

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Those Who Are Hidden (Open RP)
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[center]@LostDreamer [img][/img] The bogsneak mustered a sort of laugh at what the dragon before them was doing, the sound quiet and hissing, as if there was a live snake in the dragons throat. Not many dragons are so openly happy around them, reviews are mixed. The dragon nodded their head, completely understanding of the situation. They would answer that the last no-seer they met perished of old age, and was by chance, found by them. All meat is meat, dear, and famines are a driving force. The dragon put their paws down, yawning widely. Their mouth looks as horrid as the rest of the dragon, teeth where teeth don't belong, a viscous substance that's probably venom mixing with saliva, with a horrid stench to the breath to match. I base Bogsneaks after komodo dragons, saliva wise and jaw strength wise. While Surya has the ability to be kind, they are equally capable of being cruel. It's about where you stand with them, really. Thieves are always eaten, you never steal from this bogsneak expecting to survive. They may seem kind and calm, however you never run from them. This bogsneak is more instinct controlled than thought controlled. If you run, that makes the predatory instincts kick on, and bogsneaks are fast. It is best to never run from dragons with a meat based diet. Never run. [/center]

The bogsneak mustered a sort of laugh at
what the dragon before them was doing,
the sound quiet and hissing,
as if there was a live snake in the dragons throat.
Not many dragons are so openly happy around them,
reviews are mixed.

The dragon nodded their head,
completely understanding of the situation.
They would answer that the last no-seer they
met perished of old age, and was by chance, found by them.
All meat is meat, dear, and famines are a driving force.
The dragon put their paws down, yawning widely.
Their mouth looks as horrid as the rest of the dragon,
teeth where teeth don't belong,
a viscous substance that's probably venom mixing with saliva,
with a horrid stench to the breath to match.
I base Bogsneaks after komodo dragons,
saliva wise and jaw strength wise.

While Surya has the ability to be kind, they are equally capable of being cruel.
It's about where you stand with them, really.
Thieves are always eaten, you never steal from this bogsneak expecting to survive.
They may seem kind and calm, however you never run from them.
This bogsneak is more instinct controlled than thought controlled.
If you run, that makes the predatory instincts kick on, and bogsneaks are fast.
It is best to never run from dragons with a meat based diet.
Never run.
246.png IT/XE/HE - 20

"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."


She gave a glance at Surya, a gentle smile playing at her lips at the sound they made. Of course she knew of the dangers everyone held, she had seen someone similar to them act. They were instinct controlled rather than using their thoughts, she understood the concept, having seen so many use it on her travels. But despite the fact that they could be a treat to her, she will still try and be the kindest person she could.

You have to train your mind to see good in everything, it is a choice, not an trait. The happiness of one's life depends on the quality of their thoughts, and if she saw someone give even just a little act of kindness, she would claim them as nice. Consider her niave for believing in such a concept, but Arc tries her best to live by it.

She watched as the dragon let out a yawn, their teeth seemingly looking extra sharp. It was a bit unsettling for her, but she pushed it aside and released a yawn of her own.
"Who thought that I'd be this tired? And I have only woke up 5 hrs ago! I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to probably fall asleep. Thank you again for letting me take , you don't know how much it means to me.."

Arc rolled back over onto her stomach, curling he body around the mith who was already asleep. Her mouth was still formed in a smile, happy just to be happy. Though she knew anyone could end her life, but she would still give anyone the benefit of the doubt.


She gave a glance at Surya, a gentle smile playing at her lips at the sound they made. Of course she knew of the dangers everyone held, she had seen someone similar to them act. They were instinct controlled rather than using their thoughts, she understood the concept, having seen so many use it on her travels. But despite the fact that they could be a treat to her, she will still try and be the kindest person she could.

You have to train your mind to see good in everything, it is a choice, not an trait. The happiness of one's life depends on the quality of their thoughts, and if she saw someone give even just a little act of kindness, she would claim them as nice. Consider her niave for believing in such a concept, but Arc tries her best to live by it.

She watched as the dragon let out a yawn, their teeth seemingly looking extra sharp. It was a bit unsettling for her, but she pushed it aside and released a yawn of her own.
"Who thought that I'd be this tired? And I have only woke up 5 hrs ago! I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to probably fall asleep. Thank you again for letting me take , you don't know how much it means to me.."

Arc rolled back over onto her stomach, curling he body around the mith who was already asleep. Her mouth was still formed in a smile, happy just to be happy. Though she knew anyone could end her life, but she would still give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
[center]@LostDreamer [img][/img] It's an interesting concept you've given, and to an extent, i suppose it is true, be it in sornieth or in the outside world. It is good to see kindness in people as true, even if just to keep yourself happy for a moment or two. In sornieth, lots of bad stuff is happening, it is good to focus on the good and the bad equally. The dragon simply nodded this time, as dusk seems to be rolling in rather quickly. It would be a good idea to rest, however this particular bogsneak has no inner clock to regulate sleep. They sleep whenever they feel it is safe, and there are the possibility of other dragons being nearby. The dragon will let you rest as you need, young coatl. So far, you have imprinted yourself as a person good to keep around, even if for companionship or conversation. Wherever you choose to stay, this bogsneak will follow if you wish them to. Loyalty, friendship, compassion and any kind of kindness is rare these days. Finding a person who exhibits any of that is a rare individual. [/center]

It's an interesting concept you've given,
and to an extent, i suppose it is true,
be it in sornieth or in the outside world.
It is good to see kindness in people as true,
even if just to keep yourself happy for a moment or two.
In sornieth, lots of bad stuff is happening,
it is good to focus on the good and the bad equally.

The dragon simply nodded this time,
as dusk seems to be rolling in rather quickly.
It would be a good idea to rest,
however this particular bogsneak
has no inner clock to regulate sleep.
They sleep whenever they feel it is safe,
and there are the possibility of other dragons being nearby.

The dragon will let you rest as you need, young coatl.
So far, you have imprinted yourself as a person
good to keep around, even if for companionship or conversation.
Wherever you choose to stay, this bogsneak will follow if you wish them to.
Loyalty, friendship, compassion and any kind of kindness is rare these days.
Finding a person who exhibits any of that is a rare individual.
246.png IT/XE/HE - 20

"Somewhere deep inside me fester memories and dreams.."
((OwO how u dear siblingly :3 add Cenehard as a Free Drag pls and thank both are Nature UwU))

Keren's tail flicked irritably as she batted an insect of out her face, rolling her eyes when her brother snickered at the ridiculous motion. The wind of the the Windswept Plateau blew greatly against their scales, and Keren almost began to regret leaving their beloved Nature territory. Then again, why would she do that? Their flight had been weak and allowed those wretched No-Seers to take over anyhow. The two were better off with it just being them against everyone else.

Cenehard smiled toothily at his sister, "Why the long face?"

"Shut up," Keren grumbled, glaring stubbornly at him. "Besides, you're just as homesick as I am. I can tell these things, remember?"

"oH, I tOtally forgot, it's not like we abandoned everyone we know and love so you can be safe," Cenehard bit back.

"Well if you really miss it so much, why don't you just go back?"

The older Guardian huffed, "No way. I refuse to let my sister go off alone. What if you make friends with a cute girl? What am I supposed to do then?"

"If I make friends with a cute girl, she's mine," Keren smirked, "Besides, who am I gonna find out here anyways?" The tall and gorgeous Guardian looked out across the rolling fields. It's just us. It'll always be just us.
((OwO how u dear siblingly :3 add Cenehard as a Free Drag pls and thank both are Nature UwU))

Keren's tail flicked irritably as she batted an insect of out her face, rolling her eyes when her brother snickered at the ridiculous motion. The wind of the the Windswept Plateau blew greatly against their scales, and Keren almost began to regret leaving their beloved Nature territory. Then again, why would she do that? Their flight had been weak and allowed those wretched No-Seers to take over anyhow. The two were better off with it just being them against everyone else.

Cenehard smiled toothily at his sister, "Why the long face?"

"Shut up," Keren grumbled, glaring stubbornly at him. "Besides, you're just as homesick as I am. I can tell these things, remember?"

"oH, I tOtally forgot, it's not like we abandoned everyone we know and love so you can be safe," Cenehard bit back.

"Well if you really miss it so much, why don't you just go back?"

The older Guardian huffed, "No way. I refuse to let my sister go off alone. What if you make friends with a cute girl? What am I supposed to do then?"

"If I make friends with a cute girl, she's mine," Keren smirked, "Besides, who am I gonna find out here anyways?" The tall and gorgeous Guardian looked out across the rolling fields. It's just us. It'll always be just us.
A crystal, blue Skydancer watched all the events that were happening from above, connecting with his familiar, a small ferret with the ability to glimpse into the future. The events these dragons were going through and might face did not trouble him in the slightest. He was very calm and collective. Stretching his wings he got up, breaking his connection with his familiar. The ferret let out a sneeze, shivering in the cold of the mountains. The Skydancer allowed his familiar to clamber inside his satchel for comfort. He pulled out his notebook, before his ferret got inside and started writing.

The events from my familiar are disturbing. We have visions of these dragons past, present and future. Many are gruesome and I will not describe in much detail. But others are filled with friendship and loyalty. The bond of loyalty in the future would be great. Only, if all went according to plan.

The dragon closed his notebook and put it back inside his satchel. The Skydancer spread his wing and took flight, a blast of cool air, echoing behind. His feathers shifted in the wind, natural following the stars. In his vision, he saw the dragon known as Arc in this direction. He needed to be there in time or else the balance of the future wouldn’t exist.
A crystal, blue Skydancer watched all the events that were happening from above, connecting with his familiar, a small ferret with the ability to glimpse into the future. The events these dragons were going through and might face did not trouble him in the slightest. He was very calm and collective. Stretching his wings he got up, breaking his connection with his familiar. The ferret let out a sneeze, shivering in the cold of the mountains. The Skydancer allowed his familiar to clamber inside his satchel for comfort. He pulled out his notebook, before his ferret got inside and started writing.

The events from my familiar are disturbing. We have visions of these dragons past, present and future. Many are gruesome and I will not describe in much detail. But others are filled with friendship and loyalty. The bond of loyalty in the future would be great. Only, if all went according to plan.

The dragon closed his notebook and put it back inside his satchel. The Skydancer spread his wing and took flight, a blast of cool air, echoing behind. His feathers shifted in the wind, natural following the stars. In his vision, he saw the dragon known as Arc in this direction. He needed to be there in time or else the balance of the future wouldn’t exist.

'These nightmares wrapped their evil hands around her soul every night, they try to pull her deep within a world ruled by fright. One almost like this world, dark and suffocating. The dark thoughts may follow her, but they won't ever win thef fight, she always escape their clutches with the help of dawn's first light.' That was the way she imagined nightmares to be, a dark shadowy figure with fingers too long and a smile too big.

She was plagued witht these dreamers ever since her first encounter with a no-seer, the fiery rage that burned in the dragons eyes scared her beyond belief, though she was a lot younget when it had happened, so her imagination morphed the dragon into the shadowy figure that she sees in her dreams.

Her lips pull into a frown and her body begins to twitch just a little bit. Not many would think that she was still a growing dragon, she was quite mature for her age, which would probably considered her teens? Arc's body curled closer around the mith, tensing her muscles before relaxing when she felt them nudge their head against the side of hers. Even with all the things that have gone wrong in her life, she still tried to be the best she could, not letting the dark consume her.

'These nightmares wrapped their evil hands around her soul every night, they try to pull her deep within a world ruled by fright. One almost like this world, dark and suffocating. The dark thoughts may follow her, but they won't ever win thef fight, she always escape their clutches with the help of dawn's first light.' That was the way she imagined nightmares to be, a dark shadowy figure with fingers too long and a smile too big.

She was plagued witht these dreamers ever since her first encounter with a no-seer, the fiery rage that burned in the dragons eyes scared her beyond belief, though she was a lot younget when it had happened, so her imagination morphed the dragon into the shadowy figure that she sees in her dreams.

Her lips pull into a frown and her body begins to twitch just a little bit. Not many would think that she was still a growing dragon, she was quite mature for her age, which would probably considered her teens? Arc's body curled closer around the mith, tensing her muscles before relaxing when she felt them nudge their head against the side of hers. Even with all the things that have gone wrong in her life, she still tried to be the best she could, not letting the dark consume her.
@prowlerbc @lostdreamer

Well, if they weren’t going to attack, the least she could do was acknowledge thir prescence. Moving out of the snow entirely, the spiral dragon curled around herself before speaking. She never took her eyes off the two as she did so, though. “I did not expect to see any dragons here. My name is Kira. Who might you two be?” It was a simple question, though she was prepared to flee at the first sign of hostilities.
@prowlerbc @lostdreamer

Well, if they weren’t going to attack, the least she could do was acknowledge thir prescence. Moving out of the snow entirely, the spiral dragon curled around herself before speaking. She never took her eyes off the two as she did so, though. “I did not expect to see any dragons here. My name is Kira. Who might you two be?” It was a simple question, though she was prepared to flee at the first sign of hostilities.

He gave a small flinch at the appearance of the spiral, not really expecting them to reveal theirself so easily. Whether it was a brave act or a foolish one, he knew that it was polite to give one's name if asked. Though he didn't really know if Pick would do the same.

" It is strange to see a dragon all the way out here in this frozen frontier. My name is Kuma......" his voice was once again raspy and quite weak, and he was ashamed of how meek he sounded.

Kuma was never one that really went on the attacks, he was simply a sentery and an occasional hunter for food. So he didn't quite suspect what the pearlcatcher next to him was going to do, but none really underestimated the nocturne. When told he is an agile and ruthless opponent.

He gave a small flinch at the appearance of the spiral, not really expecting them to reveal theirself so easily. Whether it was a brave act or a foolish one, he knew that it was polite to give one's name if asked. Though he didn't really know if Pick would do the same.

" It is strange to see a dragon all the way out here in this frozen frontier. My name is Kuma......" his voice was once again raspy and quite weak, and he was ashamed of how meek he sounded.

Kuma was never one that really went on the attacks, he was simply a sentery and an occasional hunter for food. So he didn't quite suspect what the pearlcatcher next to him was going to do, but none really underestimated the nocturne. When told he is an agile and ruthless opponent.

The dragoness simply shrugged as she brushed a few stray flakes of snow from her scales. “I’m used to the cold, so it doesn’t really bother me. I do not recall seeing any like you here before, though.” Wheather or not she meant the faction they belonged to or just the two in general was debatable, though she was surpsied one had given a name so easily. “You may call me Kira. It is a pleasure to meet you, Kuma.”

The dragoness simply shrugged as she brushed a few stray flakes of snow from her scales. “I’m used to the cold, so it doesn’t really bother me. I do not recall seeing any like you here before, though.” Wheather or not she meant the faction they belonged to or just the two in general was debatable, though she was surpsied one had given a name so easily. “You may call me Kira. It is a pleasure to meet you, Kuma.”

He was glad someone was actually showing manners to him, most of his years were speny with hateful looks from the slaves and cruel mockery from his...... What was he even supposed to call the other no-seers? His team mates? But they weren't that team sprited.. His friends? No that wasn't right at all..... His co-workers? But nobody really spent much time talking to him...

Kuma tried to give a small nod to the spiral, hoping it went unnoticed by Pick for he didn't want to be punished again. His eyes softened from the glare he held towards her, the now named dragoness Kira.

" It's a pleasure to meet you too, kira... If you don't mind my asking, why are you so far from civilization? Most seem to advoid this place and I haven't seen you around the camp.."

He was glad someone was actually showing manners to him, most of his years were speny with hateful looks from the slaves and cruel mockery from his...... What was he even supposed to call the other no-seers? His team mates? But they weren't that team sprited.. His friends? No that wasn't right at all..... His co-workers? But nobody really spent much time talking to him...

Kuma tried to give a small nod to the spiral, hoping it went unnoticed by Pick for he didn't want to be punished again. His eyes softened from the glare he held towards her, the now named dragoness Kira.

" It's a pleasure to meet you too, kira... If you don't mind my asking, why are you so far from civilization? Most seem to advoid this place and I haven't seen you around the camp.."
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