[img]https://i.imgur.com/uvO4MWc.png[/img][nextcol][size=4][font=georgia][color=#613966] The spiral nods as he takes down the tundra's order before setting to work.
"[color=#715f96][i]You're no trouble at all, I can assure you,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" the spiral states softly, though his voice is solid with the surety of his statement and his movements fluid as he all but dances about to and from the mini fridge that stored their chilled items and the display case.
Plating and drink poured, the spiral uses a touch of magic to have the items 'dance' over to the tundra, all without moving out of place or spilling a drop.
"[color=#715f96][i]One iced cold brew and two strawberry crepes; in case you find bringing home a treat a favorable idea,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he states with a wink before calling the next customer over to the counter.[/color][/font][/size][/columns]
The spiral nods as he takes down the tundra's order before setting to work.
"You're no trouble at all, I can assure you," the spiral states softly, though his voice is solid with the surety of his statement and his movements fluid as he all but dances about to and from the mini fridge that stored their chilled items and the display case.
Plating and drink poured, the spiral uses a touch of magic to have the items 'dance' over to the tundra, all without moving out of place or spilling a drop.
"One iced cold brew and two strawberry crepes; in case you find bringing home a treat a favorable idea," he states with a wink before calling the next customer over to the counter.
The bright scent of ripe strawberries wafts through the door. A fresh delivery of ingredients? Why no, there appears to be a living breathing strawberry delivering itself to the counter.
He smells like a strawberry, he looks like a strawberry, and he'd like to order some strawberries. "A sweet berry tea and a mini strawberry shortcake please," he says, hovering lightly. He winks and with a twinkle says, "We are what we eat!"
The bright scent of ripe strawberries wafts through the door. A fresh delivery of ingredients? Why no, there appears to be a living breathing strawberry delivering itself to the counter.
He smells like a strawberry, he looks like a strawberry, and he'd like to order some strawberries. "A sweet berry tea and a mini strawberry shortcake please," he says, hovering lightly. He winks and with a twinkle says, "We are what we eat!"
[img]https://i.imgur.com/uvO4MWc.png[/img][nextcol][size=4][font=georgia][color=#613966] The spiral does a small shimmy of delight at the fae's request before setting to work near the area of the back counter they generally save for parfait creations.
Various fresh fruit are cut and half of the cut fruit are blended with a mixture of milk and sugar before being poured over a glass containing the other half of the fruit and ice. The spiral makes a quick trip to the display case before carrying both items over to the fae.
"[color=#715f96][i]One agua de frutas and a familar-safe waffle plate,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says with a smile, placing down both items for the fae to grab.
"[color=#715f96][i]I'll be sure to add you to our wall of regulars as well! Thank you for your patronage,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says as a magicked marker adds the fae's name to a board marked with a stylized 'Regulars' where other names are currently written underneath.[/color][/font][/size][/columns]
The spiral does a small shimmy of delight at the fae's request before setting to work near the area of the back counter they generally save for parfait creations.
Various fresh fruit are cut and half of the cut fruit are blended with a mixture of milk and sugar before being poured over a glass containing the other half of the fruit and ice. The spiral makes a quick trip to the display case before carrying both items over to the fae.
"One agua de frutas and a familar-safe waffle plate," he says with a smile, placing down both items for the fae to grab.
"I'll be sure to add you to our wall of regulars as well! Thank you for your patronage," he says as a magicked marker adds the fae's name to a board marked with a stylized 'Regulars' where other names are currently written underneath.
[img]https://i.imgur.com/uvO4MWc.png[/img][nextcol][size=4][font=georgia][color=#613966] The spiral takes note of the ridgeback's indecisiveness and seems to come to a decision. He spends another few seconds staring directly at the ridgeback, magic thickening in the air before it quickly dissipates and the spiral moves over towards the blender, items of all sorts floating over to where he was mixing together a drink.
"[color=#715f96][i]Something with chocolate is a good start, but I find something a little cooler apt for the current weather we're experiencing in the crystalspine reaches,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he states as he drizzles chocolate sauce in an empty glass before adding the now blended drink.
"[color=#715f96][i]One mocha frappe with chocolate sauce and chocolate chips. Enjoy![/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says before moving on to greet the next customer.[/color][/font][/size][/columns]
The spiral takes note of the ridgeback's indecisiveness and seems to come to a decision. He spends another few seconds staring directly at the ridgeback, magic thickening in the air before it quickly dissipates and the spiral moves over towards the blender, items of all sorts floating over to where he was mixing together a drink.
"Something with chocolate is a good start, but I find something a little cooler apt for the current weather we're experiencing in the crystalspine reaches," he states as he drizzles chocolate sauce in an empty glass before adding the now blended drink.
"One mocha frappe with chocolate sauce and chocolate chips. Enjoy!" he says before moving on to greet the next customer.
The aberration walked up to the Cafe, the two heads talking to each other with a shared frustration. Half of the talking was done with their hands.
Once they took a few steps in, the head with a third eye grew quiet while the other ordered:
"Heyy, good afternoon! This festival and all the pink is [i]so[/i] cute, right? I'm- we're getting pretty tired and cranky, so could we get a little pick-me-up drink? Oh! And a little pastry would be nice! I've seen so many [i]other[/i] dragons eating sweets I just [i]had[/i] to get one myself, y'know?" She gestured with her hand a lot, her bracelets making quite a lot of noise.
"Of course you do," said the other head. Her tone was unclear whether she was being teasing or not.
(Pinglist please as well!)
The aberration walked up to the Cafe, the two heads talking to each other with a shared frustration. Half of the talking was done with their hands.

Once they took a few steps in, the head with a third eye grew quiet while the other ordered:
"Heyy, good afternoon! This festival and all the pink is
so cute, right? I'm- we're getting pretty tired and cranky, so could we get a little pick-me-up drink? Oh! And a little pastry would be nice! I've seen so many
other dragons eating sweets I just
had to get one myself, y'know?" She gestured with her hand a lot, her bracelets making quite a lot of noise.
"Of course you do," said the other head. Her tone was unclear whether she was being teasing or not.
(Pinglist please as well!)
(@Magmish oh ty! definitely! :D
I was actually trying to find this thread but the hub link kept taking me to a missing page? Oh well, I guess my dragons got a bit late to the party [emoji=guardian tongue size=1]
Ran outta battery today, but can’t wait to visit the cafe the next few days ^^ )
Magmish oh ty! definitely! :D
I was actually trying to find this thread but the hub link kept taking me to a missing page? Oh well, I guess my dragons got a bit late to the party

Ran outta battery today, but can’t wait to visit the cafe the next few days ^^ )
[quote]Zicatela hadn't been very hopeful that she'd see anyone she had met at Brightshine, but she had been delightfully surprised when Marsala had come to celebrate Starfall.
Now she stood in a cafe as Marsala was excitedly ordering drinks for them. When she blurted ot "Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream Coffee Float" Zicatela gave a chortle of laughter, but nodded in agreement. She wasn't a big coffee drinker, but any Ice Cream float grabbed her attention - she'd become a fan of Frozen drinks since Nissi was a huge frequenter of Bach's Smoothie Stand as a hatchling.
Zicatela smiled as she sighed softly, eyeing the treats displayed before them. She saw some [b]Raspberry Cream Bars[/b] that might be nice to try with their drinks, and motioned towards them, though they were buried with any number of fruit-flavored desserts within. [/quote]
Zicatela hadn't been very hopeful that she'd see anyone she had met at Brightshine, but she had been delightfully surprised when Marsala had come to celebrate Starfall.
Now she stood in a cafe as Marsala was excitedly ordering drinks for them. When she blurted ot "Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream Coffee Float" Zicatela gave a chortle of laughter, but nodded in agreement. She wasn't a big coffee drinker, but any Ice Cream float grabbed her attention - she'd become a fan of Frozen drinks since Nissi was a huge frequenter of Bach's Smoothie Stand as a hatchling.
Zicatela smiled as she sighed softly, eyeing the treats displayed before them. She saw some Raspberry Cream Bars that might be nice to try with their drinks, and motioned towards them, though they were buried with any number of fruit-flavored desserts within.
@Magmish @Askurasaki
[img]https://i.imgur.com/uvO4MWc.png[/img][nextcol][size=4][font=georgia][color=#613966] The spiral hums softly and gives a thoughtful glance over towards the backroom, hidden only by a swinging door marked with the cafe logo an an 'employees only' stencil on the door. He seems to come to a decision and nods to himself before addressing the guardian.
"[color=#715f96][i]The coffee is definitely doable and making it how you specified does sound familiar...it definitely could work with some of the homemade ice cream we have in the back too,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he said with a thoughtful look on his face, hands already at work making two identical cups of coffee, both with a set of runes visibly etched into the bottom of the glass.
He disappears to the back for a moment, only to come back out with an ice cream scoop and a decorative container full of homemade vanilla ice cream. He doles out two scoops each, drizzles caramel atop the drinks and places a garnish of mint to both drinks before plating them with an extra container full of caramel to be added if wanted.
"[color=#715f96][i]Two sea salt caramel affogatos! Don't worry about rushing to eat before the ice cream melts here either! The glasses are spelled to keep drinks at the perfect temperature for maximum enjoyment! Your friend seems to be eyeing our raspberry dream bars, so I've included one with your drinks,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says with visible glee while handing over the guardian's order.[/color][/font][/size][/columns]
Magmish @
The spiral hums softly and gives a thoughtful glance over towards the backroom, hidden only by a swinging door marked with the cafe logo an an 'employees only' stencil on the door. He seems to come to a decision and nods to himself before addressing the guardian.
"The coffee is definitely doable and making it how you specified does sound familiar...it definitely could work with some of the homemade ice cream we have in the back too," he said with a thoughtful look on his face, hands already at work making two identical cups of coffee, both with a set of runes visibly etched into the bottom of the glass.
He disappears to the back for a moment, only to come back out with an ice cream scoop and a decorative container full of homemade vanilla ice cream. He doles out two scoops each, drizzles caramel atop the drinks and places a garnish of mint to both drinks before plating them with an extra container full of caramel to be added if wanted.
"Two sea salt caramel affogatos! Don't worry about rushing to eat before the ice cream melts here either! The glasses are spelled to keep drinks at the perfect temperature for maximum enjoyment! Your friend seems to be eyeing our raspberry dream bars, so I've included one with your drinks," he says with visible glee while handing over the guardian's order.
[img]https://i.imgur.com/uvO4MWc.png[/img][nextcol][size=4][font=georgia][color=#613966] The spiral thinks for a minute before nodding and addressing the book-laden fae.
"[color=#715f96][i]It may seem stereotypical, but you can't go wrong with a pumpkin spiced latte. Replacing the sugar with a half portion of starwood sap instead should cut down on the sweetness as well as giving your magic a boost,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says, before turning to the espresso machine to start on the drink.
"[color=#715f96][i]It's amazing how many people discredit the drink due to the popularity of starwoodbucks version, but I can assure you, our version tops theirs any day,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he states, attention fully on the fae as the machine works in the background and ingredients float to and fro as the drink seems to create itself. A dash of cinnamon and a cinnamon stick the last touches to the drink, before it floats it's way over to the counter and in between the two dragons.
"[color=#715f96][i]The secret's in the magic as much as it's in the ingredients used, but I'll let you take a taste and see for yourself,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says with a smirk, winking before catching the next customer walking in and sending a greeting their way.[/color][/font][/size][/columns]
The spiral thinks for a minute before nodding and addressing the book-laden fae.
"It may seem stereotypical, but you can't go wrong with a pumpkin spiced latte. Replacing the sugar with a half portion of starwood sap instead should cut down on the sweetness as well as giving your magic a boost," he says, before turning to the espresso machine to start on the drink.
"It's amazing how many people discredit the drink due to the popularity of starwoodbucks version, but I can assure you, our version tops theirs any day," he states, attention fully on the fae as the machine works in the background and ingredients float to and fro as the drink seems to create itself. A dash of cinnamon and a cinnamon stick the last touches to the drink, before it floats it's way over to the counter and in between the two dragons.
"The secret's in the magic as much as it's in the ingredients used, but I'll let you take a taste and see for yourself," he says with a smirk, winking before catching the next customer walking in and sending a greeting their way.
[img]https://i.imgur.com/uvO4MWc.png[/img][nextcol][size=4][font=georgia][color=#613966] The spiral smiles widely at the veilspun's remark, quiet laughter chiming out as the full hilarity of the situation hits him.
"[color=#715f96][i]One very berry iced tea and a mini strawberry shortcake coming right up,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he says, soft laughter still filling his voice with delight.
A quick trip to the display case for the shortcake and then the mini fridge to gather the ingredients for the tea and the spiral makes quick work of the veilspun's order. He grabs both before placing them before the fae and speaking to him one last time.
"[color=#715f96][i]Here you go! I hope you enjoy both of these items and have a berry good day today,[/i][/color][color=#613966]" he manages to dole out before breaking down into soft chimes of laughter once more.[/color][/font][/size][/columns]
The spiral smiles widely at the veilspun's remark, quiet laughter chiming out as the full hilarity of the situation hits him.
"One very berry iced tea and a mini strawberry shortcake coming right up," he says, soft laughter still filling his voice with delight.
A quick trip to the display case for the shortcake and then the mini fridge to gather the ingredients for the tea and the spiral makes quick work of the veilspun's order. He grabs both before placing them before the fae and speaking to him one last time.
"Here you go! I hope you enjoy both of these items and have a berry good day today," he manages to dole out before breaking down into soft chimes of laughter once more.