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Hello! Looking to fill my time with a few roleplays, especially while I'm stuck in bed sick.

There may be gaps between replies (what with being sick) so please some patience! I'm usually pretty fast at replying (dozen times per day) but I of course don't expect that from my partner. I don't mind a wait but if it's weeks long, I may lose interest.

Anyway, some info about me and what I'm after in a roleplay buddy!
×I'm 18+, so I'd prefer you are too
×Australia (ACDT)
×I do MxM only
×I can work with short replies or long, massive ones take alot of effort from me lol
?You can write whatever length, I just prefer more than one sentence. Not to say one sentence replies aren't appropriate sometimes, we don't need to stretch every mundane task into a paragraph.
?I usually prefer a reply within a few days, I'm not going to bother you if you don't though. I understand real life is unpredictable and obviously more important. I'm not gonna chase after you.
?If you feel like dropping the rp, that's fine, do tell me though!
?Please use drawn OCs you own, I enjoy getting art of roleplays if I vibe with it, it would be pointless if you didn't own the character.

Alrighty, now onto plots, prompts and genres!
These will just be what's currently taken over my mind (besides my flu), I do have other ideas and more thorough plots that I can explain further.

I like: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Bleak themes, Sappyiness,

Muse 1 (Role I'd like to play) Muse 2 (Your Role)
(1) Long Lost Loves
Lot of different scenarios but the jist is our two characters were young sweethearts and made a promise to run off and leave the crappy town they're in. Only, for some reason, Muse 2 doesn't show up at the meeting spot. They've left without Muse 1. Fast Forward some years and Muse 2 returns for whatever reason and runs into a rather bitter Muse 1.
We can start from there or earlier when your character leaves mine behind.

(2) Werewolves
Okay, I'm not super into rival clans or Vamp x Were. I would prefer something like a human accidentally runs over a wolf and or whatever reason decides they can treat it's wounds. Surprise werewolf! I don't mind playing either role.

(3) Bully x Bullied
I'm good with either role, leaning a little towards the bullied side though.

Some other ideas just to throw some out here: MHA, GONE, Angels, Demons, L4D, Ghosts, mythical creatures, kemonomimis

I do prefer Discord but not opposed to forums! Send me a pm!
Hello! Looking to fill my time with a few roleplays, especially while I'm stuck in bed sick.

There may be gaps between replies (what with being sick) so please some patience! I'm usually pretty fast at replying (dozen times per day) but I of course don't expect that from my partner. I don't mind a wait but if it's weeks long, I may lose interest.

Anyway, some info about me and what I'm after in a roleplay buddy!
×I'm 18+, so I'd prefer you are too
×Australia (ACDT)
×I do MxM only
×I can work with short replies or long, massive ones take alot of effort from me lol
?You can write whatever length, I just prefer more than one sentence. Not to say one sentence replies aren't appropriate sometimes, we don't need to stretch every mundane task into a paragraph.
?I usually prefer a reply within a few days, I'm not going to bother you if you don't though. I understand real life is unpredictable and obviously more important. I'm not gonna chase after you.
?If you feel like dropping the rp, that's fine, do tell me though!
?Please use drawn OCs you own, I enjoy getting art of roleplays if I vibe with it, it would be pointless if you didn't own the character.

Alrighty, now onto plots, prompts and genres!
These will just be what's currently taken over my mind (besides my flu), I do have other ideas and more thorough plots that I can explain further.

I like: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Bleak themes, Sappyiness,

Muse 1 (Role I'd like to play) Muse 2 (Your Role)
(1) Long Lost Loves
Lot of different scenarios but the jist is our two characters were young sweethearts and made a promise to run off and leave the crappy town they're in. Only, for some reason, Muse 2 doesn't show up at the meeting spot. They've left without Muse 1. Fast Forward some years and Muse 2 returns for whatever reason and runs into a rather bitter Muse 1.
We can start from there or earlier when your character leaves mine behind.

(2) Werewolves
Okay, I'm not super into rival clans or Vamp x Were. I would prefer something like a human accidentally runs over a wolf and or whatever reason decides they can treat it's wounds. Surprise werewolf! I don't mind playing either role.

(3) Bully x Bullied
I'm good with either role, leaning a little towards the bullied side though.

Some other ideas just to throw some out here: MHA, GONE, Angels, Demons, L4D, Ghosts, mythical creatures, kemonomimis

I do prefer Discord but not opposed to forums! Send me a pm!
This sounds interesting! I don't have any drawn OCs however, as I usually come up with an OC from scratch depending on the plot/RP. :\
This sounds interesting! I don't have any drawn OCs however, as I usually come up with an OC from scratch depending on the plot/RP. :\
No worries, that's perfectly fine! You can use whatever you wish^^
No worries, that's perfectly fine! You can use whatever you wish^^
Heya! I'd be interested in an RP with ya at a later date I'd believe! So maybe I'll pop up again later. I hope you're feeling better!

A little question, I'm aro and I'm awkward about shipping OCs if I don't know the other person that well. //Also I only do friends to lovers,,, I just don't click with it otherwise cuz,,, aro lol// Did you have any desires that has romance more in the background aside from the werewolf idea? I'm fine with all your liked themes you've got listed btw!

Also what if the werewolf runs over the human hurrhurr
Heya! I'd be interested in an RP with ya at a later date I'd believe! So maybe I'll pop up again later. I hope you're feeling better!

A little question, I'm aro and I'm awkward about shipping OCs if I don't know the other person that well. //Also I only do friends to lovers,,, I just don't click with it otherwise cuz,,, aro lol// Did you have any desires that has romance more in the background aside from the werewolf idea? I'm fine with all your liked themes you've got listed btw!

Also what if the werewolf runs over the human hurrhurr
>Pings/comments ok, don't DM w/o asking
>Haggle friendly unless stated otherwise
>Feel free to ask questions!

Hello! I've beaten my flu and I'm feeling much better, thanks for the well wishes!

I don't mind friends to lovers at all, I feel like we could tweak the current ideas to match or work something else out entirely, I do have those small ideas down near the bottom of any of those interest you too.

I also don't hate that idea btw

Hello! I've beaten my flu and I'm feeling much better, thanks for the well wishes!

I don't mind friends to lovers at all, I feel like we could tweak the current ideas to match or work something else out entirely, I do have those small ideas down near the bottom of any of those interest you too.

I also don't hate that idea btw
Excume me dear patron the name is Flinch Blt I am a writer just love making stories. I spotted this little forum and jumped at the chance. I might have a few ideas for rps if ypu would hear me put! Pleasure to be of acquaintance!

Can't help but you do seem familiar? Have we met before. One your past endeavors?
Excume me dear patron the name is Flinch Blt I am a writer just love making stories. I spotted this little forum and jumped at the chance. I might have a few ideas for rps if ypu would hear me put! Pleasure to be of acquaintance!

Can't help but you do seem familiar? Have we met before. One your past endeavors?
Name sounds familiar, so there's a good chance! If you were interested in starting something up again shoot me a DM!
Name sounds familiar, so there's a good chance! If you were interested in starting something up again shoot me a DM!
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