

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private RP} Selluia & Ambrose
"Silly lady," laughed Anesia. "Friends smell like friends!"

While Ambrose had never fathered hatchlings of his own, he loved the younglings of the clan as much as if they had shared his blood. Anesia was a sweet hatchling - truly she was - and she meant no harm as she got into the personal space of the Mirror female. Yet there was something in his Ward's distressed expression and the Tundra's close and unwanted proximity to her that sent his ear fans rattling in sudden anger. "Anesia!" snapped the Guardian. "Anesia, get off of her now!" When the hatchling only stared at him confusedly in response, Ambrose all but roared. "NOW, Anesia!" He brushed her off roughly with a swipe of his paw. Tears welled up in the hatchling's eyes as her lips wibbled as she landed with thump on the ground. "Wha- Wha- Wha- did I do wrong?" Ambrose's angry expression fell away immediately, his face turning apologetic. "Oh, Anesia, little one…" But the Tundra did not hear him as she skittered away, weeping. He took a half hearted step after but stopped. "Anesia, wait!"

"Silly lady," laughed Anesia. "Friends smell like friends!"

While Ambrose had never fathered hatchlings of his own, he loved the younglings of the clan as much as if they had shared his blood. Anesia was a sweet hatchling - truly she was - and she meant no harm as she got into the personal space of the Mirror female. Yet there was something in his Ward's distressed expression and the Tundra's close and unwanted proximity to her that sent his ear fans rattling in sudden anger. "Anesia!" snapped the Guardian. "Anesia, get off of her now!" When the hatchling only stared at him confusedly in response, Ambrose all but roared. "NOW, Anesia!" He brushed her off roughly with a swipe of his paw. Tears welled up in the hatchling's eyes as her lips wibbled as she landed with thump on the ground. "Wha- Wha- Wha- did I do wrong?" Ambrose's angry expression fell away immediately, his face turning apologetic. "Oh, Anesia, little one…" But the Tundra did not hear him as she skittered away, weeping. He took a half hearted step after but stopped. "Anesia, wait!"


Selluia, having no idea what was going on or what to do, just watched the small yet intense drama unfold. She ducked when ambrose swiped, a survival instinct as the rush of a guardian's paw hurtling towards her head is indeed a deadly thing to risk. She always kept an eye open though, just in case.
When the hatchling began to run, she found herself in a position to prove her false consideration and good-heartedness. She grinned to herself in her mind, for once the voices keeping quiet. They were waiting to see what would happen next.
"Go!" urged Selluia to Ambrose. "Go and comfort her. You don't want to lose her," she added, pushing at his foreleg. She began trotting in the direction that the hatchling had headed, hoping the little one wouldn't run away when she reached her - if she reached her.

Selluia, having no idea what was going on or what to do, just watched the small yet intense drama unfold. She ducked when ambrose swiped, a survival instinct as the rush of a guardian's paw hurtling towards her head is indeed a deadly thing to risk. She always kept an eye open though, just in case.
When the hatchling began to run, she found herself in a position to prove her false consideration and good-heartedness. She grinned to herself in her mind, for once the voices keeping quiet. They were waiting to see what would happen next.
"Go!" urged Selluia to Ambrose. "Go and comfort her. You don't want to lose her," she added, pushing at his foreleg. She began trotting in the direction that the hatchling had headed, hoping the little one wouldn't run away when she reached her - if she reached her.
"Anesia, please, look at me. Anesia…"
The little teal Tundra lay crying in the folded forelegs of Morro, the white colored Guardian gently running her chin over the hatchling's back to calm her down. "There, there, my darling," she said in soothing tones to Anesia. "It will be all right." Meanwhile, she had turned a hard pink glare on Ambrose who now sat across from her with Selluia. "I ought to skin you for a rug," she said growling at the other Guardian. "You've broken her little heart, and you could have broken her back when you hit her. I know you were merely trying to protect your Ward, but Anesia's only a child, Ambrose." Sighing, Morro shook her head. "We will talk more on this later, but at the moment you have someone to apologize to."

Ambrose gathered the Tundra hatchling in his paws and cradled her against his chest. "Anesia," he whispered. "Please do not cry. I'm sorry. You startled both me and Selluia and I overreacted. Please forgive me."

"Anesia, please, look at me. Anesia…"
The little teal Tundra lay crying in the folded forelegs of Morro, the white colored Guardian gently running her chin over the hatchling's back to calm her down. "There, there, my darling," she said in soothing tones to Anesia. "It will be all right." Meanwhile, she had turned a hard pink glare on Ambrose who now sat across from her with Selluia. "I ought to skin you for a rug," she said growling at the other Guardian. "You've broken her little heart, and you could have broken her back when you hit her. I know you were merely trying to protect your Ward, but Anesia's only a child, Ambrose." Sighing, Morro shook her head. "We will talk more on this later, but at the moment you have someone to apologize to."

Ambrose gathered the Tundra hatchling in his paws and cradled her against his chest. "Anesia," he whispered. "Please do not cry. I'm sorry. You startled both me and Selluia and I overreacted. Please forgive me."


((Hey, sorry! My internet's been terrible lately and I did post that on this forum but... it appears it didn't go through >.> So sorry for not replying!))

Selluia watched, wordless and observant. The children were held dear and close, which was just as well because then less attention would be held upon the other adults. When Ambrose held the little tundra, Selluia stepped forward, no wishing to get too close or interrupt but simply put in a kind word to help her act.
"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I shouldn't have been so surprised, or reassured Ambrose that it was alright," she mumbled to the hatchling, thinking Ambrose will then be modest back.

((Skin you for a rug. Lol that line cracked me up XD Very nice!))

((Hey, sorry! My internet's been terrible lately and I did post that on this forum but... it appears it didn't go through >.> So sorry for not replying!))

Selluia watched, wordless and observant. The children were held dear and close, which was just as well because then less attention would be held upon the other adults. When Ambrose held the little tundra, Selluia stepped forward, no wishing to get too close or interrupt but simply put in a kind word to help her act.
"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I shouldn't have been so surprised, or reassured Ambrose that it was alright," she mumbled to the hatchling, thinking Ambrose will then be modest back.

((Skin you for a rug. Lol that line cracked me up XD Very nice!))
The teal hatchling peered up at the Mirror female, still dewy eyed and a bit sniffly but with a hint of a smile on her face. "It's okay, pretty lady," Anesia said. "Aunt Morro's the same way about the whole clan as Uncle Ambrose is about y-" Ambrose chose that moment to speak, his fans rattling nervously and the scales on his face darkening. "Yes, well," he said, interrupting the hatchling, "now that we've all sorted that out, why don't you go play with the others?" "Okay!" The hatchling leapt up, looking much more perky now, and scampered off elsewhere in the den. Morro followed after, whispering in his ear as she lumbered by. "You had best tell the young drakka soon, Ambrose," she said. "Believe you me, it will only complicate matters if you hide the truth."

"Forgive me for that," Ambrose said to Selluia when the others had left. "And it was hardly any of your fault. None of it was, really. I- I don't feel like myself this evening."

((Haha, I do try to make them humorous. ;D And thank you.))
The teal hatchling peered up at the Mirror female, still dewy eyed and a bit sniffly but with a hint of a smile on her face. "It's okay, pretty lady," Anesia said. "Aunt Morro's the same way about the whole clan as Uncle Ambrose is about y-" Ambrose chose that moment to speak, his fans rattling nervously and the scales on his face darkening. "Yes, well," he said, interrupting the hatchling, "now that we've all sorted that out, why don't you go play with the others?" "Okay!" The hatchling leapt up, looking much more perky now, and scampered off elsewhere in the den. Morro followed after, whispering in his ear as she lumbered by. "You had best tell the young drakka soon, Ambrose," she said. "Believe you me, it will only complicate matters if you hide the truth."

"Forgive me for that," Ambrose said to Selluia when the others had left. "And it was hardly any of your fault. None of it was, really. I- I don't feel like myself this evening."

((Haha, I do try to make them humorous. ;D And thank you.))

Selluia shook her head. "Well, the little one doesn't seem to be all that upset any longer. As long as he is happy, it shouldn't matter who's fault it was, right?" She gave a small, sweet smile, her small, sharp pearly teeth flashing in the sun.
A chuckle came to her throat. She felt that it sounded a little dark and so coughed and finished it off with a sweeter form. Inwardly, she scowled at the voice in her head who made her throat chuckle in such a way. "So, what was she talking about? You don't have to tell me of course - I am a stranger after all..." she swayed a forepaw over the ground, clearly curious and wishing to know but attempting to put up the appearance of not pushing for information.

((It's funny how long RP's can go for! Selluia's about to become a grandparent XD))

Selluia shook her head. "Well, the little one doesn't seem to be all that upset any longer. As long as he is happy, it shouldn't matter who's fault it was, right?" She gave a small, sweet smile, her small, sharp pearly teeth flashing in the sun.
A chuckle came to her throat. She felt that it sounded a little dark and so coughed and finished it off with a sweeter form. Inwardly, she scowled at the voice in her head who made her throat chuckle in such a way. "So, what was she talking about? You don't have to tell me of course - I am a stranger after all..." she swayed a forepaw over the ground, clearly curious and wishing to know but attempting to put up the appearance of not pushing for information.

((It's funny how long RP's can go for! Selluia's about to become a grandparent XD))
The Guardian plastered on a grin of his own. He did not want to touch on that subject - namely, his Guardianship to Selluia. I really need to ask Morwena how you break the news to your Ward if it's - she's - a dragon. So wrapped up was he in own thoughts that he paid little mind to odd ring of her laughter. Ambrose did notice, however, her shy curiosity. Something in her manner warmed him up a bit to the idea of telling her. If she was to be his Ward, she did have at least some right to know. "Well, Anesia was saying-" "Mealtime!" Morro's voice bellowed up from the main chamber of the lair. His stomach rumbled and his fans rattled. "Can we continue speaking after dinner? I'm famished, and I imagine you are, too."

((Haha, I've had RPs that go on for months. XD))

The Guardian plastered on a grin of his own. He did not want to touch on that subject - namely, his Guardianship to Selluia. I really need to ask Morwena how you break the news to your Ward if it's - she's - a dragon. So wrapped up was he in own thoughts that he paid little mind to odd ring of her laughter. Ambrose did notice, however, her shy curiosity. Something in her manner warmed him up a bit to the idea of telling her. If she was to be his Ward, she did have at least some right to know. "Well, Anesia was saying-" "Mealtime!" Morro's voice bellowed up from the main chamber of the lair. His stomach rumbled and his fans rattled. "Can we continue speaking after dinner? I'm famished, and I imagine you are, too."

((Haha, I've had RPs that go on for months. XD))

((I learnt to RP on a mmorpg game so RP's went for a few hours at a time :P))

Selluia's stomach rumbled almost on cue with Ambrose's. She nodded saying, "Of course!" A voice chuckled in her mind. That fool, it growled. It was a harsh voice with a touch of cunning. There will be no 'after dinner'. Not for one of the clan, at least.... Silenna smiled inwardly in agree ment.
"I follow you!," she said, giving a playful bow, ready to trot forth.
((I learnt to RP on a mmorpg game so RP's went for a few hours at a time :P))

Selluia's stomach rumbled almost on cue with Ambrose's. She nodded saying, "Of course!" A voice chuckled in her mind. That fool, it growled. It was a harsh voice with a touch of cunning. There will be no 'after dinner'. Not for one of the clan, at least.... Silenna smiled inwardly in agree ment.
"I follow you!," she said, giving a playful bow, ready to trot forth.
"Well, come along then!" Ambrose lumbered forward, relief for having briefly escaped explaining himself and hunger quickening his steps down the tunnel.
A dozen and a half dragons gathered in the main chamber of the clan lair. They surrounded three piles of food, the floor laden with meats and greens and bugs. Ambrose nudged Selluia towards the meat. "Come, let's eat!" Morro and another charcoal-colored Guardian female were already helping themselves to the feast. At the arrival of the Mirror, though, the new Guardian raised her head to look at Selluia. Something like the ghost of a snarl passed over her muzzle before it disappeared. "Ah, so this is Selluia?" she said. "A… pleasure to meet you. My name is Morwena." Though she spoke genially enough, something like suspicion still lingered in her electric blue eyes.

"Well, come along then!" Ambrose lumbered forward, relief for having briefly escaped explaining himself and hunger quickening his steps down the tunnel.
A dozen and a half dragons gathered in the main chamber of the clan lair. They surrounded three piles of food, the floor laden with meats and greens and bugs. Ambrose nudged Selluia towards the meat. "Come, let's eat!" Morro and another charcoal-colored Guardian female were already helping themselves to the feast. At the arrival of the Mirror, though, the new Guardian raised her head to look at Selluia. Something like the ghost of a snarl passed over her muzzle before it disappeared. "Ah, so this is Selluia?" she said. "A… pleasure to meet you. My name is Morwena." Though she spoke genially enough, something like suspicion still lingered in her electric blue eyes.

((I'll begin the drama soon, where she goes off to hunt one of the clan, is that alright with you? I think she'll try and shake off Ambrose first^^ Oh and she'd kill if at all possible, but if you don't want that then we can settle with severely harm? :P You chose which dragon - your clan after all haha))

Selluia followed closely, reaching the table almost at the same time as Ambrose. She nodded her head at the charcoal dragon in greeting, sensing the mistrust in the guardian. She flashed a challenging smile before returning to her act. "The pleasure of all mine, Morwena!" She turned her head to the food, her eyes lingering on the guardian for a while before looking at Ambrose for permission to eat. She didn't wish to appear rude afterall
((I'll begin the drama soon, where she goes off to hunt one of the clan, is that alright with you? I think she'll try and shake off Ambrose first^^ Oh and she'd kill if at all possible, but if you don't want that then we can settle with severely harm? :P You chose which dragon - your clan after all haha))

Selluia followed closely, reaching the table almost at the same time as Ambrose. She nodded her head at the charcoal dragon in greeting, sensing the mistrust in the guardian. She flashed a challenging smile before returning to her act. "The pleasure of all mine, Morwena!" She turned her head to the food, her eyes lingering on the guardian for a while before looking at Ambrose for permission to eat. She didn't wish to appear rude afterall