

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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A dark cloaked figure was walking through a forest path. Its cloak was a dark brown color, with a dark purple collar. Figure had a bow, but one couldn't name a tree it was made of and even strangely; it didn't look like the figure was carrying any arrows. The bow had obscure carvings on it, strange runes and forms; it looked like it was older than its owner, who was pacing through the forest. Not once did the figure stop and it implied that it wasn't very old, one could even imply it was young; it paced carrying his own frame without a sweat. You could see it was very graceful, which implied it was a woman. Her steps were big and fast, making the grass and old leaves under her feet rustle. You could sometimes see a scared doe running away from the traveler or hear an angry bird screaming from its nest, the inhabitants weren't happy, but the forest didn't care about trespassers, many walked through here, it was usual to see a few travelers, a caravan or maybe a few bandits pass by. Trees have stood here for ages, they did not care about the world around them, it was known for everyone that they were sleeping, a deep sleep given to them by the Forest God.

A small creek came into the travelers view; its waters reflected sun rays that were piercing through the leaves, he walked up to it and filled his flask with cool water. A small smile played on her lips when she finally refreshed herself; she took of her hood revealing her silver-blonde, shoulder length hair and brown spiral horns that shot from her skull. She dipped her human-like hands into the water and rubbed them at her scaled neck. It was a hot day and despite the forest shadow she still felt like a dish in a furnace. Her magenta eyes focused on a bush, when she heard a rustle there. A chimera walked out of it, that creature fascinated her. It was a blend of lion, goat and serpent, many would have been afraid to look at it, but she was used to it by now. The poor thing followed her all the way from the Croath. As the animal drank from the creek, the woman stood up and was about to go back to the path, to proceed on her journey when she heard someone nearing. She quickly took her belongings and climbed the nearest tree hoping that whoever was there, would go past her.

  1. @Daeneirys (me)
  2. @Helfaux
  3. @Altair

  1. Our characters meet in the forest (starting post), after some talking they find out that they are all traveling towards city of Afror, also know as the city of wealth and lies. They start travelling together in the means of staying safe.
  2. On their way they get attacked by four bandits, they manage to win against them, but get injured. Lucky for them the attackers had two horses, which now belong to them.
  3. After travelling some more they reach a tavern named "Scarlett Lance" they stay there for one night. For their interest the tavern is almost full, even if it's in the middle of a forest.
  4. Later on they find out that a very rich merchant is looking for people who could find a treasure for him. Will our characters team up ?

These are only guidelines to help us with the plot development, our characters can try to kill each other, maybe hate each other, but that's the thing about character development. If you have a better idea, tell me!

As you may have guessed, everything is happening in time equivalent to medieval in our timeline, but this world isn't all about knights and ladies. It's much more.
First of all there are two races Humans and Draco also called Natum Draco (translates into dragon born). Humans are exactly what they are, two legs, two hands and so on. dracos on the other hand is a different thing, they are hybrids between humans and Dragons. Below I'll include their appearance. Their ancestry is rather intriguing, they began to appear when humans first started trying to use magic they learned from the dragons. Children were born with horns, scales, bright and unnatural colored eyes. At first such children were killed and their mothers banished because everyone thought they were the spawns of evil, but after some time people started realizing that they were indeed children of magic, they were altered after the dragons, because dragons themselves were magic. Of course they kept their humanoid looks too. Dracos were much stronger, with magic in their veins. Some of them had the power to create illusions, others materialize things or use telekinesis. Many variations. After some time they became majority of all the population on earth, humans remained of course, they were the first ones to populate the world, many big and rich cities stand and thrive until now. But will this be for long?

Dracos looks and stats:
  1. Usual heigh is about 5,9 - 6,3 ft.
  2. They live longer that humans. (100-140 years)
  3. Usually have horns, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and scales on some parts of their body.
  4. They do NOT have wings.
  5. Eyes wary from light grey to pink. (more unnatural for humans is more natural for Dracos)
  6. Skin color is usually humanoid.

Name: Bael (not his real name).
Race: Human.
Age: Older than he looks.
Occupation: Travelling Warlock/Necromancer.
Mate: None
Dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail, icy eyes that almost never close.
He wears dark clothes and a short robe with a hood and a scarf, he carries and an assortment of different knives beneath his robe.
He is around 6’2”
Weapon of Choice: Magi, daggers or bows.
- Draining Touch - as said he has to touch the person's skin, places like the wrists and the neck is preferred because a lot of blood flows through there. The power's cooldown is really, really long. If contact is broken it is even longer.
It's basically how he collects energy to preform magic, and stay alive.
It can be repelled by simple weak enchantments.
The draining takes more than five minutes, and would be a bad move in any combat situation. This power is mostly used when people sell their "souls".
- Raising the Dead - Reanimated corpses drain the power he has collected. To reanimate dead bodies the brain and vital organs needs to be somewhat intact.
Summoning spirits is another form of necromancy, it does not drain power the same way reanimating corpses do, but all magic needs energy. Spirits can't really interact with the world around them, and they can only be seen and heard by the one that summoned them.
Bael is pretty hard to kill, and immune to diseases. Decapitation or annihilation of organs like the heart and lungs will kill him, a knife to the stomach will not.
He can to some degree manipulate shadows (he can cloak himself in them to remain unseen, it's not fool-proof and is actually more like camouflage).
Family: All dead, might even have killed them himself, don't ask him about them.
Despite being a Necromancer Bael is not a horrible, power hungry person and he makes for decent company, if you don’t mind the occasional morbid humour.
He got these white ravens following him around, their names are Odi and Dolor. They look exactly alike, but he manages to tell them apart. Their eye colour is the same icy shade as their masters.

Name: Neitiri

Race: Dracos

Age: 24

Occupation: Unknown

Mate: no

Appearance: A tall woman of about six feet, she has light, almost white, straight hair. There are two spiral horns shooting out of her head. Her ears are pointy and her teeth sharp. Her back, neck and some of her arms are covered in dark jade colored scales. Her nose is pointy and her eyes bright magenta color. She wears something like this:
Except that she doesn't carry a sword around. In fact she can't fight with a sword at all.

Weapon of choice: Bow or Magic. Usually both at the same time.

Abilities: Can materialize things like arrows, daggers and other small things, they usually glow with dim, magenta color, like her eyes. Also she has the ability to transform into a dragon. It's not as big as a real dragon though. It's about the size of two horses maybe. But she almost never does that because when she does she loses her mind, she cannot control the creature she becomes. Longer she stays in her human form, more like a dragon she looks. Scales start covering most of her body, her fangs grow bigger. That's why she loses it sometimes and changes into her dragon form. In her dragon form she's a brown colored beast with wings and claws, but her eyes stay the same.

Family: Her mother died giving birth (human sorceress), while her father is unknown. She was raised by wizards.

Other: Will unfold further in the role play.

Name: Caden (Kay-den) Silas
Race: Human
Age: 18
Occupation: Traveling Swordsman (well, he isn't sure what he wants to become yet).
Mate: None
Appearance: Caden has baby blue, messy, short hair and almost matching color eyes, though his eyes have more a gray blue tint to it. His clothes are in an assortment of blue hues and black: a turtleneck, long-sleeved coat with some simple patterns on it, silver blue pants, and dark blue boots. He also carries around a long, gray sword with a golden hilt which he carries around his black belt with a brown scabbard.
Weapon of choice: Sword, any kind as long as it's pretty sturdy.
Abilities: Caden has exceptional swordsmanship as he's been practicing how to use it at a ripe age of nine. Along the way, a wizard has also taught him how to increase his power even further with some magic, and he also uses that in battle. Usually the magic would coat him in a bright blue fiery aura, and it increases not only his focus and strength but other senses too...
Family: His mother still lives in his home village, but his father had died while he was doing his job (according to those who last saw him). His father happened to be a swordsman as well, killing monsters and whatnot for a living.
Other: Do not do anything with his sword without permission. He will threaten to kill you. And maybe kill you. Or fatally injure you. He still has morals.
A dark cloaked figure was walking through a forest path. Its cloak was a dark brown color, with a dark purple collar. Figure had a bow, but one couldn't name a tree it was made of and even strangely; it didn't look like the figure was carrying any arrows. The bow had obscure carvings on it, strange runes and forms; it looked like it was older than its owner, who was pacing through the forest. Not once did the figure stop and it implied that it wasn't very old, one could even imply it was young; it paced carrying his own frame without a sweat. You could see it was very graceful, which implied it was a woman. Her steps were big and fast, making the grass and old leaves under her feet rustle. You could sometimes see a scared doe running away from the traveler or hear an angry bird screaming from its nest, the inhabitants weren't happy, but the forest didn't care about trespassers, many walked through here, it was usual to see a few travelers, a caravan or maybe a few bandits pass by. Trees have stood here for ages, they did not care about the world around them, it was known for everyone that they were sleeping, a deep sleep given to them by the Forest God.

A small creek came into the travelers view; its waters reflected sun rays that were piercing through the leaves, he walked up to it and filled his flask with cool water. A small smile played on her lips when she finally refreshed herself; she took of her hood revealing her silver-blonde, shoulder length hair and brown spiral horns that shot from her skull. She dipped her human-like hands into the water and rubbed them at her scaled neck. It was a hot day and despite the forest shadow she still felt like a dish in a furnace. Her magenta eyes focused on a bush, when she heard a rustle there. A chimera walked out of it, that creature fascinated her. It was a blend of lion, goat and serpent, many would have been afraid to look at it, but she was used to it by now. The poor thing followed her all the way from the Croath. As the animal drank from the creek, the woman stood up and was about to go back to the path, to proceed on her journey when she heard someone nearing. She quickly took her belongings and climbed the nearest tree hoping that whoever was there, would go past her.

  1. @Daeneirys (me)
  2. @Helfaux
  3. @Altair

  1. Our characters meet in the forest (starting post), after some talking they find out that they are all traveling towards city of Afror, also know as the city of wealth and lies. They start travelling together in the means of staying safe.
  2. On their way they get attacked by four bandits, they manage to win against them, but get injured. Lucky for them the attackers had two horses, which now belong to them.
  3. After travelling some more they reach a tavern named "Scarlett Lance" they stay there for one night. For their interest the tavern is almost full, even if it's in the middle of a forest.
  4. Later on they find out that a very rich merchant is looking for people who could find a treasure for him. Will our characters team up ?

These are only guidelines to help us with the plot development, our characters can try to kill each other, maybe hate each other, but that's the thing about character development. If you have a better idea, tell me!

As you may have guessed, everything is happening in time equivalent to medieval in our timeline, but this world isn't all about knights and ladies. It's much more.
First of all there are two races Humans and Draco also called Natum Draco (translates into dragon born). Humans are exactly what they are, two legs, two hands and so on. dracos on the other hand is a different thing, they are hybrids between humans and Dragons. Below I'll include their appearance. Their ancestry is rather intriguing, they began to appear when humans first started trying to use magic they learned from the dragons. Children were born with horns, scales, bright and unnatural colored eyes. At first such children were killed and their mothers banished because everyone thought they were the spawns of evil, but after some time people started realizing that they were indeed children of magic, they were altered after the dragons, because dragons themselves were magic. Of course they kept their humanoid looks too. Dracos were much stronger, with magic in their veins. Some of them had the power to create illusions, others materialize things or use telekinesis. Many variations. After some time they became majority of all the population on earth, humans remained of course, they were the first ones to populate the world, many big and rich cities stand and thrive until now. But will this be for long?

Dracos looks and stats:
  1. Usual heigh is about 5,9 - 6,3 ft.
  2. They live longer that humans. (100-140 years)
  3. Usually have horns, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and scales on some parts of their body.
  4. They do NOT have wings.
  5. Eyes wary from light grey to pink. (more unnatural for humans is more natural for Dracos)
  6. Skin color is usually humanoid.

Name: Bael (not his real name).
Race: Human.
Age: Older than he looks.
Occupation: Travelling Warlock/Necromancer.
Mate: None
Dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail, icy eyes that almost never close.
He wears dark clothes and a short robe with a hood and a scarf, he carries and an assortment of different knives beneath his robe.
He is around 6’2”
Weapon of Choice: Magi, daggers or bows.
- Draining Touch - as said he has to touch the person's skin, places like the wrists and the neck is preferred because a lot of blood flows through there. The power's cooldown is really, really long. If contact is broken it is even longer.
It's basically how he collects energy to preform magic, and stay alive.
It can be repelled by simple weak enchantments.
The draining takes more than five minutes, and would be a bad move in any combat situation. This power is mostly used when people sell their "souls".
- Raising the Dead - Reanimated corpses drain the power he has collected. To reanimate dead bodies the brain and vital organs needs to be somewhat intact.
Summoning spirits is another form of necromancy, it does not drain power the same way reanimating corpses do, but all magic needs energy. Spirits can't really interact with the world around them, and they can only be seen and heard by the one that summoned them.
Bael is pretty hard to kill, and immune to diseases. Decapitation or annihilation of organs like the heart and lungs will kill him, a knife to the stomach will not.
He can to some degree manipulate shadows (he can cloak himself in them to remain unseen, it's not fool-proof and is actually more like camouflage).
Family: All dead, might even have killed them himself, don't ask him about them.
Despite being a Necromancer Bael is not a horrible, power hungry person and he makes for decent company, if you don’t mind the occasional morbid humour.
He got these white ravens following him around, their names are Odi and Dolor. They look exactly alike, but he manages to tell them apart. Their eye colour is the same icy shade as their masters.

Name: Neitiri

Race: Dracos

Age: 24

Occupation: Unknown

Mate: no

Appearance: A tall woman of about six feet, she has light, almost white, straight hair. There are two spiral horns shooting out of her head. Her ears are pointy and her teeth sharp. Her back, neck and some of her arms are covered in dark jade colored scales. Her nose is pointy and her eyes bright magenta color. She wears something like this:
Except that she doesn't carry a sword around. In fact she can't fight with a sword at all.

Weapon of choice: Bow or Magic. Usually both at the same time.

Abilities: Can materialize things like arrows, daggers and other small things, they usually glow with dim, magenta color, like her eyes. Also she has the ability to transform into a dragon. It's not as big as a real dragon though. It's about the size of two horses maybe. But she almost never does that because when she does she loses her mind, she cannot control the creature she becomes. Longer she stays in her human form, more like a dragon she looks. Scales start covering most of her body, her fangs grow bigger. That's why she loses it sometimes and changes into her dragon form. In her dragon form she's a brown colored beast with wings and claws, but her eyes stay the same.

Family: Her mother died giving birth (human sorceress), while her father is unknown. She was raised by wizards.

Other: Will unfold further in the role play.

Name: Caden (Kay-den) Silas
Race: Human
Age: 18
Occupation: Traveling Swordsman (well, he isn't sure what he wants to become yet).
Mate: None
Appearance: Caden has baby blue, messy, short hair and almost matching color eyes, though his eyes have more a gray blue tint to it. His clothes are in an assortment of blue hues and black: a turtleneck, long-sleeved coat with some simple patterns on it, silver blue pants, and dark blue boots. He also carries around a long, gray sword with a golden hilt which he carries around his black belt with a brown scabbard.
Weapon of choice: Sword, any kind as long as it's pretty sturdy.
Abilities: Caden has exceptional swordsmanship as he's been practicing how to use it at a ripe age of nine. Along the way, a wizard has also taught him how to increase his power even further with some magic, and he also uses that in battle. Usually the magic would coat him in a bright blue fiery aura, and it increases not only his focus and strength but other senses too...
Family: His mother still lives in his home village, but his father had died while he was doing his job (according to those who last saw him). His father happened to be a swordsman as well, killing monsters and whatnot for a living.
Other: Do not do anything with his sword without permission. He will threaten to kill you. And maybe kill you. Or fatally injure you. He still has morals.
The woods, the perfect place for people to hide when they were chased and hunted. Bael grinned; this was the third time this month he had got found out, he was loosing his touch. That or people were paying more attention, which could be bad for business.

This forest was nice though, even with the living things shying away from him. The living did not like the dead, not even those that had no sentience.

He had found a decent place to hide for the time being, a very neat little dry cave. There were the remains of a fire on the cave-floor, so travellers before him might have used the cave to shelter from rain.

A large white rave descended from the skies, followed close by another looking exactly like it.
“Dolor, Odi” Bael greeted them “tell me you have good news”.

One of the ravens shook it’s head, eyes staring accusingly at the man. No words were spoke by it yet the man laughed at the unsaid.

“That is true my friend, but it was not my fault the brat walked in when he did”.

The raven hopped closer and pecked him in the shin.

“Now that was uncalled for,” Bael said, still smiling. Then he sighed, tiredness creeping into his features.

The other raven flew to his shoulder, ruffling through Bael’s hair with its beak.

“Yes Dolor, I know…” he glanced at the raven, “but where to?”

The raven on his shoulder, Dolor, did not seem to answer. Instead the other raven, jumped to his other shoulder, fanning out pristine white wings in a silent challenge.

“Afror you say” another sigh found it’s way from his mouth. “It has been sometime since I was last there, by now they should have forgotten who I am.”

Both ravens whipped their heads around, staring through the entrance, icy eyes searching the distant terrain. They had sensed something. Just his luck, not a moments pause.

Bael got to his feet, the white birds glaring at him as they flew around his head. His hand searched for his favourite knife, it’s weight comforting in his hand. Carved with odd runes, it gleamed wickedly in the light.

He chanted something under his breath and shadows flickered over his form, light bending, making him harder to spot.

The ravens scouted ahead, becoming white dancing shadows under the leaves. They had good eyes and would spot anyone long before he did. Warn him about ambushes and traps.
He might be powerful, but he was not invincible, and people that feared for their lives were dangerous.

One of the ravens returned, landing a few feet from where he was crouching.
“Only one?” he whispered.
The raven nodded and flew off again, circling the man together with its brother.

“I know you are there” Bael called out, remaining hidden against a young tree, shadows still clinging to his clothes. Now he just had to wait and see what this stranger would do, hiding in trees were odd. You didn’t hide unless you had something to hide for, or from.

He had yet to see this person, but the raven had told him it was there, and he did not doubt them.
"Unless of course you are one of the idiots chasing me" he said, speaking in the person general direction, "in that case you can stay".

Smooth, it was probably not the best to admit that you were being chased. Oh well.

((@Daeneirys, do I qualify? Otherwise I'll remove this again (: ))
The woods, the perfect place for people to hide when they were chased and hunted. Bael grinned; this was the third time this month he had got found out, he was loosing his touch. That or people were paying more attention, which could be bad for business.

This forest was nice though, even with the living things shying away from him. The living did not like the dead, not even those that had no sentience.

He had found a decent place to hide for the time being, a very neat little dry cave. There were the remains of a fire on the cave-floor, so travellers before him might have used the cave to shelter from rain.

A large white rave descended from the skies, followed close by another looking exactly like it.
“Dolor, Odi” Bael greeted them “tell me you have good news”.

One of the ravens shook it’s head, eyes staring accusingly at the man. No words were spoke by it yet the man laughed at the unsaid.

“That is true my friend, but it was not my fault the brat walked in when he did”.

The raven hopped closer and pecked him in the shin.

“Now that was uncalled for,” Bael said, still smiling. Then he sighed, tiredness creeping into his features.

The other raven flew to his shoulder, ruffling through Bael’s hair with its beak.

“Yes Dolor, I know…” he glanced at the raven, “but where to?”

The raven on his shoulder, Dolor, did not seem to answer. Instead the other raven, jumped to his other shoulder, fanning out pristine white wings in a silent challenge.

“Afror you say” another sigh found it’s way from his mouth. “It has been sometime since I was last there, by now they should have forgotten who I am.”

Both ravens whipped their heads around, staring through the entrance, icy eyes searching the distant terrain. They had sensed something. Just his luck, not a moments pause.

Bael got to his feet, the white birds glaring at him as they flew around his head. His hand searched for his favourite knife, it’s weight comforting in his hand. Carved with odd runes, it gleamed wickedly in the light.

He chanted something under his breath and shadows flickered over his form, light bending, making him harder to spot.

The ravens scouted ahead, becoming white dancing shadows under the leaves. They had good eyes and would spot anyone long before he did. Warn him about ambushes and traps.
He might be powerful, but he was not invincible, and people that feared for their lives were dangerous.

One of the ravens returned, landing a few feet from where he was crouching.
“Only one?” he whispered.
The raven nodded and flew off again, circling the man together with its brother.

“I know you are there” Bael called out, remaining hidden against a young tree, shadows still clinging to his clothes. Now he just had to wait and see what this stranger would do, hiding in trees were odd. You didn’t hide unless you had something to hide for, or from.

He had yet to see this person, but the raven had told him it was there, and he did not doubt them.
"Unless of course you are one of the idiots chasing me" he said, speaking in the person general direction, "in that case you can stay".

Smooth, it was probably not the best to admit that you were being chased. Oh well.

((@Daeneirys, do I qualify? Otherwise I'll remove this again (: ))
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They / Them | +9 Hours
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(( @Helfaux Yes, you do qualify, just make sure your character doesn't become too powerful or Mary Sue- ish. Because that "Draining power by a touch" seems pretty powerful. Unless I misunderstood something of course. :)
Also looks we're almost in the same timeline so things should go easy. :D ))

“I know you are there.”

She heard a man speak up to her, she didn't see him, but clearly heard him. Her mind started debating whenever she should or shouldn't leave her hideout. It seemed pretty useless to stay in the tree if the man knew where she was.

"Unless of course you are one of the idiots chasing me, in that case you can stay."

She jumped out and stood in the clearing, holding her frame straight. In her hand she was holding her bow, ready to shoot if it was necessary, but not seeing the potential attacker, was hard to not miss. Her bright magenta eyes scanned through the clearing hoping to see any movement. "I can assure you I am not chasing you, If I was you wouldn't have found me."
Being cocky was, Neitiri's response to stress, stressful situations included being unable to see a man who was clearly not far from her. It was frustrating.

Her eyes caught two white crows with ice cold eyes, she felt a shiver coming up her spine. She was no coward, but this gave her an uneasy feeling in her stomach. It was going so well for her, but now she had to face a foe she didn't see.
She inhaled and spoke up. "Who are you?"

(( @Helfaux Yes, you do qualify, just make sure your character doesn't become too powerful or Mary Sue- ish. Because that "Draining power by a touch" seems pretty powerful. Unless I misunderstood something of course. :)
Also looks we're almost in the same timeline so things should go easy. :D ))

“I know you are there.”

She heard a man speak up to her, she didn't see him, but clearly heard him. Her mind started debating whenever she should or shouldn't leave her hideout. It seemed pretty useless to stay in the tree if the man knew where she was.

"Unless of course you are one of the idiots chasing me, in that case you can stay."

She jumped out and stood in the clearing, holding her frame straight. In her hand she was holding her bow, ready to shoot if it was necessary, but not seeing the potential attacker, was hard to not miss. Her bright magenta eyes scanned through the clearing hoping to see any movement. "I can assure you I am not chasing you, If I was you wouldn't have found me."
Being cocky was, Neitiri's response to stress, stressful situations included being unable to see a man who was clearly not far from her. It was frustrating.

Her eyes caught two white crows with ice cold eyes, she felt a shiver coming up her spine. She was no coward, but this gave her an uneasy feeling in her stomach. It was going so well for her, but now she had to face a foe she didn't see.
She inhaled and spoke up. "Who are you?"

The person was a young woman, a young draco woman. Interesting. It was not often he had a chance to deal with dracos, like most things they didn’t like his company. The life of a Necromancer, bound to loneliness.

He stepped forward and shrugged the shadows, now fully visible he felt a bit nervous. He had heard tales of dracos and powerful magic.
Better not get roasted. Besides, people didn’t like always like to speak with persons they couldn’t see. In fact it made most slightly irritated, and some even violent.

One the ravens, the one called Odi landed on his shoulder, carefully watching the newcomer with cold eyes.

“My name is of little importance,” Bael said, unlike the raven he did his best not to seem hostile, “but you can call me Bael”.
The raven landed on his head, claws digging into the material of his hood.

“Please excuse my friends, they are usually more well-behaved than this”, he pushed back his hood; the raven cawed irritated and settled on his other shoulder instead.

“Allow me to introduce Odi”, he pointed to his right shoulder and then to the left, “and Dolor. They are my companions.”

“And now that we’ve introduced ourselves, might we ask what your name is?” he tilted his head slightly in curiosity, “and what are you doing with a chimera following you like a dog?”

Chimeras didn’t like people and people didn’t like chimeras. Normally they kept well away from each other. Odd.

He should probably keep away from it, magical creatures was trouble. They knew what he was by the smell and sense of him.
Not all magical creatures had a problem with the dark arts, but some did, and he didn’t exactly want to play chew toy to a chimera.

“It is not going eat to me is it?”

Odi cawed angrily from his shoulder, Bael just looked at it slightly scandalized; whatever the bird had said it wasn’t nice.

“If you can’t say anything nice keep you beak shut”, he growled at the bird.

He looked back to the woman, “I’m really sorry about that”.

Odi just pecked his ear, shuffled slightly on his shoulder and then flew of. His brother followed soon after, disappearing the thickness of the woods.

“Yes…” he mumbled under his breath, clearly either speaking to the birds or himself.
The person was a young woman, a young draco woman. Interesting. It was not often he had a chance to deal with dracos, like most things they didn’t like his company. The life of a Necromancer, bound to loneliness.

He stepped forward and shrugged the shadows, now fully visible he felt a bit nervous. He had heard tales of dracos and powerful magic.
Better not get roasted. Besides, people didn’t like always like to speak with persons they couldn’t see. In fact it made most slightly irritated, and some even violent.

One the ravens, the one called Odi landed on his shoulder, carefully watching the newcomer with cold eyes.

“My name is of little importance,” Bael said, unlike the raven he did his best not to seem hostile, “but you can call me Bael”.
The raven landed on his head, claws digging into the material of his hood.

“Please excuse my friends, they are usually more well-behaved than this”, he pushed back his hood; the raven cawed irritated and settled on his other shoulder instead.

“Allow me to introduce Odi”, he pointed to his right shoulder and then to the left, “and Dolor. They are my companions.”

“And now that we’ve introduced ourselves, might we ask what your name is?” he tilted his head slightly in curiosity, “and what are you doing with a chimera following you like a dog?”

Chimeras didn’t like people and people didn’t like chimeras. Normally they kept well away from each other. Odd.

He should probably keep away from it, magical creatures was trouble. They knew what he was by the smell and sense of him.
Not all magical creatures had a problem with the dark arts, but some did, and he didn’t exactly want to play chew toy to a chimera.

“It is not going eat to me is it?”

Odi cawed angrily from his shoulder, Bael just looked at it slightly scandalized; whatever the bird had said it wasn’t nice.

“If you can’t say anything nice keep you beak shut”, he growled at the bird.

He looked back to the woman, “I’m really sorry about that”.

Odi just pecked his ear, shuffled slightly on his shoulder and then flew of. His brother followed soon after, disappearing the thickness of the woods.

“Yes…” he mumbled under his breath, clearly either speaking to the birds or himself.
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
» Challenge Record
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Neitiri was relieved, finally seeing the source of that voice. She was calmer and more sure of herself now that she was able to see her target. The man was tall, taller than her. His icy eyes were cold and old, even if the man himself didn't seem to be old, which was odd.She saw one of the crows land on his shoulder, now two pairs of icy eyes were watching her. She gnashed her teeth a little, those flying things gave her chills.

The stranger presented himself, still not giving her his real name, she assumed. Another crow, identical to the first landed on his head. Three pair of eyes, were now watching her. She felt as if those two winged ******** were judging her now, she swallowed hard. The man started introducing his "pets", both of them had strange names, but she didn't even listen, for her it was of no import.

"You didn't grant me your true name, why would I do that?" She tilted her head and squinted a little. Then she looked at the chimera which was now standing behind her, looking at Bael. "I can assure you, I have no idea as to why is it following me, we're both not humans, so we have something in common." She trailed. When the man questioned if the chimera could eat him, Neitiri smiled. "Why don't you ask it?"

The crow sitting on the right man's shoulder cawed something, causing the other one to snap to the other. To Neitiri's surprise Bael could understand those two. So he was either a sort of warlock or a crazy man, who lost his mind. Either way, Neitiri wasn't very happy about their encounter.

((Nah, it's alright and it's much clearer now. Thanks! :) ))
Neitiri was relieved, finally seeing the source of that voice. She was calmer and more sure of herself now that she was able to see her target. The man was tall, taller than her. His icy eyes were cold and old, even if the man himself didn't seem to be old, which was odd.She saw one of the crows land on his shoulder, now two pairs of icy eyes were watching her. She gnashed her teeth a little, those flying things gave her chills.

The stranger presented himself, still not giving her his real name, she assumed. Another crow, identical to the first landed on his head. Three pair of eyes, were now watching her. She felt as if those two winged ******** were judging her now, she swallowed hard. The man started introducing his "pets", both of them had strange names, but she didn't even listen, for her it was of no import.

"You didn't grant me your true name, why would I do that?" She tilted her head and squinted a little. Then she looked at the chimera which was now standing behind her, looking at Bael. "I can assure you, I have no idea as to why is it following me, we're both not humans, so we have something in common." She trailed. When the man questioned if the chimera could eat him, Neitiri smiled. "Why don't you ask it?"

The crow sitting on the right man's shoulder cawed something, causing the other one to snap to the other. To Neitiri's surprise Bael could understand those two. So he was either a sort of warlock or a crazy man, who lost his mind. Either way, Neitiri wasn't very happy about their encounter.

((Nah, it's alright and it's much clearer now. Thanks! :) ))
People always said his people skills very rusty, or not there. People were right it seemed. Instead being depressed about he smiled, “Well, Bael is a good as name as any, and I like it more than the ones left behind”.

Maybe people skills required lying? Could explain why he got into trouble so easily. Besides, now she was giving him this suspicious look. Must come talking to the feathered idiots, that always got him weird looks.

He glanced back at the chimera, eyes narrowed slightly as he hissed something under his breath, probably a curse. Not the magic kind, just the regular kind.

“You wont try to eat me will you?” he asked, raising his voice slight so he was sure to be heard. So much for staying away, oh well.

His eyes briefly scouted the treetops, frowning slightly before he refocused on the woman.

“Well, you could always give me a not-name”, he said “That way it would be completely fair”.

It was sort of typical his luck. Dracos were magical creatures too, so of course they were on with the whole I-don’t-like-the-black-magic-vibes-coming-off-you. He scratched his chin, thinking on how to turn this around.
Normally he would just have left; it was easier not to deal with people. Damn his curiosity.

What do you say to people that don’t like you?
Honestly he had no idea, but he needed to come up with something. She was a new source of information, and it was easier to follow people when they did not mind you being there.

Besides, he was pretty sure she could catch him, even with his shadow cloak. The whole sensing you thing was irritating like that. Maybe there were enchantments against that...
Asking her was out of the question, it might seem suspicious; hello do you have any enchantments that can repel magical creatures? Better not.

“You never answered to where you were going?” she probably wouldn’t answer this either. She seemed a tad bit to cautious. Well, it was one of the more harmless questions he could come up with.

Odi would bite him for this later, stupid bird was always so angry.

((@Altair, welcome to the play, I do believe it's your turn now?))
People always said his people skills very rusty, or not there. People were right it seemed. Instead being depressed about he smiled, “Well, Bael is a good as name as any, and I like it more than the ones left behind”.

Maybe people skills required lying? Could explain why he got into trouble so easily. Besides, now she was giving him this suspicious look. Must come talking to the feathered idiots, that always got him weird looks.

He glanced back at the chimera, eyes narrowed slightly as he hissed something under his breath, probably a curse. Not the magic kind, just the regular kind.

“You wont try to eat me will you?” he asked, raising his voice slight so he was sure to be heard. So much for staying away, oh well.

His eyes briefly scouted the treetops, frowning slightly before he refocused on the woman.

“Well, you could always give me a not-name”, he said “That way it would be completely fair”.

It was sort of typical his luck. Dracos were magical creatures too, so of course they were on with the whole I-don’t-like-the-black-magic-vibes-coming-off-you. He scratched his chin, thinking on how to turn this around.
Normally he would just have left; it was easier not to deal with people. Damn his curiosity.

What do you say to people that don’t like you?
Honestly he had no idea, but he needed to come up with something. She was a new source of information, and it was easier to follow people when they did not mind you being there.

Besides, he was pretty sure she could catch him, even with his shadow cloak. The whole sensing you thing was irritating like that. Maybe there were enchantments against that...
Asking her was out of the question, it might seem suspicious; hello do you have any enchantments that can repel magical creatures? Better not.

“You never answered to where you were going?” she probably wouldn’t answer this either. She seemed a tad bit to cautious. Well, it was one of the more harmless questions he could come up with.

Odi would bite him for this later, stupid bird was always so angry.

((@Altair, welcome to the play, I do believe it's your turn now?))
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
» Challenge Record
» Art Shop | Skin Shop | Adoptables
((@Helfaux @Altair Guys, I think I'll answer now because this might be the last time today, besides Altair haven't created introductory post yet, so you're not going to lose anything. Right? I am so PUMPED right now, so I'm just gonna go ahead and post. When Altair will post we're going to go back to the usual lineup. Ok?
Also ,Helfaux, was this a supernatural reference? :D))

Neitiri watched as Bael proceeded with his monologue. His body language didn't show any aggression, which was a good sign itself, she guessed. She was curious why didn't he run off at first? He didn't know what was in that tree at first, so why did he stay? Was he that powerful? Neitiri was skeptical about that, she felt the chimera snuggle up to her leg, she looked down at the creature, fascinated by it's strange behavior. The man was stubborn or really dumb to keep trying to get her name out, even if it was a fake one. She decided to go with her nickname, it wasn't her name, so it shouldn't work on any curses.

"Call me Nei, then." She spoke, putting her bow over her head. It didn't look like she'll need it anymore, anyways. What made Neitiri question herself, was that she was more interested in the man, than scared of him. He was ... unusual, yes. Unusual. That described him, even if vaguely. She blinked a few times, before Bael asked her another question, this time she smirked. "Well, you didn't ask, did you?" without waiting for an answer, she said. "Like many others, I travel to Afror."
((@Helfaux @Altair Guys, I think I'll answer now because this might be the last time today, besides Altair haven't created introductory post yet, so you're not going to lose anything. Right? I am so PUMPED right now, so I'm just gonna go ahead and post. When Altair will post we're going to go back to the usual lineup. Ok?
Also ,Helfaux, was this a supernatural reference? :D))

Neitiri watched as Bael proceeded with his monologue. His body language didn't show any aggression, which was a good sign itself, she guessed. She was curious why didn't he run off at first? He didn't know what was in that tree at first, so why did he stay? Was he that powerful? Neitiri was skeptical about that, she felt the chimera snuggle up to her leg, she looked down at the creature, fascinated by it's strange behavior. The man was stubborn or really dumb to keep trying to get her name out, even if it was a fake one. She decided to go with her nickname, it wasn't her name, so it shouldn't work on any curses.

"Call me Nei, then." She spoke, putting her bow over her head. It didn't look like she'll need it anymore, anyways. What made Neitiri question herself, was that she was more interested in the man, than scared of him. He was ... unusual, yes. Unusual. That described him, even if vaguely. She blinked a few times, before Bael asked her another question, this time she smirked. "Well, you didn't ask, did you?" without waiting for an answer, she said. "Like many others, I travel to Afror."
((@Daeneirys, @Altair, okay so I decided to go ahead and post, I hope you don't mind. That way Altair can post after me like supposed and the order will continue C:
As for Supernatural, references may, or may not, happen without me noticing XD
Now I bid you goodnight!))

Bael stared slightly as the chimera snuggled up against the dracos leg, he was baffled, was this some sort of magical-creature thing?

Nei? Well, it was nice and short, easy to remember. He was not that good at remembering longer names. That was about the only thing those damn birds were good for; memory. Well of course the scouting too.

Had he truly not asked where she was going? Hmm, must be getting more forgetful. It was probably the bird’s fault, always distracting him.
He zoned back to the conversation just catch the name; maybe it was himself that was doing the distraction part? Nah, rule one: Blame the birds.

“Afror, the city of lies.” He grinned again, skin crinkling around his eyes. “A couple of non-named people like should feel right at home yes?”

“Dolor said it would be a good idea to head that way” he glanced over his shoulder, in the general direction of where he felt the raven’s presence, “sly thing…”

“If don’t mind I would like to come with you”. Well, he’d done it. The worst thing she could was decline, and even then she did not own the roads. He was just going to follow from afar. Odd thing she was going on foot though, it was not exactly just around the corner.

Of course he hadn’t had time to grab a horse when half the village came after him with pitchforks. He had been very busy running for his life thank you. There weren’t exactly dead horses lying around either, so he couldn’t exactly raise one. Besides, a blatant display of necromancy was a no-no.
He did not want to get shot by the funny bow she was carrying around. Where were the arrows to that thing anyways?
“Do you not require arrows to operate your weapon?” he asked curiously. Perhaps it was magical, magical weapons were nice. He likes to collect them. Of course he doesn’t keep them, except his knife.

“It looks old”. His gaze lingers briefly over the runes. He was pretty sure he understood most of the runes, but then again, the bow might have tricked him.

He was getting uncomfortable standing still here; the ravens had not reported any dangers, yet he was still being chased. And speaking from experience, most people did not give up.

“Nei, remember when I mentioned that whole me getting pursued thing?”
((@Daeneirys, @Altair, okay so I decided to go ahead and post, I hope you don't mind. That way Altair can post after me like supposed and the order will continue C:
As for Supernatural, references may, or may not, happen without me noticing XD
Now I bid you goodnight!))

Bael stared slightly as the chimera snuggled up against the dracos leg, he was baffled, was this some sort of magical-creature thing?

Nei? Well, it was nice and short, easy to remember. He was not that good at remembering longer names. That was about the only thing those damn birds were good for; memory. Well of course the scouting too.

Had he truly not asked where she was going? Hmm, must be getting more forgetful. It was probably the bird’s fault, always distracting him.
He zoned back to the conversation just catch the name; maybe it was himself that was doing the distraction part? Nah, rule one: Blame the birds.

“Afror, the city of lies.” He grinned again, skin crinkling around his eyes. “A couple of non-named people like should feel right at home yes?”

“Dolor said it would be a good idea to head that way” he glanced over his shoulder, in the general direction of where he felt the raven’s presence, “sly thing…”

“If don’t mind I would like to come with you”. Well, he’d done it. The worst thing she could was decline, and even then she did not own the roads. He was just going to follow from afar. Odd thing she was going on foot though, it was not exactly just around the corner.

Of course he hadn’t had time to grab a horse when half the village came after him with pitchforks. He had been very busy running for his life thank you. There weren’t exactly dead horses lying around either, so he couldn’t exactly raise one. Besides, a blatant display of necromancy was a no-no.
He did not want to get shot by the funny bow she was carrying around. Where were the arrows to that thing anyways?
“Do you not require arrows to operate your weapon?” he asked curiously. Perhaps it was magical, magical weapons were nice. He likes to collect them. Of course he doesn’t keep them, except his knife.

“It looks old”. His gaze lingers briefly over the runes. He was pretty sure he understood most of the runes, but then again, the bow might have tricked him.

He was getting uncomfortable standing still here; the ravens had not reported any dangers, yet he was still being chased. And speaking from experience, most people did not give up.

“Nei, remember when I mentioned that whole me getting pursued thing?”
tumblr_pvlzf3Gqzz1x1798to1_100.png GRIM
They / Them | +9 Hours
» Challenge Record
» Art Shop | Skin Shop | Adoptables
((Sorry, I have been busy for the whole day today. That and I think we have pretty far timezones. I'm in GMT+8, how about you? That's 15 hours ahead of FR time.))

Caden let out an annoyed grunt as he scoured the forest for any sign of movement. He had been in this request for over three days now and still no sign of what he was looking for. Of all the people he had to ask, why a seemingly crazy old lady that was probably some kind of mad witch? Finding a chimera was hard enough, but to slice off its fang...he sighed. It was good training, yes, but he was never good at looking for things...

He then heard voices. Two voices. The teen focused; one man, one woman..? Both should not be messed around with. Tch, a fine time to possibly run in to some trouble, but maybe they could help him out?

Silently and slowly, he went closer to the voices, unable to figure out what their conversation was. He picked up something about the city not far from where they were, Afror, and concluded that they were travelers. There was no friendliness, so maybe they had just met coincidentally? His hand grasped the hilt of his sword, ready to pull it out if needed.

Close to a bush, he carefully peeked over it, and cursed his luck.
A chimera!...with a woman. A tall woman. A Draco. First time he laid eyes on one, that was for sure. She was with another man that was even taller and more daunting that she was. He laid low, trying to hear more, but knowing these two (they gave off this weird vibe), they would be able to sense him.

Oh, how fate loved to toy with him!
((Sorry, I have been busy for the whole day today. That and I think we have pretty far timezones. I'm in GMT+8, how about you? That's 15 hours ahead of FR time.))

Caden let out an annoyed grunt as he scoured the forest for any sign of movement. He had been in this request for over three days now and still no sign of what he was looking for. Of all the people he had to ask, why a seemingly crazy old lady that was probably some kind of mad witch? Finding a chimera was hard enough, but to slice off its fang...he sighed. It was good training, yes, but he was never good at looking for things...

He then heard voices. Two voices. The teen focused; one man, one woman..? Both should not be messed around with. Tch, a fine time to possibly run in to some trouble, but maybe they could help him out?

Silently and slowly, he went closer to the voices, unable to figure out what their conversation was. He picked up something about the city not far from where they were, Afror, and concluded that they were travelers. There was no friendliness, so maybe they had just met coincidentally? His hand grasped the hilt of his sword, ready to pull it out if needed.

Close to a bush, he carefully peeked over it, and cursed his luck.
A chimera!...with a woman. A tall woman. A Draco. First time he laid eyes on one, that was for sure. She was with another man that was even taller and more daunting that she was. He laid low, trying to hear more, but knowing these two (they gave off this weird vibe), they would be able to sense him.

Oh, how fate loved to toy with him!
The man like always looked zoned out, it looked like it was usual for him. He snapped out of it when she mentioned Afror. Everyone knew about Afror, a beautiful city that hides many secrets and lies. The usual. "It may be a good place..." she trailed, her index finger tapping her chin. When Bael mentioned his "friend" again, she frowned a little. He didn't seem like he was crazy, but he could talk with his crows. She heard about these warlocks, but they usually lived in forests or at least she assumed they did. She made a mental note to find that out.

When Bael suggested to travel together, Neitiri raised her brows. She kind of expected that, but this was an awkward question. If she refused, he would still travel towards Afror, behind her and that might be even more dangerous that traveling foot to foot. "I'll agree, if you give your word to not try to kill me or steal from me. Otherwise, I'll hunt you down and kill you." She said, not answering the question about her bow discreetly. Well, the threat wasn't very discreet, but what have he expected?

"I do," she said "I assume this is why you travel -" She ended mid sentence before the chimera turned towards some bushes, a low growl emerged from it's mouth. Neitiri quickly readied her bow, a magenta arrow appearing in it's place. She targeted toward where chimera was looking, her eyes scanning around. Now she too could feel someone was there, but who?

"Looks like we have new company."

((@Helfaux @Altair Guys, I'm like ten hours ahead FR time, it's 14:38 here. I come up similar to Helfaux, but today I'm baking pie(If it tells you anything Helfaux) so I'm a little late, sorry!))
The man like always looked zoned out, it looked like it was usual for him. He snapped out of it when she mentioned Afror. Everyone knew about Afror, a beautiful city that hides many secrets and lies. The usual. "It may be a good place..." she trailed, her index finger tapping her chin. When Bael mentioned his "friend" again, she frowned a little. He didn't seem like he was crazy, but he could talk with his crows. She heard about these warlocks, but they usually lived in forests or at least she assumed they did. She made a mental note to find that out.

When Bael suggested to travel together, Neitiri raised her brows. She kind of expected that, but this was an awkward question. If she refused, he would still travel towards Afror, behind her and that might be even more dangerous that traveling foot to foot. "I'll agree, if you give your word to not try to kill me or steal from me. Otherwise, I'll hunt you down and kill you." She said, not answering the question about her bow discreetly. Well, the threat wasn't very discreet, but what have he expected?

"I do," she said "I assume this is why you travel -" She ended mid sentence before the chimera turned towards some bushes, a low growl emerged from it's mouth. Neitiri quickly readied her bow, a magenta arrow appearing in it's place. She targeted toward where chimera was looking, her eyes scanning around. Now she too could feel someone was there, but who?

"Looks like we have new company."

((@Helfaux @Altair Guys, I'm like ten hours ahead FR time, it's 14:38 here. I come up similar to Helfaux, but today I'm baking pie(If it tells you anything Helfaux) so I'm a little late, sorry!))
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