

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ToonTown RP | OOC | semi-open
Got the description for the futuristic neighborhood out! Feel free to change it as need be. :D The color I’m using is #f28d68, but you can switch that up too.

Brightnight Boulevard
A concentration of life, where and each day’s work is spent fulfilling a dream and companionship is but a moment away. Here, business is a pursuit of passion and technology is used to facilitate. Brightnight Boulevard’s skies are crowded full of top-heavy skyscrapers and the glossy roads that dance between them — a scientific defiance of gravity. Come night, the neighborhood is always stained in brilliant technicolor, courtesy of the screens outside every office and apartment, showcasing original ads, clips, and stunts, as skaters race among and atop the traffic and buildings become playgrounds for engineers in mech suits.

alt. name ideas: Technicolor Towers, Sunset Skylanes. — not really sure which I like more haha.
Got the description for the futuristic neighborhood out! Feel free to change it as need be. :D The color I’m using is #f28d68, but you can switch that up too.

Brightnight Boulevard
A concentration of life, where and each day’s work is spent fulfilling a dream and companionship is but a moment away. Here, business is a pursuit of passion and technology is used to facilitate. Brightnight Boulevard’s skies are crowded full of top-heavy skyscrapers and the glossy roads that dance between them — a scientific defiance of gravity. Come night, the neighborhood is always stained in brilliant technicolor, courtesy of the screens outside every office and apartment, showcasing original ads, clips, and stunts, as skaters race among and atop the traffic and buildings become playgrounds for engineers in mech suits.

alt. name ideas: Technicolor Towers, Sunset Skylanes. — not really sure which I like more haha.
Oh my WOW, I love this place!! In my honest opinion, Brightnight Boulevard fits the most as its name, but any name you wanna go with is great ^^

I think Razz would absolutely love this place, especially at night- having a night concert there would be fun as heck for him!
Oh my WOW, I love this place!! In my honest opinion, Brightnight Boulevard fits the most as its name, but any name you wanna go with is great ^^

I think Razz would absolutely love this place, especially at night- having a night concert there would be fun as heck for him!
Hope sworded approves. This is a neat concept. Reminds me a bit about how, in the universe of League of Legends, Piltover is a magitek Victorian-style city that advertises itself as a community working towards progress. I wonder how it’ll look once the Cogs influence the environment there.
Hope sworded approves. This is a neat concept. Reminds me a bit about how, in the universe of League of Legends, Piltover is a magitek Victorian-style city that advertises itself as a community working towards progress. I wonder how it’ll look once the Cogs influence the environment there.

adult, late thirties | male | he/him | centipede

Nicknames: Dimitri, Demi

Appearance: A stylized centipede, with lacking the discomfort-inducing ability of his real-life counterparts. Dimitri possesses a reflective black carapace, divided into seven long, segmented parts, with six arms sprouting from his upper body, which is always lifted from the floor. His short, stubby legs sprout from his dark brown underbelly with one per body segment, and soft black striping patterns run across his torso and stomach. His face is flat, with a pair of large, brown front-facing eyes in the center and two short black curly black antennae that look like horns, made for decoration rather than sensing. He often dresses in white dress shirts, tailored to fit his additional arms, and dark slacks with similar edits, with a black jacket tied around his waist.

Personality: Someone who comes and goes like a ghost with the passing of time, accompanied by the soft purr of his car's engine. Dimitri excludes a natural warmth, kindness, and liveliness, clear even from the first impression. While he carries himself with serene confidence, comfortable in situation no matter how tense or embarrassing, he's a man of activity who always integrates himself into the action with a patient smile and smooth negotiation. Only in moments of solitude or accompaniment by small numbers does he lapse into a soft silence, his relaxation revealing a man that enjoys civilization but has never truly belonged to it. Because, even for those willing to look underneath his carapace and his legs, the truth of centipedes has always clung to him—a craving for excitement and adrenaline, for the breath of death and decay that comes from living on the edge. Though he controls it well, Dimitri cannot help but be drawn towards the thrill of recklessness.

  • Levelheaded, remaining calm and able even in the face of extreme shock, danger, or stress.
  • Communication, being able to speak with ease now matter the crowd and negotiate efficiently and effectively no matter the stakes.
  • Explosive movement, with extensive experiences in the extreme sports of street racing and Brightnight Boulevard's staples: high risk skating and mech suit piloting.

  • Poor perception of color, with similar shades blending together and making it difficult to see hidden objects, especially when they're camouflaged and immobile.
  • Cold-blooded, getting chills quickly and becoming sluggish at lower temperatures.
  • Risk-taking, inclined towards deciding to take other thrilling but perilous actions after indulging in danger.

Gag Tracks
  • Drop
  • Zap

Home Neighborhood: Noir Side
Current Residence: Brightnight Boulevard

Background: A Toon born and raised to a bright, loving family living in the monochrome houses of Noir Side. Come adulthood, he left to Brightnight Boulevard to pursue higher education, only to fall in love with its lively streets. Dimitri couldn't help but wander the city, taking in the brilliance of the nightlife. Come graduation, he fell into managing the very hobbyist communities that so attracted him, spending his days organizing events and negotiating between circles and his nights flitting between the different people of the city—sometimes visiting restaurants and other times toy-makers, whoever indulged his interest and was willing to shelter him in exchange for aid around their store.

  • His official name is Demetrius, which he uses for official events and work. However, he goes by Dimitri in everyday life and lets his closest friends call him Demi.
  • Despite having an apartment, he practically lives in his car, driving around to find someone that interests him, and staying for weeks or months to help out at their business.
  • He can eat anything without changing his expression and often lives off of leftovers.
  • He has a slight Noir Side accent but emphasizes crisp accentuation to make his words easy to understand despite it. Doesn't mind switching back to its vernacular, though.

adult, late thirties | male | he/him | centipede

Nicknames: Dimitri, Demi

Appearance: A stylized centipede, with lacking the discomfort-inducing ability of his real-life counterparts. Dimitri possesses a reflective black carapace, divided into seven long, segmented parts, with six arms sprouting from his upper body, which is always lifted from the floor. His short, stubby legs sprout from his dark brown underbelly with one per body segment, and soft black striping patterns run across his torso and stomach. His face is flat, with a pair of large, brown front-facing eyes in the center and two short black curly black antennae that look like horns, made for decoration rather than sensing. He often dresses in white dress shirts, tailored to fit his additional arms, and dark slacks with similar edits, with a black jacket tied around his waist.

Personality: Someone who comes and goes like a ghost with the passing of time, accompanied by the soft purr of his car's engine. Dimitri excludes a natural warmth, kindness, and liveliness, clear even from the first impression. While he carries himself with serene confidence, comfortable in situation no matter how tense or embarrassing, he's a man of activity who always integrates himself into the action with a patient smile and smooth negotiation. Only in moments of solitude or accompaniment by small numbers does he lapse into a soft silence, his relaxation revealing a man that enjoys civilization but has never truly belonged to it. Because, even for those willing to look underneath his carapace and his legs, the truth of centipedes has always clung to him—a craving for excitement and adrenaline, for the breath of death and decay that comes from living on the edge. Though he controls it well, Dimitri cannot help but be drawn towards the thrill of recklessness.

  • Levelheaded, remaining calm and able even in the face of extreme shock, danger, or stress.
  • Communication, being able to speak with ease now matter the crowd and negotiate efficiently and effectively no matter the stakes.
  • Explosive movement, with extensive experiences in the extreme sports of street racing and Brightnight Boulevard's staples: high risk skating and mech suit piloting.

  • Poor perception of color, with similar shades blending together and making it difficult to see hidden objects, especially when they're camouflaged and immobile.
  • Cold-blooded, getting chills quickly and becoming sluggish at lower temperatures.
  • Risk-taking, inclined towards deciding to take other thrilling but perilous actions after indulging in danger.

Gag Tracks
  • Drop
  • Zap

Home Neighborhood: Noir Side
Current Residence: Brightnight Boulevard

Background: A Toon born and raised to a bright, loving family living in the monochrome houses of Noir Side. Come adulthood, he left to Brightnight Boulevard to pursue higher education, only to fall in love with its lively streets. Dimitri couldn't help but wander the city, taking in the brilliance of the nightlife. Come graduation, he fell into managing the very hobbyist communities that so attracted him, spending his days organizing events and negotiating between circles and his nights flitting between the different people of the city—sometimes visiting restaurants and other times toy-makers, whoever indulged his interest and was willing to shelter him in exchange for aid around their store.

  • His official name is Demetrius, which he uses for official events and work. However, he goes by Dimitri in everyday life and lets his closest friends call him Demi.
  • Despite having an apartment, he practically lives in his car, driving around to find someone that interests him, and staying for weeks or months to help out at their business.
  • He can eat anything without changing his expression and often lives off of leftovers.
  • He has a slight Noir Side accent but emphasizes crisp accentuation to make his words easy to understand despite it. Doesn't mind switching back to its vernacular, though.
Oooooo, a stylish centipede!! I love Dimitri already! I also just really love Brightnight Boulevard, and hey, someone else who’s from Noir Side originally and can eat anything! Razz definitely won’t be helping the whole reckless thing (if nothing else he may end up encouraging it and begging to pilot a mech suit himself, oops), but they could be zap buddies!
Oooooo, a stylish centipede!! I love Dimitri already! I also just really love Brightnight Boulevard, and hey, someone else who’s from Noir Side originally and can eat anything! Razz definitely won’t be helping the whole reckless thing (if nothing else he may end up encouraging it and begging to pilot a mech suit himself, oops), but they could be zap buddies!
Pretty interesting to see a gentleman centipede. Those types of OCs are not common, as far as I'm aware.

Also, I'm really excited to have predownloaded Zenless Zone Zero in my phone. It'll definitely keep me busy during the summer and while I wait for Persona 5 X to release over here in America.
Pretty interesting to see a gentleman centipede. Those types of OCs are not common, as far as I'm aware.

Also, I'm really excited to have predownloaded Zenless Zone Zero in my phone. It'll definitely keep me busy during the summer and while I wait for Persona 5 X to release over here in America.
I mean, no one said Dimitri had to solve his reckless problem the standard way. It wouldn’t be a problem if he was around others who were equally as reckless. :D Thinking of them piloting suits through the city together is gold haha. I imagine them as smaller machines, so they could absolutely be racing each other without disrupting anything too. Also yes, gentleman centipede! I can see why they’re not common given that centipedes are normally pretty ugly though haha. And ooh, how’s your ZZZ going? [emoji=special eyes size=1]
I mean, no one said Dimitri had to solve his reckless problem the standard way. It wouldn’t be a problem if he was around others who were equally as reckless. :D Thinking of them piloting suits through the city together is gold haha. I imagine them as smaller machines, so they could absolutely be racing each other without disrupting anything too.

Also yes, gentleman centipede! I can see why they’re not common given that centipedes are normally pretty ugly though haha.

And ooh, how’s your ZZZ going?
Kept crashing after the prologue's first scene...
Kept crashing after the prologue's first scene...
The idea of them racing mechs is gold indeed XD

"You got a reckless problem? Alright, I'll remember that."
*later* "Hey you wanna race mechs across rooftops or let me stand on top of your mech while I play the guitar and you fly it all across town in a stunt that definitely won't result in us biting the dust??"

Aw, I'm sorry about the crashing :( Always sucks when a new game just won't let you in
The idea of them racing mechs is gold indeed XD

"You got a reckless problem? Alright, I'll remember that."
*later* "Hey you wanna race mechs across rooftops or let me stand on top of your mech while I play the guitar and you fly it all across town in a stunt that definitely won't result in us biting the dust??"

Aw, I'm sorry about the crashing :( Always sucks when a new game just won't let you in
I’m now coming back from my vacation to visit with family! It was fun, and we’ve got a long drive ahead, but I’m glad to be going back home ^^ Also, I added an extra tidbit in Razz’s bio that he can’t eat chocolate or drink coffee because he’ll get sick if he does, yet he tends to forget that, so he’s gotta be kept away from those lol
I’m now coming back from my vacation to visit with family! It was fun, and we’ve got a long drive ahead, but I’m glad to be going back home ^^ Also, I added an extra tidbit in Razz’s bio that he can’t eat chocolate or drink coffee because he’ll get sick if he does, yet he tends to forget that, so he’s gotta be kept away from those lol