

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | FR Casual RP-Secrets of the Wetlands
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Within an instant the ambush was over, and Theo came to a halt at the sight of the harpy crushed between the Ridgebacks jaws. He couldn't say it wasn't deserved, but the gore... Now was not the time for weakness. His mentor taught him to be vigilant, no matter what. Purposely keeping his eyes off the corpse that fell to the forest below, they flew within talking distance of the stranger. [center][img][/img][/center] "Please, allow us to help you. We are no threat to you." They glanced below, deep in thought. Harpies were not native to this land, he had never seen one in person. Only in scrolls or books written by travelers. So what were they doing in nature flight territory? A nagging uneasiness creeped along their spine, this matter could not go overlooked. Turning to the rest of the party, their usual upbeat personality had seemed to diminish and was replaced by a rather bothered but stern tone. " I hate to ask this of any of you. I have a feeling that one of those harpys may still be alive, and of use to us. I will help our company find a safer spot. Would anyone be willing to go and search for the one Zephyr knocked back down? If it is still breathing... it couldn't have gotten that far." @Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
Within an instant the ambush was over, and Theo came to a halt at the sight of the harpy crushed between the Ridgebacks jaws. He couldn't say it wasn't deserved, but the gore... Now was not the time for weakness. His mentor taught him to be vigilant, no matter what. Purposely keeping his eyes off the corpse that fell to the forest below, they flew within talking distance of the stranger.


"Please, allow us to help you. We are no threat to you." They glanced below, deep in thought. Harpies were not native to this land, he had never seen one in person. Only in scrolls or books written by travelers. So what were they doing in nature flight territory? A nagging uneasiness creeped along their spine, this matter could not go overlooked. Turning to the rest of the party, their usual upbeat personality had seemed to diminish and was replaced by a rather bothered but stern tone. " I hate to ask this of any of you. I have a feeling that one of those harpys may still be alive, and of use to us. I will help our company find a safer spot. Would anyone be willing to go and search for the one Zephyr knocked back down? If it is still breathing... it couldn't have gotten that far."

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic


[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=#55826c]- P A N D O R A -[/color][/size] [size=3][color=#55826c]Interacting with: Zephyr, Theo[/color][/size][/center] The ridgeback flew onwards. She couldn’t hear Zephyrs mumbling over the slight wind in her ears and her apathy about the whole situation. She flicked her tail tip in annoyance when the skydancer spoke again. She spun around quickly to hover in front of him. The smaller dragon was dwarfed in her swaying shadow. [color=#eb7e60]”You? A threat? I could smush ya both between two claws!”[/color] She chuckled but a menacing aura hung around her words. She leaned in close and watched him turn his attention to the forest and then to the rest of his party. Hearing his ask she reared her head back with a wide grin. Her line of work brought around many adventurers and many more in need of help from someone bigger and stronger. Ever the opportunist she never turned down anyone. So long as they had a way to compensate her for her efforts. [color=#eb7e60]”Worried it’ll squeal?”[/color] She mused, [color=#eb7e60]”How about [i]I[/i] help [i]you[/i].”[/color]
- P A N D O R A -
Interacting with: Zephyr, Theo

The ridgeback flew onwards. She couldn’t hear Zephyrs mumbling over the slight wind in her ears and her apathy about the whole situation. She flicked her tail tip in annoyance when the skydancer spoke again. She spun around quickly to hover in front of him. The smaller dragon was dwarfed in her swaying shadow.

”You? A threat? I could smush ya both between two claws!” She chuckled but a menacing aura hung around her words. She leaned in close and watched him turn his attention to the forest and then to the rest of his party. Hearing his ask she reared her head back with a wide grin.

Her line of work brought around many adventurers and many more in need of help from someone bigger and stronger. Ever the opportunist she never turned down anyone. So long as they had a way to compensate her for her efforts.

”Worried it’ll squeal?” She mused, ”How about I help you.”
[url=][img][/img][/url] "I'll Go." Zephyr squawked before things escalated. They didn't want Theo to be hurt by the Ridgeback, who now seemed to be implying she was going to break [i]something[/i] if they didn't move on. Zephyr dove down to where he had last seen the first harpy fall. Sure enough, They saw the harpy, which had taken a pretty hard landing, and was now wheezing in pain; one of it's wings had fractured, and by the sounds of it, a few of it's ribs might be broken.

"I'll Go." Zephyr squawked before things escalated. They didn't want Theo to be hurt by the Ridgeback, who now seemed to be implying she was going to break something if they didn't move on.

Zephyr dove down to where he had last seen the first harpy fall. Sure enough, They saw the harpy, which had taken a pretty hard landing, and was now wheezing in pain; one of it's wings had fractured, and by the sounds of it, a few of it's ribs might be broken.
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Leaned up against a tree, weaken, the harpy's head lifted as Zephyr emerged from the tree tops. "So ... here to finish me off then you great lumbering beast are you?" Through gritted teeth, the harpy tried to sit up but to no avail. Their wing was twisted in the wrong direction, and their breathing was heavy. "You'll all be our prey soon enough... don't you worry." Even through the agony, a sort of cockiness seemed to ring from her tone as she spoke. And with that her eyes flickered and slowly her head started to sway. Unconscious, if not for the small rise and fall of her feathers one might think she had passed.

Up above, Pandora now had Theo's undivided attention. She had a sort of gruffiness about her that reminded him of a certain veteran within their clan. Except she still had fight left in her. "If you want to help, we need to clean those scars first." From his saddle, he pulled a bottle of red mixture. Opening it, he slowly handed it to her as an offer. "This will give you enough energy for the flight back."

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
Leaned up against a tree, weaken, the harpy's head lifted as Zephyr emerged from the tree tops. "So ... here to finish me off then you great lumbering beast are you?" Through gritted teeth, the harpy tried to sit up but to no avail. Their wing was twisted in the wrong direction, and their breathing was heavy. "You'll all be our prey soon enough... don't you worry." Even through the agony, a sort of cockiness seemed to ring from her tone as she spoke. And with that her eyes flickered and slowly her head started to sway. Unconscious, if not for the small rise and fall of her feathers one might think she had passed.

Up above, Pandora now had Theo's undivided attention. She had a sort of gruffiness about her that reminded him of a certain veteran within their clan. Except she still had fight left in her. "If you want to help, we need to clean those scars first." From his saddle, he pulled a bottle of red mixture. Opening it, he slowly handed it to her as an offer. "This will give you enough energy for the flight back."

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic


[url=][img][/img][/url] Zephyr wasn't quite sure what to do, but they applied some magic to the harpy's chest to make sure the rib injuries don't worsen. They considered making a splint for the harpy's wing, and after some contemplation, eventually gave in and used a sturdy stick and some vines; it wasn't the best, but it would have to do. Zephyr then picked up the harpy as gently as they could, and flew back to Theo, carrying the harpy in both pairs of their arms. "So, uh, i got the harpy. Er, what do you want to do with it now?"

Zephyr wasn't quite sure what to do, but they applied some magic to the harpy's chest to make sure the rib injuries don't worsen. They considered making a splint for the harpy's wing, and after some contemplation, eventually gave in and used a sturdy stick and some vines; it wasn't the best, but it would have to do.

Zephyr then picked up the harpy as gently as they could, and flew back to Theo, carrying the harpy in both pairs of their arms.

"So, uh, i got the harpy. Er, what do you want to do with it now?"
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[center] @Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic hey guys i really appreciate you all joining this rp and helping me find my interest in doing this again, so heres a little doodle of everyone [img][/img] sorry for the interruption, go ahead and continue when you want [/center]

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic

hey guys i really appreciate you all joining this rp and helping me find my interest in doing this again, so heres a little doodle of everyone


sorry for the interruption, go ahead and continue when you want


[quote name="VibinFrogFolk" date="2023-07-07 19:49:13" ] [center] @Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic hey guys i really appreciate you all joining this rp and helping me find my interest in doing this again, so heres a little doodle of everyone [img][/img] sorry for the interruption, go ahead and continue when you want [/center] [/quote] Eeeee!! I love it!! The bois!!
VibinFrogFolk wrote on 2023-07-07 19:49:13:

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic

hey guys i really appreciate you all joining this rp and helping me find my interest in doing this again, so heres a little doodle of everyone


sorry for the interruption, go ahead and continue when you want
Eeeee!! I love it!! The bois!!
Give a like if you think they're cool--->86520977.png93331792.png84977690.png
AAAAAAAA LOOK AT THE AAART [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=#55826c]- P A N D O R A -[/color][/size] [size=3][color=#55826c]Interacting with: Zephyr, Theo[/color][/size][/center] Pandora took the bottle before he could add any cavoites to his offer. Free stuff was free stuff, even if she did not actually want it. She did however want him to stop mentioning her "injuries." The bottle appeared very small in her paw as she swished it around to view the contents. [color=#eb7e60]”Elixir or antiseptic?”[/color] She asked with her eyes locked on the liquid. She wanted to know whether she was meant to drink it or splash it on her wounds. Looking at it reminded her how thirsty she was and she ended up lifting it to her mouth without waiting for an answer. Besides, she had accidently brewed and tasted many drinks that would be considered medical grade disinfectant in potency. This was a nonissue. Down the hatch it went. She held the now empty bottle loosely as she watched the aether fly back up from the trees with the harpy in their arms. A wide smile grew upon her face and she threw her head back in a booming laugh. [color=#eb7e60]”Ha! Found yourself a hatchling haven't ya!”[/color] Her uncontrolled hysterics almost sent her rhythmic wingbeats off again. She sank a few inches in the air.
- P A N D O R A -
Interacting with: Zephyr, Theo

Pandora took the bottle before he could add any cavoites to his offer. Free stuff was free stuff, even if she did not actually want it. She did however want him to stop mentioning her "injuries." The bottle appeared very small in her paw as she swished it around to view the contents.

”Elixir or antiseptic?” She asked with her eyes locked on the liquid. She wanted to know whether she was meant to drink it or splash it on her wounds. Looking at it reminded her how thirsty she was and she ended up lifting it to her mouth without waiting for an answer. Besides, she had accidently brewed and tasted many drinks that would be considered medical grade disinfectant in potency. This was a nonissue.
Down the hatch it went.

She held the now empty bottle loosely as she watched the aether fly back up from the trees with the harpy in their arms. A wide smile grew upon her face and she threw her head back in a booming laugh.

”Ha! Found yourself a hatchling haven't ya!” Her uncontrolled hysterics almost sent her rhythmic wingbeats off again. She sank a few inches in the air.
(Currently awaiting for @VibinFrogFolk to reply to my last post)
(Currently awaiting for @VibinFrogFolk to reply to my last post)
Give a like if you think they're cool--->86520977.png93331792.png84977690.png
(EEE Glad you guys liked it! I had fun drawing everyones dragons!) Theo, stunned by how quickly the ridgeback took his offer, wasn't quiet sure how to respond. But as long as she had the strength to fly, that was all that mattered. As Zephyr returned, his eyes locked onto the tiny winged and limp creature in their claws. [center][img][/img][/center] "Thank you my friend. I'm certain we may find some of the answers we seek from this intruder. We'll take it with us." [i] And hopefully it was the only one... [/i] "Come, lets find some safe cover." And with that, he flew east, away from the dense growth of the shrieking wilds. Surely the open sanctum lands would prove to be more secure than here. The sun was now coming to a close, letting the last of its light shine over the horizon. They would need to make camp soon, he hadn't realized how many hours had passed sense their departure from the everbloom markets. Night brought many dangers with it, best to avoid traveling in the twilight's embrace if one could avoid it. Not to mention the storm that rumbled in the distance, slowly but surely covering the sky before them. @Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic
(EEE Glad you guys liked it! I had fun drawing everyones dragons!)

Theo, stunned by how quickly the ridgeback took his offer, wasn't quiet sure how to respond. But as long as she had the strength to fly, that was all that mattered. As Zephyr returned, his eyes locked onto the tiny winged and limp creature in their claws.

"Thank you my friend. I'm certain we may find some of the answers we seek from this intruder. We'll take it with us." And hopefully it was the only one... "Come, lets find some safe cover." And with that, he flew east, away from the dense growth of the shrieking wilds. Surely the open sanctum lands would prove to be more secure than here. The sun was now coming to a close, letting the last of its light shine over the horizon. They would need to make camp soon, he hadn't realized how many hours had passed sense their departure from the everbloom markets. Night brought many dangers with it, best to avoid traveling in the twilight's embrace if one could avoid it. Not to mention the storm that rumbled in the distance, slowly but surely covering the sky before them.

@Erst / @Chrysocolla / @ChaoticFriendzy/ @Fishtastic


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