

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Audacity [closed]
@Virusyte @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @ryuchanwings

Delki had been leaning against the wall, listening to the conversation when the light pearl catcher had tumbled against it beside her. Without looking down she sent him "this is a car" and a picture of a silver Toyota. "They are something people use to get places quickly, but in order to drive one I think you need to have a licence."

Closing her eyes, Delki tried to bring up a mental map of the place. To get to the main door from here would be hard considering the distance, and she wasn't really sure about some parts since she wasn't paying much attention when they had arrived. She projected the map to the other hybrids with hope that they would be able to fill in the blank spots, along with "before we focus on getting away, we should probably try to get out of here first"
@Virusyte @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @ryuchanwings

Delki had been leaning against the wall, listening to the conversation when the light pearl catcher had tumbled against it beside her. Without looking down she sent him "this is a car" and a picture of a silver Toyota. "They are something people use to get places quickly, but in order to drive one I think you need to have a licence."

Closing her eyes, Delki tried to bring up a mental map of the place. To get to the main door from here would be hard considering the distance, and she wasn't really sure about some parts since she wasn't paying much attention when they had arrived. She projected the map to the other hybrids with hope that they would be able to fill in the blank spots, along with "before we focus on getting away, we should probably try to get out of here first"
@Virusyte @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @Ryuchanwings @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

"Um," he began, unsure how to ask, "I know that you guys are looking for the kid you knew but," the hybrid folded his hands in his lap, rubbing his thumb over his palm. "Did you ever find him?-and do you know anything about the others' history?"

"...We never did. Even if we did recognise him he wouldn't remember us." Wade's eyes turned hard, distant at the memory, "And as for all the others, we never knew much about their history. Some were simply randomly taken off the streets for looking desirable, others were taken for much deeper reasons. They took Kiyeol to turn him against him, knowing for sure that we would never be able to fight a weapon that was so close to our hearts." The thick brows of the man furrowed considerably as he thought about it.

"His father was a good man. Was a civil engineer that went missing during the war. Nobody knows if he was alive or dead. His son was still really young when he was given to us. His mother later had a daughter. We kept in contact...and she vanished too. That was around the time Kiyeol disappeared. A happy family, completely destroyed by a petty grudge." Letting out a light cough, he got up from the couch and flicked out his handphone, proceeding outside to make a call. The television was on, to a sombre news clip.

"A trailer was seen conducting a highly-dangerous car chase with a large, dubious truck near the canyon. It is believed that the trailer, emblazoned with the military logo had wanted the truck to pull over in order to check its contents, but the truck had vanished from a 89-degree drop into the canyon below. No bodies have been found as of yet, and it is speculated that the truck had disappeared into one of the cracks visible on the canyon's side. The trailer eventually turned back and left to a mansion of an affluent businessman."

"When reporters came to the scene, the trailer was gone and there were several dead gunmen at the scene. There was traces of mustard and various condiments dotting the interior of the guesthouse, and some of the gunmen sported slashes and bitemarks typical of dragons. A spokesperson stated that the gunmen had appeared from nowhere and seemed to be fighting lurid shadows that seemed neither fully human or dragon. Some scales and hair were also recovered from the scene, along with a blood sample in the burnt patch of garden."

"It is widely believed that it was an assassination attempt by the military in protest of a shady project the businessman had funded. The blood had been sent to tests in order to determine the victims' identity and the public are advised once more not to interfere with military vehicles."

Charles crouched down and was about to leap when the other hybrid leapt, tangling himself up in all the wires. The manchild laughed loudly, rolling on his stomach and kicking his paws in the air to illustrate how funny the hilarious scenario was. He turned back when he saw the image of the car, pawing at it as if the car was real and in fact of him. "ssssssarRRrrr," the hybrid stated dreamily, gazing at Delki who had projected the image.

Razor did a sharp nod at the second image. Something like that. he stated, before projecting an image of a person driving. It was blurred, but it was discernable of a human piloting the car. Do we want to hold up a military man to drive us out, or wait and extort information about the third base they talked about? he asked, before the same newsclip came on near them, on a TV mounted on the wall. Check it out, we're in the black box thing. he quipped sarcastically.
@Virusyte @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @Ryuchanwings @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

"Um," he began, unsure how to ask, "I know that you guys are looking for the kid you knew but," the hybrid folded his hands in his lap, rubbing his thumb over his palm. "Did you ever find him?-and do you know anything about the others' history?"

"...We never did. Even if we did recognise him he wouldn't remember us." Wade's eyes turned hard, distant at the memory, "And as for all the others, we never knew much about their history. Some were simply randomly taken off the streets for looking desirable, others were taken for much deeper reasons. They took Kiyeol to turn him against him, knowing for sure that we would never be able to fight a weapon that was so close to our hearts." The thick brows of the man furrowed considerably as he thought about it.

"His father was a good man. Was a civil engineer that went missing during the war. Nobody knows if he was alive or dead. His son was still really young when he was given to us. His mother later had a daughter. We kept in contact...and she vanished too. That was around the time Kiyeol disappeared. A happy family, completely destroyed by a petty grudge." Letting out a light cough, he got up from the couch and flicked out his handphone, proceeding outside to make a call. The television was on, to a sombre news clip.

"A trailer was seen conducting a highly-dangerous car chase with a large, dubious truck near the canyon. It is believed that the trailer, emblazoned with the military logo had wanted the truck to pull over in order to check its contents, but the truck had vanished from a 89-degree drop into the canyon below. No bodies have been found as of yet, and it is speculated that the truck had disappeared into one of the cracks visible on the canyon's side. The trailer eventually turned back and left to a mansion of an affluent businessman."

"When reporters came to the scene, the trailer was gone and there were several dead gunmen at the scene. There was traces of mustard and various condiments dotting the interior of the guesthouse, and some of the gunmen sported slashes and bitemarks typical of dragons. A spokesperson stated that the gunmen had appeared from nowhere and seemed to be fighting lurid shadows that seemed neither fully human or dragon. Some scales and hair were also recovered from the scene, along with a blood sample in the burnt patch of garden."

"It is widely believed that it was an assassination attempt by the military in protest of a shady project the businessman had funded. The blood had been sent to tests in order to determine the victims' identity and the public are advised once more not to interfere with military vehicles."

Charles crouched down and was about to leap when the other hybrid leapt, tangling himself up in all the wires. The manchild laughed loudly, rolling on his stomach and kicking his paws in the air to illustrate how funny the hilarious scenario was. He turned back when he saw the image of the car, pawing at it as if the car was real and in fact of him. "ssssssarRRrrr," the hybrid stated dreamily, gazing at Delki who had projected the image.

Razor did a sharp nod at the second image. Something like that. he stated, before projecting an image of a person driving. It was blurred, but it was discernable of a human piloting the car. Do we want to hold up a military man to drive us out, or wait and extort information about the third base they talked about? he asked, before the same newsclip came on near them, on a TV mounted on the wall. Check it out, we're in the black box thing. he quipped sarcastically.
@Ryuchanwings @LunarSong @Dracoon

EDIT: ((:/ Flight Rising is eating my words again. They should really get this fixed. I had to repost this.))

Kyre (while upside down) crossed his arms and huffed at his inaccurate depiction of a car. Well, the quality of his mental image was at least better than the Guardian's (as can be compared between JPG, PNG and a GIF, he decided) and that was fine. Had the scientists said something about imagination and mental-visual pictures or something like that before...? Meh. He shot a look at Delki, and filed away the 'car' piece of information for later examination. Kyre kept it just behind the front of his mind so he could easily recall it sometime else, and not forget about it entirely.

Black box? He was in a black box?

"Cewl!" He accidentally mentally squealed 'out loud'.

Kyre glared at 'himself' like it was an impostor. What. Kyre was a bit annoyed. The gall that thing had to imitate him right down to the twitching!

Oh, wait, it was like one of those monitoring/recording systems in the Laboratory, right? It all made sense again! But this one probably wasn't as high-quality as the ones at the Laboratory, since it seemed to have no sound. Or maybe there was a sound button, like the recording systems from Lab? Or maybe something was just in his ears. Nothing sounded quite right all day, anyways. There must be something in his ears. But there were still words on the bottom of the screen, and he just hoped that the white-scrolling words were what the system was saying.

((lawl. As you can see, he can sort of be smart and dumb and the same time... xD Take the striked-out seriously or not xD))
@Ryuchanwings @LunarSong @Dracoon

EDIT: ((:/ Flight Rising is eating my words again. They should really get this fixed. I had to repost this.))

Kyre (while upside down) crossed his arms and huffed at his inaccurate depiction of a car. Well, the quality of his mental image was at least better than the Guardian's (as can be compared between JPG, PNG and a GIF, he decided) and that was fine. Had the scientists said something about imagination and mental-visual pictures or something like that before...? Meh. He shot a look at Delki, and filed away the 'car' piece of information for later examination. Kyre kept it just behind the front of his mind so he could easily recall it sometime else, and not forget about it entirely.

Black box? He was in a black box?

"Cewl!" He accidentally mentally squealed 'out loud'.

Kyre glared at 'himself' like it was an impostor. What. Kyre was a bit annoyed. The gall that thing had to imitate him right down to the twitching!

Oh, wait, it was like one of those monitoring/recording systems in the Laboratory, right? It all made sense again! But this one probably wasn't as high-quality as the ones at the Laboratory, since it seemed to have no sound. Or maybe there was a sound button, like the recording systems from Lab? Or maybe something was just in his ears. Nothing sounded quite right all day, anyways. There must be something in his ears. But there were still words on the bottom of the screen, and he just hoped that the white-scrolling words were what the system was saying.

((lawl. As you can see, he can sort of be smart and dumb and the same time... xD Take the striked-out seriously or not xD))
@dracoon @drakeswing @nano

Maya sighed and went to help untangle the hybrids, though she was internally celebrating Charles's attempt to use the word 'car. Well... She left off entirely as she saw the news reel. Oh my god, we're criminals now??! She thought incredulously.
@dracoon @drakeswing @nano

Maya sighed and went to help untangle the hybrids, though she was internally celebrating Charles's attempt to use the word 'car. Well... She left off entirely as she saw the news reel. Oh my god, we're criminals now??! She thought incredulously.
Keep Moving Forward- Walt Disney.
@Virusyte @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @Ryuchanwings @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

Razor frowned. So they were fugitives now? He turned to see a familiar figure walking down the hallway, flanked by two armed guards. The head scientist! What in Plaguemother's faith- he exclaimed, backing away slowly. He was upset that the fortress had allowed a scientist entry and was quick to show it, flaring his fin and showing all his sharp teeth.

His wings fanned out to protect those behind him, but the man shoved Razor roughly aside. The head scientist squinted as Charles easily untangled himself, nuzzling Maya fondly. "Charles, come on. Let's go home. You shouldn't be here." he called, and the manchild turned around at the familiar voice. The hybrid stayed put, staring at the head scientist. Charles's tail, long regarded as a measurement of his emotions, stopped wagging suddenly and fell limply against the floor. The head scientist came forward and hugged the large furry creature, whispering how worried he had been and the eventual manhunt for him.

Charles blinked when the man had finished rambling, staring at him as if he was a stranger. The hybrid closed his eyes and sent the human a mental image, something impossible except of Arcane hybrids. I can't approve of what you do. was typed across the mental image, and the man recoiled in shock. "Charles...why..." The man suddenly got up, with a malevolent air. "If I can't bring you back I'll just shoot all of them dead to make you come with me," he continued darkly, pointing the gun at Maya's chest.

The mutant let out the shrillest of screams, the ten eyes clouded with rage. The notion of friend and enemy suddenly vanished, and it was too late for the head scientist to realise how large a mistake he had committed in pointing a weapon at someone who had sworn to be the manchild's guardian. In blind rage, the mutant easily tore into the weak, almost unarmed human he could no longer distinguish to be related to him by blood. The armed guards froze, but did not fire. One of the men took off his mask and placed it near his chest as the attack unfolded, seemingly distressed.

"Mind games should never be played in a house with children," he stated stoically, before turning to the other hybrids.

"The commander called us over the infocomm. He wants you to go to the control room for further orders. We might be going to a third base if you're game for more violence."
@Virusyte @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @Ryuchanwings @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

Razor frowned. So they were fugitives now? He turned to see a familiar figure walking down the hallway, flanked by two armed guards. The head scientist! What in Plaguemother's faith- he exclaimed, backing away slowly. He was upset that the fortress had allowed a scientist entry and was quick to show it, flaring his fin and showing all his sharp teeth.

His wings fanned out to protect those behind him, but the man shoved Razor roughly aside. The head scientist squinted as Charles easily untangled himself, nuzzling Maya fondly. "Charles, come on. Let's go home. You shouldn't be here." he called, and the manchild turned around at the familiar voice. The hybrid stayed put, staring at the head scientist. Charles's tail, long regarded as a measurement of his emotions, stopped wagging suddenly and fell limply against the floor. The head scientist came forward and hugged the large furry creature, whispering how worried he had been and the eventual manhunt for him.

Charles blinked when the man had finished rambling, staring at him as if he was a stranger. The hybrid closed his eyes and sent the human a mental image, something impossible except of Arcane hybrids. I can't approve of what you do. was typed across the mental image, and the man recoiled in shock. "Charles...why..." The man suddenly got up, with a malevolent air. "If I can't bring you back I'll just shoot all of them dead to make you come with me," he continued darkly, pointing the gun at Maya's chest.

The mutant let out the shrillest of screams, the ten eyes clouded with rage. The notion of friend and enemy suddenly vanished, and it was too late for the head scientist to realise how large a mistake he had committed in pointing a weapon at someone who had sworn to be the manchild's guardian. In blind rage, the mutant easily tore into the weak, almost unarmed human he could no longer distinguish to be related to him by blood. The armed guards froze, but did not fire. One of the men took off his mask and placed it near his chest as the attack unfolded, seemingly distressed.

"Mind games should never be played in a house with children," he stated stoically, before turning to the other hybrids.

"The commander called us over the infocomm. He wants you to go to the control room for further orders. We might be going to a third base if you're game for more violence."
@RaikuKawisa @Lunarsong @Ryuchanwings @Lost @HeartofDragons @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @Nano

Bach flared his wings as the scientist pointed his gun at Maya, and grinned evilly as Charles attacked the scientist moments later. He raised an eyebrow at the guard, and started speaking as loudly as possible with the wire holding his jaw tight, although he slurred every s. "If there'sssss chance to rescue otherssss like ussss, I'll help." He kept the pistol held in one hand, and strode past the scientist being attacked, keeping the muzzle pointed casually at him, although far enough away that it couldn't be grabbed and used against anybody else there.
@RaikuKawisa @Lunarsong @Ryuchanwings @Lost @HeartofDragons @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @Nano

Bach flared his wings as the scientist pointed his gun at Maya, and grinned evilly as Charles attacked the scientist moments later. He raised an eyebrow at the guard, and started speaking as loudly as possible with the wire holding his jaw tight, although he slurred every s. "If there'sssss chance to rescue otherssss like ussss, I'll help." He kept the pistol held in one hand, and strode past the scientist being attacked, keeping the muzzle pointed casually at him, although far enough away that it couldn't be grabbed and used against anybody else there.
@RaikuKawisa @Lunarsong @drakeswing @Lost @HeartofDragons @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @Nano

Maya was alarmed as she saw the scientist enter. He scared her, but he was Charles's father.....

As he pointed a gun at her, all she could do for those few moments was stare at him, taken off guard by the near ridiculousness of this situation. She was capable of snapping his wrist like a twig. He knew it, he'd been there for the tests. But here he was, threatening her with a gun.

The next moment, he was gone. She came crashing back to reality as CHarles attacked the man who had made him the way he was, who he had shown to her with images of love and affection. CHARLES! She jumped forward, wrapping her arms around his face. She was flattered he was defending her, but she didn't want him to regret this later as she tried to gently but firmly pull him away from the man on the floor, not sure if he was still alive or not. Charles, sweetie, I'm okay, it'll be okay, he can't hurt me now, you can stop now, little brother. Shh, Watashi wa genkii, I am fine. She kissed his brow, petting his fur. "'Ssss naht wurrrth 't, brrrrutherrrr...." She said out loud.
@RaikuKawisa @Lunarsong @drakeswing @Lost @HeartofDragons @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @Nano

Maya was alarmed as she saw the scientist enter. He scared her, but he was Charles's father.....

As he pointed a gun at her, all she could do for those few moments was stare at him, taken off guard by the near ridiculousness of this situation. She was capable of snapping his wrist like a twig. He knew it, he'd been there for the tests. But here he was, threatening her with a gun.

The next moment, he was gone. She came crashing back to reality as CHarles attacked the man who had made him the way he was, who he had shown to her with images of love and affection. CHARLES! She jumped forward, wrapping her arms around his face. She was flattered he was defending her, but she didn't want him to regret this later as she tried to gently but firmly pull him away from the man on the floor, not sure if he was still alive or not. Charles, sweetie, I'm okay, it'll be okay, he can't hurt me now, you can stop now, little brother. Shh, Watashi wa genkii, I am fine. She kissed his brow, petting his fur. "'Ssss naht wurrrth 't, brrrrutherrrr...." She said out loud.
Keep Moving Forward- Walt Disney.
@Virusyte @drakeswing @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @Ryuchanwings @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

The hybrid slid off when the Pearlcatcher blinded him, whining and flailing around before the thoughts of the girl reached him.The hybrid's mouth and front paws were smeared with warm, sticky blood, and he shook in fear at what he had done. It was obvious that the injuries sustained was very severe, and from the man's blood-stained body and face, you could make out the tear marks on his cheeks- the utter despondence at how he had created such a monster. The mutant sat on his haunches, staring in fear at the blood on his claws and mouth. "Errrgh!" he exclaimed loudly, trying to get rid of the blood but scratching himself instead. When it didn't seem to come off, he stared up at Maya with pleading eyes, as if asking what he ought to do in this situation.

The man was whisked away to a far-off room. Another, cloaked in silver entered with him, and in his gloved hands was the unmistakeable vial of dragon serum. The automatic doors shut, locking behind them with a resounding clanging noise. Underneath the cloak, the mouth twisted upwards in a sadistic grin.

Time for you to feel their pain.
@Virusyte @drakeswing @HeartofDragons @Sherlockholmes @Lost @Ryuchanwings @Nano @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

The hybrid slid off when the Pearlcatcher blinded him, whining and flailing around before the thoughts of the girl reached him.The hybrid's mouth and front paws were smeared with warm, sticky blood, and he shook in fear at what he had done. It was obvious that the injuries sustained was very severe, and from the man's blood-stained body and face, you could make out the tear marks on his cheeks- the utter despondence at how he had created such a monster. The mutant sat on his haunches, staring in fear at the blood on his claws and mouth. "Errrgh!" he exclaimed loudly, trying to get rid of the blood but scratching himself instead. When it didn't seem to come off, he stared up at Maya with pleading eyes, as if asking what he ought to do in this situation.

The man was whisked away to a far-off room. Another, cloaked in silver entered with him, and in his gloved hands was the unmistakeable vial of dragon serum. The automatic doors shut, locking behind them with a resounding clanging noise. Underneath the cloak, the mouth twisted upwards in a sadistic grin.

Time for you to feel their pain.
((On cell phone, will ping later! Dracoon you are amazing!))

"Sssshhhhh, 'sssss arrright, Ssharrless...". She crooned, stroking his head, ripping the bottom of her shirt and cleaning off the blood with it. Thank you for trying to protect me, sweetheart. I love you very much..
((On cell phone, will ping later! Dracoon you are amazing!))

"Sssshhhhh, 'sssss arrright, Ssharrless...". She crooned, stroking his head, ripping the bottom of her shirt and cleaning off the blood with it. Thank you for trying to protect me, sweetheart. I love you very much..
Keep Moving Forward- Walt Disney.