

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | (Private) Iris Roleplay:Enbur and Azreal
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[center]This is a private roleplay between kosett and aquisedragon. We are not accepting any further members. Please respect our story and don't post on this thread. If you have any questions or comments message me (kosett) and i will get back to you.[/center] [center]~[/center] [center]This is the story of two precious lives. A story of love. A story of betrayal. A story of family.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Welcome to the lives of Enbur and Azreal[/center]
This is a private roleplay between kosett and aquisedragon. We are not accepting any further members. Please respect our story and don't post on this thread. If you have any questions or comments message me (kosett) and i will get back to you.
This is the story of two precious lives. A story of love. A story of betrayal. A story of family.
Welcome to the lives of Enbur and Azreal

[b][center]Enbur[/center][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Element: Light Primary: Avocado Clown Secondary: Ice Basic Tertiary: Brown Basic[/center] Personality:
Element: Light
Primary: Avocado Clown
Secondary: Ice Basic
Tertiary: Brown Basic
[b][center]Azreal[/center][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Element: Nature Primary: Maize Basic Secondary: Goldenrod Freckle Tertiary: Ivory Basic[/center] Personality:
Element: Nature
Primary: Maize Basic
Secondary: Goldenrod Freckle
Tertiary: Ivory Basic

The great dark rocks of the Greatwryms Breach spread out before me. The night was warm but a chill breeze clung to the air like a forewarning for a great storm ahead. I pondered my position as i beat my wings slower and slower and spread my back legs forward. If i was ever to land, this was as good a place as any. Rocks crumbled beneath me as my feet crushed my toes into the cliff edge. It hurt but there was no other choice. I would have to climb down and into the abyss. Darkness had barely settled but it was still blacker than the ocean depths down in the caverns below. My love was somewhere here. She was alone. I painfully stepped down the cliff and into the despair of rock. My mind wandered to the past. To when it all began. I had been young.....

The great dark rocks of the Greatwryms Breach spread out before me. The night was warm but a chill breeze clung to the air like a forewarning for a great storm ahead. I pondered my position as i beat my wings slower and slower and spread my back legs forward. If i was ever to land, this was as good a place as any. Rocks crumbled beneath me as my feet crushed my toes into the cliff edge. It hurt but there was no other choice. I would have to climb down and into the abyss. Darkness had barely settled but it was still blacker than the ocean depths down in the caverns below. My love was somewhere here. She was alone. I painfully stepped down the cliff and into the despair of rock. My mind wandered to the past. To when it all began. I had been young.....

The little hatchling stretched out her small wings, not even able to support her yet, and yawned. It was early morning, much earlier than Enbur usually woke up, as today she was on a mission. She was going to catch as much food as she possibly could, impress her parents and convince them to let her hunt with them. Despite barely ever being outside of their den before, Enbur was convinced this was going to be a simple task. She was currently balanced up in a tree as high up as she dared climb, looking for prey.

The little hatchling stretched out her small wings, not even able to support her yet, and yawned. It was early morning, much earlier than Enbur usually woke up, as today she was on a mission. She was going to catch as much food as she possibly could, impress her parents and convince them to let her hunt with them. Despite barely ever being outside of their den before, Enbur was convinced this was going to be a simple task. She was currently balanced up in a tree as high up as she dared climb, looking for prey.

The morning had come with a bright sun but the forest was still dark. I lay on the moss covered roots of an old tree, i couldn't tell which one, there were too many to count and each root was intertwined with the rest making one single weaved pattern across the forest floor. Even if it was dark, it was home. Even if i was alone, i was home. The Shrieking Wilds were no place for a young dragon. Even i knew that. But there was no way out of this jungle. I couldn't remember what other dragons looked like any more. I had only glimpsed one other dragon in this wilderness and it had been crazed and wild with the poisons of a plant running through its veins. I had only barely escaped. My wing still had not healed, though they were too small to use for flying quite yet, so it didn't mater much. I heard movement and pricked my ear. I pounced forward and grasped breakfast by the throat.

The morning had come with a bright sun but the forest was still dark. I lay on the moss covered roots of an old tree, i couldn't tell which one, there were too many to count and each root was intertwined with the rest making one single weaved pattern across the forest floor. Even if it was dark, it was home. Even if i was alone, i was home. The Shrieking Wilds were no place for a young dragon. Even i knew that. But there was no way out of this jungle. I couldn't remember what other dragons looked like any more. I had only glimpsed one other dragon in this wilderness and it had been crazed and wild with the poisons of a plant running through its veins. I had only barely escaped. My wing still had not healed, though they were too small to use for flying quite yet, so it didn't mater much. I heard movement and pricked my ear. I pounced forward and grasped breakfast by the throat.

(ah, sorry for the delay!)

The struggling noises below startled Enbur. Having been intent on finding prey she had not noticed the scent of another dragon. Cautiously, and staying in the branches as much as possible, she made her way over to the tree that the other dragon was under. "Hello?" Enbur said, unsure of whether this dragon was going to be a threat to her or not, "Who are you?" Enbur clumsily made her way closer down to the other hatchling but she stayed in the branches.

(ah, sorry for the delay!)

The struggling noises below startled Enbur. Having been intent on finding prey she had not noticed the scent of another dragon. Cautiously, and staying in the branches as much as possible, she made her way over to the tree that the other dragon was under. "Hello?" Enbur said, unsure of whether this dragon was going to be a threat to her or not, "Who are you?" Enbur clumsily made her way closer down to the other hatchling but she stayed in the branches.
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