

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Rp for anyone and everyone~
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Just a relaxed kind of thing, no need for descriptions/acceptance. Just feel free to drop in, maybe make a little drama. Despite not needing descriptions, a picture would be appriciated ;u; [url=] [img][/img] [/url] With her head lower and hide wriggling in the air slightly, the Mirror female eyed what she decided was going to be her lunch. The deer like creature was happily grazing, unaware of the[i]'stealithy'[/i] approaching dragon. Aik moved closer with what she assumed to be [i]sneaky, ninja like[/i] movements when really, she just looked ridiculous. Not like she minded, Aik had always been a hyper and out going individual. Readying herself to pounce, the deer creatures ears perked. It sharply turned it's head around before darting off away from her. The female frowned. Great, something must have spooked it. She was quick to get back upright. She opened her wings a little before pacing out to where the deer once stood, looking around for the cause of her lacking lunch.
Just a relaxed kind of thing, no need for descriptions/acceptance. Just feel free to drop in, maybe make a little drama. Despite not needing descriptions, a picture would be appriciated ;u;


With her head lower and hide wriggling in the air slightly, the Mirror female eyed what she decided was going to be her lunch. The deer like creature was happily grazing, unaware of the'stealithy' approaching dragon. Aik moved closer with what she assumed to be sneaky, ninja like movements when really, she just looked ridiculous. Not like she minded, Aik had always been a hyper and out going individual. Readying herself to pounce, the deer creatures ears perked. It sharply turned it's head around before darting off away from her. The female frowned. Great, something must have spooked it. She was quick to get back upright. She opened her wings a little before pacing out to where the deer once stood, looking around for the cause of her lacking lunch.
I need to expand my lair help this poor girl
aka me
[img][/img] He was just wandering around, he already did all his chores for today so he was free. Just walking around made him feel free. No Aemon, no Rhaena and most importantly no hachlings running around you.He sensed a deer not far away, but paid no mind to him, he didn't need to hunt anyway. Eorth walked out of the bushes, he saw a dragon standing not far away where the deer was just a moment ago. He felt a little bad for scaring it away, but how did he had to know that someone was hunting around here? [b]"Ehh, sorry for scaring away your prey, "[/b] he apologized [b]"I didn't know there was someone hunting in these parts..."[/b] @Standby ((I tagged you so everything would go a little faster, if you don't mind.))

He was just wandering around, he already did all his chores for today so he was free. Just walking around made him feel free. No Aemon, no Rhaena and most importantly no hachlings running around you.He sensed a deer not far away, but paid no mind to him, he didn't need to hunt anyway.
Eorth walked out of the bushes, he saw a dragon standing not far away where the deer was just a moment ago. He felt a little bad for scaring it away, but how did he had to know that someone was hunting around here?

"Ehh, sorry for scaring away your prey, " he apologized "I didn't know there was someone hunting in these parts..."


((I tagged you so everything would go a little faster, if you don't mind.))

Her head perked and looked towards the other dragon. She paused, not saying anything for a moment. Instead, she shot forwards and circled around the new individual, generally invaiding his personal space as she examined him. After seeming satisfied with her inspection, Aik bounced back to a reasonable distance from him.

"Ah it's okay I guess!" The female chirped, neatly folding back her wings. "I'm sure there's more out there than just that.


((Yeah that's cool~))

Her head perked and looked towards the other dragon. She paused, not saying anything for a moment. Instead, she shot forwards and circled around the new individual, generally invaiding his personal space as she examined him. After seeming satisfied with her inspection, Aik bounced back to a reasonable distance from him.

"Ah it's okay I guess!" The female chirped, neatly folding back her wings. "I'm sure there's more out there than just that.


((Yeah that's cool~))
I need to expand my lair help this poor girl
aka me
At first he though she was attacking him, but soon was greeted with a close inspection. "I uh-" He was quite uncomfortable about the dragoness and her strange behavior. When she at last pulled back, he let a huff of air.

"Ah it's okay I guess!" The female chirped, neatly folding back her wings. "I'm sure there's more out there than just that.

"Still, you must have stalked this one for a while, it's a shame it's gone now." He looked at the female before him, her body was brown, but her wings possessed a bluish purple color. She didn't seem too disappointing about loosing her prey, so he relaxed a bit.

At first he though she was attacking him, but soon was greeted with a close inspection. "I uh-" He was quite uncomfortable about the dragoness and her strange behavior. When she at last pulled back, he let a huff of air.

"Ah it's okay I guess!" The female chirped, neatly folding back her wings. "I'm sure there's more out there than just that.

"Still, you must have stalked this one for a while, it's a shame it's gone now." He looked at the female before him, her body was brown, but her wings possessed a bluish purple color. She didn't seem too disappointing about loosing her prey, so he relaxed a bit.

"I'm sure Osmonde can find me something later, really don't worry." She smiled to the other. "I'm not gotta get grumpy or anything." Aik just didn't want to be upset or anything over this. She didn't like being upset.

"So I've never seen you before! My name is Aik, what's yours?" She was quick to question his identity, her eyes set on the male.

"I'm sure Osmonde can find me something later, really don't worry." She smiled to the other. "I'm not gotta get grumpy or anything." Aik just didn't want to be upset or anything over this. She didn't like being upset.

"So I've never seen you before! My name is Aik, what's yours?" She was quick to question his identity, her eyes set on the male.

I need to expand my lair help this poor girl
aka me
[img][/img] Kuro was stalking his prey, a small deer, until it noticed him and fled. Chasing after it, but slowing down afterwards, he noticed 2 dragons conversing. "What're you all doing here?" He asked, tilting his head.
Kuro was stalking his prey, a small deer, until it noticed him and fled. Chasing after it, but slowing down afterwards, he noticed 2 dragons conversing.

"What're you all doing here?" He asked, tilting his head.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] The little Fae female had been scuttling about in the nearby trees when the commotion farther in the glen had disturbed a nearby deer, causing it to gallop past her oak. She tsked a bit to herself, her magenta lure blinking in agitation. Normally this was a peaceful place full of delicious, delicious insects, but today it seemed the pickings were slim. Intrigued by the small gathering of bigger dragons, Nori slowly fluttered down from her perch. She stayed low to the ground, as a small dragon could easily be made into a snack if fast movements and an improper introduction caught the attention of a hungrier, bigger dragon. Slowly she moved toward the group, kicking up a few beetles that she quickly snagged and munched on (it was her first break all day) until, finally, she reached the tail of the large blue Guardian. Giving it a light tap with her claws, she cleared her throat and with a voice that sounded like an echo in a seashell, she murmured, [b]Ex...excuse me...[/b]


The little Fae female had been scuttling about in the nearby trees when the commotion farther in the glen had disturbed a nearby deer, causing it to gallop past her oak. She tsked a bit to herself, her magenta lure blinking in agitation. Normally this was a peaceful place full of delicious, delicious insects, but today it seemed the pickings were slim.

Intrigued by the small gathering of bigger dragons, Nori slowly fluttered down from her perch. She stayed low to the ground, as a small dragon could easily be made into a snack if fast movements and an improper introduction caught the attention of a hungrier, bigger dragon. Slowly she moved toward the group, kicking up a few beetles that she quickly snagged and munched on (it was her first break all day) until, finally, she reached the tail of the large blue Guardian. Giving it a light tap with her claws, she cleared her throat and with a voice that sounded like an echo in a seashell, she murmured, Ex...excuse me...
Mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp
As Kuro finished his question, he noticed a small voice whisper from behind him. A bit spooked, but remaining calm, he carefully lifted up his tail and looked behind him. "And who are you, small one?" He asked, showing no signs of danger. He was certainly not hungry, even though he was still hunting a small deer for the fun of it.
As Kuro finished his question, he noticed a small voice whisper from behind him. A bit spooked, but remaining calm, he carefully lifted up his tail and looked behind him. "And who are you, small one?" He asked, showing no signs of danger. He was certainly not hungry, even though he was still hunting a small deer for the fun of it.
Visit my 50k Double gene non-starters for sale!
Nori gulped, but retained her composure. He...hello, Great One. My name is Nori, of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Tell me, why do you cause the creatures to run from you? Being so small and seemingly harmless, Nori had more of a problem of keeping other animals from her space than most and was fascinated at the abilities of other dragons to move them at will. Even her greatest physical offense, chucking seeds and small stones at the animals, rarely registered a response from them. Thankfully, she was well versed in magic, even if she was still training.
Nori gulped, but retained her composure. He...hello, Great One. My name is Nori, of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Tell me, why do you cause the creatures to run from you? Being so small and seemingly harmless, Nori had more of a problem of keeping other animals from her space than most and was fascinated at the abilities of other dragons to move them at will. Even her greatest physical offense, chucking seeds and small stones at the animals, rarely registered a response from them. Thankfully, she was well versed in magic, even if she was still training.
Mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp
Kuro could see the small bit of fear, deep in her eyes of seeing a giant dragon from above. He chuckled only for a second before answering. "I do it for the sake of my life, as I can eat many varieties of food, such as Seafood, plants, and insects, however, meat is my main source of energy and nutrient." Patting the small head of the dragon with his long tail.

"My name is Kuro. You are a fascinating specimen, if I must say."
Kuro could see the small bit of fear, deep in her eyes of seeing a giant dragon from above. He chuckled only for a second before answering. "I do it for the sake of my life, as I can eat many varieties of food, such as Seafood, plants, and insects, however, meat is my main source of energy and nutrient." Patting the small head of the dragon with his long tail.

"My name is Kuro. You are a fascinating specimen, if I must say."
Visit my 50k Double gene non-starters for sale!
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