

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | (Private) Iris Roleplay:Enbur and Azreal

I opened my eyes and peered up at the dragon just a few meters away. It looked in pain. I lifted my head and cautiously scooted away. My blood streamed down my leg and i cursed my clumsiness. This was going to be a long day. I tore some bark from a nearby tree and plucked a small, thin vine from the hanging above me. I carefully tied the bark over my wound. It was curved and would hold the blood so as not to leave too strong a trail for predators. It wouldn't last long though. I had to get moving. Though i was woozy and my leg throbbed, i picked myself up and began walking with my three good legs.

I opened my eyes and peered up at the dragon just a few meters away. It looked in pain. I lifted my head and cautiously scooted away. My blood streamed down my leg and i cursed my clumsiness. This was going to be a long day. I tore some bark from a nearby tree and plucked a small, thin vine from the hanging above me. I carefully tied the bark over my wound. It was curved and would hold the blood so as not to leave too strong a trail for predators. It wouldn't last long though. I had to get moving. Though i was woozy and my leg throbbed, i picked myself up and began walking with my three good legs.

"Hey!" I called after the hatchling, "Let me help you." I came up beside them, unsure how they'd react. "Is your home close? or is there a place you'd be safe near by?" I trailed off and just waited for them to respond. It was easy to keep pace with them as I was limping as well, although I knew my wounds were no where near theirs, it still hurt.

"Hey!" I called after the hatchling, "Let me help you." I came up beside them, unsure how they'd react. "Is your home close? or is there a place you'd be safe near by?" I trailed off and just waited for them to respond. It was easy to keep pace with them as I was limping as well, although I knew my wounds were no where near theirs, it still hurt.

The dragon scared me half to death as it came up right beside me and began talking. I shied away and tried to walk a little faster.

The dragon scared me half to death as it came up right beside me and began talking. I shied away and tried to walk a little faster.

"Wait, please..." I let my sentence trail off as I realized they weren't going to accept help from me. I was left with uncertainty, I didn't want to leave them now and live with the what if but on the other hand, how can you help one who won't let you help? I continued to follow along a bit behind them while I thought about my options. The light spotted forest floor passed by and for a while, nothing but silence hung in the air. "Hey" I took a breath and made my decision, "I know you don't like me but I really don't want to leave you alone. I promise I won't get close enough to scare you, but I'm going to keep up with you okay? If something shows up I'll kill it for you and protect you!" deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to handle much but I was determined.

"Wait, please..." I let my sentence trail off as I realized they weren't going to accept help from me. I was left with uncertainty, I didn't want to leave them now and live with the what if but on the other hand, how can you help one who won't let you help? I continued to follow along a bit behind them while I thought about my options. The light spotted forest floor passed by and for a while, nothing but silence hung in the air. "Hey" I took a breath and made my decision, "I know you don't like me but I really don't want to leave you alone. I promise I won't get close enough to scare you, but I'm going to keep up with you okay? If something shows up I'll kill it for you and protect you!" deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to handle much but I was determined.

I couldn't believe this thing! It was somewhat annoying but at the same time i had a tiny flare of respect for it. Even though it was injured it wanted to help. I didn't like help. It would die if it followed me. How it had found it's way into this place with obviously very little, experience with it, i did not know. But i couldn't let it follow me....yet, if i left it, would it die then too? I squinted my eyes as i tried to come up with a solution. It sounded unsure. What to do? I stopped and used a claw to carve an arrow pointing up on one of the tree trunks nearby. If it was going to be anywhere near safe it would have to stay high in the top Burroughs, but also remain hidden in the leaves, those harpies were sharp eyed killers. I looked at it and then motioned upward. I couldn't travel up the trees, it was impossible to climb that high with my injury. I made a decision. I would leave it. At least it wasn't bleeding, it wouldn't attract predators with it's smell, it had a very faint scent. And if it kept it's mouth shut and it's hide hidden it would live for at least as long as it found food. I motioned to the arrow with my head and began my march toward the skunk cabbage i had seen earlier.

I couldn't believe this thing! It was somewhat annoying but at the same time i had a tiny flare of respect for it. Even though it was injured it wanted to help. I didn't like help. It would die if it followed me. How it had found it's way into this place with obviously very little, experience with it, i did not know. But i couldn't let it follow me....yet, if i left it, would it die then too? I squinted my eyes as i tried to come up with a solution. It sounded unsure. What to do? I stopped and used a claw to carve an arrow pointing up on one of the tree trunks nearby. If it was going to be anywhere near safe it would have to stay high in the top Burroughs, but also remain hidden in the leaves, those harpies were sharp eyed killers. I looked at it and then motioned upward. I couldn't travel up the trees, it was impossible to climb that high with my injury. I made a decision. I would leave it. At least it wasn't bleeding, it wouldn't attract predators with it's smell, it had a very faint scent. And if it kept it's mouth shut and it's hide hidden it would live for at least as long as it found food. I motioned to the arrow with my head and began my march toward the skunk cabbage i had seen earlier.

I could tell the hatchling was annoyed with me, whether that had made me regret my actions or not I wasn't so sure. I studied the hatchling's face closely, wondering how they were going to react, to my surprise they didn't try to chase me away or reject my help, they indicated they wanted me to go up in the trees. I stared at the arrow on the trunk and decided that it definitely would be better if one of us stayed in the trees to warn the other of approaching danger or just to get the drop on said danger if need be. I had a faint idea that might not have been what they meant with the arrow, but I decided to interpret it that way. I quickly made my way up the tree and did my best to walk from branch to branch and keep up with them.

I could tell the hatchling was annoyed with me, whether that had made me regret my actions or not I wasn't so sure. I studied the hatchling's face closely, wondering how they were going to react, to my surprise they didn't try to chase me away or reject my help, they indicated they wanted me to go up in the trees. I stared at the arrow on the trunk and decided that it definitely would be better if one of us stayed in the trees to warn the other of approaching danger or just to get the drop on said danger if need be. I had a faint idea that might not have been what they meant with the arrow, but I decided to interpret it that way. I quickly made my way up the tree and did my best to walk from branch to branch and keep up with them.

An hour or two passed. I painfully trudged through the underbrush and slipped on something wet. My jaw hit a root. Great. More pain. I looked down and noticed my red blood spilling down my leg. I looked back. Red blood glazed the roots. I had been leaving a trail. Crap.

An hour or two passed. I painfully trudged through the underbrush and slipped on something wet. My jaw hit a root. Great. More pain. I looked down and noticed my red blood spilling down my leg. I looked back. Red blood glazed the roots. I had been leaving a trail. Crap.

I had been getting more and more concerned over the well being of the hatchling below me a time went on, the wound wasn't stopping its bleeding. The trail they were leaving was easily followable and as time went on I was more certain, or maybe just paranoid, that something WAS following the trail. The breeze was currently making it hard to completely confirm my suspicions with the direction it was blowing. I sighed trying to expel my worrying, there was little I could do about it now. I continued along hopping from branch to branch following the yellowish hatchling below me. A faint noise reached my ears that I thought just imagined at first but it steadily grew in volume and became the unmistakable noise of a large creature, confident enough in it's abilities to not care whether it's presence is known or not, tramping through the woods. Fear gripped me and I pressed myself against the trunk of the tree I was on. I stared in the direction of the sound but I couldn't see anything of the creature, I glance down to check whether the other hatchling had heard the sound.

I had been getting more and more concerned over the well being of the hatchling below me a time went on, the wound wasn't stopping its bleeding. The trail they were leaving was easily followable and as time went on I was more certain, or maybe just paranoid, that something WAS following the trail. The breeze was currently making it hard to completely confirm my suspicions with the direction it was blowing. I sighed trying to expel my worrying, there was little I could do about it now. I continued along hopping from branch to branch following the yellowish hatchling below me. A faint noise reached my ears that I thought just imagined at first but it steadily grew in volume and became the unmistakable noise of a large creature, confident enough in it's abilities to not care whether it's presence is known or not, tramping through the woods. Fear gripped me and I pressed myself against the trunk of the tree I was on. I stared in the direction of the sound but I couldn't see anything of the creature, I glance down to check whether the other hatchling had heard the sound.

My ears pricked at the noise. Some thing huge was upon us. I quickly shoved my self down into the forest. The other hatching would have to fend for it's self. When i had made it down to hard dirt i dug a hole and rolled around in it. My smell would be disguised at least a little and a little bit of camouflage wouldn't hurt. The beats got louder. Guilt. I bit my lip. I had no choice. If i moved i was a dead.

My ears pricked at the noise. Some thing huge was upon us. I quickly shoved my self down into the forest. The other hatching would have to fend for it's self. When i had made it down to hard dirt i dug a hole and rolled around in it. My smell would be disguised at least a little and a little bit of camouflage wouldn't hurt. The beats got louder. Guilt. I bit my lip. I had no choice. If i moved i was a dead.

The sound got closer and closer until a large Wildclaw stepped into view. Swinging its head it searched the area carefully before laying it's gaze, not at the hatchling now hiding between the roots but higher into the trees, towards me. "There you are!" the Wildclaw growled in a mixture of anger and relief. "Daddy!" I exclaimed, tears sprung to my eyes "I thought you were a giant beast coming to eat us!"

"I might just eat you yet little trouble maker! Why did you leave the cave? And whose blood is this?"

"Ah! You have to help him!" I scrambled out of the tree I was in and move over near where I saw the other hatchling disappear to "I came across him while I was out hunting and he got hurt bad after I accidentally scared him. Please I know you're mad at me but you have to help him first!" My dad lowered his head and searched the ground around where I indicated before finding the little hatchling, "Hello, I'm sorry to have scared you and that my daughter caused you to get hurt. May I see your wound so I can help?"

The sound got closer and closer until a large Wildclaw stepped into view. Swinging its head it searched the area carefully before laying it's gaze, not at the hatchling now hiding between the roots but higher into the trees, towards me. "There you are!" the Wildclaw growled in a mixture of anger and relief. "Daddy!" I exclaimed, tears sprung to my eyes "I thought you were a giant beast coming to eat us!"

"I might just eat you yet little trouble maker! Why did you leave the cave? And whose blood is this?"

"Ah! You have to help him!" I scrambled out of the tree I was in and move over near where I saw the other hatchling disappear to "I came across him while I was out hunting and he got hurt bad after I accidentally scared him. Please I know you're mad at me but you have to help him first!" My dad lowered his head and searched the ground around where I indicated before finding the little hatchling, "Hello, I'm sorry to have scared you and that my daughter caused you to get hurt. May I see your wound so I can help?"