

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Interdimensional roomies [1x1]
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(lol fine with me)

"... That, was a pigeon." Alan replied, raising his brow at Jasper's reaction, he didn't think much of it though, probably the guy just got confused.
Alan cleared his throat and began the tour.
"Right, so as you can see, we're in the kitchen right now. On this wall are the keys to the apartment-" He pointed at the little nob sticking out on the wall on which a ring of keys dangled.
"I have a spare somewhere which I'll give to you if I'm satisfied with your answers."
He walked over to the living room.
"Here is the living room, and this door here is to the guest room, which is where you would go."
Alan opened the door to reveal a cozy small room. It had a bed in the corner with a bedside table, a cupboard and a small desk with a window to the fire escape next to it. But besides that it was empty and clean.
(lol fine with me)

"... That, was a pigeon." Alan replied, raising his brow at Jasper's reaction, he didn't think much of it though, probably the guy just got confused.
Alan cleared his throat and began the tour.
"Right, so as you can see, we're in the kitchen right now. On this wall are the keys to the apartment-" He pointed at the little nob sticking out on the wall on which a ring of keys dangled.
"I have a spare somewhere which I'll give to you if I'm satisfied with your answers."
He walked over to the living room.
"Here is the living room, and this door here is to the guest room, which is where you would go."
Alan opened the door to reveal a cozy small room. It had a bed in the corner with a bedside table, a cupboard and a small desk with a window to the fire escape next to it. But besides that it was empty and clean.
You have a

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_ Fingerguns.gif
Jasper smiled at him
"Cool! It looks really cozy" He was still enormously relieved that Alan didn't think too much about his reaction to the weird creature. It was more than a month that he jumped into this dimension and during that time he slept and ate wherever he could always looking over his shoulder. It started to dawn on him that there would be no more running from his past here. He could finally be free from what hunted him. Maybe he could actually get a life in this world. Jasper visibly relaxed like as if he put down a weight and he unleashed a huge grin at Alan.

He could feel tears pricking at his eyes from relief, they couldn't find him here right?

@Tanganika (POKE)
Jasper smiled at him
"Cool! It looks really cozy" He was still enormously relieved that Alan didn't think too much about his reaction to the weird creature. It was more than a month that he jumped into this dimension and during that time he slept and ate wherever he could always looking over his shoulder. It started to dawn on him that there would be no more running from his past here. He could finally be free from what hunted him. Maybe he could actually get a life in this world. Jasper visibly relaxed like as if he put down a weight and he unleashed a huge grin at Alan.

He could feel tears pricking at his eyes from relief, they couldn't find him here right?

@Tanganika (POKE)
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump
Alan grinned back at Jasper, amused by his absolutely idiotic expression.
"Hehe, alright, and the next door is to my room." He motioned to it vaguely but didn't open it. Alan liked his privacy.
"And here is the bathroom!" He walked into the final room, it was a fairly normal bathroom, had everything you needed, a sink, a shower, a toilet, all of which where placed quite close together. Above the toilet was a wonky, cardboard sign that read "you only live once, lick the bowl."
Alan grinned back at Jasper, amused by his absolutely idiotic expression.
"Hehe, alright, and the next door is to my room." He motioned to it vaguely but didn't open it. Alan liked his privacy.
"And here is the bathroom!" He walked into the final room, it was a fairly normal bathroom, had everything you needed, a sink, a shower, a toilet, all of which where placed quite close together. Above the toilet was a wonky, cardboard sign that read "you only live once, lick the bowl."
You have a

_ CTuU1r6.pnglAR8cRt.pngA3L5B4e.pngDgEWpcs.png
_ Fingerguns.gif
Jasper glanced at the door and when Alan made no move to show him inside, he was immediately taken over by curiosity. Maybe he has skeletons in the cupboard like literally and/or figuratively, maybe he- Jaspers train of thoughts cut off abruptly as he remembered how he got in this whole mess, his brother's words echoed back at him "Curiosity killed the cat, you know". Why am I like this?? Why can't I just not stick my nose in everybody else's business, he probably just didnt clean up his room or just likes privacy. He shook his head, now was not the time to beat himself up over what happened then. One day he will sit down and unpack his past but right now he's going to stuff those memories in a deep box and lock it.

Jasper walked into the next room that appeared to be the toilet.
he laughed at the sign and motioned at it "did you . . .?" he shuddered still laughing, "I have now found the first minus of living here"
Jasper glanced at the door and when Alan made no move to show him inside, he was immediately taken over by curiosity. Maybe he has skeletons in the cupboard like literally and/or figuratively, maybe he- Jaspers train of thoughts cut off abruptly as he remembered how he got in this whole mess, his brother's words echoed back at him "Curiosity killed the cat, you know". Why am I like this?? Why can't I just not stick my nose in everybody else's business, he probably just didnt clean up his room or just likes privacy. He shook his head, now was not the time to beat himself up over what happened then. One day he will sit down and unpack his past but right now he's going to stuff those memories in a deep box and lock it.

Jasper walked into the next room that appeared to be the toilet.
he laughed at the sign and motioned at it "did you . . .?" he shuddered still laughing, "I have now found the first minus of living here"
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump
"Hehe." Alan let out a small mischievous laugh at Jaspers reaction, leaning against the doorframe between the bathroom and the living room, watching him for a moment before clearing his throat and beginning to ask the questions he had prepared, which he had written on his phone.
"Alright, question one, how clean are you?" He read aloud and then looked up from his phone at Jasper questioningly.
"Hehe." Alan let out a small mischievous laugh at Jaspers reaction, leaning against the doorframe between the bathroom and the living room, watching him for a moment before clearing his throat and beginning to ask the questions he had prepared, which he had written on his phone.
"Alright, question one, how clean are you?" He read aloud and then looked up from his phone at Jasper questioningly.
You have a

_ CTuU1r6.pnglAR8cRt.pngA3L5B4e.pngDgEWpcs.png
_ Fingerguns.gif
As Alan leaned against the door frame and watched him, Jasper felt a rush of mixed emotions, he blinked confused by the feeling. It vanished as quick as it had happened.
"Err I showered yesterday...?" he replied before actually thinking about the question, the actual meaning of the question dawned on him
"OH! right well, I'm the sort of guy who isn't messy until you look inside my cupboard and find an unidentifiable pile of unsorted clothes" Jasper smiled sheepishly
"and you?"
As Alan leaned against the door frame and watched him, Jasper felt a rush of mixed emotions, he blinked confused by the feeling. It vanished as quick as it had happened.
"Err I showered yesterday...?" he replied before actually thinking about the question, the actual meaning of the question dawned on him
"OH! right well, I'm the sort of guy who isn't messy until you look inside my cupboard and find an unidentifiable pile of unsorted clothes" Jasper smiled sheepishly
"and you?"
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump
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