

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
Why would he kill her?

“Why would I kill you?” his words mirroring his thoughts. She was far too interesting to just kill off, besides, he was pretty sure she wasn’t helpless. It was much easier just making deals with naïve, guilt-ridden persons.

“Also the pursued thing is more of… dissatisfied customers problem” Bael said, “not everyone seem to like the quality of my work”.
Not everyone liked their relatives dead, even when it helped financially. You just can’t please everybody can you?

“Also, if Afror hasn’t changed, it will be pretty on the outside and less so at the core”. His eyes got distant again and one the ravens swopped down. Perching on his shoulder.
Last time he was in Afror it had ended badly too, it was sort of becoming a pattern: stay at town inn, get discovered by necromancer disliking people, run for your life.

He sighed heavily just as the chimera growled. Nei had whipped out her bow so fast he had barely seen it. Also did that arrow just appear out of thin air? Interesting…
Wrong time to get distracted, someone was there. Only one though, the ravens would have spotted a group much faster.

“Well my friends have seen you, the young lady clearly knows you’re there and the chimera might actually eat you.” He frowned for a second. “So how about you get out here?”

Bael himself didn’t pull a weapon; he just stood waiting, flexing his fingers slightly. His eyes glowed slightly as he tapped into the source of his powers. The raven’s eyes lit up too as it glared spitefully at the bushes.

“Then we can have us a lovely talk.”

Well that sounded vaguely threatening, not really the intended effect, he was not really good at this whole friendly-to-strangers-thing. The other raven swooped low over the bushes, cawing at the stranger before disappearing again; making sure that the stranger knew that it was there.

“Why are you so rude lately?” Bael hissed at the bird at his shoulder.

((@Altair, here you go! Good luck :p
@Daeneirys, I've never had pie as far as I know, it feels like blasphemy, Cas might just smite me. *Grabs holy-oil and hides* I hope your pie is awesome!))
Why would he kill her?

“Why would I kill you?” his words mirroring his thoughts. She was far too interesting to just kill off, besides, he was pretty sure she wasn’t helpless. It was much easier just making deals with naïve, guilt-ridden persons.

“Also the pursued thing is more of… dissatisfied customers problem” Bael said, “not everyone seem to like the quality of my work”.
Not everyone liked their relatives dead, even when it helped financially. You just can’t please everybody can you?

“Also, if Afror hasn’t changed, it will be pretty on the outside and less so at the core”. His eyes got distant again and one the ravens swopped down. Perching on his shoulder.
Last time he was in Afror it had ended badly too, it was sort of becoming a pattern: stay at town inn, get discovered by necromancer disliking people, run for your life.

He sighed heavily just as the chimera growled. Nei had whipped out her bow so fast he had barely seen it. Also did that arrow just appear out of thin air? Interesting…
Wrong time to get distracted, someone was there. Only one though, the ravens would have spotted a group much faster.

“Well my friends have seen you, the young lady clearly knows you’re there and the chimera might actually eat you.” He frowned for a second. “So how about you get out here?”

Bael himself didn’t pull a weapon; he just stood waiting, flexing his fingers slightly. His eyes glowed slightly as he tapped into the source of his powers. The raven’s eyes lit up too as it glared spitefully at the bushes.

“Then we can have us a lovely talk.”

Well that sounded vaguely threatening, not really the intended effect, he was not really good at this whole friendly-to-strangers-thing. The other raven swooped low over the bushes, cawing at the stranger before disappearing again; making sure that the stranger knew that it was there.

“Why are you so rude lately?” Bael hissed at the bird at his shoulder.

((@Altair, here you go! Good luck :p
@Daeneirys, I've never had pie as far as I know, it feels like blasphemy, Cas might just smite me. *Grabs holy-oil and hides* I hope your pie is awesome!))
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They / Them | +9 Hours
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((I wish there was no school tomorrow so that I wouldn't have to review for Math, but I think God has decided we had too many suspended classes...))

Caden let out a sigh, but he didn't let go of his grip on the hilt. He stood up for the two strangers to see and was unsure what to do next, really. His eyes shifted to the chimera which was growling and baring its teeth. Oh joy, the thing he really needed to get a hefty amount of pay was staring at him right at the face, but how could he slice it off with these two watching? Facing the chimera alone would've been hard enough...

Wait, that Draco girl was planning to shoot him. He just realized. Boy, he was sure getting slow. He wasn't in a battle stance, though.

"I suppose I had no other choice, huh?" he finally said; his tone even. He then glanced at the Draco woman. "I have no intention of hurting either of you, but I do have a request of an item that chimera has."

Caden paused for a moment. What was he doing? His life was worth more than a chimera fang. "Though I guess that old hag could get it herself..." he muttered; the tension in his body relaxing.

"I heard that you two are going to Afror? An interesting duo you two make: a Draco and, I'm not sure what to make of you, old man."
((Oh dear, Caden, I never knew you would call Bael an old man, but it simply slipped out.))
((I wish there was no school tomorrow so that I wouldn't have to review for Math, but I think God has decided we had too many suspended classes...))

Caden let out a sigh, but he didn't let go of his grip on the hilt. He stood up for the two strangers to see and was unsure what to do next, really. His eyes shifted to the chimera which was growling and baring its teeth. Oh joy, the thing he really needed to get a hefty amount of pay was staring at him right at the face, but how could he slice it off with these two watching? Facing the chimera alone would've been hard enough...

Wait, that Draco girl was planning to shoot him. He just realized. Boy, he was sure getting slow. He wasn't in a battle stance, though.

"I suppose I had no other choice, huh?" he finally said; his tone even. He then glanced at the Draco woman. "I have no intention of hurting either of you, but I do have a request of an item that chimera has."

Caden paused for a moment. What was he doing? His life was worth more than a chimera fang. "Though I guess that old hag could get it herself..." he muttered; the tension in his body relaxing.

"I heard that you two are going to Afror? An interesting duo you two make: a Draco and, I'm not sure what to make of you, old man."
((Oh dear, Caden, I never knew you would call Bael an old man, but it simply slipped out.))
Neitiri examined the person that emerged from the bushes. It was a young boy; his eyes bright blue, but warmer than Bael's, what was it with everyone having blue eyes anyway? She frowned, she didn't expect to see such youth in this forest, at least not this far from the outskirts, Neitiri wondered what was he doing here and what business did he have. Those ******** didn't usually sent the young ones after her, so she guessed he's not one of Mirith's men, but maybe? She saw him stare at the animal next to her. "Even if you did, boy, I don't think you would succeed." She snapped towards him, but lowered her bow, making the arrow disappear. "And what business do you have with my companion, if I may ask?" She said gesturing to the chimera.

It was getting worse and worse. first she met Bael, a crazy warlock of some sorts, who didn't stop talking and murmuring to himself and now this? A young boy, listening to their conversations in bushes. Neitiri sighed, patting chimeras head, it was strange how such wild creature chose her to escort. Usually forest animals tried to escape her or at least ignored her, but this one followed her all the way here, it kept it's distance, at least until now. She tilted her head. "I was not aware that listening to other people conversations was a norm now?" Neitiri said giving the boy an disgruntled look.

Neitiri examined the person that emerged from the bushes. It was a young boy; his eyes bright blue, but warmer than Bael's, what was it with everyone having blue eyes anyway? She frowned, she didn't expect to see such youth in this forest, at least not this far from the outskirts, Neitiri wondered what was he doing here and what business did he have. Those ******** didn't usually sent the young ones after her, so she guessed he's not one of Mirith's men, but maybe? She saw him stare at the animal next to her. "Even if you did, boy, I don't think you would succeed." She snapped towards him, but lowered her bow, making the arrow disappear. "And what business do you have with my companion, if I may ask?" She said gesturing to the chimera.

It was getting worse and worse. first she met Bael, a crazy warlock of some sorts, who didn't stop talking and murmuring to himself and now this? A young boy, listening to their conversations in bushes. Neitiri sighed, patting chimeras head, it was strange how such wild creature chose her to escort. Usually forest animals tried to escape her or at least ignored her, but this one followed her all the way here, it kept it's distance, at least until now. She tilted her head. "I was not aware that listening to other people conversations was a norm now?" Neitiri said giving the boy an disgruntled look.

Bael outright laughed when the boy called him old, the raven sending him a disgruntled glare. Also he admired the sass of the young draco.

“If that’s the case then maybe my social skills aren’t as bad as I thought”, he said, still chuckling slightly. The raven huffed, feathers standing up slightly, making it look bigger and slightly ridicules.

“I’m sure the human hatchling has a good reason for being here,” he told the disgruntled bird. “And, uh… I like your hair”. The last bit had a bite too it, it was not a compliment for sure.

Slowly the light diminished from Bael’s eyes as the youth relaxed. Old… well it was true, he felt old too. Perhaps he should make a deal soon.
Also he was running low on finger bones, luckily those were not that hard to get. Hmm..

“I’m a busy person”, busy running away from bloodthirsty townspeople, “the birds are my friends”.
Tell stuff about yourself, often people return the favour without thinking, unless of course they are clever. If they are clever they won’t bite, but they will let you speak.

“And a relatively powerful Warlock”, he had been about to use magic, and he also was not carrying any visible weapons. Anyone with two brain cells could figure out he used magi, and they probably weren’t going to believe he was a Wood Witch.
Warlocks normally work in the neutral spectra of magic, sometimes dappling a bit too close to with the Black Arts. Well, he had more that dappled. Curses and hexes were his speciality, besides Necromancy.

“Odi, go do something useful”, he waved his hand at the bird, which in turn just gave them all a glare and flew of. Disappearing quickly, almost like it just faded out of existence.

Bael glance sideways at the chimera, that thing was an anomaly. He would like to see what made it tick. “Also, Blue. What business do you have with our furry friend?”

((@Altair, I don't think he minds... much xD. Isn't it lovely when the characters write themselves?))
Bael outright laughed when the boy called him old, the raven sending him a disgruntled glare. Also he admired the sass of the young draco.

“If that’s the case then maybe my social skills aren’t as bad as I thought”, he said, still chuckling slightly. The raven huffed, feathers standing up slightly, making it look bigger and slightly ridicules.

“I’m sure the human hatchling has a good reason for being here,” he told the disgruntled bird. “And, uh… I like your hair”. The last bit had a bite too it, it was not a compliment for sure.

Slowly the light diminished from Bael’s eyes as the youth relaxed. Old… well it was true, he felt old too. Perhaps he should make a deal soon.
Also he was running low on finger bones, luckily those were not that hard to get. Hmm..

“I’m a busy person”, busy running away from bloodthirsty townspeople, “the birds are my friends”.
Tell stuff about yourself, often people return the favour without thinking, unless of course they are clever. If they are clever they won’t bite, but they will let you speak.

“And a relatively powerful Warlock”, he had been about to use magic, and he also was not carrying any visible weapons. Anyone with two brain cells could figure out he used magi, and they probably weren’t going to believe he was a Wood Witch.
Warlocks normally work in the neutral spectra of magic, sometimes dappling a bit too close to with the Black Arts. Well, he had more that dappled. Curses and hexes were his speciality, besides Necromancy.

“Odi, go do something useful”, he waved his hand at the bird, which in turn just gave them all a glare and flew of. Disappearing quickly, almost like it just faded out of existence.

Bael glance sideways at the chimera, that thing was an anomaly. He would like to see what made it tick. “Also, Blue. What business do you have with our furry friend?”

((@Altair, I don't think he minds... much xD. Isn't it lovely when the characters write themselves?))
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
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Caden let out a small grunt in annoyance to the Draco woman's comment. "As a matter of fact I think I have a pretty good chance of succeeding, though it's not like it's extremely important..." the chimera obviously didn't like him. It was clear by the way it was glaring at his direction. Oh boy.

The teen turned to the man; his expression still a bit sour but softer now, calmer. "Thanks, I guess. And you're a Warlock? That's interesting." he had a feeling that he was one, but he just wanted to make sure, honestly. That weird vibe was coming from the magic within him, maybe. Seemed like something dark. He was asking about the chimera? They both wanted to know, huh. Wait--

"I have a name, you know, it's Caden." he said with an irritated face. He then faced the Draco woman to answer her question. "Technically I need its fang. And I just happened to drop by, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. What did you want me to do, walk right in the middle of you two and say hello? I want to see you do that next time."

His hand had long left the hilt of his sword. The real world was sure different from inside his village; he was losing his cool way too easily...
It happens way too often, yes. I was expecting Caden to be proper, but I guess previous RP characters I have played are starting to rub off him. My posts seem to be so short compared to the both of you ;n;))
Caden let out a small grunt in annoyance to the Draco woman's comment. "As a matter of fact I think I have a pretty good chance of succeeding, though it's not like it's extremely important..." the chimera obviously didn't like him. It was clear by the way it was glaring at his direction. Oh boy.

The teen turned to the man; his expression still a bit sour but softer now, calmer. "Thanks, I guess. And you're a Warlock? That's interesting." he had a feeling that he was one, but he just wanted to make sure, honestly. That weird vibe was coming from the magic within him, maybe. Seemed like something dark. He was asking about the chimera? They both wanted to know, huh. Wait--

"I have a name, you know, it's Caden." he said with an irritated face. He then faced the Draco woman to answer her question. "Technically I need its fang. And I just happened to drop by, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. What did you want me to do, walk right in the middle of you two and say hello? I want to see you do that next time."

His hand had long left the hilt of his sword. The real world was sure different from inside his village; he was losing his cool way too easily...
It happens way too often, yes. I was expecting Caden to be proper, but I guess previous RP characters I have played are starting to rub off him. My posts seem to be so short compared to the both of you ;n;))
"You should watch your tongue, kiddo." She said to the last kid's remark, he was cocky, maybe too much. It was clear he was one against two and he still didn't lower his attitude. She shifted on her feet, finding a comfortable position in her old boots. Her companion seemed to be very unhappy about their new conversation buddy. After a minute of non-stop growl, chimera licked it's fangs and to Neitiri's surprise retreated to the forest, leaving her alone with these two. Until then, she didn't know how much comfort the animal gave her.

She examined the boy again, trying to understand what was he doing here. One thing for sure; he was dressed weird, at least Neitiri haven't seen anyone dressed like that. Swordsmen usually wore dark colored armor, but the boy had a little too much blue in his apparel. His hair was unusual, at least for a human. She tilted her head to the side, thinking about the possibilities. She sensed some magic coming from him, but he clearly didn't use only magic for fighting, knowing he reached for his sword first.

"Looks like your fang just ran away, but don't worry, you can catch it. Just don't make the mistake of trying to sneak up on it. Like other five men did." She said with a calm voice. It was getting uncomfortable standing here and it was getting darker every minute. "We either stay here for the night or travel further, Bael. The day doesn't last forever." She said now looking at the warlock not far from her.

(( Nah, your posts are just fine, it must be hard going to school already because I shiver just from the thought of going back there... God help us. ))
"You should watch your tongue, kiddo." She said to the last kid's remark, he was cocky, maybe too much. It was clear he was one against two and he still didn't lower his attitude. She shifted on her feet, finding a comfortable position in her old boots. Her companion seemed to be very unhappy about their new conversation buddy. After a minute of non-stop growl, chimera licked it's fangs and to Neitiri's surprise retreated to the forest, leaving her alone with these two. Until then, she didn't know how much comfort the animal gave her.

She examined the boy again, trying to understand what was he doing here. One thing for sure; he was dressed weird, at least Neitiri haven't seen anyone dressed like that. Swordsmen usually wore dark colored armor, but the boy had a little too much blue in his apparel. His hair was unusual, at least for a human. She tilted her head to the side, thinking about the possibilities. She sensed some magic coming from him, but he clearly didn't use only magic for fighting, knowing he reached for his sword first.

"Looks like your fang just ran away, but don't worry, you can catch it. Just don't make the mistake of trying to sneak up on it. Like other five men did." She said with a calm voice. It was getting uncomfortable standing here and it was getting darker every minute. "We either stay here for the night or travel further, Bael. The day doesn't last forever." She said now looking at the warlock not far from her.

(( Nah, your posts are just fine, it must be hard going to school already because I shiver just from the thought of going back there... God help us. ))
Caden… A real name or a non-name? Well he didn’t seem like the type to lie, yet he was freely giving out his name to a man he knew was a Warlock… Either he had some sort of protection against curses, or he was cocky.
Curses worked best when you knew the name of who you were cursing after all.

Bael chuckled happily as the chimera left, waving at its back. It seemed it was done dealing with people today. He felt like that sometimes too, so he could respect that. Besides, he didn’t really want it to stay.

He turned his attention back to Nei, humming in agreement. “Yes, darkness is not always entirely pleasant. Lots of wicked things get lost in it”. Sometimes they could be great fun though, other times they were less pleasant.

Bael had once met a Druid that was wicked good at card games. He had lost a lot of his energy reserves that night. At least he had been pleasant company. Still, this was not his forest, so there was probably no chance of winning back the energy. Too bad, it was approximate eight years he had lost.

Not that eight years mattered much in the grand scheme of things, though for a Druid to be granted eight extra years of life he didn’t suppose it was bad. It was not like they new how to work Black Magic, Druids were all about nature, and it was kind of surprising he even agreed to the game.

It would probably be better if they travelled further, the dissatisfied customers might catch up. They did have horses after all. Also the pitchforks, horribly cliché, most creative thing people had ever chased him with were the broken femur bone of a Manticore.

“I think travelling will be the best option, my unhappy customers are probably still looking for me”. In fact, Dolor was keeping an eye on them right now. They were still far enough away shouldn’t be a problem. He was good at throwing people of his tracks.

“Wouldn’t it be curious if the day did last forever?” What would happen then? Surely everything would simply start to evaporate, it would be quite fascinating.
((@Altair, your post are just fine in lenght! :D
I'm already in school *sobs grossly* It's horrible. :'C Btw sorry for the late reply, I had homework *table flip*))
Caden… A real name or a non-name? Well he didn’t seem like the type to lie, yet he was freely giving out his name to a man he knew was a Warlock… Either he had some sort of protection against curses, or he was cocky.
Curses worked best when you knew the name of who you were cursing after all.

Bael chuckled happily as the chimera left, waving at its back. It seemed it was done dealing with people today. He felt like that sometimes too, so he could respect that. Besides, he didn’t really want it to stay.

He turned his attention back to Nei, humming in agreement. “Yes, darkness is not always entirely pleasant. Lots of wicked things get lost in it”. Sometimes they could be great fun though, other times they were less pleasant.

Bael had once met a Druid that was wicked good at card games. He had lost a lot of his energy reserves that night. At least he had been pleasant company. Still, this was not his forest, so there was probably no chance of winning back the energy. Too bad, it was approximate eight years he had lost.

Not that eight years mattered much in the grand scheme of things, though for a Druid to be granted eight extra years of life he didn’t suppose it was bad. It was not like they new how to work Black Magic, Druids were all about nature, and it was kind of surprising he even agreed to the game.

It would probably be better if they travelled further, the dissatisfied customers might catch up. They did have horses after all. Also the pitchforks, horribly cliché, most creative thing people had ever chased him with were the broken femur bone of a Manticore.

“I think travelling will be the best option, my unhappy customers are probably still looking for me”. In fact, Dolor was keeping an eye on them right now. They were still far enough away shouldn’t be a problem. He was good at throwing people of his tracks.

“Wouldn’t it be curious if the day did last forever?” What would happen then? Surely everything would simply start to evaporate, it would be quite fascinating.
((@Altair, your post are just fine in lenght! :D
I'm already in school *sobs grossly* It's horrible. :'C Btw sorry for the late reply, I had homework *table flip*))
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
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((Eek, I can already feel my blood boil. To feel what your character feels...*sigh* A good night's sleep can help one think more properly though. C'mon, Caden, cool down a bit T_T
And yeah I have school now (hence why I'm replying so late). They just gave back most of our final exam results. :x Most of them are okay, but I failed one...pretty badly. OTL))

Oh great, now he was on the Draco woman's bad side. He didn't mean to sound overly arrogant, but the past few days with little food and water had put him in a bad mood. Still, he could already picture his mother scolding him for such terrible manners. He tried to calm himself.

The chimera had eventually left and Caden had no thoughts of chasing after it. He already decided that he wasn't going to do the request anymore so why bother? It would mean getting away from these two, sure, but he had a feeling that they would be better company than a sack of gold and possibly fatal injuries.

"I decided to abandon the request this time around." he said to her. "I'll just have to find something else to help me get by." he hoped that it would settle her somewhat. Having a Draco as an enemy (or didn't trust you, for that matter) seemed dangerous.

He was curious to the idea that Bael presented, though. "Evaporate?" the teen paused, thinking of what next to say; his mind was currently in a jumble. "I don't think prolonged exposure to sunlight would mean that the world would evaporate, but that does sound interesting...I don't think anyone would want to die because of daylight, though. Being burned to death doesn't sound appealing. Anyway, you two are traveling together?" he wondered if he should ask if he could join them. The woman would most likely say no, but...hrm. "May I...come with?" it wasn't like he had anything better to do (other than to go home, yet why would he do that?) And truth to be told, it was getting boring adventuring alone.
((Eek, I can already feel my blood boil. To feel what your character feels...*sigh* A good night's sleep can help one think more properly though. C'mon, Caden, cool down a bit T_T
And yeah I have school now (hence why I'm replying so late). They just gave back most of our final exam results. :x Most of them are okay, but I failed one...pretty badly. OTL))

Oh great, now he was on the Draco woman's bad side. He didn't mean to sound overly arrogant, but the past few days with little food and water had put him in a bad mood. Still, he could already picture his mother scolding him for such terrible manners. He tried to calm himself.

The chimera had eventually left and Caden had no thoughts of chasing after it. He already decided that he wasn't going to do the request anymore so why bother? It would mean getting away from these two, sure, but he had a feeling that they would be better company than a sack of gold and possibly fatal injuries.

"I decided to abandon the request this time around." he said to her. "I'll just have to find something else to help me get by." he hoped that it would settle her somewhat. Having a Draco as an enemy (or didn't trust you, for that matter) seemed dangerous.

He was curious to the idea that Bael presented, though. "Evaporate?" the teen paused, thinking of what next to say; his mind was currently in a jumble. "I don't think prolonged exposure to sunlight would mean that the world would evaporate, but that does sound interesting...I don't think anyone would want to die because of daylight, though. Being burned to death doesn't sound appealing. Anyway, you two are traveling together?" he wondered if he should ask if he could join them. The woman would most likely say no, but...hrm. "May I...come with?" it wasn't like he had anything better to do (other than to go home, yet why would he do that?) And truth to be told, it was getting boring adventuring alone.
"Wise of you." She simply said to the boy, it was clear he didn't want to be on the bad side of hers, who would? She looked up to the sky and pondered how much time do they still have, according to her it was about three hours until sunset. The two of them seemed happy about the chimera leaving, but Neitiri knew that it will still be not far from them. She just hoped that everyone would relax a bit, it was getting uncomfortable.

She adjusted her bow, that was resting on her back now. "We all need night's rest, especially me." She chuckled "I don't think things would start evaporating, but plants would start to die, that would result in animals dying and then it would be our turn." Neitiri theorized, glancing at the boy, he was clever, for a swordsman at that. Her eyes scanned the woods again, looking for chimera, but it was nowhere to be seen.

"We should go then." She addressed Bael "Those clients of yours might get to us and there are a gang of bandits in this forest, we don't want to stay here." She was about to go, when the boy spoke again, leaving her quite surprised, she raised her eyebrows a little, glancing at the tall man next to her. "I suppose?" She said a little unsure.

((My heart goes out to you guys, school is a place similar to Azkaban, but be brave! Luckily, I don't need to go to school until September (Laughs wickedly), but now I'm stuck in "Back to school" shopping routine, so that's even worse. Btw, sorry for the short- ish post, I'l try to do better!
P.S Do you know any RP sites? I started RP-ing like two months ago so I'm not very familiar with all of this and I'm not really interested in fandom role plays... ))
"Wise of you." She simply said to the boy, it was clear he didn't want to be on the bad side of hers, who would? She looked up to the sky and pondered how much time do they still have, according to her it was about three hours until sunset. The two of them seemed happy about the chimera leaving, but Neitiri knew that it will still be not far from them. She just hoped that everyone would relax a bit, it was getting uncomfortable.

She adjusted her bow, that was resting on her back now. "We all need night's rest, especially me." She chuckled "I don't think things would start evaporating, but plants would start to die, that would result in animals dying and then it would be our turn." Neitiri theorized, glancing at the boy, he was clever, for a swordsman at that. Her eyes scanned the woods again, looking for chimera, but it was nowhere to be seen.

"We should go then." She addressed Bael "Those clients of yours might get to us and there are a gang of bandits in this forest, we don't want to stay here." She was about to go, when the boy spoke again, leaving her quite surprised, she raised her eyebrows a little, glancing at the tall man next to her. "I suppose?" She said a little unsure.

((My heart goes out to you guys, school is a place similar to Azkaban, but be brave! Luckily, I don't need to go to school until September (Laughs wickedly), but now I'm stuck in "Back to school" shopping routine, so that's even worse. Btw, sorry for the short- ish post, I'l try to do better!
P.S Do you know any RP sites? I started RP-ing like two months ago so I'm not very familiar with all of this and I'm not really interested in fandom role plays... ))
((It's a little odd, isn't it? It seems that she has stopped activity altogether since August 22, so maybe he/she's out somewhere? I hope nothing bad happened.))

Caden simply glanced down after her comment, a little ashamed(?) that he had to back down so quickly. Okay, he wasn't sure if that was the right feeling, but it sure felt like it, but what was there to be ashamed about, really? He was just trying to save his hide. Besides, he may have pushed it too far. Yes, he would go along with this. It was partly his fault.

"I had an inkling that the plants would go first..." he mumbled after hearing the Draco woman's theory; he just didn't bother mentioning it. The teen could feel her gaze shifting from somewhere else to him, and it felt uncomfortable. At least it didn't feel that threatening anymore.

His eyes glistened for a moment when the Draco woman said that he could come. "T-thank you, I promise I won't be much trouble." he said while doing a quick bow. Caden then looked up for a moment; the sky was still a crisp shade of light blue, but with the woman's words, he guessed that it wouldn't be long until sunset. Huh, interesting.

"By the way, how far is it until the city borders? Will...all of us be able to reach there before sundown or would we have to camp out for the night?" he decided not to use 'we' in case he wasn't going to join them, after all, which would be a total letdown in his eyes. He hoped that wouldn't happen.
((How do we continue without Bael? It sounds really tricky. To make this work we would probably have to control him at least a little bit because completely dropping him off sounds kinda weird lol. Sorry for the short post. Hard to do much, really.
It's already the start of our second quarter, oh joy. T_T At least we have no school on Friday.
Ah yes, I was planning on linking you a site I had joined before in my reply, but...well, the next reply never really came. XD This is the site:
It's pretty cool since you can like store your characters there or something. It's like Charahub only it's geared towards RPing. If you join maybe I'll make a new account. XD))
((It's a little odd, isn't it? It seems that she has stopped activity altogether since August 22, so maybe he/she's out somewhere? I hope nothing bad happened.))

Caden simply glanced down after her comment, a little ashamed(?) that he had to back down so quickly. Okay, he wasn't sure if that was the right feeling, but it sure felt like it, but what was there to be ashamed about, really? He was just trying to save his hide. Besides, he may have pushed it too far. Yes, he would go along with this. It was partly his fault.

"I had an inkling that the plants would go first..." he mumbled after hearing the Draco woman's theory; he just didn't bother mentioning it. The teen could feel her gaze shifting from somewhere else to him, and it felt uncomfortable. At least it didn't feel that threatening anymore.

His eyes glistened for a moment when the Draco woman said that he could come. "T-thank you, I promise I won't be much trouble." he said while doing a quick bow. Caden then looked up for a moment; the sky was still a crisp shade of light blue, but with the woman's words, he guessed that it wouldn't be long until sunset. Huh, interesting.

"By the way, how far is it until the city borders? Will...all of us be able to reach there before sundown or would we have to camp out for the night?" he decided not to use 'we' in case he wasn't going to join them, after all, which would be a total letdown in his eyes. He hoped that wouldn't happen.
((How do we continue without Bael? It sounds really tricky. To make this work we would probably have to control him at least a little bit because completely dropping him off sounds kinda weird lol. Sorry for the short post. Hard to do much, really.
It's already the start of our second quarter, oh joy. T_T At least we have no school on Friday.
Ah yes, I was planning on linking you a site I had joined before in my reply, but...well, the next reply never really came. XD This is the site:
It's pretty cool since you can like store your characters there or something. It's like Charahub only it's geared towards RPing. If you join maybe I'll make a new account. XD))