

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Fantasy Jump in (OPEN RP)
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“Thanks, Doc. I appreciate that. We’ll raise a glass to her with some ale at breakfast, ay?”

The anchor in Cihan’s stomach immediately rose up again at Pip’s sudden arrival. It was a joy to watch her just… Be. The half-orc was equally relieved that her kobold companion slept through the most of the commotion. It’d have been better if she slept through the potential danger up-ahead too, but now that she was up, Cihan had to be just a little bit more careful.

Cihan smiled, their head tilted with endearment, watching Pip and Varask hitting it off in their native draconic. Cihan was more familiar with Pip’s draconic dialect, but if the Dragonborn was going to be staying on board for the foreseeable future as a crewmate after all, some draconic was a very helpful thing to know.

“I’m sorry, Pip! You overslept so I had to go and find myself a new crew. I’m just kidding…” Their once soft face hardened again, but Cihan tried not to let it show. “That orc attack on the town… That was tonight. Things went a little south, and we ended up with some stragglers. But they’re good folk. If they’re not, they’re getting thrown overboard in the middle of the ocean.”

Cihan accentuated their little tease at the party with a look of playful sternness, and a wiggle of their index finger in each’s direction. They weren’t too sure about the feathered fellow perched on their helm, but as they’d stated earlier – if anyone was out to cause trouble, Cihan had more than sufficient backup.

As the scene below continued with Pip, Ghitari and Varask laughing through the pain that the doc was inflicting, Cihan finally made their way back upstairs where the winged man sat alone. The half orc beamed a half-smile at him, resting their arms on the helm comfortably, compass in their right hand. If you wound that compass up, it played a little song once flipped open, and it was loud enough for only the two of them to hear at that height. The pastel sunrise on the horizon, accompanied by the gentle tune, made Cihan’s eyelids heavy. Whatever was going on around them seemed for the time to fade into the distance and there was nothing but sea and a mild sun. Of course, before they drifted too far away, they called out a customary “You all playing nice down there?” to Pip in her native tongue.
“Thanks, Doc. I appreciate that. We’ll raise a glass to her with some ale at breakfast, ay?”

The anchor in Cihan’s stomach immediately rose up again at Pip’s sudden arrival. It was a joy to watch her just… Be. The half-orc was equally relieved that her kobold companion slept through the most of the commotion. It’d have been better if she slept through the potential danger up-ahead too, but now that she was up, Cihan had to be just a little bit more careful.

Cihan smiled, their head tilted with endearment, watching Pip and Varask hitting it off in their native draconic. Cihan was more familiar with Pip’s draconic dialect, but if the Dragonborn was going to be staying on board for the foreseeable future as a crewmate after all, some draconic was a very helpful thing to know.

“I’m sorry, Pip! You overslept so I had to go and find myself a new crew. I’m just kidding…” Their once soft face hardened again, but Cihan tried not to let it show. “That orc attack on the town… That was tonight. Things went a little south, and we ended up with some stragglers. But they’re good folk. If they’re not, they’re getting thrown overboard in the middle of the ocean.”

Cihan accentuated their little tease at the party with a look of playful sternness, and a wiggle of their index finger in each’s direction. They weren’t too sure about the feathered fellow perched on their helm, but as they’d stated earlier – if anyone was out to cause trouble, Cihan had more than sufficient backup.

As the scene below continued with Pip, Ghitari and Varask laughing through the pain that the doc was inflicting, Cihan finally made their way back upstairs where the winged man sat alone. The half orc beamed a half-smile at him, resting their arms on the helm comfortably, compass in their right hand. If you wound that compass up, it played a little song once flipped open, and it was loud enough for only the two of them to hear at that height. The pastel sunrise on the horizon, accompanied by the gentle tune, made Cihan’s eyelids heavy. Whatever was going on around them seemed for the time to fade into the distance and there was nothing but sea and a mild sun. Of course, before they drifted too far away, they called out a customary “You all playing nice down there?” to Pip in her native tongue.

Upon hopping down to where the others were, she took a minute to look around to each one, having to look up to those standing. Man, they're all rather big, at least it'd be a good viewpoint from shoulders if one would allow! Listening to Cihan, she gave a chuckle at the joking comment about the crew before she became serious at the mention of the attack. So that's what had happened while she had dozed off. How had she not heard a fight going on just outside the ship? "I should have been out there, I could have helped some!" She huffed, she could have at least shot from a distance, close combat wasn't really her thing.

Turning to watch wings spring from the masked ones back, her eyes immediately went from crimson feathers and to the deck. Any loose ones flitting about? Her tail flicked behind her like a curious cat for a moment before she tore herself away and it went still once more. No, no collecting every little thing.

Hearing the other voice in draconic, she looked up towards it, finding it to belong to none other than Cihan. "Well I can't say I expected that from you! We're doin' just fine on down here, no need to throw anyone overboard currently anyways!" She grinned

Turning back to the dragonborn to distract herself from the want to collect, she caught him talking to her once again and listened. Once he'd finished up, she began. "I must say the same! Probably been a good few years since I've heard it spoken, let alone spoken it myself. Not often I see many like you or I either. Especially kobolds, we usually don't make it too far out here from what I know, but hey, I had some help." She gave a soft smile in memory, but after a moment her brows furrowed and the smile faded. Shaking her head, she continued again. "Anyways, a pleasure to meet you Varask! The name's Pipkin, Pip for short and much more preferred. Then again, I'm sure you've already figured that out from the captain talking."

Stepping up with a slight hop to her step, she stuck out a hand to shake, a quite small bandaged one at that. Even though he was sitting and she was standing, she still only stood just roughly at his shoulder. Though, it didn't seem to bug her as she gave a wide grin and stood tall.

((She's a whole 2'6, most will be much taller than her and you better bet she'll take shoulder rides.))

((Edit: Realized I got cut off by a few seconds, lemme edit-
*And fixed!))
Upon hopping down to where the others were, she took a minute to look around to each one, having to look up to those standing. Man, they're all rather big, at least it'd be a good viewpoint from shoulders if one would allow! Listening to Cihan, she gave a chuckle at the joking comment about the crew before she became serious at the mention of the attack. So that's what had happened while she had dozed off. How had she not heard a fight going on just outside the ship? "I should have been out there, I could have helped some!" She huffed, she could have at least shot from a distance, close combat wasn't really her thing.

Turning to watch wings spring from the masked ones back, her eyes immediately went from crimson feathers and to the deck. Any loose ones flitting about? Her tail flicked behind her like a curious cat for a moment before she tore herself away and it went still once more. No, no collecting every little thing.

Hearing the other voice in draconic, she looked up towards it, finding it to belong to none other than Cihan. "Well I can't say I expected that from you! We're doin' just fine on down here, no need to throw anyone overboard currently anyways!" She grinned

Turning back to the dragonborn to distract herself from the want to collect, she caught him talking to her once again and listened. Once he'd finished up, she began. "I must say the same! Probably been a good few years since I've heard it spoken, let alone spoken it myself. Not often I see many like you or I either. Especially kobolds, we usually don't make it too far out here from what I know, but hey, I had some help." She gave a soft smile in memory, but after a moment her brows furrowed and the smile faded. Shaking her head, she continued again. "Anyways, a pleasure to meet you Varask! The name's Pipkin, Pip for short and much more preferred. Then again, I'm sure you've already figured that out from the captain talking."

Stepping up with a slight hop to her step, she stuck out a hand to shake, a quite small bandaged one at that. Even though he was sitting and she was standing, she still only stood just roughly at his shoulder. Though, it didn't seem to bug her as she gave a wide grin and stood tall.

((She's a whole 2'6, most will be much taller than her and you better bet she'll take shoulder rides.))

((Edit: Realized I got cut off by a few seconds, lemme edit-
*And fixed!))
He stood wings shifting under his coat awkwardly. "I'm no angel,
not anymore. Not really, I'm a Deva. But I'll take that as a compliment." He slung the coat off and stretched his wings now that he had exposed his true nature to them anyway. They shone softly under the sunlight despite the soot and scar tissue, striking black lines crossing the flight feathers like a bluejay's. Several feathers were broken and twisted at painful angles, a visual history of battles. "You're welcome though, prior to becoming a BloodHunter I was raised taken in by a cleric, she showed me how to use the magics I was born with positively." He glanced at the tiefling "sorry to disappoint but I don't have many magic trick other than that one. If you ever wanted to see blood magic though I've mastered that, most people tend to find it rather unholy though."

He chuckled at being asked if they were all playing nicely, like children. "I never play nice Captain, I either am or I am not nice. To play is to be dishonest, that is one thing I never will be. A tost with breakfast would be pleasant. I look forward to it!" With Varask healed and no others needing aid he gave the group a small wave and headed to the railing to perch with his legs hanging over in the open air leaning wistfully into the wind letting his feathers ruffle, a couple loose, but heavily damaged ones breaking free to tumble across the deck. One of the two bearing a large tooth wedged into the bloodied shaft. The other looked burned.
He stood wings shifting under his coat awkwardly. "I'm no angel,
not anymore. Not really, I'm a Deva. But I'll take that as a compliment." He slung the coat off and stretched his wings now that he had exposed his true nature to them anyway. They shone softly under the sunlight despite the soot and scar tissue, striking black lines crossing the flight feathers like a bluejay's. Several feathers were broken and twisted at painful angles, a visual history of battles. "You're welcome though, prior to becoming a BloodHunter I was raised taken in by a cleric, she showed me how to use the magics I was born with positively." He glanced at the tiefling "sorry to disappoint but I don't have many magic trick other than that one. If you ever wanted to see blood magic though I've mastered that, most people tend to find it rather unholy though."

He chuckled at being asked if they were all playing nicely, like children. "I never play nice Captain, I either am or I am not nice. To play is to be dishonest, that is one thing I never will be. A tost with breakfast would be pleasant. I look forward to it!" With Varask healed and no others needing aid he gave the group a small wave and headed to the railing to perch with his legs hanging over in the open air leaning wistfully into the wind letting his feathers ruffle, a couple loose, but heavily damaged ones breaking free to tumble across the deck. One of the two bearing a large tooth wedged into the bloodied shaft. The other looked burned.
I feel like I need to put this out there so there's absolutely no misunderstanding, but I would DIE for Pip, she's allowed up on Cihan's shoulders any time, day or night!
I feel like I need to put this out there so there's absolutely no misunderstanding, but I would DIE for Pip, she's allowed up on Cihan's shoulders any time, day or night!

Haha Aww))
Haha Aww))
((Aww I'm glad you like her, she's my overconfident little bean! qvq))
((Aww I'm glad you like her, she's my overconfident little bean! qvq))
My boy is becoming that one side character in everyone's life that they don't have an opinion on but would notice if he up and dissapeared lol))
My boy is becoming that one side character in everyone's life that they don't have an opinion on but would notice if he up and dissapeared lol))
((I quite like em! Just haven't got around to everyone yet, only now really hoppin on in! Also finished editing, took a while, got distracted-))
((I quite like em! Just haven't got around to everyone yet, only now really hoppin on in! Also finished editing, took a while, got distracted-))
I love this teeny girl so much! And I didn't mean that in a bad way Jay makes for a fun side character :3))
I love this teeny girl so much! And I didn't mean that in a bad way Jay makes for a fun side character :3))
For a moment the Tiefling watched the man across from her, quite obviously unphased. Her tail flicked, attention shifting to the Deva who’d begun to reveal himself since she didn’t have much a response to whatever that little... display... had been. Feisty as she could be, even she had to draw a line in the sand from time to time and take the high road for one reason or another— a few of said reasons having come up only in the past hours.

Ghitari’s expression softened again as the newly revealed celestial continued, arms folding over her chest and earning a lighthearted chuckle. “That’s alright. Seeing as how useful healing is to anything i’d say it’s a pretty good one-off party trick.” She strayed a little closer, but actually somewhat careful so as not to get to close to his wings. “I can’t say i’ve actively wondered about blood magic, but if it makes any difference to you I won’t judge you for it,” A finger drew an X over her heart as an unofficial promise. “Besides, i’m hardly one to decide what’s ‘holy’ or not,” she spoke upon coming around to the other side of Jay, arms gesturing to all of herself and the whole ‘infernal legacy’ thing.

To the exit wave she gave a small nod of unspoken goodbye, parting ways with the group as well to stride over to one of the flights of stairs connecting the upper and lower decks. With a new kind of peace settling over the ship, one that felt somehow different from the relief and freedom of flying and escaping the town, it seemed wrong not to take advantage— even if banter was fun in its own way. After the short rustling of leather and metal, the belts connecting to her blade’s sheaths were in hand rather than around her. Held in place between her hand and wood upon sitting, it certainly made things a lot more comfortable even if the pair were perched between her knees. A little more than half way up she settled in close to the railing, taking full advantage of the view provided from being a little higher up.

((Everyone needs a ‘Pip Protection Squad’ shirt. She’s #1 Kobold))
For a moment the Tiefling watched the man across from her, quite obviously unphased. Her tail flicked, attention shifting to the Deva who’d begun to reveal himself since she didn’t have much a response to whatever that little... display... had been. Feisty as she could be, even she had to draw a line in the sand from time to time and take the high road for one reason or another— a few of said reasons having come up only in the past hours.

Ghitari’s expression softened again as the newly revealed celestial continued, arms folding over her chest and earning a lighthearted chuckle. “That’s alright. Seeing as how useful healing is to anything i’d say it’s a pretty good one-off party trick.” She strayed a little closer, but actually somewhat careful so as not to get to close to his wings. “I can’t say i’ve actively wondered about blood magic, but if it makes any difference to you I won’t judge you for it,” A finger drew an X over her heart as an unofficial promise. “Besides, i’m hardly one to decide what’s ‘holy’ or not,” she spoke upon coming around to the other side of Jay, arms gesturing to all of herself and the whole ‘infernal legacy’ thing.

To the exit wave she gave a small nod of unspoken goodbye, parting ways with the group as well to stride over to one of the flights of stairs connecting the upper and lower decks. With a new kind of peace settling over the ship, one that felt somehow different from the relief and freedom of flying and escaping the town, it seemed wrong not to take advantage— even if banter was fun in its own way. After the short rustling of leather and metal, the belts connecting to her blade’s sheaths were in hand rather than around her. Held in place between her hand and wood upon sitting, it certainly made things a lot more comfortable even if the pair were perched between her knees. A little more than half way up she settled in close to the railing, taking full advantage of the view provided from being a little higher up.

((Everyone needs a ‘Pip Protection Squad’ shirt. She’s #1 Kobold))
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