

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Bael huffed slightly, amused by the boys eagerness to join. He was pretty sure they would both be interesting company though, so it was not like he could blame him. Must be better than chasing after Manticores.
“You can come along if you want boy”, he said, his smile was only slightly sinister. He really couldn’t help it. “The more the merrier.”

Bandits could be a problem if they caught up. What was up with the amount of people in these woods anyways? Those ravens better be doing their job, lazy ********.
You hear that birds? He thought at them, you better not be napping somewhere.
At least it seemed like both his companions could fight, there were nothing worse than escorting the helpless. It was very tedious, even if they had promised to give you a very rare book on black magic as reward. Why did a farmer posses such a book anyways?
He had forgotten to ask him that question, but he still had his finger-bones somewhere, so he could ask him later.

Well, they did not seem to travel at night, shame. At night the most interesting people where on the roads. He decided that maybe they needed to be told so.

“People that travel at night are much more interesting than ones that travel in daylight. You meet all sorts of persons. I once met a Wizard that could only sing because he had been cursed by a Wood Witch.” He chuckled slightly at the memory, “He was not very appreciative of her meadow, and so she decided to teach him a lesson”.

Of course he had also met far worse and shady people, but maybe it was best he didn’t mention those.
Wait, normally people needed sleep. Bael had not sleeping in a long time; he had actually forgotten how it felt. It was quite unnecessary when you only existed on energy siphoned from other people’s souls. He probably still could sleep… if he wanted to.

He looked at Nei, staring unblinking for a few seconds before he said: “Lead the way”. Just like that he accepted her as the leader of their small party.
He didn’t make a very good leader himself, oh no, people would tell it was a very bad idea… if they were still alive.
Human souls were the best bargaining chips if you were dealing with other Necromancers and the occasional Eldritch Abomination. Eldritch drove a hard bargain.

((@Altair, @Daeneirys, I hope you don't mind me posting! :)))
Bael huffed slightly, amused by the boys eagerness to join. He was pretty sure they would both be interesting company though, so it was not like he could blame him. Must be better than chasing after Manticores.
“You can come along if you want boy”, he said, his smile was only slightly sinister. He really couldn’t help it. “The more the merrier.”

Bandits could be a problem if they caught up. What was up with the amount of people in these woods anyways? Those ravens better be doing their job, lazy ********.
You hear that birds? He thought at them, you better not be napping somewhere.
At least it seemed like both his companions could fight, there were nothing worse than escorting the helpless. It was very tedious, even if they had promised to give you a very rare book on black magic as reward. Why did a farmer posses such a book anyways?
He had forgotten to ask him that question, but he still had his finger-bones somewhere, so he could ask him later.

Well, they did not seem to travel at night, shame. At night the most interesting people where on the roads. He decided that maybe they needed to be told so.

“People that travel at night are much more interesting than ones that travel in daylight. You meet all sorts of persons. I once met a Wizard that could only sing because he had been cursed by a Wood Witch.” He chuckled slightly at the memory, “He was not very appreciative of her meadow, and so she decided to teach him a lesson”.

Of course he had also met far worse and shady people, but maybe it was best he didn’t mention those.
Wait, normally people needed sleep. Bael had not sleeping in a long time; he had actually forgotten how it felt. It was quite unnecessary when you only existed on energy siphoned from other people’s souls. He probably still could sleep… if he wanted to.

He looked at Nei, staring unblinking for a few seconds before he said: “Lead the way”. Just like that he accepted her as the leader of their small party.
He didn’t make a very good leader himself, oh no, people would tell it was a very bad idea… if they were still alive.
Human souls were the best bargaining chips if you were dealing with other Necromancers and the occasional Eldritch Abomination. Eldritch drove a hard bargain.

((@Altair, @Daeneirys, I hope you don't mind me posting! :)))
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
» Challenge Record
» Art Shop | Skin Shop | Adoptables
Neitiri laughed a bit at Caden's excitement, he was well behaved, well at least counting out the time he almost jumped in a fight with her. But that's usual, he was young and his temperament still untamed. She remembered these days, she was still quite young, for a draco that is, but somehow she felt mature. It was her life that made her mature and all these people she made suffer. She caught herself staring ahead, but quickly regained herself.

She heard Bael lecturing about the "interesting" people you can meet on the roads, that was true, many who were wanted by the army or bounty hunters usually travel at night, using darkness as their camouflage, but it doesn't mean that their intentions are bad. "I too met interesting people on the road, but prefer to stay from them with a little distance. Because some dumb magician told everyone that draco's horns have healing powers." She rolled her eyes "My, my how haven't I thought about that." She flailed her hands "You humans think that everything has healing powers."

She felt Bael stare at her, she looked at him when he told her to lead the way. Somehow - she wasn't surprised. "Okay then, Afror is to the west, so we'll go that way." She said pointing to the direction they were going to go. "It's about two days away, we'll have to make camp somewhere, so let's travel as far as we can today. Are we clear?" She looked at the two behind her.

It was getting darker every minute now. Shadows were longer and darker and it was getting harder to see. if she was travelling alone, she would be either sleeping or hiding somewhere safe. Animals of the day were already hiding in their nests and the night creatures were waking up. You could see an owl sitting on a branch and hear birches and twigs crack. Neitiri thought it was about time they stopped and was about to stop them when an arrow hit a tree trunk near her. "We're being attacked!" She yelled before materializing two daggers in her hands and throwing one to the direction from which the arrow came, but it hit a tree.

She heard a rustle near her and turned just in time before a man collapsed onto her and hit her on the ground. Neitiri groaned, but stood up quickly, before the bandit hit her again. She tried to avoid his hits by dodging them, but the man soon got irritated and pulled out his sword. The last rays of sun hit it's blade before he charged her. She dodged again, but was too slow and the edge of the blade cut her left arm, she groaned and threw another dagger with her right arm, he tried to avoid it, but it cut his face and he yelled, covering it. Neitiri took the right moment and quickly approached him from the back and pushed another dim magenta blade through his neck. The poor man collapsed on the ground, his blood tainting the grass. Holding the fresh cut, she raised her head up from him, looking at her group fighting the other two attackers.

((Ok, guys, so setting is simple, we're being attacked by three bandits (one for each of us) I want to see how your characters fight and make this role play a little more alive. I wasn't sure are you comfortable with a lot of gore so I didn't write it. Go crazy! Go detail! Also, I want to ask you guys to delete your OOC posts because then it will be easier replying, you can also delete your character sheets because they're at the starting post. Do you have any ideas with the title? Are you comfortable with Language/Gore/Sexual continent? I need your opinions and I need to know if we're playing a PG-13 or a 18+ role play. ))

Neitiri laughed a bit at Caden's excitement, he was well behaved, well at least counting out the time he almost jumped in a fight with her. But that's usual, he was young and his temperament still untamed. She remembered these days, she was still quite young, for a draco that is, but somehow she felt mature. It was her life that made her mature and all these people she made suffer. She caught herself staring ahead, but quickly regained herself.

She heard Bael lecturing about the "interesting" people you can meet on the roads, that was true, many who were wanted by the army or bounty hunters usually travel at night, using darkness as their camouflage, but it doesn't mean that their intentions are bad. "I too met interesting people on the road, but prefer to stay from them with a little distance. Because some dumb magician told everyone that draco's horns have healing powers." She rolled her eyes "My, my how haven't I thought about that." She flailed her hands "You humans think that everything has healing powers."

She felt Bael stare at her, she looked at him when he told her to lead the way. Somehow - she wasn't surprised. "Okay then, Afror is to the west, so we'll go that way." She said pointing to the direction they were going to go. "It's about two days away, we'll have to make camp somewhere, so let's travel as far as we can today. Are we clear?" She looked at the two behind her.

It was getting darker every minute now. Shadows were longer and darker and it was getting harder to see. if she was travelling alone, she would be either sleeping or hiding somewhere safe. Animals of the day were already hiding in their nests and the night creatures were waking up. You could see an owl sitting on a branch and hear birches and twigs crack. Neitiri thought it was about time they stopped and was about to stop them when an arrow hit a tree trunk near her. "We're being attacked!" She yelled before materializing two daggers in her hands and throwing one to the direction from which the arrow came, but it hit a tree.

She heard a rustle near her and turned just in time before a man collapsed onto her and hit her on the ground. Neitiri groaned, but stood up quickly, before the bandit hit her again. She tried to avoid his hits by dodging them, but the man soon got irritated and pulled out his sword. The last rays of sun hit it's blade before he charged her. She dodged again, but was too slow and the edge of the blade cut her left arm, she groaned and threw another dagger with her right arm, he tried to avoid it, but it cut his face and he yelled, covering it. Neitiri took the right moment and quickly approached him from the back and pushed another dim magenta blade through his neck. The poor man collapsed on the ground, his blood tainting the grass. Holding the fresh cut, she raised her head up from him, looking at her group fighting the other two attackers.

((Ok, guys, so setting is simple, we're being attacked by three bandits (one for each of us) I want to see how your characters fight and make this role play a little more alive. I wasn't sure are you comfortable with a lot of gore so I didn't write it. Go crazy! Go detail! Also, I want to ask you guys to delete your OOC posts because then it will be easier replying, you can also delete your character sheets because they're at the starting post. Do you have any ideas with the title? Are you comfortable with Language/Gore/Sexual continent? I need your opinions and I need to know if we're playing a PG-13 or a 18+ role play. ))

The bandit charged, sword whistling as it was swung in a low arch towards his stomach. Bael dodged, the blade slicing through the air where he had been seconds before.

Not bad, he grinned, showing off teeth that had been filed to points. Another slash was made for his throat, and this time he was not as quick to evade. The blade made a shallow cut over his collarbone towards his ear.

Then Bael retaliated, daggers flashing in the low light. How he hated to be underestimated, so he would dance with the bandit. It was long since he had actually had to fight someone.

The bandit attacked again, but instead of dodging Bael moved closer, plunging one dagger into the soft flesh of the man's stomach before he could understand what was happening.
He groaned in pain, but remained standing. Determination, how irritating,

While Bael was the distracted the bandit had pulled out a dagger with his free hand, and sunk the blade into Bael side, between his ribs. Then he made the mistake of looking in to his eyes.
Bael’s eyes shone with energy and the man screamed, his worst fears unfolding behind his eyes.

It was not very nice to stab people, now he had to repair his body, and since the wound would probably would have been fatal if had been anybody else, it would take a lot of his hoarded energy. Life for life, it was the rules of nature; you couldn’t live forever without payment.

The man continued to scream as the illusion wormed it’s way through his mind. It was a rather simple illusion spell. He could cast without knowing your name or actually muttering the spell, you just had to give him eye contact, and the bandit had been nice enough to do just that.

With a quick flash he drew his dagger across the bandits throat, effectively silencing him. Bael watched as his life waned away before his eyes. Red blood trickling from his wounds, what a waste, he could practically feel the life as it ebbed from the man.

He crouched down and cut of the bandits left ring finger, the blade easily sliding through the flesh between the bones. The finger was put into one of the pockets adorning his belt, still bleeding.
Wait, there was still a dagger buried in his side. He quickly drew it out, hissing slightly at the feeling. It didn’t hurt, it just felt very odd, when the weapon left his flesh the wound began to close immediately, and suddenly he felt very tired.

He looked up to see how his companions were faring, quite embarrassed to have forgotten them, he was too used to travel alone.

((@Altair, @Daeneirys. Personally I have no problem with gore/language and sexual content, as long as I don't have to write anything sexual... I've never done that before so it would be horrible xD))
The bandit charged, sword whistling as it was swung in a low arch towards his stomach. Bael dodged, the blade slicing through the air where he had been seconds before.

Not bad, he grinned, showing off teeth that had been filed to points. Another slash was made for his throat, and this time he was not as quick to evade. The blade made a shallow cut over his collarbone towards his ear.

Then Bael retaliated, daggers flashing in the low light. How he hated to be underestimated, so he would dance with the bandit. It was long since he had actually had to fight someone.

The bandit attacked again, but instead of dodging Bael moved closer, plunging one dagger into the soft flesh of the man's stomach before he could understand what was happening.
He groaned in pain, but remained standing. Determination, how irritating,

While Bael was the distracted the bandit had pulled out a dagger with his free hand, and sunk the blade into Bael side, between his ribs. Then he made the mistake of looking in to his eyes.
Bael’s eyes shone with energy and the man screamed, his worst fears unfolding behind his eyes.

It was not very nice to stab people, now he had to repair his body, and since the wound would probably would have been fatal if had been anybody else, it would take a lot of his hoarded energy. Life for life, it was the rules of nature; you couldn’t live forever without payment.

The man continued to scream as the illusion wormed it’s way through his mind. It was a rather simple illusion spell. He could cast without knowing your name or actually muttering the spell, you just had to give him eye contact, and the bandit had been nice enough to do just that.

With a quick flash he drew his dagger across the bandits throat, effectively silencing him. Bael watched as his life waned away before his eyes. Red blood trickling from his wounds, what a waste, he could practically feel the life as it ebbed from the man.

He crouched down and cut of the bandits left ring finger, the blade easily sliding through the flesh between the bones. The finger was put into one of the pockets adorning his belt, still bleeding.
Wait, there was still a dagger buried in his side. He quickly drew it out, hissing slightly at the feeling. It didn’t hurt, it just felt very odd, when the weapon left his flesh the wound began to close immediately, and suddenly he felt very tired.

He looked up to see how his companions were faring, quite embarrassed to have forgotten them, he was too used to travel alone.

((@Altair, @Daeneirys. Personally I have no problem with gore/language and sexual content, as long as I don't have to write anything sexual... I've never done that before so it would be horrible xD))
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
» Challenge Record
» Art Shop | Skin Shop | Adoptables
((Okay sorry for taking so long. 1.) My friends surprised me by kidnapping me and throwing me a surprise birthday party that lasted pretty much the whole day and 2.) This is going to take a while to type because I'm not going straight to the bandit battle ;u;))

Caden wasn't intimidated by the sneer that Bael gave him. He was just excited that he was allowed to tag along. He caught the chuckle from the Draco woman, and that made him smile. He paid attention to the part about 'interesting' people, and he had to admit that he hadn't really met anyone that stuck out besides these two. Well, he had only been out of his village for a short time (a week? Two? He had lost count).

He couldn't help but frown a little at Neitiri's comment. His mother 100% believed in all sorts of little trinkets, charms, and patterns would give him good luck and whatnot. Nevertheless, he had to admit that it had done him good so far, or he was just lucky.

"Yes, it's clear." he said when she mentioned a camp. And without saying much else, he followed them in to the thicket.


"We're being attacked!"

Caden couldn't see that very well in the dark, which was a big disadvantage of course. He could hear the sound of an arrow striking wood, and then at another direction something cutting flesh. Without thinking he had taken out his sword, glistening in the very tiny amount of moonlight streaming from the trees, and as quickly as he had unsheathed it, he used it to block an incoming arrow.

"Tch." quickly he summoned a light blue aura, not only making him an obvious target, but also lighting up his surroundings, allowing him to see a figure not far from where he was. At this point, he let his instinct fight for him, evading another arrow as he rushed towards his attacker in full speed. Without much effort he knocked the person down, but just as he was about to deal the finishing blow, he hesitated, and that allowed the bandit to kick him off and send him staggering back.

Wait, what am I doing? He could kill him; he didn't need to hold back like before! The bandit had pulled out a sword of his own and they clashed, metal against metal. It was too easy for Caden since the light he created allowed him to see his opponent clearly. He lost himself again and let his body dodge another swing before closing in. He was able to push the man back a few steps, yet when he was going to use his sword to cut him, the bandit surprised him by throwing something small.

"What the--"

The next few second was a blur. A loud sound resonated from the tiny object along with a bright light, sending him flying to a nearby trunk. The impact was hard, and he immediately felt dizzy after he kind of got his bearings, possibly his head was bleeding. His aura had faded, and he groaned as he saw the bandit closing in; he was utterly defenseless because the ground was still swaying and his ears were ringing, as if they were going deaf. Ugh, was he going to die? He had no idea if the others were alright...
((@Daeneirys @Helfaux
A little help? XD I thought a (magic?) bomb would be interesting haha.
Deleted my posts and I'm quite fine with the gore and whatnot.))
((Okay sorry for taking so long. 1.) My friends surprised me by kidnapping me and throwing me a surprise birthday party that lasted pretty much the whole day and 2.) This is going to take a while to type because I'm not going straight to the bandit battle ;u;))

Caden wasn't intimidated by the sneer that Bael gave him. He was just excited that he was allowed to tag along. He caught the chuckle from the Draco woman, and that made him smile. He paid attention to the part about 'interesting' people, and he had to admit that he hadn't really met anyone that stuck out besides these two. Well, he had only been out of his village for a short time (a week? Two? He had lost count).

He couldn't help but frown a little at Neitiri's comment. His mother 100% believed in all sorts of little trinkets, charms, and patterns would give him good luck and whatnot. Nevertheless, he had to admit that it had done him good so far, or he was just lucky.

"Yes, it's clear." he said when she mentioned a camp. And without saying much else, he followed them in to the thicket.


"We're being attacked!"

Caden couldn't see that very well in the dark, which was a big disadvantage of course. He could hear the sound of an arrow striking wood, and then at another direction something cutting flesh. Without thinking he had taken out his sword, glistening in the very tiny amount of moonlight streaming from the trees, and as quickly as he had unsheathed it, he used it to block an incoming arrow.

"Tch." quickly he summoned a light blue aura, not only making him an obvious target, but also lighting up his surroundings, allowing him to see a figure not far from where he was. At this point, he let his instinct fight for him, evading another arrow as he rushed towards his attacker in full speed. Without much effort he knocked the person down, but just as he was about to deal the finishing blow, he hesitated, and that allowed the bandit to kick him off and send him staggering back.

Wait, what am I doing? He could kill him; he didn't need to hold back like before! The bandit had pulled out a sword of his own and they clashed, metal against metal. It was too easy for Caden since the light he created allowed him to see his opponent clearly. He lost himself again and let his body dodge another swing before closing in. He was able to push the man back a few steps, yet when he was going to use his sword to cut him, the bandit surprised him by throwing something small.

"What the--"

The next few second was a blur. A loud sound resonated from the tiny object along with a bright light, sending him flying to a nearby trunk. The impact was hard, and he immediately felt dizzy after he kind of got his bearings, possibly his head was bleeding. His aura had faded, and he groaned as he saw the bandit closing in; he was utterly defenseless because the ground was still swaying and his ears were ringing, as if they were going deaf. Ugh, was he going to die? He had no idea if the others were alright...
((@Daeneirys @Helfaux
A little help? XD I thought a (magic?) bomb would be interesting haha.
Deleted my posts and I'm quite fine with the gore and whatnot.))
Just as Neitiri raised her head, she was blinded by something exploding, looking away she held her uninjured hand over her face. She looked back when she heard something hit a tree. When her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, Neitiri saw Caden lying on the ground, while another man was nearing him with an extended blade. "No." She whispered and was about to whip out her bow, but her injured arm stopped her. She groaned, squeezing the wound with her free hand. She was getting dizzy, but wasn't sure was it because she was loosing blood or because she hit her head.

"Bael, help Caden!" She shouted and looked around, hoping to see some kind of weapon to aid Caden, her eyes caught a dim light, glistering in the dead mans throat. It was the dagger she earlier used! Feeling the warm blade she took it into her bloody hands and aimed at the bandit before Caden, she felt her hands shaking, but breathed in and threw the knife. Just at the moment when she had to let it go, it slipped and lost it's trajectory, hitting the man's back instead, he looked back at her. His face distorted by anger and aggression. "You'll have to do better than that, Natum Draco." He spat and took out the blade himself. He eyed the blade and threw it back at her with great speed. It hit her abdomen, sending her on the ground.

It surprised her. She did not shout or scream, the blade ingrained deep inside her flesh. It seemed as if it pulsated, sending pain through her body. So that's what it felt like... She tried to make it gone, destroy it with her mind, but it was all too confusing. She faintly heard the man laugh and blinked a few times. Sky above her was dark, without stars. She saw blurry figures in the night sky, they looked like big birds or something else with wings. Her arm and side was bleeding, she could feel the blood rush down her side, to the grass. It almost felt soothing.

She couldn't stand it anymore, the pain pulsating through her body. It seemed like her whole body was pierced with these blades. They were trying to get deeper and deeper... "Please." She whispered, raising her hand and wrapping her fingers around the hilt. Using her last energy and conscious mind she pulled the dagger out. Exhaling through her mouth she felt the blade evaporate from her hand, before she lost consciousness.

((Well aren't I a drama queen, huh? Don't know but wanted to do that... I must be an evil person. Also, do you, guys, have any ideas for the name for this role play? As you can see it's still unnamed...))

Just as Neitiri raised her head, she was blinded by something exploding, looking away she held her uninjured hand over her face. She looked back when she heard something hit a tree. When her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, Neitiri saw Caden lying on the ground, while another man was nearing him with an extended blade. "No." She whispered and was about to whip out her bow, but her injured arm stopped her. She groaned, squeezing the wound with her free hand. She was getting dizzy, but wasn't sure was it because she was loosing blood or because she hit her head.

"Bael, help Caden!" She shouted and looked around, hoping to see some kind of weapon to aid Caden, her eyes caught a dim light, glistering in the dead mans throat. It was the dagger she earlier used! Feeling the warm blade she took it into her bloody hands and aimed at the bandit before Caden, she felt her hands shaking, but breathed in and threw the knife. Just at the moment when she had to let it go, it slipped and lost it's trajectory, hitting the man's back instead, he looked back at her. His face distorted by anger and aggression. "You'll have to do better than that, Natum Draco." He spat and took out the blade himself. He eyed the blade and threw it back at her with great speed. It hit her abdomen, sending her on the ground.

It surprised her. She did not shout or scream, the blade ingrained deep inside her flesh. It seemed as if it pulsated, sending pain through her body. So that's what it felt like... She tried to make it gone, destroy it with her mind, but it was all too confusing. She faintly heard the man laugh and blinked a few times. Sky above her was dark, without stars. She saw blurry figures in the night sky, they looked like big birds or something else with wings. Her arm and side was bleeding, she could feel the blood rush down her side, to the grass. It almost felt soothing.

She couldn't stand it anymore, the pain pulsating through her body. It seemed like her whole body was pierced with these blades. They were trying to get deeper and deeper... "Please." She whispered, raising her hand and wrapping her fingers around the hilt. Using her last energy and conscious mind she pulled the dagger out. Exhaling through her mouth she felt the blade evaporate from her hand, before she lost consciousness.

((Well aren't I a drama queen, huh? Don't know but wanted to do that... I must be an evil person. Also, do you, guys, have any ideas for the name for this role play? As you can see it's still unnamed...))

Will be enter an entry later today! and delete this message after.
Will be enter an entry later today! and delete this message after.
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
» Challenge Record
» Art Shop | Skin Shop | Adoptables
((Okay let's do this before I'm forced to sleep.))
It took a while for Caden's ears to stop ringing and for his vision to stop spinning. He blinked a couple times before being able to see a figure clearly standing in front of him...well, not quite. He was a little far...was that the Draco woman? Why was she on the ground..?

He groaned and tried to push himself up to no avail. He felt weak; he hated it. He could feel vibrations on the ground with his fingers, but his ears still weren't working properly, all he could hear were noises mixed together like something garbled.

Looking up, he saw the man that he was attacking. He was saying something, but he couldn't tell what. His mouth was curved in to a sneer. Caden gritted his teeth in anger.

He focused and tried to figure out what he was saying.
And then he left. Just like that.

Caden was dumbfounded. He wasn't going to kill him? Damn, wait, the Draco woman...was she alright? His vision was still fuzzy but better than before. Using the strength he had left, he crawled towards her and tried to get his sight straight. She was injured, damn it. His mind was racing with thoughts of how to treat the wounds and with what.
((I'm not sure what to do at this point. Does your character happen to have items that can help treat her wounds? And we would have to camp out, huh, since we're still far from the troublesome...I don't know how to do this lol T_T))
((Okay let's do this before I'm forced to sleep.))
It took a while for Caden's ears to stop ringing and for his vision to stop spinning. He blinked a couple times before being able to see a figure clearly standing in front of him...well, not quite. He was a little far...was that the Draco woman? Why was she on the ground..?

He groaned and tried to push himself up to no avail. He felt weak; he hated it. He could feel vibrations on the ground with his fingers, but his ears still weren't working properly, all he could hear were noises mixed together like something garbled.

Looking up, he saw the man that he was attacking. He was saying something, but he couldn't tell what. His mouth was curved in to a sneer. Caden gritted his teeth in anger.

He focused and tried to figure out what he was saying.
And then he left. Just like that.

Caden was dumbfounded. He wasn't going to kill him? Damn, wait, the Draco woman...was she alright? His vision was still fuzzy but better than before. Using the strength he had left, he crawled towards her and tried to get his sight straight. She was injured, damn it. His mind was racing with thoughts of how to treat the wounds and with what.
((I'm not sure what to do at this point. Does your character happen to have items that can help treat her wounds? And we would have to camp out, huh, since we're still far from the troublesome...I don't know how to do this lol T_T))
((I'll wait one more day. Then I'll start looking for an additional roleplayer. We can imagine that Bael fled and left the two of them or something... I understand it might be hard to roleplay when you're going to school, but it certainly is possible to answer once in three days. If @Helfaux returns we'll carry on with some adjustments. I hope. I think this rp is going great, but we really can't do it like this. @Altair are you comfortable with this? If you want this rp can only be between us (if Bael doesn't return) or we could look for another player?))
((I'll wait one more day. Then I'll start looking for an additional roleplayer. We can imagine that Bael fled and left the two of them or something... I understand it might be hard to roleplay when you're going to school, but it certainly is possible to answer once in three days. If @Helfaux returns we'll carry on with some adjustments. I hope. I think this rp is going great, but we really can't do it like this. @Altair are you comfortable with this? If you want this rp can only be between us (if Bael doesn't return) or we could look for another player?))
((Okay, that makes sense. Sorry for the late reply. I'm fine with finding a new player or going on as a 1x1, so it depends on you, really. XD))
((Okay, that makes sense. Sorry for the late reply. I'm fine with finding a new player or going on as a 1x1, so it depends on you, really. XD))
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