

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [OOC]Coronation at Sunreach[FantasyRP]
Knowing me, I’ll either have a servant or a noble as a character. A ball or crowning of a ruler would probably make the most sense as well.
Knowing me, I’ll either have a servant or a noble as a character. A ball or crowning of a ruler would probably make the most sense as well.

Neat :) I'll put my form here when I'm on cpu again (and actually finish it)

Neat :) I'll put my form here when I'm on cpu again (and actually finish it)
Name: Midna Asterakor

Age: Looks 17, is really 112 years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Species: Half-Dragon

Occupation: Assassin - Open for Employment

Appearance: Midna is 6 feet, 3 inches, with a strong build and a fair complexion. One of her eyes (the left one) is down-turned, that of a dragon, midnight blue with slits for pupils. The other is hidden behind a bandana that she always keeps on around other people. The hidden eye's sclera is pitch black, with dark indigo irises and a round, black pupil. The bandana also covers the section of her forehead above the hidden eye, which is marred with dozens of scars and dark splotches that always seemed to be moving underneath her skin. She has shaggy, shoulder-length midnight-blue hair. She usually dresses in rags and tatters, save for a dark indigo breastplate, and wraps midnight blue linen strips around her feet and legs. Her left hand is one of a humans, and the right hand is a huge claw that fades to blue-black at around the wrists. Two rounded dragon horns protrude from either side of her head, behind her ears. She has a massive dragon-tail and two huge, spiked wings. Wields two rather large battle-axes.


Personality: Despite always looking haggard and pained, Midna is optimistic and has a dark sense of humor. She is protective and extremely intuitive of people's feelings. One of her best qualities is her perseverance, another being loyalty. She is very sociable, usually the conversation starter. Despite being sociable, she is good at staying inconspicuous, clandestine, and keeping secrets. She is very assertive and outspoken. One of her fatal flaws is her tendency to hold grudges. A few others are a deadly pride, personal loyalty and aggression. She hoards gemstones.

Background: 95 years ago, Midna was the daughter of a dragon king and a deceased human mother. She lived in a huge cave, a sanctuary made by her father for all dragons being hunted, killed, or dragons seeking hope. She was trained by various dragons, how to fight, to read, to inscribe and to defend herself. By the age of seven she was an accomplished fighter and could hold her own against an adult.

She continued living in luxury, though not without bigotry from not being a purebred dragon and being weaker than the other dragons. But, under the protection of the dragon king, to dragon dared assault her, and she lived in peace. Until she turned 17. One day, however, while she was out looking for a lost dragon hatchling at midnight, she'd stumbled into a cave. There, she found the hatchling, caught in the grasp of a hellbeast spirit. She fought it off, giving the hatchling enough time to escape. But upon vanquishing the hellbeast, its spirit delved into her essence and twisted it. She began the transformation, her right hand becoming deadly sharp, poison-tipped claws and her right eye shifting. The whole process was painful, and she raked her claws across her right eye, trying to lessen the pain, and scarring herself for eternity. The dragons got to her in time to stop the hellbeast's possession, but her soul was split in half: her ordinary, sane self, and the half that was the hellbeast.

In the daytime, she was Midna Asterakor: funny, charming, brave and loyal. When the sun set, however, and the ghastly moon rose, she was the hellbeast: malevolent, atrocious, murderous and uncontrollable. Every night she had to be thrown into the dungeons, where the excruciating pain of her twisted soul started, and was a danger to the dragon inhabitants. Every night, she rammed herself at the cages, trying to break out and taste the sweetness of blood. One night, she succeeded, destroying the cell bars in her rage. She killed two of the dragons that guarded her cell, and fatally wounded five others. She had to be subdued by her own father, until the next morning, when she was herself again. Dragons began to worry that if she isn't contained, she would wipe them all out. The dragon king had no choice but to disown her as his daughter and banish her from the dragon lair.

She traveled to the world of humans, where she hid in the forest at nightfall. She stayed in a massive cave in the forest, away from the humans, which she called her lair. 95 years later, she still looked the same, for the hellbeast had stopped her from aging physically. She met Twyla Asterakor, her half-sister, who was also the daughter of the now deceased dragon king. With the light of the Concord, Twyla helped suppress the hellbeast's spirit, and so allowed Midna to better control the hellbeast. Now, she is able to use her hellbeast strength at will, not being forced to transform every night.


  • Is able to disappear into shadows
  • Can grow almost 2x larger in size
  • Both hands can become long, poison-tipped claws
  • Secrete black slime
  • Heightened dark manipulation
  • Burns out any poison that is used on her

  • Boosted strength
  • Flight
  • Blowing fire
  • Boosted speed+agility
  • Some dragon magic, but has since then been limited because of her severed link with other dragons and because of the hellbeast
  • A fair amount of charmspeak, which was inherited from her aunt, Wicaydia

Writing Example(s):

The winds howled and tore at the lone fortress, standing on the hills. Kriados, Ruler of Taithelos, watched his subjects from his bedchamber window as the storm raged on, the violent winds knocking down houses and tearing their foundations apart. It was the most dangerous storm they have yet observed in the past millennium. Lightning cackled up above, making the air vibrate. If you listened close enough, you could hear the screams of the people down below, mothers for their children, husbands for their wives. The dark clouds up above started swirling, creating a thundering vortex. An ill, sinister sight to behold. It was only fortunate that the fortress was well built, thus it wasn't knocked about like the houses of those less fortunate.

Kriados angrily struck the window with his fist. This was to be the last storm. Once it was over, he shall have his revenge. The Kreandr lot would pay for and regret what they have done. He glanced at the dusty, old grandfather clock that had just gotten repaired that early morning.


The storm had been raging for nearly and hour now. It had started at exactly 12:00 p.m. as harmless, docile winds. Kriados had suspected nothing. He should've known better than to think Kreandr wouldn't conjure up a magical storm and send it over the borders. Ever since the border had collapsed, strange magics have stirred and awakened. They've discovered strange happenings... things you wouldn't expect to find on an ordinary day.

Like a knight who was able to wield magic powers ever since the border was knocked down. Or a mage that was half-dragon, blowing fire, flying, and having incredible strength. Or a beautiful maiden of elf-unicorn lineage, who had potent healing abilities beyond measure...

Yes. He shall have his revenge.



The storm had lasted for a straight three hours. Just as he had planned. From this far away, all across the continent, he had been able to watch the spectacle. Lightning striking down buildings, the wind tearing down houses, the frightened scream of citizens...

Gandiven was not a cruel king. He felt quite bad for Taithelos... but if he'd had his way, he'd have sent a smaller storm. Or maybe it wouldn't have lasted as long. But, as it was, his advisers had sought him. "You must avenge your kingdom," they'd said. "Taithelos has done enough harm to us! It's time we fight back!" And of course, he'd listened, and his mages had brewed up a mighty storm that destroyed nearly all of Taithelos, save for its large fortress. Taithelos's king was bound to send over troops. After all, the border was gone.

The mages had harnessed the seemingly infinite energy from the border to create the storm and unleash its wrath upon Taithelos. Gandiven could only imagine what revenge Taithelos would send with these new magics...

When the border had suddenly collapsed, Gandiven, only a teenager then, had noticed a heavenly figure with huge wings flying gracefully up in the sky. Then, there was a young man who called himself a Hellhound showed up and insisted upon helping with the war. And a brooding, distant assassin who had sworn vengeance against Taithelos...

Name: Midna Asterakor

Age: Looks 17, is really 112 years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Species: Half-Dragon

Occupation: Assassin - Open for Employment

Appearance: Midna is 6 feet, 3 inches, with a strong build and a fair complexion. One of her eyes (the left one) is down-turned, that of a dragon, midnight blue with slits for pupils. The other is hidden behind a bandana that she always keeps on around other people. The hidden eye's sclera is pitch black, with dark indigo irises and a round, black pupil. The bandana also covers the section of her forehead above the hidden eye, which is marred with dozens of scars and dark splotches that always seemed to be moving underneath her skin. She has shaggy, shoulder-length midnight-blue hair. She usually dresses in rags and tatters, save for a dark indigo breastplate, and wraps midnight blue linen strips around her feet and legs. Her left hand is one of a humans, and the right hand is a huge claw that fades to blue-black at around the wrists. Two rounded dragon horns protrude from either side of her head, behind her ears. She has a massive dragon-tail and two huge, spiked wings. Wields two rather large battle-axes.


Personality: Despite always looking haggard and pained, Midna is optimistic and has a dark sense of humor. She is protective and extremely intuitive of people's feelings. One of her best qualities is her perseverance, another being loyalty. She is very sociable, usually the conversation starter. Despite being sociable, she is good at staying inconspicuous, clandestine, and keeping secrets. She is very assertive and outspoken. One of her fatal flaws is her tendency to hold grudges. A few others are a deadly pride, personal loyalty and aggression. She hoards gemstones.

Background: 95 years ago, Midna was the daughter of a dragon king and a deceased human mother. She lived in a huge cave, a sanctuary made by her father for all dragons being hunted, killed, or dragons seeking hope. She was trained by various dragons, how to fight, to read, to inscribe and to defend herself. By the age of seven she was an accomplished fighter and could hold her own against an adult.

She continued living in luxury, though not without bigotry from not being a purebred dragon and being weaker than the other dragons. But, under the protection of the dragon king, to dragon dared assault her, and she lived in peace. Until she turned 17. One day, however, while she was out looking for a lost dragon hatchling at midnight, she'd stumbled into a cave. There, she found the hatchling, caught in the grasp of a hellbeast spirit. She fought it off, giving the hatchling enough time to escape. But upon vanquishing the hellbeast, its spirit delved into her essence and twisted it. She began the transformation, her right hand becoming deadly sharp, poison-tipped claws and her right eye shifting. The whole process was painful, and she raked her claws across her right eye, trying to lessen the pain, and scarring herself for eternity. The dragons got to her in time to stop the hellbeast's possession, but her soul was split in half: her ordinary, sane self, and the half that was the hellbeast.

In the daytime, she was Midna Asterakor: funny, charming, brave and loyal. When the sun set, however, and the ghastly moon rose, she was the hellbeast: malevolent, atrocious, murderous and uncontrollable. Every night she had to be thrown into the dungeons, where the excruciating pain of her twisted soul started, and was a danger to the dragon inhabitants. Every night, she rammed herself at the cages, trying to break out and taste the sweetness of blood. One night, she succeeded, destroying the cell bars in her rage. She killed two of the dragons that guarded her cell, and fatally wounded five others. She had to be subdued by her own father, until the next morning, when she was herself again. Dragons began to worry that if she isn't contained, she would wipe them all out. The dragon king had no choice but to disown her as his daughter and banish her from the dragon lair.

She traveled to the world of humans, where she hid in the forest at nightfall. She stayed in a massive cave in the forest, away from the humans, which she called her lair. 95 years later, she still looked the same, for the hellbeast had stopped her from aging physically. She met Twyla Asterakor, her half-sister, who was also the daughter of the now deceased dragon king. With the light of the Concord, Twyla helped suppress the hellbeast's spirit, and so allowed Midna to better control the hellbeast. Now, she is able to use her hellbeast strength at will, not being forced to transform every night.


  • Is able to disappear into shadows
  • Can grow almost 2x larger in size
  • Both hands can become long, poison-tipped claws
  • Secrete black slime
  • Heightened dark manipulation
  • Burns out any poison that is used on her

  • Boosted strength
  • Flight
  • Blowing fire
  • Boosted speed+agility
  • Some dragon magic, but has since then been limited because of her severed link with other dragons and because of the hellbeast
  • A fair amount of charmspeak, which was inherited from her aunt, Wicaydia

Writing Example(s):

The winds howled and tore at the lone fortress, standing on the hills. Kriados, Ruler of Taithelos, watched his subjects from his bedchamber window as the storm raged on, the violent winds knocking down houses and tearing their foundations apart. It was the most dangerous storm they have yet observed in the past millennium. Lightning cackled up above, making the air vibrate. If you listened close enough, you could hear the screams of the people down below, mothers for their children, husbands for their wives. The dark clouds up above started swirling, creating a thundering vortex. An ill, sinister sight to behold. It was only fortunate that the fortress was well built, thus it wasn't knocked about like the houses of those less fortunate.

Kriados angrily struck the window with his fist. This was to be the last storm. Once it was over, he shall have his revenge. The Kreandr lot would pay for and regret what they have done. He glanced at the dusty, old grandfather clock that had just gotten repaired that early morning.


The storm had been raging for nearly and hour now. It had started at exactly 12:00 p.m. as harmless, docile winds. Kriados had suspected nothing. He should've known better than to think Kreandr wouldn't conjure up a magical storm and send it over the borders. Ever since the border had collapsed, strange magics have stirred and awakened. They've discovered strange happenings... things you wouldn't expect to find on an ordinary day.

Like a knight who was able to wield magic powers ever since the border was knocked down. Or a mage that was half-dragon, blowing fire, flying, and having incredible strength. Or a beautiful maiden of elf-unicorn lineage, who had potent healing abilities beyond measure...

Yes. He shall have his revenge.



The storm had lasted for a straight three hours. Just as he had planned. From this far away, all across the continent, he had been able to watch the spectacle. Lightning striking down buildings, the wind tearing down houses, the frightened scream of citizens...

Gandiven was not a cruel king. He felt quite bad for Taithelos... but if he'd had his way, he'd have sent a smaller storm. Or maybe it wouldn't have lasted as long. But, as it was, his advisers had sought him. "You must avenge your kingdom," they'd said. "Taithelos has done enough harm to us! It's time we fight back!" And of course, he'd listened, and his mages had brewed up a mighty storm that destroyed nearly all of Taithelos, save for its large fortress. Taithelos's king was bound to send over troops. After all, the border was gone.

The mages had harnessed the seemingly infinite energy from the border to create the storm and unleash its wrath upon Taithelos. Gandiven could only imagine what revenge Taithelos would send with these new magics...

When the border had suddenly collapsed, Gandiven, only a teenager then, had noticed a heavenly figure with huge wings flying gracefully up in the sky. Then, there was a young man who called himself a Hellhound showed up and insisted upon helping with the war. And a brooding, distant assassin who had sworn vengeance against Taithelos...


Name: Ellysia

Age: 18, though she is actually 150 years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: No preferance

Species: Ala demon

Occupation: Servant of Lafayette

Appearance: Standing at a height of five and a half feet, Ellysia has emerald green eyes and long auburn hair that is tied into a intricate braid most of the time. Silver scales grow in patches along her arms and legs, along with a few other places. As for wings and a tail, she has both, the latter reaching a length of around five feet and the former having s span of fifteen. Bone like projections run across the top of both and they share the same color as her scales.

As for her body itself, she has a rather lithe frame, and her skin has a rather pale coloration to it. She doesn’t have much in the way of clothes, aside from what she works in. The ala does have a few nice dresses made of silk, but she doesn’t exactly get the chance to wear them often.

Personality: Due to a lack of education, Ellysia had to learn most things on her own. Thankfully, she is a rather fast learner, even under the worst of circumstances. This, along with her status as a servant, has made her relatively introverted unless she is on good terms with the other participant within the conversation. She also has a very caring nature, which often leads to her doting on those she takes care of, even if it is only limited to her employer/master. While this can sometimes get her into trouble, it hasn’t exactly changed that part of her. If anything, it just made her meek due to the length of time that she’s had to fill that role.

Backstory: Born in Alryne to a family of Ala, Ellysia became an orphan at a rather young age due to the death of her parents in a house fire. After years in an orphanage, she was found by Lafayette’s own parents and taken in, if only to be a servant girl to themselves and their son. While she wasn’t exactly perfect, it didn’t take long for her to learn the boundaries of her role, even if there were times where she wanted a bit more in her life.

Of course, this was a year or two before Lafayett’s parents had died, and she tried her best to keep the son on the right path. It wasn’t exactly that hard, but she still took care of him as if nothing had changed.

Other: Has a tattoo of a mitsudome on her back in between her wings

Writing Sample: For this, feel free to look at any of my recent posts.

Name: Vladimir Hanak

Age: 25, though he is actually around 250 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Vampire

Occupation: Count of Algard

Appearance: Vladimir stands at a height of six and a half feet, towering over most. His black hair tends to be brushed to the side and kept short, though it sort of stopped growing after he was turned into a vampire. As for his eyes, they are blood red. Like most vampires, his teeth sharpened to a point as a result of the change, along with his skin growing pale.

In terms of stature, Vlad has a relatively thin, yet lean build. This is mostly due to a lack of exercise, though he typically doesn’t eat that much in general. As for clothes, he typically wears a grey dress shirt and black pants, along with a long red coat that trails down to the middle of his calf muscle. White gloves typically cover his hands, and a pentagram can be seen on the back of the fabric.

Or, you can just use this as a reference

Personality: In a word, Vladimir is erratic in terms of his personality. He can show kindness to one peasant and stab another in the back a few seconds under the veil of anonymity. A few traits are rather permanent, however. Vlad’s lust for power and ambitious nature has helped him amass wealth and luxury. Most of the time, he can be rather distant both socially and emotionally, though this is most likely a result of what he is. The vampire is also rather intelligent and charismatic, always watching those around him for signs of opportunity. Of course, his status has only served to inflate his ego, but he keeps in check most of the time.

Backstory: The land of Algard spans a territory of around a hundred square miles and is located within a mountain range. Despite it’s rather isolated position, it is rather diverse in the way of culture and ideas. Of course, the local mines and textile help keep the flow of income steady.

As for Vlad, he was turned into a vampire when he turned five, and while the culprit was not found, he didn’t really seem to care about the change, if only because he didn’t exactly know what was going on at the time. Once word spread as to what he was, the vampire was cast out by the age of ten. Vlad barely survived the first year, but it helped in the long run. Of course, the fact that he found an abandoned castle to inhabit also helped. In order to maintain a healthy diet, Vlad essentially hunts whatever human, animal, or demon wanders into his territory, drinking them dry of any blood within them.

As for how he became a count of the country of his birth, no one is quite sure as to the specifics. Some think he used magic of some sort while others think he was just given the position to appease his ambitious nature when the previous count had died. Either way, no rotton deals could be proven, so he rules his land with a rather gentle hand, at least until someone displeases him.

Other: Has a bit of a drinking problem and may or may not be based off Alucard van Hellsing

Name: Ellysia

Age: 18, though she is actually 150 years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: No preferance

Species: Ala demon

Occupation: Servant of Lafayette

Appearance: Standing at a height of five and a half feet, Ellysia has emerald green eyes and long auburn hair that is tied into a intricate braid most of the time. Silver scales grow in patches along her arms and legs, along with a few other places. As for wings and a tail, she has both, the latter reaching a length of around five feet and the former having s span of fifteen. Bone like projections run across the top of both and they share the same color as her scales.

As for her body itself, she has a rather lithe frame, and her skin has a rather pale coloration to it. She doesn’t have much in the way of clothes, aside from what she works in. The ala does have a few nice dresses made of silk, but she doesn’t exactly get the chance to wear them often.

Personality: Due to a lack of education, Ellysia had to learn most things on her own. Thankfully, she is a rather fast learner, even under the worst of circumstances. This, along with her status as a servant, has made her relatively introverted unless she is on good terms with the other participant within the conversation. She also has a very caring nature, which often leads to her doting on those she takes care of, even if it is only limited to her employer/master. While this can sometimes get her into trouble, it hasn’t exactly changed that part of her. If anything, it just made her meek due to the length of time that she’s had to fill that role.

Backstory: Born in Alryne to a family of Ala, Ellysia became an orphan at a rather young age due to the death of her parents in a house fire. After years in an orphanage, she was found by Lafayette’s own parents and taken in, if only to be a servant girl to themselves and their son. While she wasn’t exactly perfect, it didn’t take long for her to learn the boundaries of her role, even if there were times where she wanted a bit more in her life.

Of course, this was a year or two before Lafayett’s parents had died, and she tried her best to keep the son on the right path. It wasn’t exactly that hard, but she still took care of him as if nothing had changed.

Other: Has a tattoo of a mitsudome on her back in between her wings

Writing Sample: For this, feel free to look at any of my recent posts.

Name: Vladimir Hanak

Age: 25, though he is actually around 250 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Vampire

Occupation: Count of Algard

Appearance: Vladimir stands at a height of six and a half feet, towering over most. His black hair tends to be brushed to the side and kept short, though it sort of stopped growing after he was turned into a vampire. As for his eyes, they are blood red. Like most vampires, his teeth sharpened to a point as a result of the change, along with his skin growing pale.

In terms of stature, Vlad has a relatively thin, yet lean build. This is mostly due to a lack of exercise, though he typically doesn’t eat that much in general. As for clothes, he typically wears a grey dress shirt and black pants, along with a long red coat that trails down to the middle of his calf muscle. White gloves typically cover his hands, and a pentagram can be seen on the back of the fabric.

Or, you can just use this as a reference

Personality: In a word, Vladimir is erratic in terms of his personality. He can show kindness to one peasant and stab another in the back a few seconds under the veil of anonymity. A few traits are rather permanent, however. Vlad’s lust for power and ambitious nature has helped him amass wealth and luxury. Most of the time, he can be rather distant both socially and emotionally, though this is most likely a result of what he is. The vampire is also rather intelligent and charismatic, always watching those around him for signs of opportunity. Of course, his status has only served to inflate his ego, but he keeps in check most of the time.

Backstory: The land of Algard spans a territory of around a hundred square miles and is located within a mountain range. Despite it’s rather isolated position, it is rather diverse in the way of culture and ideas. Of course, the local mines and textile help keep the flow of income steady.

As for Vlad, he was turned into a vampire when he turned five, and while the culprit was not found, he didn’t really seem to care about the change, if only because he didn’t exactly know what was going on at the time. Once word spread as to what he was, the vampire was cast out by the age of ten. Vlad barely survived the first year, but it helped in the long run. Of course, the fact that he found an abandoned castle to inhabit also helped. In order to maintain a healthy diet, Vlad essentially hunts whatever human, animal, or demon wanders into his territory, drinking them dry of any blood within them.

As for how he became a count of the country of his birth, no one is quite sure as to the specifics. Some think he used magic of some sort while others think he was just given the position to appease his ambitious nature when the previous count had died. Either way, no rotton deals could be proven, so he rules his land with a rather gentle hand, at least until someone displeases him.

Other: Has a bit of a drinking problem and may or may not be based off Alucard van Hellsing
I'd love to join! Yeah I spent a long time on this guy and I don't want to let him go to waste. Oh and my one writing example I think I'm going to make cannon to his story, so if you want to give it a read you can~ Oh and a ball sounds grand, letting all of our characters mingle around. And perhaps one character from a kingdom doesn't exactly want peace, which would stir up the plotline a bit. Though it doesn't have to go this way of course, just an idea.

Name: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette (AKA Lafayette, Laf)
Age: 224 (appears to be in his early/mid twenties)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, stronger preference to men
Species: Incubus
Occupation: Marquis of Alryne

Lafayette stands in at 6'2 with a very muscular build, his skin a delicious dark caramel color. His defined jawline is brushed with a scruff of a beard which he never fully shaves away, and his light brown eyes always hold some spark in them as if he knows something you don't. His hair is a wonderful silky mass of dark curls that he normally has tied up, liking to keep it out of the way. Despite having a toned six back and strong arms, he is extremely agile. His ability to run and dodge attacks quite higher than most others. He normally wears white undershirts with blue overcoats, the trim and buttons gold along with the tassels on his shoulders. Though he may also wear a magenta, knee length silk coat with a darker undershirt. With both types of outfits he always has a white cravat, all garments made out of the finest materials. He also carries around his sword, the handle decorated with diamonds, rubies, blue topaz and gold. His boots are made out of fine black leather and have a three inch heel, making him seem much taller than he really is.

In his incubus form, his skin becomes slightly darker, lines of dark purple cascading And swirling up his arms and down his entire body. His pupils dilate into diamonds, the whites of his eyes turning a shade of purple as well. His nails lengthen and end in sharp points, becoming sharp as razors. All of his teeth sharpen as well, with his canines elongating slightly. He also sprouts a set of black demon wings which are surprisingly soft to the touch, and a tail that ends with a serrated arrow shape. A pair of dark purple horns slightly twist out and back on his head, the entire sight eerily beautiful to most.

First image for reference

Second image for reference

Third Image~

Forth Image~

Oops another one

Last one I swear


Lafayette is not someone who is easily overlooked in a crowd. In fact, he is usually the reason why there is a crowd in the first place. The incubus is very outgoing and loud, loving to draw attention and let his voice be heard and body seen. He is not afraid to say what is on his mind, and thus he doesn't really have a filter. Laf is flamboyant and very energetic, along with being extremely flirtatious no matter the being or gender. In nearly every situation he comes to face, his first tactic is to try and flirt his way out. Contrary to initial belief, it works more times than not. Though mostly because he is an incubus, if one needs reminding. Lafayette is very observant though, able to pick up on the slightest body language one may release. From the fidgeting of hands to the slight tensing of muscles to a slight darting of the eyes, there is nothing he won't catch. His intelligence is above average as well, though it is mainly used to lure others to bed them down. He doesn't let anyone close to him, not liking to form any actual bonds. Of course if someone were to mean something to him, he shows nothing but kindness and affection towards them. He also cares and feels deeply sympathetic for those who don't have a lot, and tends to help all who are less fortunate than himself. Despite being this fun and lively character, if someone were to do him wrong he will become your nightmare. When he snaps, which is quite hard to do mind you, no one can stop him from making your life a living hell. He suddenly, with the snap of the fingers, becomes a true sadistic monster that will not stop until he sees pools of blood spill to the ground.


Laf was born into a very privileged and wealthy family in the kingdom of Alryne. He grew up an only child, surrounded by other wealthy incubi and succubi. He was the pride and joy of his little family, often being the center of attention during the many parties and celebrations his family would hold. Sometimes, it would be fun and exciting, having everyone's eyes on him. Though other times, it seemed as if he was just some trophy to be bragged about and tossed around. But Lafayette couldn't complain, as he had many freedoms as well.

He was allowed to do as he pleased, wandering the streets of his kingdom and buying whatever he wanted with the coins his parents gave to him. It was through these years of him strolling the streets that he learned the most about other beings. At the age of fifteen he managed to seduce his first being, a male human, a feat very difficult to complete at such a young age in incubi standards. Within a year he had nearly perfected the art of luring others into his arms, skyrocketing his reputation within the incubi and succubi ranks. He became well known throughout the kingdom for his "special services," which countless people came to him for. That also includes the king of Alryne himself, a quite powerful yet kind ruler. With this he is able to get away with a lot within his kingdom, his title of Marquis simply being ink on parchment. Lafayette believes that if he truly wanted to, he could become the ruler of his kingdom, as the current king adores him and almost worships the ground he walks on. Though that fact is kept hidden from the public eye of course. Even so, the Marquis has no real desire to become the ruler, unless he absolutely had to.

His parents died when he was 132, which came as a big shock to both him and the entire kingdom. They were a very influential family despite their rank, so his parent's slightly sudden passing took them all by the heart. Though they found no evidence of murder or anything of the like, so they continued on. Lafayette was given his title and all of the land that went with it, which only put him further into the spotlight. Though with this new position, he made it his duty to help the poor in the kingdom. As a kid he hated seeing people living out in the streets, so he did everything with his new power to help them. For some, he offered the position of servant to him, to which he would provide them with the best living quarters and food as he doesn't believe servants should eat or live any different than himself. Others, he gave enough money to put them back on their feet again. Though if they misused it, he would never help them again, or even offer a second glance.

Though two years before his parents passing they had taken in a Ala Demon named Ellysia as a servant. His parents heard her story from the owners of the orphanage, and were compelled to take her in. Thus they gave her the position of servant, teaching her all that she needed to know. From how to properly wake them and how to cook, to the base rules she had to follow. The rules Laf's parents set up for her were more strict than he thought were reasonable, but at the time he didn't really have a say in that matter. After their passing, Lafayette fell into a slump, his mental state not the best as many would expect. It was during these times he relied on Ellysia, letting her care for him until he was able to pick himself back up again. He lifted a few of the rules that his parents put onto the Ala Demon, giving her some more freedom, though she still must come to him for any request or question.

Unfortunately, his life up to this point was not a nice smooth ride. After his parents death, he was left defenseless, the old guards leaving the young Marquis' service as they believed he wasn't suited for the title yet. This made him a perfect target for criminals of all kinds. Many petty thieves had tried to steal from him, all of which failed of course. Though one criminal, who went by the name Red Rogue, set his sights on him. The Red Rogue was a murder who killed nobles for the sheer fun of it, taking their riches only for a bonus. He was the only feared criminal in the kingdom of Alryne, and one that no one could catch. With Lafayette new to his title, and with no guards or protection from anyone else, he seemed like the perfect target to kill.

Four months after his parents death, Lafayette was relaxing in his manor late at night, getting ready to retire. He had already sent Ellysia to her quarters, which were all the way at the east wing of the large manor. That was when the Red Rogue broke in, sneaking up behind the relaxing incubus who was on his couch. He had forcefully pulled him up from his prone position and placed a dagger up to his throat, ready to take his life. That was when something in Lafayette snapped, causing him to react in a way no one would ever suspect him of being able to do. He couldn't control the anger and viciousness that suddenly overtake every fiber of his being, nor did he want to try to. He turned on the criminal, slipping into in true form and ripping the blade out of his hand, attacking him with such savagery it was shocking even to himself. Though the most sickening part of it all was that he enjoyed every bloody minute of it. He clawed away at the poor human murderer and sliced his tendons with his tail, enjoying his pained but muffled screams and falling in love with the fear that made the Red Rogue eyes bright.

When all was said and done, he had a clean up crew come and take care of everything, paying them handsomely to keep the instance quiet. After this incident and he came back from the initial thrill of it all, he had come to not exactly like his true form. Yes, the man had deserved to die, but his parents had taught him that all people deserve respect, even if they are his enemies. Which in turn means that those who have done extreme wrong receive a quick and painless death. But the Marquis couldn't ignore the enjoyment that filled him when he preformed the act, so he has learned to partially accept this part of him. He only lets this side of him loose during battles for his kingdom, where brutality can be easily overlooked, or kept secret.

Lafayette's... interesting encounters didn't stop, as his story hasn't. It was a short forty years ago that he heard from the King that a dragon that was terrorizing the lands around their kingdom. At first, he simply put it aside as his King's drunken and silly stories, which he has the pleasure of hearing quite often. Though as time went on, he heard more and more of these rumors from his fellow nobles and the common townsfolk. As the rumors spread of a Nightwing Ravager terrorizing and killing innocent people, Lafayette had to investigate. He, at first, got truthful answers out of those who had seen this dragon only because he had too. Though as he learned more and more about this dragon, his interest piqued, and he simply had to see him with his own eyes. Hearing about how he killed and slaughtered many people appealed to the Marquis in a sick way, though it also told him how strong he was. He couldn't deny from then on that he wanted this Nightwing Ravager for himself.

It was after Laf came to this realization that the dragon had appeared onto their lands, landing on a food store. He himself was on the other end of the plaza when he heard the crash of wood breaking and the screams of terror. Luckily, he had ordered more guards patrolling the streets and watching the borders, so by the time he had made it over the dragon was subdued and being transformed into his human form. Lafayette watched with a steely gaze as the dragon, now in human form, tried to speak to him. The language was unlike any he had heard, and the incubus couldn't stop himself from tilting his head in confusion. This must've irritated the drake as he spat out some purple fire at his polished boots, to which Lafayette didn't bother to move. Instead, his head guard moved for him, pinning down the dragon with painful force as no being was allowed to disrespect the "wonderful gift" that is Lafayette.

Though as he observed the Nightwing on the ground, he noticed the extremely dangerous tail that whipped around and nearly took out three of his guards. "Sir, the tail-" He stopped him with a simple nod of his head, his stiff posture and focused stare of an army commander telling his men all they needed to know. No, Lafayette didn't want to see this drake in pain, nor did he want to harm this beautiful and confused creature. But he had a job to do, and that was protecting his people and maintaining his high reputation. So he didn't flinch when one of his men sliced the tail off, watching as the dragon tried to escape from the pain. Though he couldn't help but let his brow furrow at his screams. He wanted this beautiful being for himself, as his power was greater than many he has ever seen. But he could see something underneath this vicious and ferocious façade, and he wanted to uncover it. "Healer, wrap up his tail now, and ease him to sleep. We are to keep him here for further study, as I have never seen one quite like him." He said, nodding to the little old woman who had stood by and watched the entire encounter. She was the one who patched him up and put him tp sleep, though it was their court mage that placed the seal upon him to keep him from transforming.

At his orders, the dragon was moved to the dungeons, where the guards kept the Marquis updated on his status and behavior. Things seemed decent enough at first. though then he began receiving reports of him shying away from everyone, sleeping for long periods of time, and soon refusing to eat at all. Laf first hoped this was just a little phase, and told the guards to keep doing what they were doing. Though a sickening feeling had filled him as a few days went on, and all he heard was negative reports. So he took it onto himself to begin caring for the drake, not wanting him to perish in those cells, though not wanting to let him loose and have him destroy everything.

Thus Lafayette relieved his enthusiastic guards of their duty, taking down meals for the dragon every day and talking to him. Not that he'd understand, of course. But he always greeted him with a friendly hello in both the common language and his own, then launching into how his day was going. "Hello my dear friend, it is good to see you again. I must say, these dungeons need redecorating. Perhaps some hanging flora to add some color to these bland walls. Oh! That reminds me, you would love the new shipment of goods we just received from our neighboring kingdom, I'm sure of it. Though I can only give it to you if you're good for me." He said to him one day, which by pure luck he responded in his native language. Though he himself didn't understand it, the fact that he spoke to him was something. "Wonderful! I was worried you had forgotten how to speak mon chéri . I think that earns you a taste of what came in this morning." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a piece of jerky, the new delicacy that was now becoming a very popular snack. It was made out of cow, but it was soaked in multiple different spiced before being cooked dried out for a few days, which enabled it to last a very long time. Watching the Nightwing slowly come up and snatch it out of hand was simply too cute to the incubus, though it provided him with hope that he could teach this dragon.

As more time went on, Lafayette was glad to see Dante, who he learned was the dragon's name, become less skittish around him. Though he soon learned that Dante had been through a lot, and in his mind he needed some sort of freedom. So, he offered him the position of guard to him, if he would stay by his side and protect him when the time came. The Marquis' opinion on Dante changed as well. From him being something to show around just like he himself was at a young age, to someone he wanted to protect and teach. Which, in the end, was quite the task.

The Kingdom of Alryne is mainly populated by incubi, succubi, and humans. Their borders haven't changed much over the years, their strong army preventing any real loss to their lands after they had rebelled from the Deteron Empire. Located on what used to be the far edges of the empire, recourses from it were thin and the people were restless, wanting to be able to stand their own and create their own government. So, when the empress relaxed her hold on them they rose up, asking to be free. They were prepared to demand with force, though were surprised when Empress Maudeleyn let them go with no fight. Thus they set up their own government and offered to stay good allies with the empire. The nobles of the old empire had carried on into the now Kingdom of Alryne, the Duke Jarlio becoming the well respecting and strong king, and Lafayette's family retaining their high status.

Lafayette's role in all of this is to keep relations with the empire on good terms and to advise the king of any political happenings, much like a secretary of state. This is what his family has been doing for years, though he himself has been preforming many more duties for the king for a multitude of reasons, some of those not meant to be spoken out in public.

Lafayette's... persuading enabled him to join and become the commander of the army of their kingdom, where he participated in many bloody battles. Those who fought with him are quick to warn others of his brutality and absolute fearlessness, and his tendency to want to make things bloodier than they really ought to be. The kingdom is very prosperous, with only criminals and those with a bad reputation poor thanks to Lafayette's work. Rarely do others migrate to their kingdom, as they not accustomed to the natives way of greeting each other and getting to know one another.

Alryne's major export is fine jewelry and gems, as underneath the kingdom are vast caves full of riches beyond anyone's greatest dreams. This is the kingdom's most guarded secret, with only the king, his prince/princess, the trustful and honest mine workers, a few dukes and duchess, and Lafayette knowing. The reason Laf knows is because his land sits right atop one of the caves, and so he provides jobs for those willing to work in the mine, and he owns one of the top jewelry making businesses in all of Alryne.

  • He usually stays out of his true from, though if he goes a full week without bedding someone down he won't be able to control it.
  • His weapon of choice is his sword, though he doesn't mind using his claws or his tail like a whip in his true form.
  • He is able to manipulate others and make them do whatever he wants, but only if he touches their bare skin. The downside to it is if they get hurt, he feels the pain while they feel nothing. If they die, he will go into a coma for two weeks, though he will still live. They will also have no memory of what they did for him while under his manipulation.
  • The only beings able to resist his charm are those who are asexual, while everyone else can fall for his body as he is an incubus. Though that does not mean he makes everyone fall for him. He does have some taste and preference.

This is an example of my writing, though it also serves as a cannon part of his story. You can read it, but fair warning, it is gory.
I'd love to join! Yeah I spent a long time on this guy and I don't want to let him go to waste. Oh and my one writing example I think I'm going to make cannon to his story, so if you want to give it a read you can~ Oh and a ball sounds grand, letting all of our characters mingle around. And perhaps one character from a kingdom doesn't exactly want peace, which would stir up the plotline a bit. Though it doesn't have to go this way of course, just an idea.

Name: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette (AKA Lafayette, Laf)
Age: 224 (appears to be in his early/mid twenties)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, stronger preference to men
Species: Incubus
Occupation: Marquis of Alryne

Lafayette stands in at 6'2 with a very muscular build, his skin a delicious dark caramel color. His defined jawline is brushed with a scruff of a beard which he never fully shaves away, and his light brown eyes always hold some spark in them as if he knows something you don't. His hair is a wonderful silky mass of dark curls that he normally has tied up, liking to keep it out of the way. Despite having a toned six back and strong arms, he is extremely agile. His ability to run and dodge attacks quite higher than most others. He normally wears white undershirts with blue overcoats, the trim and buttons gold along with the tassels on his shoulders. Though he may also wear a magenta, knee length silk coat with a darker undershirt. With both types of outfits he always has a white cravat, all garments made out of the finest materials. He also carries around his sword, the handle decorated with diamonds, rubies, blue topaz and gold. His boots are made out of fine black leather and have a three inch heel, making him seem much taller than he really is.

In his incubus form, his skin becomes slightly darker, lines of dark purple cascading And swirling up his arms and down his entire body. His pupils dilate into diamonds, the whites of his eyes turning a shade of purple as well. His nails lengthen and end in sharp points, becoming sharp as razors. All of his teeth sharpen as well, with his canines elongating slightly. He also sprouts a set of black demon wings which are surprisingly soft to the touch, and a tail that ends with a serrated arrow shape. A pair of dark purple horns slightly twist out and back on his head, the entire sight eerily beautiful to most.

First image for reference

Second image for reference

Third Image~

Forth Image~

Oops another one

Last one I swear


Lafayette is not someone who is easily overlooked in a crowd. In fact, he is usually the reason why there is a crowd in the first place. The incubus is very outgoing and loud, loving to draw attention and let his voice be heard and body seen. He is not afraid to say what is on his mind, and thus he doesn't really have a filter. Laf is flamboyant and very energetic, along with being extremely flirtatious no matter the being or gender. In nearly every situation he comes to face, his first tactic is to try and flirt his way out. Contrary to initial belief, it works more times than not. Though mostly because he is an incubus, if one needs reminding. Lafayette is very observant though, able to pick up on the slightest body language one may release. From the fidgeting of hands to the slight tensing of muscles to a slight darting of the eyes, there is nothing he won't catch. His intelligence is above average as well, though it is mainly used to lure others to bed them down. He doesn't let anyone close to him, not liking to form any actual bonds. Of course if someone were to mean something to him, he shows nothing but kindness and affection towards them. He also cares and feels deeply sympathetic for those who don't have a lot, and tends to help all who are less fortunate than himself. Despite being this fun and lively character, if someone were to do him wrong he will become your nightmare. When he snaps, which is quite hard to do mind you, no one can stop him from making your life a living hell. He suddenly, with the snap of the fingers, becomes a true sadistic monster that will not stop until he sees pools of blood spill to the ground.


Laf was born into a very privileged and wealthy family in the kingdom of Alryne. He grew up an only child, surrounded by other wealthy incubi and succubi. He was the pride and joy of his little family, often being the center of attention during the many parties and celebrations his family would hold. Sometimes, it would be fun and exciting, having everyone's eyes on him. Though other times, it seemed as if he was just some trophy to be bragged about and tossed around. But Lafayette couldn't complain, as he had many freedoms as well.

He was allowed to do as he pleased, wandering the streets of his kingdom and buying whatever he wanted with the coins his parents gave to him. It was through these years of him strolling the streets that he learned the most about other beings. At the age of fifteen he managed to seduce his first being, a male human, a feat very difficult to complete at such a young age in incubi standards. Within a year he had nearly perfected the art of luring others into his arms, skyrocketing his reputation within the incubi and succubi ranks. He became well known throughout the kingdom for his "special services," which countless people came to him for. That also includes the king of Alryne himself, a quite powerful yet kind ruler. With this he is able to get away with a lot within his kingdom, his title of Marquis simply being ink on parchment. Lafayette believes that if he truly wanted to, he could become the ruler of his kingdom, as the current king adores him and almost worships the ground he walks on. Though that fact is kept hidden from the public eye of course. Even so, the Marquis has no real desire to become the ruler, unless he absolutely had to.

His parents died when he was 132, which came as a big shock to both him and the entire kingdom. They were a very influential family despite their rank, so his parent's slightly sudden passing took them all by the heart. Though they found no evidence of murder or anything of the like, so they continued on. Lafayette was given his title and all of the land that went with it, which only put him further into the spotlight. Though with this new position, he made it his duty to help the poor in the kingdom. As a kid he hated seeing people living out in the streets, so he did everything with his new power to help them. For some, he offered the position of servant to him, to which he would provide them with the best living quarters and food as he doesn't believe servants should eat or live any different than himself. Others, he gave enough money to put them back on their feet again. Though if they misused it, he would never help them again, or even offer a second glance.

Though two years before his parents passing they had taken in a Ala Demon named Ellysia as a servant. His parents heard her story from the owners of the orphanage, and were compelled to take her in. Thus they gave her the position of servant, teaching her all that she needed to know. From how to properly wake them and how to cook, to the base rules she had to follow. The rules Laf's parents set up for her were more strict than he thought were reasonable, but at the time he didn't really have a say in that matter. After their passing, Lafayette fell into a slump, his mental state not the best as many would expect. It was during these times he relied on Ellysia, letting her care for him until he was able to pick himself back up again. He lifted a few of the rules that his parents put onto the Ala Demon, giving her some more freedom, though she still must come to him for any request or question.

Unfortunately, his life up to this point was not a nice smooth ride. After his parents death, he was left defenseless, the old guards leaving the young Marquis' service as they believed he wasn't suited for the title yet. This made him a perfect target for criminals of all kinds. Many petty thieves had tried to steal from him, all of which failed of course. Though one criminal, who went by the name Red Rogue, set his sights on him. The Red Rogue was a murder who killed nobles for the sheer fun of it, taking their riches only for a bonus. He was the only feared criminal in the kingdom of Alryne, and one that no one could catch. With Lafayette new to his title, and with no guards or protection from anyone else, he seemed like the perfect target to kill.

Four months after his parents death, Lafayette was relaxing in his manor late at night, getting ready to retire. He had already sent Ellysia to her quarters, which were all the way at the east wing of the large manor. That was when the Red Rogue broke in, sneaking up behind the relaxing incubus who was on his couch. He had forcefully pulled him up from his prone position and placed a dagger up to his throat, ready to take his life. That was when something in Lafayette snapped, causing him to react in a way no one would ever suspect him of being able to do. He couldn't control the anger and viciousness that suddenly overtake every fiber of his being, nor did he want to try to. He turned on the criminal, slipping into in true form and ripping the blade out of his hand, attacking him with such savagery it was shocking even to himself. Though the most sickening part of it all was that he enjoyed every bloody minute of it. He clawed away at the poor human murderer and sliced his tendons with his tail, enjoying his pained but muffled screams and falling in love with the fear that made the Red Rogue eyes bright.

When all was said and done, he had a clean up crew come and take care of everything, paying them handsomely to keep the instance quiet. After this incident and he came back from the initial thrill of it all, he had come to not exactly like his true form. Yes, the man had deserved to die, but his parents had taught him that all people deserve respect, even if they are his enemies. Which in turn means that those who have done extreme wrong receive a quick and painless death. But the Marquis couldn't ignore the enjoyment that filled him when he preformed the act, so he has learned to partially accept this part of him. He only lets this side of him loose during battles for his kingdom, where brutality can be easily overlooked, or kept secret.

Lafayette's... interesting encounters didn't stop, as his story hasn't. It was a short forty years ago that he heard from the King that a dragon that was terrorizing the lands around their kingdom. At first, he simply put it aside as his King's drunken and silly stories, which he has the pleasure of hearing quite often. Though as time went on, he heard more and more of these rumors from his fellow nobles and the common townsfolk. As the rumors spread of a Nightwing Ravager terrorizing and killing innocent people, Lafayette had to investigate. He, at first, got truthful answers out of those who had seen this dragon only because he had too. Though as he learned more and more about this dragon, his interest piqued, and he simply had to see him with his own eyes. Hearing about how he killed and slaughtered many people appealed to the Marquis in a sick way, though it also told him how strong he was. He couldn't deny from then on that he wanted this Nightwing Ravager for himself.

It was after Laf came to this realization that the dragon had appeared onto their lands, landing on a food store. He himself was on the other end of the plaza when he heard the crash of wood breaking and the screams of terror. Luckily, he had ordered more guards patrolling the streets and watching the borders, so by the time he had made it over the dragon was subdued and being transformed into his human form. Lafayette watched with a steely gaze as the dragon, now in human form, tried to speak to him. The language was unlike any he had heard, and the incubus couldn't stop himself from tilting his head in confusion. This must've irritated the drake as he spat out some purple fire at his polished boots, to which Lafayette didn't bother to move. Instead, his head guard moved for him, pinning down the dragon with painful force as no being was allowed to disrespect the "wonderful gift" that is Lafayette.

Though as he observed the Nightwing on the ground, he noticed the extremely dangerous tail that whipped around and nearly took out three of his guards. "Sir, the tail-" He stopped him with a simple nod of his head, his stiff posture and focused stare of an army commander telling his men all they needed to know. No, Lafayette didn't want to see this drake in pain, nor did he want to harm this beautiful and confused creature. But he had a job to do, and that was protecting his people and maintaining his high reputation. So he didn't flinch when one of his men sliced the tail off, watching as the dragon tried to escape from the pain. Though he couldn't help but let his brow furrow at his screams. He wanted this beautiful being for himself, as his power was greater than many he has ever seen. But he could see something underneath this vicious and ferocious façade, and he wanted to uncover it. "Healer, wrap up his tail now, and ease him to sleep. We are to keep him here for further study, as I have never seen one quite like him." He said, nodding to the little old woman who had stood by and watched the entire encounter. She was the one who patched him up and put him tp sleep, though it was their court mage that placed the seal upon him to keep him from transforming.

At his orders, the dragon was moved to the dungeons, where the guards kept the Marquis updated on his status and behavior. Things seemed decent enough at first. though then he began receiving reports of him shying away from everyone, sleeping for long periods of time, and soon refusing to eat at all. Laf first hoped this was just a little phase, and told the guards to keep doing what they were doing. Though a sickening feeling had filled him as a few days went on, and all he heard was negative reports. So he took it onto himself to begin caring for the drake, not wanting him to perish in those cells, though not wanting to let him loose and have him destroy everything.

Thus Lafayette relieved his enthusiastic guards of their duty, taking down meals for the dragon every day and talking to him. Not that he'd understand, of course. But he always greeted him with a friendly hello in both the common language and his own, then launching into how his day was going. "Hello my dear friend, it is good to see you again. I must say, these dungeons need redecorating. Perhaps some hanging flora to add some color to these bland walls. Oh! That reminds me, you would love the new shipment of goods we just received from our neighboring kingdom, I'm sure of it. Though I can only give it to you if you're good for me." He said to him one day, which by pure luck he responded in his native language. Though he himself didn't understand it, the fact that he spoke to him was something. "Wonderful! I was worried you had forgotten how to speak mon chéri . I think that earns you a taste of what came in this morning." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a piece of jerky, the new delicacy that was now becoming a very popular snack. It was made out of cow, but it was soaked in multiple different spiced before being cooked dried out for a few days, which enabled it to last a very long time. Watching the Nightwing slowly come up and snatch it out of hand was simply too cute to the incubus, though it provided him with hope that he could teach this dragon.

As more time went on, Lafayette was glad to see Dante, who he learned was the dragon's name, become less skittish around him. Though he soon learned that Dante had been through a lot, and in his mind he needed some sort of freedom. So, he offered him the position of guard to him, if he would stay by his side and protect him when the time came. The Marquis' opinion on Dante changed as well. From him being something to show around just like he himself was at a young age, to someone he wanted to protect and teach. Which, in the end, was quite the task.

The Kingdom of Alryne is mainly populated by incubi, succubi, and humans. Their borders haven't changed much over the years, their strong army preventing any real loss to their lands after they had rebelled from the Deteron Empire. Located on what used to be the far edges of the empire, recourses from it were thin and the people were restless, wanting to be able to stand their own and create their own government. So, when the empress relaxed her hold on them they rose up, asking to be free. They were prepared to demand with force, though were surprised when Empress Maudeleyn let them go with no fight. Thus they set up their own government and offered to stay good allies with the empire. The nobles of the old empire had carried on into the now Kingdom of Alryne, the Duke Jarlio becoming the well respecting and strong king, and Lafayette's family retaining their high status.

Lafayette's role in all of this is to keep relations with the empire on good terms and to advise the king of any political happenings, much like a secretary of state. This is what his family has been doing for years, though he himself has been preforming many more duties for the king for a multitude of reasons, some of those not meant to be spoken out in public.

Lafayette's... persuading enabled him to join and become the commander of the army of their kingdom, where he participated in many bloody battles. Those who fought with him are quick to warn others of his brutality and absolute fearlessness, and his tendency to want to make things bloodier than they really ought to be. The kingdom is very prosperous, with only criminals and those with a bad reputation poor thanks to Lafayette's work. Rarely do others migrate to their kingdom, as they not accustomed to the natives way of greeting each other and getting to know one another.

Alryne's major export is fine jewelry and gems, as underneath the kingdom are vast caves full of riches beyond anyone's greatest dreams. This is the kingdom's most guarded secret, with only the king, his prince/princess, the trustful and honest mine workers, a few dukes and duchess, and Lafayette knowing. The reason Laf knows is because his land sits right atop one of the caves, and so he provides jobs for those willing to work in the mine, and he owns one of the top jewelry making businesses in all of Alryne.

  • He usually stays out of his true from, though if he goes a full week without bedding someone down he won't be able to control it.
  • His weapon of choice is his sword, though he doesn't mind using his claws or his tail like a whip in his true form.
  • He is able to manipulate others and make them do whatever he wants, but only if he touches their bare skin. The downside to it is if they get hurt, he feels the pain while they feel nothing. If they die, he will go into a coma for two weeks, though he will still live. They will also have no memory of what they did for him while under his manipulation.
  • The only beings able to resist his charm are those who are asexual, while everyone else can fall for his body as he is an incubus. Though that does not mean he makes everyone fall for him. He does have some taste and preference.

This is an example of my writing, though it also serves as a cannon part of his story. You can read it, but fair warning, it is gory.
tumblr_ozbmajllGL1w8xkufo3_250.png jqjf19Q.png
I’m going to go ahead and post Dante here, but I’m probably going to make some changes since I’m not rushing to turn him in at 1 am lol ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Dante Lazarek Kainen [b]Age[/b]: ~500 | Appears to be early/mid 20's [b]Gender[/b]: Male (Trans) [b]Sexuality[/b]: Gay [b]Species[/b]: Dragon (Nightwing Ravager is the name given to his specific tribe) [b]Occupation[/b]: Guard [s]dog[/s] Dragon [b]Appearance[/b]: Dante's skin is rather pale, an offset to the obsidian-colored scales that cover a large portion of his body. He has two horns that point forward by each cheek, commonly used among dragons during their greetings, a friendly headbutt. While most of the males of his species reach over 6 foot with ease, Dante maxed out at 5'9. He's not particularly muscular, though he keeps enough weight to prevent himself from becoming a stick either. He is built more for flexibility than weight lifting. (His smaller frame is also useful for squirming out of the hold of anyone bigger than him.) Atop his head is a mess of raven hair, often hanging in his face. Though he keeps the sides and back very short, claiming he hates the feeling of hair on his ears and horns. His eyes are a piercing mix of reflective silver and blue. The blue only appears around the outer rim of his iris, while the light silver fills in the rest around his slit pupil. His tail is around 4 foot in length, starting thicker at the base and growing thinner at the end. The tip is bladed, with several small spines, each capable of injecting lethal venom produced only by his species. [url=]Reference for scale placement[/url] | [url=]Dragon Form[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: (wip) If Dante could be described in simplest terms, one might say he's "A wild full-grown dragon in a tiny human body." Needless to say he isn't the best at taking anything lying down, and will do anything in his power to defy and fight those who try and control him. He does not possess good "civilized manners", often baring his teeth and growling at anyone who disrupts him, and [i]refusing [/i]to use utensils to eat food. He's even crawled onto a dining table to threaten a host during their own party. Having been deprived of attention and neglected during his hatchling years, he seems to crave any sort of attention he can get, even in punishment. Because of this, he's become quite the drama queen. If Dante feels ignored or neglected he will lash out and destroy [i]something [/i]in order to get [i]someone's [/i]attention. The worst of his outbursts led to a noble's mansion catching fire. Despite his seemingly irredeemable badness, Dante can really be quite sweet. Under positive attention and affection, he melts and grows infinitely affectionate in return. [b]Background[/b]: Dante was born into a clan of Nightwing Ravagers, the name given to the venomous, black-scaled dragons of the desert known simply as the Wastes. As is custom, it is the responsibility of the entire tribe to raise the children, who often grow up unaware of their parent's identities. As a hatchling, Dante appeared weak and sickly, nearly falling to illness in his first year. He wasn't expected to make it, so the adults had focused on the other, healthier looking offspring. This ended quickly when he shoved a larger dragonling out of the way in order to grab a choice piece of fresh kill. Dante learned quickly that in order to get what others had given to them, he must fight, a lesson that has never left him. The royals who claimed to have ownership of the wastes, saw the dragons as a threat, and thus had the adults hunted to extinction, whether by bounty or military means. Those who were seen as too small to pose much of a threat, Dante included, were taken alive. The Nightwings were considered incredibly rare and, of course, exotic, having never been seen outside of their desert home. It didn't take long for nobles to catch wind of the newly "tamed" creatures. The majority of the little Nightwings sold fast, except for Dante, who reacted violently if someone so much as looked at him. It didn't take long for Dante to become full grown, and therefore too much to handle. Now easily the size of the average human's cottage, and breathing purple fire! Deciding he was too large and aggressive to move, Dante was released. Needless to say, he had a lot pent up aggression in him. So before letting out a roar to split the skies, he toasted those who had been his captors, leaving nothing left of them but a few violet embers and some ash. Years of being in a cage with little to no interaction left him nearly feral, and he flew from kingdom to kingdom, picking off someone's livestock whenever he felt hungry. And swatting down said someone, should they gather the courage to face the dragon. Eventually Dante crossed the border of the final kingdom he would terrorize, Alryne. At this point, the Nightwing had a cruel little game he'd like to play with the small two-legs. First, he'd burn their house, watching them dart out like ants while he circled above. Then, he'd land, only to kill and eat any livestock they had right in front of them, while they were helpless to do anything to the beast. News of the fire-breathing scourge spread quickly, as did those who wished to slay it. Dante didn't wait for one to find him. This land had piqued his curiosity, never had he'd seen so many two-legs and buildings in such close proximity. So he landed, to get a view from the ground. He landed atop a store, the roof caving in as he landed rather roughly. He looked around to get his bearings, the screams filling the air not bothering him in the least, as he was preoccupied with satisfying his curiosity. Then came the first arrow. Dante let out a scream as it wedged in the scales of his neck. Furious, he let out a burst of fire on the closest group of two-legs. After the destruction of several buildings, and several more lives, he was subdued, and reverted back into his humanoid form. He snarled and demanded to know where he was. He received no response, as it was clear no one understood his tongue. Irritated further by the language barrier, Dante spat in the direction of the most well dressed of the remaining two-legs. The dragon muttered and growled out curses before the guard holding him threw him to the ground and placed their heavy boot on his throat, causing Dante to let out a squeak of pain. His bladed tail whipped around wildly, desperate to envenom a target. It was decided that it would be safer to remove the threat before trying to move the intruder. A thin blade fell, severing the tail around three-fourths of the way down. Dante screeched in pain and writhed violently, desperate to get away from the agony in his tail. The dangerous tip was collected for further study. He was quickly sedated with magic, his tail wrapped up in bandages, and placed in the dungeons. He was also marked with a seal, preventing him from shifting forms and breaking out. Loosing a tail isn't the end of the world for a dragon, they are more than capable of growing a full tail back, let alone the tip. However that didn't mean it didn't hurt like a SOB. The tail has some of the softest scales on the body, and it is extremely sensitive to touch. While in the dungeons, Dante grew very skittish, always darting to the furthest corner of his cell if he so much as thought he heard footsteps. He also began to refuse to eat or drink, spending all of his time sleeping the days away while curled up in the corner. It got the point where he became dangerously weak. Then the tactics began to change. Instead of being greeted by a rotation of grumbling guards every meal, he began to only be seen by an individual, whom Dante recognized from the day he was captured. Unlike the guards, who were almost always silent, this one talked to him, a lot. Of course, Dante had nearly no idea what he was saying, and he new his visitor had to know this as well. The dragon grumbled, his voice crackling with disuse. "Vaeth nokt kaita ji tora do takate, duloke?" (Do you always talk to yourself this much, two-leg?) His fashionable visitor seemed to light up at this. Dante narrowed his eyes as a hand reached through the bars, palm up and open, containing what appeared to be a small piece of dried meat. Curiosity piqued in the dragon, tempting him to slowly approach before snatching the food and darting back to a safe distance before eating it. He found that the meat tasted divine, not only was it sweet, but it was tough like the strong hides of prey in the desert. The delight was gone far too soon, and Dante looked back at the visitor, licking his lips in anticipation for more. The visits became regular, and the dragon no longer fled after each piece. [b]Other[/b]: - He has scars on his chest from top surgery. - As a dragon his blood is highly poisonous to other creatures, however if utilized properly it can be used to create powerful potions, even capable of healing. - He has a very high natural body heat. - He hates water/being wet. - His horns and tail are very sensitive to touch. - Like most dragons, Nightwing Ravagers consume precious stones to strengthen and sharpen their scales, their favorite being obsidian, as it grows in abundance in the Wastes. - Loves laying/rolling in warm sand and basking on rocks since it reminds him of his home. - Intruders found by him are met with a very unpleasant surprise, he toys with his prey, much like a cat, before killing them. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Writing Example(s)[/b]: Here's my latest group RP posts from a month or so ago ;;. (apologies for the shortness, they were written on mobile) [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url]
I’m going to go ahead and post Dante here, but I’m probably going to make some changes since I’m not rushing to turn him in at 1 am lol


Name: Dante Lazarek Kainen

Age: ~500 | Appears to be early/mid 20's

Gender: Male (Trans)

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Dragon (Nightwing Ravager is the name given to his specific tribe)

Occupation: Guard dog Dragon

Appearance: Dante's skin is rather pale, an offset to the obsidian-colored scales that cover a large portion of his body. He has two horns that point forward by each cheek, commonly used among dragons during their greetings, a friendly headbutt.

While most of the males of his species reach over 6 foot with ease, Dante maxed out at 5'9. He's not particularly muscular, though he keeps enough weight to prevent himself from becoming a stick either. He is built more for flexibility than weight lifting. (His smaller frame is also useful for squirming out of the hold of anyone bigger than him.)

Atop his head is a mess of raven hair, often hanging in his face. Though he keeps the sides and back very short, claiming he hates the feeling of hair on his ears and horns. His eyes are a piercing mix of reflective silver and blue. The blue only appears around the outer rim of his iris, while the light silver fills in the rest around his slit pupil.

His tail is around 4 foot in length, starting thicker at the base and growing thinner at the end. The tip is bladed, with several small spines, each capable of injecting lethal venom produced only by his species.

Reference for scale placement | Dragon Form

Personality: (wip) If Dante could be described in simplest terms, one might say he's "A wild full-grown dragon in a tiny human body." Needless to say he isn't the best at taking anything lying down, and will do anything in his power to defy and fight those who try and control him. He does not possess good "civilized manners", often baring his teeth and growling at anyone who disrupts him, and refusing to use utensils to eat food. He's even crawled onto a dining table to threaten a host during their own party.

Having been deprived of attention and neglected during his hatchling years, he seems to crave any sort of attention he can get, even in punishment. Because of this, he's become quite the drama queen. If Dante feels ignored or neglected he will lash out and destroy something in order to get someone's attention. The worst of his outbursts led to a noble's mansion catching fire.

Despite his seemingly irredeemable badness, Dante can really be quite sweet. Under positive attention and affection, he melts and grows infinitely affectionate in return.

Background: Dante was born into a clan of Nightwing Ravagers, the name given to the venomous, black-scaled dragons of the desert known simply as the Wastes. As is custom, it is the responsibility of the entire tribe to raise the children, who often grow up unaware of their parent's identities. As a hatchling, Dante appeared weak and sickly, nearly falling to illness in his first year. He wasn't expected to make it, so the adults had focused on the other, healthier looking offspring. This ended quickly when he shoved a larger dragonling out of the way in order to grab a choice piece of fresh kill.

Dante learned quickly that in order to get what others had given to them, he must fight, a lesson that has never left him.

The royals who claimed to have ownership of the wastes, saw the dragons as a threat, and thus had the adults hunted to extinction, whether by bounty or military means. Those who were seen as too small to pose much of a threat, Dante included, were taken alive. The Nightwings were considered incredibly rare and, of course, exotic, having never been seen outside of their desert home. It didn't take long for nobles to catch wind of the newly "tamed" creatures. The majority of the little Nightwings sold fast, except for Dante, who reacted violently if someone so much as looked at him.

It didn't take long for Dante to become full grown, and therefore too much to handle. Now easily the size of the average human's cottage, and breathing purple fire! Deciding he was too large and aggressive to move, Dante was released.

Needless to say, he had a lot pent up aggression in him. So before letting out a roar to split the skies, he toasted those who had been his captors, leaving nothing left of them but a few violet embers and some ash.

Years of being in a cage with little to no interaction left him nearly feral, and he flew from kingdom to kingdom, picking off someone's livestock whenever he felt hungry. And swatting down said someone, should they gather the courage to face the dragon. Eventually Dante crossed the border of the final kingdom he would terrorize, Alryne. At this point, the Nightwing had a cruel little game he'd like to play with the small two-legs. First, he'd burn their house, watching them dart out like ants while he circled above. Then, he'd land, only to kill and eat any livestock they had right in front of them, while they were helpless to do anything to the beast. News of the fire-breathing scourge spread quickly, as did those who wished to slay it.

Dante didn't wait for one to find him. This land had piqued his curiosity, never had he'd seen so many two-legs and buildings in such close proximity. So he landed, to get a view from the ground. He landed atop a store, the roof caving in as he landed rather roughly. He looked around to get his bearings, the screams filling the air not bothering him in the least, as he was preoccupied with satisfying his curiosity. Then came the first arrow.

Dante let out a scream as it wedged in the scales of his neck. Furious, he let out a burst of fire on the closest group of two-legs. After the destruction of several buildings, and several more lives, he was subdued, and reverted back into his humanoid form. He snarled and demanded to know where he was. He received no response, as it was clear no one understood his tongue. Irritated further by the language barrier, Dante spat in the direction of the most well dressed of the remaining two-legs. The dragon muttered and growled out curses before the guard holding him threw him to the ground and placed their heavy boot on his throat, causing Dante to let out a squeak of pain. His bladed tail whipped around wildly, desperate to envenom a target.

It was decided that it would be safer to remove the threat before trying to move the intruder. A thin blade fell, severing the tail around three-fourths of the way down. Dante screeched in pain and writhed violently, desperate to get away from the agony in his tail. The dangerous tip was collected for further study. He was quickly sedated with magic, his tail wrapped up in bandages, and placed in the dungeons. He was also marked with a seal, preventing him from shifting forms and breaking out. Loosing a tail isn't the end of the world for a dragon, they are more than capable of growing a full tail back, let alone the tip. However that didn't mean it didn't hurt like a SOB. The tail has some of the softest scales on the body, and it is extremely sensitive to touch.

While in the dungeons, Dante grew very skittish, always darting to the furthest corner of his cell if he so much as thought he heard footsteps. He also began to refuse to eat or drink, spending all of his time sleeping the days away while curled up in the corner. It got the point where he became dangerously weak. Then the tactics began to change.

Instead of being greeted by a rotation of grumbling guards every meal, he began to only be seen by an individual, whom Dante recognized from the day he was captured. Unlike the guards, who were almost always silent, this one talked to him, a lot. Of course, Dante had nearly no idea what he was saying, and he new his visitor had to know this as well. The dragon grumbled, his voice crackling with disuse. "Vaeth nokt kaita ji tora do takate, duloke?" (Do you always talk to yourself this much, two-leg?)

His fashionable visitor seemed to light up at this. Dante narrowed his eyes as a hand reached through the bars, palm up and open, containing what appeared to be a small piece of dried meat. Curiosity piqued in the dragon, tempting him to slowly approach before snatching the food and darting back to a safe distance before eating it. He found that the meat tasted divine, not only was it sweet, but it was tough like the strong hides of prey in the desert. The delight was gone far too soon, and Dante looked back at the visitor, licking his lips in anticipation for more.

The visits became regular, and the dragon no longer fled after each piece.

- He has scars on his chest from top surgery.
- As a dragon his blood is highly poisonous to other creatures, however if utilized properly it can be used to create powerful potions, even capable of healing.
- He has a very high natural body heat.
- He hates water/being wet.
- His horns and tail are very sensitive to touch.
- Like most dragons, Nightwing Ravagers consume precious stones to strengthen and sharpen their scales, their favorite being obsidian, as it grows in abundance in the Wastes.
- Loves laying/rolling in warm sand and basking on rocks since it reminds him of his home.
- Intruders found by him are met with a very unpleasant surprise, he toys with his prey, much like a cat, before killing them.

Writing Example(s): Here's my latest group RP posts from a month or so ago ;;. (apologies for the shortness, they were written on mobile)
one two

hael/dante | 23 | enkindle (#88808)

a VgKHukX.png
Also anyone who wants to hire him or w/e, we can talk about it. Assassin, bodyguard, servant, or something else, it doesn’t really matter as I can see him being any of the above. I just know it’ll be easier to edit his sheet when who he works for has been settled. ;^;
Also anyone who wants to hire him or w/e, we can talk about it. Assassin, bodyguard, servant, or something else, it doesn’t really matter as I can see him being any of the above. I just know it’ll be easier to edit his sheet when who he works for has been settled. ;^;
hael/dante | 23 | enkindle (#88808)

a VgKHukX.png
Ellysia is also available for any noble to use as their servant.

Ellysia is also available for any noble to use as their servant.

@BlitzRyu and @yuuichiro, if yall want your characters could both be servants to Laf! Or maybe Dante could be his bodyguard/assassin dude cause deep down Lafayette is a bit twisted haha. Either way, if we do have some ball MC would make both of them attended, because he sees servants on near equal footing as him. As long as they don't disobey his orders.
@BlitzRyu and @yuuichiro, if yall want your characters could both be servants to Laf! Or maybe Dante could be his bodyguard/assassin dude cause deep down Lafayette is a bit twisted haha. Either way, if we do have some ball MC would make both of them attended, because he sees servants on near equal footing as him. As long as they don't disobey his orders.
tumblr_ozbmajllGL1w8xkufo3_250.png jqjf19Q.png

Good to hear. I don’t exactly like my characters interacting with each other for too long, so Ellysia being a servant of your character is probably for the best.

Good to hear. I don’t exactly like my characters interacting with each other for too long, so Ellysia being a servant of your character is probably for the best.