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Private RP between me and @KoreNestis ;D

Do you want some organized plot or you wanna just go with the flow and we throw ideas around? I got a few ideas on what we can do if you want to hear them. :>
Private RP between me and @KoreNestis ;D

Do you want some organized plot or you wanna just go with the flow and we throw ideas around? I got a few ideas on what we can do if you want to hear them. :>
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.

Yeah, we can brainstorm until we decide what we're gonna do. Do you just want it to be us? Or bring some more in? :)

Yeah, we can brainstorm until we decide what we're gonna do. Do you just want it to be us? Or bring some more in? :)

We can bring in others if we feel nice enough. :>

Hurmm, I can do anthro, human, dragon, fantasy stuff, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Harry Potter, Gods and goddesses (Greek, Roman and Norse), demons/angels, and yeh. C:

What 'bout you?

We can bring in others if we feel nice enough. :>

Hurmm, I can do anthro, human, dragon, fantasy stuff, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Harry Potter, Gods and goddesses (Greek, Roman and Norse), demons/angels, and yeh. C:

What 'bout you?
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.

If we think them worthy. *Cackles*

Yeah I'm cool with all of those, what about Elder Scrolls as well? In the roleplay I'm in, we use our dragons as characters in the Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones world. C: They can switch between their 'feral' form (the dragon form you'd see in FR) or their anthro form.

If we think them worthy. *Cackles*

Yeah I'm cool with all of those, what about Elder Scrolls as well? In the roleplay I'm in, we use our dragons as characters in the Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones world. C: They can switch between their 'feral' form (the dragon form you'd see in FR) or their anthro form.

Ohohoho, I hadn't played the Elder Scrolls or seen Game of Thrones *criesforever*

But you can give out a quick plot and I can go along with it. :"D I like the idea of having our characters to shift into their dragon form and human(?) form.

Hurmm, one crazy idea of mine is like maybe the plot could be like Percy Jackson's books ( If you read them ;D ) from where the main characters are children of gods and mortals, making them a demi-god. Like maybe we can take this idea and make it our characters son/daughter of a Flight Rising god/goddess.
There could be like this war between the gods because they're all like "NO IM BETTER THEN YOU >8U NO ME BETTERRR" or they just want to take over lands because the dragon population is getting too big or they lack enough prey to support everyone in their Flight clan? The children gets dragged along into it and they could like have some special powers from their godly parent. So it like gets ROMMAANTIICCC- or just raw action. :>

Some other idea is to go into the future and have like test experiments. Based off your idea, maybe these experiments have like powers to morph into a dragon and shift back to human form. The government (or some other large group thingie) like had created these characters for SCIENNCEEEE~ and one day they escape. Then they like try keep free as long as they can before being recaptured or killed by the government.

We can always have more RPs if we wanted. xD

Ohohoho, I hadn't played the Elder Scrolls or seen Game of Thrones *criesforever*

But you can give out a quick plot and I can go along with it. :"D I like the idea of having our characters to shift into their dragon form and human(?) form.

Hurmm, one crazy idea of mine is like maybe the plot could be like Percy Jackson's books ( If you read them ;D ) from where the main characters are children of gods and mortals, making them a demi-god. Like maybe we can take this idea and make it our characters son/daughter of a Flight Rising god/goddess.
There could be like this war between the gods because they're all like "NO IM BETTER THEN YOU >8U NO ME BETTERRR" or they just want to take over lands because the dragon population is getting too big or they lack enough prey to support everyone in their Flight clan? The children gets dragged along into it and they could like have some special powers from their godly parent. So it like gets ROMMAANTIICCC- or just raw action. :>

Some other idea is to go into the future and have like test experiments. Based off your idea, maybe these experiments have like powers to morph into a dragon and shift back to human form. The government (or some other large group thingie) like had created these characters for SCIENNCEEEE~ and one day they escape. Then they like try keep free as long as they can before being recaptured or killed by the government.

We can always have more RPs if we wanted. xD
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.

Whew! Mass apologies for the wait. *Gives cookie for patience* Omgosh, really? D: Man, you gotta try both sometime! They're WONDERFUL! I'm hopelessly obsessed.

That actually is a really cool idea! And you're right, we could always add more!

Got some new pairings in my thread, btw. ;D

Whew! Mass apologies for the wait. *Gives cookie for patience* Omgosh, really? D: Man, you gotta try both sometime! They're WONDERFUL! I'm hopelessly obsessed.

That actually is a really cool idea! And you're right, we could always add more!

Got some new pairings in my thread, btw. ;D
@KoreNestis Mmh, I'm broke right now, ahahha. ;D Maybe one idea is like a private RP between us two and the other one could be for anybody to join. o: BUT FIRSTLYYYY~ Do you have any plot ideas before we start any? :> *Scoots closer* AndthisishowIeatmycookies. [img][/img]

Mmh, I'm broke right now, ahahha. ;D

Maybe one idea is like a private RP between us two and the other one could be for anybody to join. o:

BUT FIRSTLYYYY~ Do you have any plot ideas before we start any? :> *Scoots closer*


*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.
hi guys. im stalking
hi guys. im stalking

Rofl, hello there. XD


Weeeeeell, the Nature Flight is dominating now, with the Earth Flight in the lead to take if we go with that first idea, we could say the Gladekeeper and the Earthshaker are locked in this epic battle and we're trying to escape to a different region, or we could be exalted soldiers for either flight, who could come together and believe that the fighting is wrong and try to stop it, or even start a rebellion or something. Or just fight, heck. XD;

The second idea has me really interested, though; we could wake up in a white room, having no idea where we are. Things seem surreal, and we don't quite feel right. Then something triggers us...and we start shifting. Start changing, into something the world hasn't seen for a long, LONG time.

Rofl, hello there. XD


Weeeeeell, the Nature Flight is dominating now, with the Earth Flight in the lead to take if we go with that first idea, we could say the Gladekeeper and the Earthshaker are locked in this epic battle and we're trying to escape to a different region, or we could be exalted soldiers for either flight, who could come together and believe that the fighting is wrong and try to stop it, or even start a rebellion or something. Or just fight, heck. XD;

The second idea has me really interested, though; we could wake up in a white room, having no idea where we are. Things seem surreal, and we don't quite feel right. Then something triggers us...and we start shifting. Start changing, into something the world hasn't seen for a long, LONG time.

Ooouuuuuuuu. :>

I likely those ideas.

Want to make them public roleplays or private roleplays? I'm like completely fine with either. c: You can make the threads for them if you want to. ;D


Oh why hello there. c:

Ooouuuuuuuu. :>

I likely those ideas.

Want to make them public roleplays or private roleplays? I'm like completely fine with either. c: You can make the threads for them if you want to. ;D


Oh why hello there. c:
*Old lady voice* Back in my days, Ridgebacks and Peralcatchers used to be expensive.
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