

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private RP} Selluia & Ambrose
@ Staggare

((Haha, that's all right. XD And thanks so much! ^/////^ You know, you're not the first person to tell me he's sweet? But ohmygersh, it makes me smile every time someone does! I am proud to have made a character worthy of fangirling. :3 ))
@ Staggare

((Haha, that's all right. XD And thanks so much! ^/////^ You know, you're not the first person to tell me he's sweet? But ohmygersh, it makes me smile every time someone does! I am proud to have made a character worthy of fangirling. :3 ))

Selluia's head tilted to the side in curiosity as the Guardian's voice faltered. She kept quiet, listening to what he may have to say... and also because she had never gained that form of reaction from anyone before. She was indeed intimidated by the Guardian's size, but refused to show it either with her mask or real self. There was something going on in that head of is... but what?
She bowed, keeping the respective act up. "It is lovely to meet you, dear Ambrose. My name is Selluia." She then brought herself back up, readjusting her bow with a sweet smile. "I like to travel to strange places, but I am often alone. It is nicer when I find a friend to talk to even if it is for a short while.
She then moved her neck so her head was facing away, though her eyes lingered on him.

Selluia's head tilted to the side in curiosity as the Guardian's voice faltered. She kept quiet, listening to what he may have to say... and also because she had never gained that form of reaction from anyone before. She was indeed intimidated by the Guardian's size, but refused to show it either with her mask or real self. There was something going on in that head of is... but what?
She bowed, keeping the respective act up. "It is lovely to meet you, dear Ambrose. My name is Selluia." She then brought herself back up, readjusting her bow with a sweet smile. "I like to travel to strange places, but I am often alone. It is nicer when I find a friend to talk to even if it is for a short while.
She then moved her neck so her head was facing away, though her eyes lingered on him.
Dipping his head in response to her bow, he replied, "Indeed. A lonely moment can always be made better with a comrade by one's side, however temporarily." Ambrose's Guardian instincts seemed to took control of his body as he spoke. He edged slightly closer, his body arcing until he formed a half moon around and in front of her. "Pardon me if I am being forward, Miss Selluia, but-"

A voice from the ledge above interrupted him. "Ambrose!" a deep, feminine voice bellowed. "Ambrose, I thought you were guarding the lair entrance. Honestly, you have the attention span of a-" A female Guardain with a white head and pinkish eyes looked down at them with her head tilted to me side. There was confusion in her face for a moment, but after a few seconds, a knowing look replaced it. She smiled down at the two with a fanged grin. "Well, who is this beautiful stranger that you have found, Ambrose? Come now, don't be rude. Introduce us!" The other Guardian coughed as he looked away a moment before responding. "Selluia, this is Morro, the Guardian and Alpha of the Azurian Clan. Morro, this is Selluia, a young drakka who is looking for a friend. Or rather, looking to make friends."

Dipping his head in response to her bow, he replied, "Indeed. A lonely moment can always be made better with a comrade by one's side, however temporarily." Ambrose's Guardian instincts seemed to took control of his body as he spoke. He edged slightly closer, his body arcing until he formed a half moon around and in front of her. "Pardon me if I am being forward, Miss Selluia, but-"

A voice from the ledge above interrupted him. "Ambrose!" a deep, feminine voice bellowed. "Ambrose, I thought you were guarding the lair entrance. Honestly, you have the attention span of a-" A female Guardain with a white head and pinkish eyes looked down at them with her head tilted to me side. There was confusion in her face for a moment, but after a few seconds, a knowing look replaced it. She smiled down at the two with a fanged grin. "Well, who is this beautiful stranger that you have found, Ambrose? Come now, don't be rude. Introduce us!" The other Guardian coughed as he looked away a moment before responding. "Selluia, this is Morro, the Guardian and Alpha of the Azurian Clan. Morro, this is Selluia, a young drakka who is looking for a friend. Or rather, looking to make friends."


Stepping back as Ambrose formed a half moon around her, her heart jumped a beat in a moment of flight or fight. As he spoke, however, it became clear to the little dragon that he didn't mean any harm, though he was being more forward than she would have been herself.
When the seperate voice interrupted Ambrose, Selluia whispered to herself, "What?" This may be more difficult than I thought... she thought to herself. She blushed as the new dragon's compliment, staying shy and quiet.
"Oh, uh, Greetings, Morro!" stuttered the mirror, feining discomfort at the presence of two dragons instead of one. "A-And, if you don't mind me asking... What's going on?" She added, hoping they would understand what she had meant.

Stepping back as Ambrose formed a half moon around her, her heart jumped a beat in a moment of flight or fight. As he spoke, however, it became clear to the little dragon that he didn't mean any harm, though he was being more forward than she would have been herself.
When the seperate voice interrupted Ambrose, Selluia whispered to herself, "What?" This may be more difficult than I thought... she thought to herself. She blushed as the new dragon's compliment, staying shy and quiet.
"Oh, uh, Greetings, Morro!" stuttered the mirror, feining discomfort at the presence of two dragons instead of one. "A-And, if you don't mind me asking... What's going on?" She added, hoping they would understand what she had meant.
Morro laughed heartily, and Ambrose could only stumble for words, the brown scales below his eyes darkening. "Nothing for you to worry about, dear," smiled the white Guardian. "Here, why don't you come inside? Nightfall is not far off, and you look as if you could use a meal." With that she turned, climbed the short way back up the overhang and disappeared in the cave entrance.
Eyeing her again and noticing the discomfort of the Mirror dragon before him, Ambrose backed away and allowed her some space. "If you like, you may join us for dinner," he said. "Morro certainly seems to like you, and she seldom likes anyone outside the clan. Would you like to come inside?"

Morro laughed heartily, and Ambrose could only stumble for words, the brown scales below his eyes darkening. "Nothing for you to worry about, dear," smiled the white Guardian. "Here, why don't you come inside? Nightfall is not far off, and you look as if you could use a meal." With that she turned, climbed the short way back up the overhang and disappeared in the cave entrance.
Eyeing her again and noticing the discomfort of the Mirror dragon before him, Ambrose backed away and allowed her some space. "If you like, you may join us for dinner," he said. "Morro certainly seems to like you, and she seldom likes anyone outside the clan. Would you like to come inside?"


Selluia nodded, thinking of the meat that would hopefully be at the dinner table. There was a knocking sound echoing inside her head. She flinched, hating when her voices did that. Hey! yelled one, demanding to be heard over the rest of the constant murmur. Guardians are dangerous, you know that! Remember the last guardian we attempted? She thought back to the failed murder attempt, where only her smaller size and agility had saved her life. She resisted a shudder.
Yes? What about it? she groaned inwardly, disliking being brought back to such a time. The voice did not answer and while some others attempted to speak up, she tried hard to push them back down. Now was not a time for an argument - or manic, psychopathic behaviour of any kind for that matter.
She shook her head, knowing her mind conversations travel fast, but still make her pause strangely. "Oh, I'm sorry..." she said to Ambrose when Morror had gone. "I can get quite caught up with my thoughts at times. Though, I would love dinner! Might there be some other dragons? Those who aren't towering over me?" She said this in a joking tone, though her true intent was to find easier prey. She wasn't sure what this guardian was up to, and she was suspicious by nature.

Selluia nodded, thinking of the meat that would hopefully be at the dinner table. There was a knocking sound echoing inside her head. She flinched, hating when her voices did that. Hey! yelled one, demanding to be heard over the rest of the constant murmur. Guardians are dangerous, you know that! Remember the last guardian we attempted? She thought back to the failed murder attempt, where only her smaller size and agility had saved her life. She resisted a shudder.
Yes? What about it? she groaned inwardly, disliking being brought back to such a time. The voice did not answer and while some others attempted to speak up, she tried hard to push them back down. Now was not a time for an argument - or manic, psychopathic behaviour of any kind for that matter.
She shook her head, knowing her mind conversations travel fast, but still make her pause strangely. "Oh, I'm sorry..." she said to Ambrose when Morror had gone. "I can get quite caught up with my thoughts at times. Though, I would love dinner! Might there be some other dragons? Those who aren't towering over me?" She said this in a joking tone, though her true intent was to find easier prey. She wasn't sure what this guardian was up to, and she was suspicious by nature.
Ambrose chuckled himself, more to make himself and Selluia feel at ease than out of humor. "Do not worry," he assured her. "Not everyone in the lair is as tall as Morro and myself." As he spoke, he took a running leap back up the ledge to the cave entrance. "There are three guardians in the clan: Morro, Morwenna, and me. Our resident tundras are Evory and Pysche and little Anesia. Okoto and Eros are fae. We even have two mirrors, Sonja and Pardus, although Sonja has gone off to visit her mate's clan while they are hatching their brood." Though he gave this information casually, little did he know just how revealing and useful it was to the female beside him.
"I hope you like seafood as well as meat," he told her as they traveled down a carved tunnel into the core of the mountain. "Half of our food always seems to be fish or crabs, though I suppose that is only natural as we live in the Starfall Isles. Morwenna did just come back the other day with herdbeast meat, so I believe that is on the menu as well. And then there's salad and insects for the fae - though I honestly can't tell how they stand to eat that stuff, yeck!"

Ambrose chuckled himself, more to make himself and Selluia feel at ease than out of humor. "Do not worry," he assured her. "Not everyone in the lair is as tall as Morro and myself." As he spoke, he took a running leap back up the ledge to the cave entrance. "There are three guardians in the clan: Morro, Morwenna, and me. Our resident tundras are Evory and Pysche and little Anesia. Okoto and Eros are fae. We even have two mirrors, Sonja and Pardus, although Sonja has gone off to visit her mate's clan while they are hatching their brood." Though he gave this information casually, little did he know just how revealing and useful it was to the female beside him.
"I hope you like seafood as well as meat," he told her as they traveled down a carved tunnel into the core of the mountain. "Half of our food always seems to be fish or crabs, though I suppose that is only natural as we live in the Starfall Isles. Morwenna did just come back the other day with herdbeast meat, so I believe that is on the menu as well. And then there's salad and insects for the fae - though I honestly can't tell how they stand to eat that stuff, yeck!"

The white mirror followed the Guardian, fairly close behind though she used her wings to help her up the ledge.
Selluia didn't say anything, listening eagerly to Ambrose describing the lair. Smaller dragons? screeched the crackle voice, making her cringe.
Oi! Quiet! she growled back, hiding a frown of annoyance. She chuckled when Ambrose spoke of grass and bugs in disgust. "Oh, the guardians back at my home clan would eat anything. They would eat my bow if I allowed them to; their stomachs never seem full enough. Though, I do agree with you, it is really... Sticky," she added, exaggerating her point of disgust by sticking her tongue out for a moment.
The white mirror followed the Guardian, fairly close behind though she used her wings to help her up the ledge.
Selluia didn't say anything, listening eagerly to Ambrose describing the lair. Smaller dragons? screeched the crackle voice, making her cringe.
Oi! Quiet! she growled back, hiding a frown of annoyance. She chuckled when Ambrose spoke of grass and bugs in disgust. "Oh, the guardians back at my home clan would eat anything. They would eat my bow if I allowed them to; their stomachs never seem full enough. Though, I do agree with you, it is really... Sticky," she added, exaggerating her point of disgust by sticking her tongue out for a moment.
The smell of roasting meat and fish wafted up from the tunnel, and the armored fans on his neck quivered excitedly. "Well, you can be sure that we have somewhat more refined pallets here in the Isles," he said. His stomach rumbled as if in response to the wonderful scents. Ambrose laughed. "Although I can't promise that our appetites are not just as voracious!"
"Uncle Ambrose Uncle Ambrose Uncle Ambrose!" A teal colored tundra hatchling bounded up the tunnel, flitting in and around like an aquamarine streak. She streaked up the guardian's leg and up his neck, coming to sit on top of his head. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" "Hello to you, too, Anesia," crooned the guardian. "And how are you, little one?" Anesia did not answer but instead flipped around to look at Selluia. "Hey, who's this who's this who's this?" She leapt from dragon to dragon, landing lightly on one of the mirror's horns. "You smell pretty pretty pretty, lady! You smell like a friend!"

The smell of roasting meat and fish wafted up from the tunnel, and the armored fans on his neck quivered excitedly. "Well, you can be sure that we have somewhat more refined pallets here in the Isles," he said. His stomach rumbled as if in response to the wonderful scents. Ambrose laughed. "Although I can't promise that our appetites are not just as voracious!"
"Uncle Ambrose Uncle Ambrose Uncle Ambrose!" A teal colored tundra hatchling bounded up the tunnel, flitting in and around like an aquamarine streak. She streaked up the guardian's leg and up his neck, coming to sit on top of his head. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" "Hello to you, too, Anesia," crooned the guardian. "And how are you, little one?" Anesia did not answer but instead flipped around to look at Selluia. "Hey, who's this who's this who's this?" She leapt from dragon to dragon, landing lightly on one of the mirror's horns. "You smell pretty pretty pretty, lady! You smell like a friend!"


Hey, I'm in an area with really limited internet, so I' no ignoring you, just incapable of checking half the time >.>))

Selluia, almost stunned at the entrance of the hatchling, was jolted back as it landed on one of her horns. She cringed, partly from discomfort and partly from the sudden surge of voices in her head. Some were screaming to kill, but she refused. There was no way she would murder a hatchling, no matter how annoying.
"Uhh... How do you smell friends exactly?" she inquired, hoping the little one wouldn't begin to bounce on her horn. she gave a worried glance up at Ambrose, wondering what to do.

Hey, I'm in an area with really limited internet, so I' no ignoring you, just incapable of checking half the time >.>))

Selluia, almost stunned at the entrance of the hatchling, was jolted back as it landed on one of her horns. She cringed, partly from discomfort and partly from the sudden surge of voices in her head. Some were screaming to kill, but she refused. There was no way she would murder a hatchling, no matter how annoying.
"Uhh... How do you smell friends exactly?" she inquired, hoping the little one wouldn't begin to bounce on her horn. she gave a worried glance up at Ambrose, wondering what to do.