

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Audacity [closed]
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget

Delki's migrane had receded to a headache by the time the trailer had stopped, and she had been able to follow the other hybrids out. From there she was taken to a room where they ran a couple different tests and then stuck her head in a machine and told her to keep still. She cooperated fully, just like she use to with the scientists. She didn't blatantly refuse any of the things that the doctors did to try and help, but she did watch the bucket on the counter with a biohazard symbol on it. If any of them took out a needle... well she didn't want to think about that.

After the doctors were done, she was given some ***** to ease the pain in her head, and was told to not sleep for more than an hour before waking up. She was then put in the hallway with the other hybrids who had finished their treatments. The first thing she noticed was that hallways didn't have dark corners. Scowling, she crossed her arms and leaned against the nearest wall while she waited for something to happen.
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget

Delki's migrane had receded to a headache by the time the trailer had stopped, and she had been able to follow the other hybrids out. From there she was taken to a room where they ran a couple different tests and then stuck her head in a machine and told her to keep still. She cooperated fully, just like she use to with the scientists. She didn't blatantly refuse any of the things that the doctors did to try and help, but she did watch the bucket on the counter with a biohazard symbol on it. If any of them took out a needle... well she didn't want to think about that.

After the doctors were done, she was given some ***** to ease the pain in her head, and was told to not sleep for more than an hour before waking up. She was then put in the hallway with the other hybrids who had finished their treatments. The first thing she noticed was that hallways didn't have dark corners. Scowling, she crossed her arms and leaned against the nearest wall while she waited for something to happen.
[quote name="VoltyUndead" date="2013-08-13 05:02:43"]@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @LunarSong ((Holy moly guys. Seems I've missed a lot... Could someone update me please?))[/quote] ((Please stop posting OoC comments here! I double-pinged everyone to the other thread for a reason /cries)) Razor nodded as Bach appeared. It seemed that his jaw was reset and he was mumbling something he couldn't quite make out off the bat. He flicked on his telepathy link and found a small picture of a piece of candy waiting there for him. The inner Razor picked it up and turned it around in his paw, before it vanished. He wondered where that came from- probably Charles, he reassured himself. Delki had appeared too, much better after those other good labcoats swung her in.
VoltyUndead wrote on 2013-08-13 05:02:43:
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @LunarSong

((Holy moly guys. Seems I've missed a lot... Could someone update me please?))
((Please stop posting OoC comments here! I double-pinged everyone to the other thread for a reason /cries))

Razor nodded as Bach appeared. It seemed that his jaw was reset and he was mumbling something he couldn't quite make out off the bat. He flicked on his telepathy link and found a small picture of a piece of candy waiting there for him. The inner Razor picked it up and turned it around in his paw, before it vanished. He wondered where that came from- probably Charles, he reassured himself. Delki had appeared too, much better after those other good labcoats swung her in.
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @LunarSong

Nonna bit her lip slightly at the sight of the needles, trying to hide her nervousness. One scientist approached with caution, hoping Nonna wouldn't lash out and seem undesirable. The shot was given to her through her numb thigh. Nonna couldn't feel anything but the sight made her want to throw up.
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @Glidget @LunarSong

Nonna bit her lip slightly at the sight of the needles, trying to hide her nervousness. One scientist approached with caution, hoping Nonna wouldn't lash out and seem undesirable. The shot was given to her through her numb thigh. Nonna couldn't feel anything but the sight made her want to throw up.
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

"Hello, miss." The hybrid addressed William's wife.

"I'd prefer Flora, and please, come over here if you don't mind. I'd get up to meet you, but that isn't quite possible." Her voice was soft, but carried across the room, even though she was seated facing away from them. Walters clapped a hand on Glitch's shoulder and half guided half pulled him across the room.

"Don't worry, she won't bite." He said as he spun hoth of them around a half turn to face Flora, who looked up at them and smiled, though an eyebrow raised at her husband's last remark. She was a slight woman with soft mousy hair that waved neatly down her shoulders and bright clear blue eyes. Flora was easily fifty and wore a deep blue polo and white bermuda shorts. A gardening magazine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Now what should I call you?"
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @VoltyUndead @LunarSong

"Hello, miss." The hybrid addressed William's wife.

"I'd prefer Flora, and please, come over here if you don't mind. I'd get up to meet you, but that isn't quite possible." Her voice was soft, but carried across the room, even though she was seated facing away from them. Walters clapped a hand on Glitch's shoulder and half guided half pulled him across the room.

"Don't worry, she won't bite." He said as he spun hoth of them around a half turn to face Flora, who looked up at them and smiled, though an eyebrow raised at her husband's last remark. She was a slight woman with soft mousy hair that waved neatly down her shoulders and bright clear blue eyes. Flora was easily fifty and wore a deep blue polo and white bermuda shorts. A gardening magazine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Now what should I call you?"
Starting Over | Always ping, please
"I'm glitch." he answered, after being guided over to her. He didn't object to William touching him as he had the scientist, his tail staying neatly curled behind him, almost like a chameleon, or tree monitor. It would probably trail halfway across the room if he let it drag around behind him, long as his new form was. "It's nice to meet you too." he added, nervously, and looked down at the magazine. "What kind of gardening do you like to do?" he asked, glancing out the window, wondering if he could see the pitiful garden they had passed through from here.

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Voltyundead @Glidget @LunarSong
"I'm glitch." he answered, after being guided over to her. He didn't object to William touching him as he had the scientist, his tail staying neatly curled behind him, almost like a chameleon, or tree monitor. It would probably trail halfway across the room if he let it drag around behind him, long as his new form was. "It's nice to meet you too." he added, nervously, and looked down at the magazine. "What kind of gardening do you like to do?" he asked, glancing out the window, wondering if he could see the pitiful garden they had passed through from here.

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Voltyundead @Glidget @LunarSong
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Virustyle @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Voltyundead @Glidget @LunarSong

Cain was one of the only ones without any injuries. He felt kind of bad about that, seeing as how he had been in the best shape of all of them to begin with.
@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Virustyle @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Voltyundead @Glidget @LunarSong

Cain was one of the only ones without any injuries. He felt kind of bad about that, seeing as how he had been in the best shape of all of them to begin with.
"I used to do all kinds. I had a vegetable garden, flower gardens designed to attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and William's bird managerie contains my tropical plants. They're the only ones still doing well." Flora saddened a bit at the last sentence, but then brightened. "I could show you them after lunch. I have a rare flower that I'm quite proud of. Now, would you help get me back into my wheelchair? I had my daughter move me before she left. I like to use the other furniture occasionally just to change things up." She gestured to a nearby wicker chair that was tucked in the corner. It didn't look like a typical wheelchair and almost passed off as ordinary until you noticed the wheels. "William, you help him. I don't expect him to be adept in aiding cripples yet."

"Don't call yourself that." Walters replied. "And Glitch here seems pretty sharp, he'll have you mobile in no time."

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
"I used to do all kinds. I had a vegetable garden, flower gardens designed to attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and William's bird managerie contains my tropical plants. They're the only ones still doing well." Flora saddened a bit at the last sentence, but then brightened. "I could show you them after lunch. I have a rare flower that I'm quite proud of. Now, would you help get me back into my wheelchair? I had my daughter move me before she left. I like to use the other furniture occasionally just to change things up." She gestured to a nearby wicker chair that was tucked in the corner. It didn't look like a typical wheelchair and almost passed off as ordinary until you noticed the wheels. "William, you help him. I don't expect him to be adept in aiding cripples yet."

"Don't call yourself that." Walters replied. "And Glitch here seems pretty sharp, he'll have you mobile in no time."

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
Starting Over | Always ping, please
He nodded along as she spoke, figuring helping her garden would be easy enough. He wasn't sure if he could grow things specifically yet, the only times he'd been allowed to in tests, he'd only needed a basic idea of what he wanted, like a vine or a flower. Honing his skills before going out into the world might help. The idea of returning to his parents now seemed off, though, like he needed to think about it some before going through with it. Which was probably a smart idea anyway... changing his focus to Flora, he tilted his head, not sure how exactly to go about moving her. His upper body was still human, so at least he had actual hands to work with. He moved to pull the wicker wheelchair closer, setting it right up next to the one she was currently sitting in. He looked to William to check if that was right. He figured if he picked her up with one hand under her legs and the other supporting her back and then set her into her new chair, that might work, but he felt nervous about doing so because he didn't want to hurt her. Again, he looked to his new boss for direction.

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
He nodded along as she spoke, figuring helping her garden would be easy enough. He wasn't sure if he could grow things specifically yet, the only times he'd been allowed to in tests, he'd only needed a basic idea of what he wanted, like a vine or a flower. Honing his skills before going out into the world might help. The idea of returning to his parents now seemed off, though, like he needed to think about it some before going through with it. Which was probably a smart idea anyway... changing his focus to Flora, he tilted his head, not sure how exactly to go about moving her. His upper body was still human, so at least he had actual hands to work with. He moved to pull the wicker wheelchair closer, setting it right up next to the one she was currently sitting in. He looked to William to check if that was right. He figured if he picked her up with one hand under her legs and the other supporting her back and then set her into her new chair, that might work, but he felt nervous about doing so because he didn't want to hurt her. Again, he looked to his new boss for direction.

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
"Here, like this." Walters guided Glitch through the process to transfer Flora to the wheelchair ((it was basically like what Glitch had been thinking)). When Flora was finally seated comfortably again, she suggested that they all head to the kitchen. "And you get the distinct honor of pushing me." She finished looking up at Glitch. There was enough humor in the statement so it didn't sound self important. "William, please show Glitch the way."

"Of course, dear. Now, follow me, my good man. To the kitchen!"

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
"Here, like this." Walters guided Glitch through the process to transfer Flora to the wheelchair ((it was basically like what Glitch had been thinking)). When Flora was finally seated comfortably again, she suggested that they all head to the kitchen. "And you get the distinct honor of pushing me." She finished looking up at Glitch. There was enough humor in the statement so it didn't sound self important. "William, please show Glitch the way."

"Of course, dear. Now, follow me, my good man. To the kitchen!"

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Virusyte @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
Starting Over | Always ping, please
Glitch smiled genuinely and pushed her into the kitchen with walters. He found it much easier to stand upright with his upper body supported by holding the handles. He wasnt used to being so long and tall! He wondered what was for lunch, and if their daughter would be bringing it, or the groceries for it, or... he hadn't though much about lunch, but it was quick to hit him. good food. he was going to eat something that wasn't cold, greasy chicken and it wasn't an incentive to behave, either. That right there, was an exciting thought!

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong
Glitch smiled genuinely and pushed her into the kitchen with walters. He found it much easier to stand upright with his upper body supported by holding the handles. He wasnt used to being so long and tall! He wondered what was for lunch, and if their daughter would be bringing it, or the groceries for it, or... he hadn't though much about lunch, but it was quick to hit him. good food. he was going to eat something that wasn't cold, greasy chicken and it wasn't an incentive to behave, either. That right there, was an exciting thought!

@Nano @RaikuKawisa @drakeswing @HobbitFrog @HeartofDragons @Ryuchanwings @Lost @dracoon @Renesh @Iaidoka @Heliossan @ike9899 @SherlockHolmes @VoltyUndead @Glidget @VoltyUndead @LunarSong