

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Yea!! I’ll probably post late tomorrow- I have an exam in discrete mathematics that I’ve been studying for all week, so I’ve been kinda crammed for time
Yea!! I’ll probably post late tomorrow- I have an exam in discrete mathematics that I’ve been studying for all week, so I’ve been kinda crammed for time
All's good. I have a theatrical production at my college I was part of for tonight. I still have two other nights to go, but it shouldn't interfere too much with my posts.
All's good. I have a theatrical production at my college I was part of for tonight. I still have two other nights to go, but it shouldn't interfere too much with my posts.
Well, it's nothing super well-known or specific. Our cast is doing a series of one-act plays, four in all. One is more serious in content, the rest more on the comedic side.
Well, it's nothing super well-known or specific. Our cast is doing a series of one-act plays, four in all. One is more serious in content, the rest more on the comedic side.
How is everybody? Got my final exams out of the way last week.
How is everybody? Got my final exams out of the way last week.
ive got finals tomorrow and the day after
ive got finals tomorrow and the day after
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"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."
My last final is Thursday!!
My last final is Thursday!!
I have done no studying. I am a ball or rage, adhd, and spite. I have gotten through these last exams with their willpower and the promise of sleep. Welcome to the bee zone :)!
I have done no studying. I am a ball or rage, adhd, and spite. I have gotten through these last exams with their willpower and the promise of sleep. Welcome to the bee zone :)!
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"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."
exams over, i think i did ok so far
exams over, i think i did ok so far
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"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."
Sorry for the silence on my end of things. I've been a little busy since classes started again. However, I should be able to post something soon, the weekend at the latest.
Sorry for the silence on my end of things. I've been a little busy since classes started again. However, I should be able to post something soon, the weekend at the latest.
Looks like I underestimated how busy I'd be. Hopefully, you're still okay with continuing? It looks like we're going an interesting direction so far.
Looks like I underestimated how busy I'd be. Hopefully, you're still okay with continuing? It looks like we're going an interesting direction so far.
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