

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
Interactions: Adnachiel
On the float, getting something to drink

Devin looks at his empty hands and then back over to the drink tables. Devin then lowered and clasped his hands before answering. "Uhh, I believe I had a... strawberry-flavored drink? I don't really remember, I kinda just picked at random." The feathered wings of the harpy rolled with a slight shake to them as if trying to get rid of any unwanted tension.
Remembering the previous actions the young satyr took, Devin thought he should thank him.
"oh umm, uhh.. Th-thank you for, heh taking my drink...." At that, he looked like he wanted to die right then a there.

(@biao ah, don't we love an awkward bean?)
Interactions: Adnachiel
On the float, getting something to drink

Devin looks at his empty hands and then back over to the drink tables. Devin then lowered and clasped his hands before answering. "Uhh, I believe I had a... strawberry-flavored drink? I don't really remember, I kinda just picked at random." The feathered wings of the harpy rolled with a slight shake to them as if trying to get rid of any unwanted tension.
Remembering the previous actions the young satyr took, Devin thought he should thank him.
"oh umm, uhh.. Th-thank you for, heh taking my drink...." At that, he looked like he wanted to die right then a there.

(@biao ah, don't we love an awkward bean?)
. ...- . .-. -.-- -.. .- -.-- / .. / .-. . .. .-.. .. --.. . / .... --- .-- / --- .-.. -.. / .. / .- -- / --. . - - .. -. --. .-.-.- / - .... . / -.-. .- -. -.. .-.. . ... / .-- . .-. . / --- -. / ... .- .-.. . .-.-.-

I am bored enough to stare into a wall rn
3+ to FR time
Adnachiel—Interacting with Devin (@LilRosebud)
If the choice is random, then the satyr certainly agrees with Devin's instincts. A strawberry drink is returned to the other's hand, and Adnachiel meanders back to his seat.

"Do you have bananas in your region?" he asks, apropos of nothing.

While fresh fruit isn't a rarity in his own—figs, citrus, apples; the desert soil holds more life than most can imagine—bananas require too much care for most farmers to attempt. Still, from what the prince remembers from when he was privileged enough to have a taste, they went well with strawberries, another foreign fruit.

Speaking of that, maybe he should try Devin's juice? Adnachiel side-eyes the sparkling red juice before deciding to dash a layer on top of his own.

"I hope you'll forgive me for doing so impulsively," he says as he savors a small sip. His eyes turn to meet the other, edges creased in amusement. "The other option would be to shift through your drink. I'm sure you wouldn't want that, and I didn't want sticky fingers."

( I relate and I love him,,, )
Adnachiel—Interacting with Devin (@LilRosebud)
If the choice is random, then the satyr certainly agrees with Devin's instincts. A strawberry drink is returned to the other's hand, and Adnachiel meanders back to his seat.

"Do you have bananas in your region?" he asks, apropos of nothing.

While fresh fruit isn't a rarity in his own—figs, citrus, apples; the desert soil holds more life than most can imagine—bananas require too much care for most farmers to attempt. Still, from what the prince remembers from when he was privileged enough to have a taste, they went well with strawberries, another foreign fruit.

Speaking of that, maybe he should try Devin's juice? Adnachiel side-eyes the sparkling red juice before deciding to dash a layer on top of his own.

"I hope you'll forgive me for doing so impulsively," he says as he savors a small sip. His eyes turn to meet the other, edges creased in amusement. "The other option would be to shift through your drink. I'm sure you wouldn't want that, and I didn't want sticky fingers."

( I relate and I love him,,, )
Interactions: Adnachiel
On the float, at the concession stand

"Oh no, it's quite alright. Sticky fingers aren't the best. And uh yeah I think so. I mean- uhh umm..." This whole interaction with this stranger has really caught Devin off guard. His reactions to the swiftly changing environment felt odd to him. Normally he's in a stationary place not having to change his routine. Get up, have a light breakfast, complete a task the elders give you, eat lunch- you get it.

Devin looked over the satyr once more getting a more detailed impression. It didn't take long for his eyes to be glancing around at the abundance of his gems. Each one shines beautifully and with the constant movement of the float, it changed the lighting to make certain ones stand out.

"Your shiny." He states after a minute of observation. He didn't mean to say it out loud, of course, it just kinda happened.
The bird-like man's face bloomed pink at the realization of what he said out loud instead of what should have been in his head. Sadly, flight would not work for him at this moment in time, and he simply froze.

(@biao :Shiny from Moana plays: lol this felt a little cringe to write)
Interactions: Adnachiel
On the float, at the concession stand

"Oh no, it's quite alright. Sticky fingers aren't the best. And uh yeah I think so. I mean- uhh umm..." This whole interaction with this stranger has really caught Devin off guard. His reactions to the swiftly changing environment felt odd to him. Normally he's in a stationary place not having to change his routine. Get up, have a light breakfast, complete a task the elders give you, eat lunch- you get it.

Devin looked over the satyr once more getting a more detailed impression. It didn't take long for his eyes to be glancing around at the abundance of his gems. Each one shines beautifully and with the constant movement of the float, it changed the lighting to make certain ones stand out.

"Your shiny." He states after a minute of observation. He didn't mean to say it out loud, of course, it just kinda happened.
The bird-like man's face bloomed pink at the realization of what he said out loud instead of what should have been in his head. Sadly, flight would not work for him at this moment in time, and he simply froze.

(@biao :Shiny from Moana plays: lol this felt a little cringe to write)
. ...- . .-. -.-- -.. .- -.-- / .. / .-. . .. .-.. .. --.. . / .... --- .-- / --- .-.. -.. / .. / .- -- / --. . - - .. -. --. .-.-.- / - .... . / -.-. .- -. -.. .-.. . ... / .-- . .-. . / --- -. / ... .- .-.. . .-.-.-

I am bored enough to stare into a wall rn
3+ to FR time
Daphine Hellobonia

Location: Float
Interaction: Shreila

Daphine’s eyebrows creased at the idea of a king who did not take kindly to non-humans. She was extraordinarily familiar with those of a more mystic category, but she did not hold any ill will towards humans (or at least, towards humans who did not injure her sacred lands), but she could not fathom a king who would refuse the help of a non-human.

“You have an…..extraordinarily interesting government system. I’m sure that I could meet her one day, but I must ask.. How are you able to live there? Being a non-human?”

Her eyebrows shot straight into her hairline as the wyvern spoke. This was completely uncharted territory for her, and she leaned back a little. Of course, she had noticed the baby, but what exactly had just occurred.

“What was that?”

Eneth Initosh

Location: Float
Interaction: Volaris

Eneth’s eyes danced over the rest of the float, taking in the crowd of people for the first time since he had entered it. That ‘Leona’ woman had made him too jumpy to truly take in his surroundings. The excitement radiating from outside the float almost made him want to jump off of the vehicle to join them. It reminded him of the parties in Xiljor, full of entertainment and stupid bets that had ended up with the majority of his class in the med-bay for a solid two weeks.

He vaguely recalled the Anovus mountains from his studies, although most of the time he had not been paying attention to the professor. Very artsy, very draconic, and extraordinarily filled with gemstones of all sorts. Similar to his own kingdom, although there was a significant lack of sentient reptiles within Xiljors walls.

His eyes followed Volaris’s hand, squinting into the distance in a vain effort to find the mountain top. His eyes stayed on the clouds, attempting to recognize shapes within them.

“I’m from Xiljor, one of the city-states. We actually do have a lot of fire mages. That's what I’m training to be, but genetics messed me up baaaad. Imagine an elf's fire magic and raw power mixed with the limited control and fire tolerance of a human. A bit of a disaster, but the professors at the academy are making it work. I’m not the first case to come through.” He flicked his hair to the side. “But if you mix the already disastrous genetics with my incredible ability to avoid training of any sort you run into a problem.”

His head tilted to the side, now scanning the crowds. “You think it's more fun down there than in here?”
Daphine Hellobonia

Location: Float
Interaction: Shreila

Daphine’s eyebrows creased at the idea of a king who did not take kindly to non-humans. She was extraordinarily familiar with those of a more mystic category, but she did not hold any ill will towards humans (or at least, towards humans who did not injure her sacred lands), but she could not fathom a king who would refuse the help of a non-human.

“You have an…..extraordinarily interesting government system. I’m sure that I could meet her one day, but I must ask.. How are you able to live there? Being a non-human?”

Her eyebrows shot straight into her hairline as the wyvern spoke. This was completely uncharted territory for her, and she leaned back a little. Of course, she had noticed the baby, but what exactly had just occurred.

“What was that?”

Eneth Initosh

Location: Float
Interaction: Volaris

Eneth’s eyes danced over the rest of the float, taking in the crowd of people for the first time since he had entered it. That ‘Leona’ woman had made him too jumpy to truly take in his surroundings. The excitement radiating from outside the float almost made him want to jump off of the vehicle to join them. It reminded him of the parties in Xiljor, full of entertainment and stupid bets that had ended up with the majority of his class in the med-bay for a solid two weeks.

He vaguely recalled the Anovus mountains from his studies, although most of the time he had not been paying attention to the professor. Very artsy, very draconic, and extraordinarily filled with gemstones of all sorts. Similar to his own kingdom, although there was a significant lack of sentient reptiles within Xiljors walls.

His eyes followed Volaris’s hand, squinting into the distance in a vain effort to find the mountain top. His eyes stayed on the clouds, attempting to recognize shapes within them.

“I’m from Xiljor, one of the city-states. We actually do have a lot of fire mages. That's what I’m training to be, but genetics messed me up baaaad. Imagine an elf's fire magic and raw power mixed with the limited control and fire tolerance of a human. A bit of a disaster, but the professors at the academy are making it work. I’m not the first case to come through.” He flicked his hair to the side. “But if you mix the already disastrous genetics with my incredible ability to avoid training of any sort you run into a problem.”

His head tilted to the side, now scanning the crowds. “You think it's more fun down there than in here?”
she/her pronouns, call me eyes or lanni DVynlKm.png simply a girl in one hell of a world
Father Stonvun| Floats | Mentions: Bang @Acetheaxolotl
Sorry for making you wait so long! I was worried about leaving Gabriel behind but then I realized I’m leaving Bang behind!//

With a puffed chest Stonvun turned his head away from Bang towards the side. He wasn’t playing attention to other around them. Instead he was backhandedly rubbing in his superiority by no longer looking at Bang as they conversed.
"You've made swords for demon slayers?" The priest asked dryly without even so much as a sideways glance at Bang. He had decided that the bird was either a lier or a hypocrite. They preached so confidently about Gabriel’s health it made no sense that they would provide weapons to people attempting to slay the very same beasts.

Stonvun was slightly startled by the sudden onslaught of confetti and noise from the crowd. Quickly he blinked away his surprise and rolled his shoulders to sit straighter, lest a break in composure somehow destroys his argument.
Father Stonvun| Floats | Mentions: Bang @Acetheaxolotl
Sorry for making you wait so long! I was worried about leaving Gabriel behind but then I realized I’m leaving Bang behind!//

With a puffed chest Stonvun turned his head away from Bang towards the side. He wasn’t playing attention to other around them. Instead he was backhandedly rubbing in his superiority by no longer looking at Bang as they conversed.
"You've made swords for demon slayers?" The priest asked dryly without even so much as a sideways glance at Bang. He had decided that the bird was either a lier or a hypocrite. They preached so confidently about Gabriel’s health it made no sense that they would provide weapons to people attempting to slay the very same beasts.

Stonvun was slightly startled by the sudden onslaught of confetti and noise from the crowd. Quickly he blinked away his surprise and rolled his shoulders to sit straighter, lest a break in composure somehow destroys his argument.
[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#868cb3]KAVEH[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Float | Altais, open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4][b][color=#a6afde]“I think we’re late,”[/color][/b] Altais mused as he followed his brother from the palace. The two had been surprised to find the ballroom empty and returned to the streets. Dozens of bodies crowded the sides of the road. Some huddled, lost in conversation, while others danced in excited pockets of swaying masses. Brilliant colored paper fell from the sky, littering the ground and everyone it fell on. [b][color=#868cb3]“We’re never late; we’re princes.”[/color][/b] Kaveh retorted. He clicked his tongue as he surveyed the crowd. Creatures of all shapes and sizes mingled, and Kaveh noted that he recognized some of them. During his training and education, he was required to learn about many different territories and species. Kaveh tucked his wings close to his body and exhaled through his nose. He wasn’t particularly excited about the event, but he was pleased to see his brother eager to escape their isolated kingdom. The food and floats looked incredible, he had to admit. A table filled with jeweled fruits, expensive meats, and cheese caught Kaveh’s eye. His stomach betrayed his uninterested expression, and he kicked himself internally. The two seraphim hurried to join the other attendees on the float. It took a moment for them to adjust to the movement of the vehicle, but they eventually fell into the rhythm with ease. [b][color=#a6afde]“Hungry?”[/color][/b] Altais raised an eyebrow and gestured toward the table. Kaveh turned his nose up at his brother and crossed his arms reproachfully over his elegantly adorned chest. [b][color=#868cb3]No, I’m going to get a drink. Go mingle,”[/color][/b] he shrugged, turning away from the wizard. As much as he liked having his brother around, Kaveh didn’t want his brother hanging on him the whole night. It was a good opportunity for Altais to step out of his comfort zone. Tucking a strand of silver hair behind his ears, Kaveh strowed over to the drink table and snagged a dainty glass filled with a bubbling gold liquid. He lifted the drink to sniff before taking a sip. It was fruity and buzzed in his mouth. With one hand, he adjusted the richly embellished silver tunic he was wearing and straightened his midnight colored cloak. The fabric was a rich wool that appeared to have a swirling night sky stitched into the lining. He double-checked that his silver crown was still in one place and took another swig of his drink. Glancing around, he saw his brother struggling to decide where to stand or what to do now that he was alone. The crowned prince wasn’t big on small talk despite it being part of his job description.[/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#a6afde]ALTAIS[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Float | open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Altais’s heart skipped a beat when his brother dismissed him. The thought of mingling in such a crowd made his blood run cold. When he was left to his own devices, the royal wizard was painfully shy and awkward. He was severely under-prepared and under-exposed to social events. It was safer and quieter in his tower. However, he’d promised his teacher he’d try his best to enjoy himself. He had to admit that taking on the role as the crowned prince’s royal wizard was a great opportunity to broaden his horizons, but it was much harder than he’d thought. Inhaling deeply, Altais ran his hands nervously over his baroqued silver robes. His fingers glided over the lavish embroidery and beads that adorned his chest. The texture was soothing and familiar. His large wings ruffled in anticipation as his pointed ears flickered back and forth. He inched closer to the food table and filled a plate. Eating would give him something to do. The spread was obviously built for royalty. He couldn’t choose between all the delicious treats so he decided to get a little bit of everything. The grapes were his first conquest; their red pearly skin looked like fine jewels. Altais popped one in his mouth and let out a startled hum of delight. It was sweet and juicy and melted on his tongue. [b][color=#a6afde]“The food here is amazing,”[/color][/b] he stated to no one in particular. {Both my boys are open for interactions!}

The Float | Altais, open


“I think we’re late,” Altais mused as he followed his brother from the palace. The two had been surprised to find the ballroom empty and returned to the streets. Dozens of bodies crowded the sides of the road. Some huddled, lost in conversation, while others danced in excited pockets of swaying masses. Brilliant colored paper fell from the sky, littering the ground and everyone it fell on.
“We’re never late; we’re princes.” Kaveh retorted. He clicked his tongue as he surveyed the crowd. Creatures of all shapes and sizes mingled, and Kaveh noted that he recognized some of them. During his training and education, he was required to learn about many different territories and species.

Kaveh tucked his wings close to his body and exhaled through his nose. He wasn’t particularly excited about the event, but he was pleased to see his brother eager to escape their isolated kingdom. The food and floats looked incredible, he had to admit. A table filled with jeweled fruits, expensive meats, and cheese caught Kaveh’s eye. His stomach betrayed his uninterested expression, and he kicked himself internally. The two seraphim hurried to join the other attendees on the float. It took a moment for them to adjust to the movement of the vehicle, but they eventually fell into the rhythm with ease.

“Hungry?” Altais raised an eyebrow and gestured toward the table. Kaveh turned his nose up at his brother and crossed his arms reproachfully over his elegantly adorned chest.
No, I’m going to get a drink. Go mingle,” he shrugged, turning away from the wizard. As much as he liked having his brother around, Kaveh didn’t want his brother hanging on him the whole night. It was a good opportunity for Altais to step out of his comfort zone.

Tucking a strand of silver hair behind his ears, Kaveh strowed over to the drink table and snagged a dainty glass filled with a bubbling gold liquid. He lifted the drink to sniff before taking a sip. It was fruity and buzzed in his mouth. With one hand, he adjusted the richly embellished silver tunic he was wearing and straightened his midnight colored cloak. The fabric was a rich wool that appeared to have a swirling night sky stitched into the lining. He double-checked that his silver crown was still in one place and took another swig of his drink. Glancing around, he saw his brother struggling to decide where to stand or what to do now that he was alone. The crowned prince wasn’t big on small talk despite it being part of his job description.


The Float | open


Altais’s heart skipped a beat when his brother dismissed him. The thought of mingling in such a crowd made his blood run cold. When he was left to his own devices, the royal wizard was painfully shy and awkward. He was severely under-prepared and under-exposed to social events. It was safer and quieter in his tower. However, he’d promised his teacher he’d try his best to enjoy himself. He had to admit that taking on the role as the crowned prince’s royal wizard was a great opportunity to broaden his horizons, but it was much harder than he’d thought.

Inhaling deeply, Altais ran his hands nervously over his baroqued silver robes. His fingers glided over the lavish embroidery and beads that adorned his chest. The texture was soothing and familiar. His large wings ruffled in anticipation as his pointed ears flickered back and forth. He inched closer to the food table and filled a plate. Eating would give him something to do. The spread was obviously built for royalty. He couldn’t choose between all the delicious treats so he decided to get a little bit of everything. The grapes were his first conquest; their red pearly skin looked like fine jewels. Altais popped one in his mouth and let out a startled hum of delight. It was sweet and juicy and melted on his tongue. “The food here is amazing,” he stated to no one in particular.

{Both my boys are open for interactions!}
Adnachiel—Interacting with Devin (@LilRosebud)
A grin stretches across the satyr's face at the other's compliment, bright and blinding. He tips his head in a calculated movement, sending glowing facets scattering across silk and cloth in a dance of light.

"Thank you," Adnachiel says, deciding to assume that the blush signifies sincerity. "You look well yourself; soft but rich, natural colors suit you. They bring out your eyes and make your skin glow." And maybe the last bit is a slight exaggeration, but the sunlight has always done wonders in giving the appearance of health. Though Devin's rosy cheeks do speak for themselves.

(Pfft, I love it! Thank you for making my day!)
Adnachiel—Interacting with Devin (@LilRosebud)
A grin stretches across the satyr's face at the other's compliment, bright and blinding. He tips his head in a calculated movement, sending glowing facets scattering across silk and cloth in a dance of light.

"Thank you," Adnachiel says, deciding to assume that the blush signifies sincerity. "You look well yourself; soft but rich, natural colors suit you. They bring out your eyes and make your skin glow." And maybe the last bit is a slight exaggeration, but the sunlight has always done wonders in giving the appearance of health. Though Devin's rosy cheeks do speak for themselves.

(Pfft, I love it! Thank you for making my day!)
Interactions: Adnachiel/Mentions Kaveh & Altais
On the float, at the concession stand

"Oh, uh-h thank you." Devin gave a shy smile as he wasn't really used to compliments. Devin looked over at the newcomers to the concession tables. Both of them were undoubtedly gorgeous but what was more important to Devin were their wings. They were an interesting pair to behold, one having canine-like ears as well as an elegant pair of white wings and the other having three sets of wings.

Devin shook his head as he realized he was staring at them, hopefully, they wouldn't notice. Anyway, Dev went back to paying attention to- uhh wait. They never introduced themselves. "So, uhm, what is your name? I don't think we ever introduced ourselves." Devin seemed to be more at ease now. Defiantly not as likely to run away at the first chance he gets.

(@biao Glad I could do so! Dev is fun to RP so I'm happy your enjoying it
(@/MidnightSun Wings go brrr)
Interactions: Adnachiel/Mentions Kaveh & Altais
On the float, at the concession stand

"Oh, uh-h thank you." Devin gave a shy smile as he wasn't really used to compliments. Devin looked over at the newcomers to the concession tables. Both of them were undoubtedly gorgeous but what was more important to Devin were their wings. They were an interesting pair to behold, one having canine-like ears as well as an elegant pair of white wings and the other having three sets of wings.

Devin shook his head as he realized he was staring at them, hopefully, they wouldn't notice. Anyway, Dev went back to paying attention to- uhh wait. They never introduced themselves. "So, uhm, what is your name? I don't think we ever introduced ourselves." Devin seemed to be more at ease now. Defiantly not as likely to run away at the first chance he gets.

(@biao Glad I could do so! Dev is fun to RP so I'm happy your enjoying it
(@/MidnightSun Wings go brrr)
. ...- . .-. -.-- -.. .- -.-- / .. / .-. . .. .-.. .. --.. . / .... --- .-- / --- .-.. -.. / .. / .- -- / --. . - - .. -. --. .-.-.- / - .... . / -.-. .- -. -.. .-.. . ... / .-- . .-. . / --- -. / ... .- .-.. . .-.-.-

I am bored enough to stare into a wall rn
3+ to FR time

((Sorry for late response! Was gonna write yesterday but with how tired i was it would have sounded drunk lol))

The priest was right. Bang was lying. Demoic shenanigans of any kind were so rare it was essentially non existant. Demonkind usually had their own forges, and demonslayers, well they mostly needed enchanted weapons, or weapons blessed by priests. Because ClawWings could not do such feats consistently they too looked elsewhere. But, he kept up the facade. "Yup! Very VERY rare, but it does happen." He looked towards the noise and confetti when the parade began. It was very pretty, and he may or may not have grabbed some of the rainbow coloured confetti and stuffed it in his pockets to store for later. Shinies. Can never get enough of them.

He also noticed two new guests. Horribly late, they were walking around the float, blue and white and silver. Bang made a mental note to chat with one of them later. They seemed much more pleasant tham the priest.

((Sorry for late response! Was gonna write yesterday but with how tired i was it would have sounded drunk lol))

The priest was right. Bang was lying. Demoic shenanigans of any kind were so rare it was essentially non existant. Demonkind usually had their own forges, and demonslayers, well they mostly needed enchanted weapons, or weapons blessed by priests. Because ClawWings could not do such feats consistently they too looked elsewhere. But, he kept up the facade. "Yup! Very VERY rare, but it does happen." He looked towards the noise and confetti when the parade began. It was very pretty, and he may or may not have grabbed some of the rainbow coloured confetti and stuffed it in his pockets to store for later. Shinies. Can never get enough of them.

He also noticed two new guests. Horribly late, they were walking around the float, blue and white and silver. Bang made a mental note to chat with one of them later. They seemed much more pleasant tham the priest.
beware of spelling errord, my keyboard is broken and my hands finemotor skills are too.
please click on my creatures, thanks
Lab Profile
Az'Coreth | Float | Interactions: Gabriel

Az'Coreth nodded, following the other's gaze over to the priest. That lined up, especially with Gabriel's missing horns and awful state. He'd rarely heard of these types of situations, but the Earth-born party tended to keep the demon weak so they parade them around. No healthy demon would let that occur. In fact, that man would likely be dead if Gabriel was a healthy demon.

The parade had started, and Az'Coreth fluidly stood and turned to face the crowd. His posture was a lot better, and his expression had switched from mildly bored to calm-yet-kind. "So, where do you hail from, hm?" he questioned Gabriel. Again, a polite and necessary question, but a boring one. "Here, I mean." He supposed he should clarify which existence he was referring to. "Any associates?"
Az'Coreth | Float | Interactions: Gabriel

Az'Coreth nodded, following the other's gaze over to the priest. That lined up, especially with Gabriel's missing horns and awful state. He'd rarely heard of these types of situations, but the Earth-born party tended to keep the demon weak so they parade them around. No healthy demon would let that occur. In fact, that man would likely be dead if Gabriel was a healthy demon.

The parade had started, and Az'Coreth fluidly stood and turned to face the crowd. His posture was a lot better, and his expression had switched from mildly bored to calm-yet-kind. "So, where do you hail from, hm?" he questioned Gabriel. Again, a polite and necessary question, but a boring one. "Here, I mean." He supposed he should clarify which existence he was referring to. "Any associates?"
Baltic | He/Him | FR Time +2
Siffrin-sprite.png please come talk to me about ISAT that game has a hold on me rn Siffrin-sprite.png