold ice glare at him.

The young Imp soon found himself surrounded and two more had just came in and joined the others. Xaitos's stance was very agitated and defensive as his ears were pulled back and he bared his teeth. He backed away to the center and kept turning growling at them as they got closer. He wanted to get out of here.

He snarled at the large ridgeback male that questioned him and didn't care to answer. He lowered his head dropping the bag full of food seemingly giving up. Then suddenly he grabs the bag in his teeth and slings it backwards hitting Gumball square in the face putting him off-guard as the small agile Imp leaps past the wildclaw and bolts outside. The large ridgeback follows him catching up quickly followed by the others.

Xai takes to the air and dive bombs into the mists of the Shadow lands, his dark colors become very hard to see and he manages to lose them temporarily. He hides low behind a group of trees staying very quiet but his heart is racing from the fright of almost being caught. Hopefully they wouldn't find him, but it was too risky to keep moving with so many dragons chasing him.
25kraja.png -MiniClaw done by NekoMimi101
*Bones of Blood*

All the dragons ran afer the thief growling but all stopped at the shadow land.

"We cant go in there!" Uther lifted his head up growling. "Too dangerous!" He spat at the ground.

"What about Kiven?" The snapper stomped over to him looking up at him. "common sence now Uther!"

Everyone went silence and then one of the dragosn made a roar to connect Kiven. 'There that should let him know and find the little one can we all get some shut eye now for the love of plaguemother i am tiered!" The voice was sour and a bit harsh. It was a female ridge back sitting off near a old bark and broken tree. the hood on her covered her face up. Opening her speral wings she took off into the air!
Everyone followed after her but one! A bright young female teenager wildclaw. She looked around. Running she went into the shadow territory too look for her buddy Predaking. Calling out for him no answer came back. Blinking her red plague eyes she felt scared till something called out to her. Looking around she saw no one.

"Who there!" she growled. No one said a work. Turning look for her home land she realized she shouldn't be out now and ran home! Or so she thought she was running home she really running west to the arcane area! Panic overwhelmed her as she cried scared. Panicking Gumball didn't see teh danger above someone was watching her!

As everyone went home, a young snapper named Harper asked everyone where Gumball was. Looking around everyone freaked out. But worse was what sitting at there plague nest!

Two crimson dragons where both tending to there eggs. When boths looked up they freaked. "I'm so sorry!" They both said.

Hikaru flew up to them "Welcome our leader not here but please come to teh lair underground it be safer there, than up here with corpus eaters and other things." His voice was ruff as he was also holding a sleeping baby sd. both looked at him dumb founded but nodded fast and followed them.

Uther sighed and looked up at the sky and then around. "We need to prey Gumball is safe, why would .. where is Predaking? NEVERMORE!"

A black and golden rod fea flew up to him. "He ran off too.. I tried to stop him but.."

"But what you think this is a joke were at war of loosing everyone here!" Uther poked him with his nose.

"Stop fighting!" Peony growled for a tiny fea her voice sounded evil but everyone nodded and walked back int to sleep. they didn't question the crimson dragons tonight but first thing in the morning they would be!


Nature land

Osoroshii flew over the area then cot site of his friend! "Glade!" Landing hard on teh mother earth he lowlered his body to glade's
"No.. NOOO!!" He looked around angry with rage of what just happened. Who kill this nice and sweet nature dragon.

Filled with anger and rage that burned inside him now he flew back to where sukio was...
"I must tell him he needs to know!" He grumbled to himself! "Curse nature may it die in rot!" He growled violently.


sukio sat in the nature clan with his head turning at every sound. Leafstorm sipped at the tea. When she was asked if she was tense she luaghed. "Just a little the clan back home usally is a reck with out order. everyone thinks they have freedom!"

Sukio nods to her words. "Yes and they think they can breed to whom ever they like!"

Then both said at teh same time. "Forgive Ice he a bit on edge with ice dragons."

Leaf sipped her tea. " I very well enjoy this thank you!"

sukio looked at it. "It's safe right?"

Icevenom glared at everyone then sniffed at the tea and then looked around. He ketp his eyes locked on ryu.

Leafstorm was about to say something when Osoroshii came crashing in. "We got a problem! Follow now! Blood! murder! Glade! Now ! Follow!" at these words Sukio got up and growled. " I knew Nature was untrusting area!"

Icevenom made a nod of agreement while leafstorm hugged her tea and drank it all in a flash and dropped the cup and followed them all.

All them ran out and followed Osoroshii into the sky. The poor gurdain was tired and sick of flying and wanted sleep.


Hearing a faint battle call Kiven awoke and looked around. "Seems there has been some trouble.. guess I can go prey at Shadowbinder's place a bit!" He wondered off with his pearl in his tail as he went to the area to prey. He knew better not to run around in shadow terrory at night unless you where asking for a death wish to happen!

*Bones of Blood*

All the dragons ran afer the thief growling but all stopped at the shadow land.

"We cant go in there!" Uther lifted his head up growling. "Too dangerous!" He spat at the ground.

"What about Kiven?" The snapper stomped over to him looking up at him. "common sence now Uther!"

Everyone went silence and then one of the dragosn made a roar to connect Kiven. 'There that should let him know and find the little one can we all get some shut eye now for the love of plaguemother i am tiered!" The voice was sour and a bit harsh. It was a female ridge back sitting off near a old bark and broken tree. the hood on her covered her face up. Opening her speral wings she took off into the air!
Everyone followed after her but one! A bright young female teenager wildclaw. She looked around. Running she went into the shadow territory too look for her buddy Predaking. Calling out for him no answer came back. Blinking her red plague eyes she felt scared till something called out to her. Looking around she saw no one.

"Who there!" she growled. No one said a work. Turning look for her home land she realized she shouldn't be out now and ran home! Or so she thought she was running home she really running west to the arcane area! Panic overwhelmed her as she cried scared. Panicking Gumball didn't see teh danger above someone was watching her!

As everyone went home, a young snapper named Harper asked everyone where Gumball was. Looking around everyone freaked out. But worse was what sitting at there plague nest!

Two crimson dragons where both tending to there eggs. When boths looked up they freaked. "I'm so sorry!" They both said.

Hikaru flew up to them "Welcome our leader not here but please come to teh lair underground it be safer there, than up here with corpus eaters and other things." His voice was ruff as he was also holding a sleeping baby sd. both looked at him dumb founded but nodded fast and followed them.

Uther sighed and looked up at the sky and then around. "We need to prey Gumball is safe, why would .. where is Predaking? NEVERMORE!"

A black and golden rod fea flew up to him. "He ran off too.. I tried to stop him but.."

"But what you think this is a joke were at war of loosing everyone here!" Uther poked him with his nose.

"Stop fighting!" Peony growled for a tiny fea her voice sounded evil but everyone nodded and walked back int to sleep. they didn't question the crimson dragons tonight but first thing in the morning they would be!


Nature land

Osoroshii flew over the area then cot site of his friend! "Glade!" Landing hard on teh mother earth he lowlered his body to glade's
"No.. NOOO!!" He looked around angry with rage of what just happened. Who kill this nice and sweet nature dragon.

Filled with anger and rage that burned inside him now he flew back to where sukio was...
"I must tell him he needs to know!" He grumbled to himself! "Curse nature may it die in rot!" He growled violently.


sukio sat in the nature clan with his head turning at every sound. Leafstorm sipped at the tea. When she was asked if she was tense she luaghed. "Just a little the clan back home usally is a reck with out order. everyone thinks they have freedom!"

Sukio nods to her words. "Yes and they think they can breed to whom ever they like!"

Then both said at teh same time. "Forgive Ice he a bit on edge with ice dragons."

Leaf sipped her tea. " I very well enjoy this thank you!"

sukio looked at it. "It's safe right?"

Icevenom glared at everyone then sniffed at the tea and then looked around. He ketp his eyes locked on ryu.

Leafstorm was about to say something when Osoroshii came crashing in. "We got a problem! Follow now! Blood! murder! Glade! Now ! Follow!" at these words Sukio got up and growled. " I knew Nature was untrusting area!"

Icevenom made a nod of agreement while leafstorm hugged her tea and drank it all in a flash and dropped the cup and followed them all.

All them ran out and followed Osoroshii into the sky. The poor gurdain was tired and sick of flying and wanted sleep.


Hearing a faint battle call Kiven awoke and looked around. "Seems there has been some trouble.. guess I can go prey at Shadowbinder's place a bit!" He wondered off with his pearl in his tail as he went to the area to prey. He knew better not to run around in shadow terrory at night unless you where asking for a death wish to happen!



Xai laid low to the ground staying silent he listened as the dragons seemed to turn back. One let out a fierce roar that made Xai cringe but he stayed still just a bit longer and took off through the dark woods, his goggles helping him see through the woods easier like night vision.

Xai didn't fear any of the dragon gods and laughed at the fact that the Plague dragons were too scared to follow him. He goes towards the Shadowbringer's shrine to sleep for the night. He knows better than to steal from the God's shrine but he sleeps wherever he can like a rogue.

As he runs up to the shrine he notices a pearlcatcher walk to the shrine to pray. Xai is still hungry and having lost his food getting away he wonders if he could possibly get any food from the pearlcatcher. Xai was no killer. But he was young, reckless and didn't think twice about stealing from others.

Xai isn't sure if the pearlcatcher has any food but it'd be problematic to not have a meal after all this effort. Tonight was just an unlucky night for Xai as he stalked the Pearlcatcher from the shadows readying to attack when the pearl turned his back.

Sukio nods to her words. "Yes and they think they can breed to whom ever they like!"

Then both said at teh same time. "Forgive Ice he a bit on edge with ice dragons."

Leaf sipped her tea. " I very well enjoy this thank you!"

Aris: "Oh you're welcome! *smiles*

sukio looked at it. "It's safe right?"

Icevenom glared at everyone then sniffed at the tea and then looked around. He ketp his eyes locked on ryu.

Leafstorm was about to say something when Osoroshii came crashing in. "We got a problem! Follow now! Blood! murder! Glade! Now ! Follow!" at these words Sukio got up and growled. " I knew Nature was untrusting area!"

Buzel allows the Plague members to pass him by as he enters the lair rather straight faced and serious looking to Aris and Ryu who look shocked.

Buzel: "A guardian of their group was just killed in our lands on the outskirts of the valley. . .from the looks of it an Ice dragon froze his throat shut and he suffocated. . ."

Aris: "That's horrible! We have to tell the Glademother about this! *looks around noticing Verity is still out* Oh no! Verity never came home! *Looks to Buzel*

Buzel: "Ok we need to be rational about this. Aris you go to the Glademother as soon as you can, I'll go look for Verity. . .Ryu. . .I think you should have a look for yourself at the body. . .*gives Ryu an intense stare*

Ryu: ? . . .*Get's up putting on his gear and runs to catch up with the Plague members*

Buzel: *Turns to Aris* "What about Marrow?"

Aris: . . .I-I'll stay here and watch him. . .*looks scared*

Buzel: *looks irritated* Be safe. I'll go to the glademother first and tell her what's going on. Maybe she can assist in finding Verity as well. . .I don't like splitting up like this but it can't be helped. . .

*Buzel flies out in a hurry towards The behemoth and Aris takes Anubis and goes inside the room with Marrow and lays next to him starring at the door on edge*
Murder site in the Valley

The Plague members are all gathered around the body talking and cursing amongst themselves in grief all looking on edge. Ryu slows his pace catching his breath as he keeps his distance. He knows they're upset and is on edge himself.

Ryu examines the body from afar looking at the Ice still coating parts of Glade's body and throat. The bite wound is small and it seems like only a fast dragon could get in close enough to kill such a strong guardian. Ryu narrows his eyes and immediately knows who could have done this. He doesn't say a word to the Plague members as he turns to leave in search of Valus.

Icevenom notices Ryu walk up, study the body and turn to leave and he can't stay calm any longer. Icevenom slips away following Ryu preparing to attack, his rage building.
The Behemoth

Buzel rushes to the base of The Behemoth and calls to the Glademother.

Buzel: Glademother please listen to me! There's trouble in the valley! A nature dragon belonging to a Plague clan has been killed by an unknown Ice dragon! Verity is missing and the Plague members are upset! Please! We need your help!

The Glademother's voice echos from the tree.

Glademother: "Plaguemother and I both have lost a dear member of our flights today. . .but suspicion is now on one of our own. . ."

Buzel: "One of our own? *thinks to himself* . . .You don't mean Ryu?! He couldn't have killed Glade!"

Glademother: "Doubts fuel anger and resentment from the insecurities of our hearts. . .Be it true or not, Ryu is one of Ice. His heart is colder than yours Buzel and his past has come to haunt him. . ."

Buzel: "Someone of Ryu's past did this? Does Ryu know about this?!"

Glademother: "Return home Buzel. Your Clan is being targeted and being alone is not a welcome decision. . ."

Buzel: *starts to refuse in order to look for Verity but the Glademother's order is absolute* "Y-yes Glademother. . .*upset at Ryu and scared for his Clan Buzel flies back to the lair as quickly as possible*

Glademother: ". . .It is not for me to decide their fates. . .Secrets kept lead to conflict. . .It is for Ryu to work out on his own. . ." *The Glademother closes her eyes and the winds of the forest blow through all the trees swaying eerily*


Xai laid low to the ground staying silent he listened as the dragons seemed to turn back. One let out a fierce roar that made Xai cringe but he stayed still just a bit longer and took off through the dark woods, his goggles helping him see through the woods easier like night vision.

Xai didn't fear any of the dragon gods and laughed at the fact that the Plague dragons were too scared to follow him. He goes towards the Shadowbringer's shrine to sleep for the night. He knows better than to steal from the God's shrine but he sleeps wherever he can like a rogue.

As he runs up to the shrine he notices a pearlcatcher walk to the shrine to pray. Xai is still hungry and having lost his food getting away he wonders if he could possibly get any food from the pearlcatcher. Xai was no killer. But he was young, reckless and didn't think twice about stealing from others.

Xai isn't sure if the pearlcatcher has any food but it'd be problematic to not have a meal after all this effort. Tonight was just an unlucky night for Xai as he stalked the Pearlcatcher from the shadows readying to attack when the pearl turned his back.

Sukio nods to her words. "Yes and they think they can breed to whom ever they like!"

Then both said at teh same time. "Forgive Ice he a bit on edge with ice dragons."

Leaf sipped her tea. " I very well enjoy this thank you!"

Aris: "Oh you're welcome! *smiles*

sukio looked at it. "It's safe right?"

Icevenom glared at everyone then sniffed at the tea and then looked around. He ketp his eyes locked on ryu.

Leafstorm was about to say something when Osoroshii came crashing in. "We got a problem! Follow now! Blood! murder! Glade! Now ! Follow!" at these words Sukio got up and growled. " I knew Nature was untrusting area!"

Buzel allows the Plague members to pass him by as he enters the lair rather straight faced and serious looking to Aris and Ryu who look shocked.

Buzel: "A guardian of their group was just killed in our lands on the outskirts of the valley. . .from the looks of it an Ice dragon froze his throat shut and he suffocated. . ."

Aris: "That's horrible! We have to tell the Glademother about this! *looks around noticing Verity is still out* Oh no! Verity never came home! *Looks to Buzel*

Buzel: "Ok we need to be rational about this. Aris you go to the Glademother as soon as you can, I'll go look for Verity. . .Ryu. . .I think you should have a look for yourself at the body. . .*gives Ryu an intense stare*

Ryu: ? . . .*Get's up putting on his gear and runs to catch up with the Plague members*

Buzel: *Turns to Aris* "What about Marrow?"

Aris: . . .I-I'll stay here and watch him. . .*looks scared*

Buzel: *looks irritated* Be safe. I'll go to the glademother first and tell her what's going on. Maybe she can assist in finding Verity as well. . .I don't like splitting up like this but it can't be helped. . .

*Buzel flies out in a hurry towards The behemoth and Aris takes Anubis and goes inside the room with Marrow and lays next to him starring at the door on edge*
Murder site in the Valley

The Plague members are all gathered around the body talking and cursing amongst themselves in grief all looking on edge. Ryu slows his pace catching his breath as he keeps his distance. He knows they're upset and is on edge himself.

Ryu examines the body from afar looking at the Ice still coating parts of Glade's body and throat. The bite wound is small and it seems like only a fast dragon could get in close enough to kill such a strong guardian. Ryu narrows his eyes and immediately knows who could have done this. He doesn't say a word to the Plague members as he turns to leave in search of Valus.

Icevenom notices Ryu walk up, study the body and turn to leave and he can't stay calm any longer. Icevenom slips away following Ryu preparing to attack, his rage building.
The Behemoth

Buzel rushes to the base of The Behemoth and calls to the Glademother.

Buzel: Glademother please listen to me! There's trouble in the valley! A nature dragon belonging to a Plague clan has been killed by an unknown Ice dragon! Verity is missing and the Plague members are upset! Please! We need your help!

The Glademother's voice echos from the tree.

Glademother: "Plaguemother and I both have lost a dear member of our flights today. . .but suspicion is now on one of our own. . ."

Buzel: "One of our own? *thinks to himself* . . .You don't mean Ryu?! He couldn't have killed Glade!"

Glademother: "Doubts fuel anger and resentment from the insecurities of our hearts. . .Be it true or not, Ryu is one of Ice. His heart is colder than yours Buzel and his past has come to haunt him. . ."

Buzel: "Someone of Ryu's past did this? Does Ryu know about this?!"

Glademother: "Return home Buzel. Your Clan is being targeted and being alone is not a welcome decision. . ."

Buzel: *starts to refuse in order to look for Verity but the Glademother's order is absolute* "Y-yes Glademother. . .*upset at Ryu and scared for his Clan Buzel flies back to the lair as quickly as possible*

Glademother: ". . .It is not for me to decide their fates. . .Secrets kept lead to conflict. . .It is for Ryu to work out on his own. . ." *The Glademother closes her eyes and the winds of the forest blow through all the trees swaying eerily*
25kraja.png -MiniClaw done by NekoMimi101
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