

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Umbral Tavern [Open RP]
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It was a rough night, winds howling and the sky crackling with streaks of bright blue as thunder and lightning disturbed what could have been a peaceful night. But, it was instead a night of terrible storms. Stopping what you had been doing, you end up in a tavern to wait out the awful weather in the Driftwood Drag.

The outside is dark, just as expected from this area. The walls are dark, blue and purple paints used to spell out 'Umbral Tavern' on a light colored sign that sat above the entrance doors. The building is two stories with windows, two being on the bottom front while one big one sits on the second floor.

You are let inside by a female guardian, whom seemed to be acting as a bouncer. Her blue eyes watch you, though soon go back to focusing on others who also come to the place. An Undertide soon joins the guardian, having just come back from a break.

The inside isn't perfect, but it is homely. Lights hang from the dark oak ceiling, their warm glow giving enough light to see things. The naturally occurring bioluminescent plants of the Driftwood Drag are inside the place, used as colored decor in small pots on each table. The air smells of wood and alcohol, as expected of a place like this. In the far corner sits a spiraling staircase that goes up to that second floor.

There are several bartenders working behind the bar. There's a Nocturne, an Aberration, and a Veilspun mixing up drinks. The guardian stills stays by the tavern's entrance. There are a few other dragons drinking or talking.

What would you like to do?

Warning in advance- At least two dragons will be using morphology scries for this, as both are currently babies.
Also, I am not starting with one specific dragon. Depending on what your dragon wishes to do, I will respond with an appropriate dragon :)

I am subbed, no need to ping

It was a rough night, winds howling and the sky crackling with streaks of bright blue as thunder and lightning disturbed what could have been a peaceful night. But, it was instead a night of terrible storms. Stopping what you had been doing, you end up in a tavern to wait out the awful weather in the Driftwood Drag.

The outside is dark, just as expected from this area. The walls are dark, blue and purple paints used to spell out 'Umbral Tavern' on a light colored sign that sat above the entrance doors. The building is two stories with windows, two being on the bottom front while one big one sits on the second floor.

You are let inside by a female guardian, whom seemed to be acting as a bouncer. Her blue eyes watch you, though soon go back to focusing on others who also come to the place. An Undertide soon joins the guardian, having just come back from a break.

The inside isn't perfect, but it is homely. Lights hang from the dark oak ceiling, their warm glow giving enough light to see things. The naturally occurring bioluminescent plants of the Driftwood Drag are inside the place, used as colored decor in small pots on each table. The air smells of wood and alcohol, as expected of a place like this. In the far corner sits a spiraling staircase that goes up to that second floor.

There are several bartenders working behind the bar. There's a Nocturne, an Aberration, and a Veilspun mixing up drinks. The guardian stills stays by the tavern's entrance. There are a few other dragons drinking or talking.

What would you like to do?

Warning in advance- At least two dragons will be using morphology scries for this, as both are currently babies.
Also, I am not starting with one specific dragon. Depending on what your dragon wishes to do, I will respond with an appropriate dragon :)

I am subbed, no need to ping

[ Bump before work ]
[ Bump before work ]
[url=][img][/img][/url] A wildclaw, her pelt patterned like the night, magic and spirits swirling around her like moons, entered the tavern. She pushed the creaky door shut with a long, scythe-like claw, seeming almost bored as she looked around, examining the dragons around her. She had several satchels strapped to her belt, along with multiple sheaths with a few too many blades. Her wings seemed a little crooked at their bases, the bones not quite in their right spots, but she didn't seem bothered by them. Her left eye was grey, her right covered by a simple patch of black cloth, although scars could be seen emerging from its top and bottom. These were not her only marks of battle, others, mostly healed, running up and down her arms, legs, body, and wings. Many sets of rings and star-shaped baubles hung from her horns, almost as if emitting a faint mist, not quite of this world.

A wildclaw, her pelt patterned like the night, magic and spirits swirling around her like moons, entered the tavern. She pushed the creaky door shut with a long, scythe-like claw, seeming almost bored as she looked around, examining the dragons around her. She had several satchels strapped to her belt, along with multiple sheaths with a few too many blades. Her wings seemed a little crooked at their bases, the bones not quite in their right spots, but she didn't seem bothered by them.

Her left eye was grey, her right covered by a simple patch of black cloth, although scars could be seen emerging from its top and bottom. These were not her only marks of battle, others, mostly healed, running up and down her arms, legs, body, and wings. Many sets of rings and star-shaped baubles hung from her horns, almost as if emitting a faint mist, not quite of this world.
[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Two dragons were seated quietly at a table near to the corner of the bar, both of whom looked somewhat tired. One was a male Wildclaw- or rather, an excellent imitation of one, were it not for the obvious metallic parts peering out from behind layers of chipped paint. He was still, for the most parts, aside from the ticking in his head. It was constant, as was the endless torrent of thoughts, and he had long since gotten used to it. He had not been here long, and did not plan to remain. His companion, however, had other plans. Opposite, The Banescale fluttered their wings impatiently, struggling to tuck them in beneath their body to get comfortable. The wood of the seat was beginning to dig into their tail, and splinters were always a nightmare to get out. Another flaw of a mortal body. Something about them seemed strange- a clear foreign presence, not quite belonging to one world or another. Upon the entrance of another, the Banescale turned their head to peer curiously over their shoulder at the newcomer and was promptly stopped by the Wildclaw, who gave them a warning tap on the arm before leaning back into the safety of the shadowed corner.


Two dragons were seated quietly at a table near to the corner of the bar, both of whom looked somewhat tired. One was a male Wildclaw- or rather, an excellent imitation of one, were it not for the obvious metallic parts peering out from behind layers of chipped paint. He was still, for the most parts, aside from the ticking in his head. It was constant, as was the endless torrent of thoughts, and he had long since gotten used to it. He had not been here long, and did not plan to remain. His companion, however, had other plans.

Opposite, The Banescale fluttered their wings impatiently, struggling to tuck them in beneath their body to get comfortable. The wood of the seat was beginning to dig into their tail, and splinters were always a nightmare to get out. Another flaw of a mortal body. Something about them seemed strange- a clear foreign presence, not quite belonging to one world or another. Upon the entrance of another, the Banescale turned their head to peer curiously over their shoulder at the newcomer and was promptly stopped by the Wildclaw, who gave them a warning tap on the arm before leaning back into the safety of the shadowed corner.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
[url=][img][/img][/url] It seems the presence of a dragon with so much items and gold had caught the interest of one bartender in particular. Multiple pairs of lightning eyes lock onto the Wildclaw. One head exams sharply, as if noting all the details on them and almost judging them. The other head gives a sharp-toothed grin and a nod. With practiced ease, they call out to the Wildclaw. "Welcome to Umbral Tavern, how can we start you off?" The right head calls, curled horns glinting in the low lights of the tavern. The left head nods along, letting the right head lead for the moment of time. The twin tails of the dragon work to shake two shakers, making drinks for other patrons. [ @Griffinaregold ]

It seems the presence of a dragon with so much items and gold had caught the interest of one bartender in particular. Multiple pairs of lightning eyes lock onto the Wildclaw. One head exams sharply, as if noting all the details on them and almost judging them. The other head gives a sharp-toothed grin and a nod.

With practiced ease, they call out to the Wildclaw. "Welcome to Umbral Tavern, how can we start you off?" The right head calls, curled horns glinting in the low lights of the tavern. The left head nods along, letting the right head lead for the moment of time. The twin tails of the dragon work to shake two shakers, making drinks for other patrons.

[ @Griffinaregold ]
[url=][img][/img][/url] It didn't take long for a certain Nocturne to spot the two sitting in the corner of the tavern, a rough sigh escaping her as she notices they don't seem to have been served yet. So, she shoots a disappointed glare to her other two bartenders before making her way over to their corner in the shadowy corner from her spot behind the bar counter. "My apologies, it seems you haven't gotten served yet. I'm Ashtar, what can I get you two?" She asks in a simple tone, not bothering to put up a customer service front. No, she's been in this business for too long to force herself to fake excitement and friendliness. Her arcane eyes look the two over, though she keeps her thoughts to herself for the time being. [ @finalhunt ]

It didn't take long for a certain Nocturne to spot the two sitting in the corner of the tavern, a rough sigh escaping her as she notices they don't seem to have been served yet. So, she shoots a disappointed glare to her other two bartenders before making her way over to their corner in the shadowy corner from her spot behind the bar counter.

"My apologies, it seems you haven't gotten served yet. I'm Ashtar, what can I get you two?" She asks in a simple tone, not bothering to put up a customer service front. No, she's been in this business for too long to force herself to fake excitement and friendliness. Her arcane eyes look the two over, though she keeps her thoughts to herself for the time being.

[ @finalhunt ]
( Subbed, pls don't ping ;) )

The wildclaw stared at the aberration for a couple moments, her gaze intense. She tipped her head in greeting a little, then looked at a spot just to the left of the aberration, muttering words softly to herself. She peered at the wildclaw and banescale with that grey eye of hers, then turned to address the aberration.

"Greetings. Have you been here for very long? Many times, I feel I passed this place, and yet never noticed it." She spoke with a strange half-formality, but her voice had the easy beat of a criminal's quick words.
( Subbed, pls don't ping ;) )

The wildclaw stared at the aberration for a couple moments, her gaze intense. She tipped her head in greeting a little, then looked at a spot just to the left of the aberration, muttering words softly to herself. She peered at the wildclaw and banescale with that grey eye of hers, then turned to address the aberration.

"Greetings. Have you been here for very long? Many times, I feel I passed this place, and yet never noticed it." She spoke with a strange half-formality, but her voice had the easy beat of a criminal's quick words.
The aberration lets out an amused chuckle from both her heads at her way of speaking. The two heads share a glance before she begins to speak.

"The tavern has been here a while, though rather dead..." The left head states, glancing about the run down tavern with a knowing glint to it's eyes. Then, the right head speaks up.

"But, it's only become more noticeable recently due to it finally getting good staff, such as us! Miss Ashtar has been making sure we have the place running well." The right head adds, finishing what the left head had started.
The aberration lets out an amused chuckle from both her heads at her way of speaking. The two heads share a glance before she begins to speak.

"The tavern has been here a while, though rather dead..." The left head states, glancing about the run down tavern with a knowing glint to it's eyes. Then, the right head speaks up.

"But, it's only become more noticeable recently due to it finally getting good staff, such as us! Miss Ashtar has been making sure we have the place running well." The right head adds, finishing what the left head had started.
((Subbed! No need to ping from this post out))

The Banescale beams at the idea of a drink, swiftly shaking off their excitement with a twitch of their wings. They take a moment to think, then respond quietly, the smile lingering on their face. “There was this lovely drink with the pink flowers and strawberries… I can’t quite place the name, perhaps you might know? If you could make that, good miss, it would be much appreciated.”

The Wildclaw smiles politely in greeting, but his cyan eyes are calculating. “I’ll take whatever they’re having.”
((Subbed! No need to ping from this post out))

The Banescale beams at the idea of a drink, swiftly shaking off their excitement with a twitch of their wings. They take a moment to think, then respond quietly, the smile lingering on their face. “There was this lovely drink with the pink flowers and strawberries… I can’t quite place the name, perhaps you might know? If you could make that, good miss, it would be much appreciated.”

The Wildclaw smiles politely in greeting, but his cyan eyes are calculating. “I’ll take whatever they’re having.”
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
"Hmm... Well, that sure is lovely to know. Thank you." The wildclaw blinked slowly, appearing deep in thought. She observed the left head, as if wondering what secrets the aberration kept. "And you have been working here for... how long, roughly?" Her eye quickly flew to the other wildclaw seated, observing the copper on his wings, before sliding back to the aberration. A wolf howled in the distance, and she nodded, almost to herself, muttering and murmuring something about a message to herself.
"Hmm... Well, that sure is lovely to know. Thank you." The wildclaw blinked slowly, appearing deep in thought. She observed the left head, as if wondering what secrets the aberration kept. "And you have been working here for... how long, roughly?" Her eye quickly flew to the other wildclaw seated, observing the copper on his wings, before sliding back to the aberration. A wolf howled in the distance, and she nodded, almost to herself, muttering and murmuring something about a message to herself.
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