

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Behind The Clouds (closed)
1 2 ... 13 14 15 16 17 ... 24 25
"No problem." Kris smiled at the group, punching a bunch of numbers into the calcultor-looking thing. After a few seconds, it whirred to life and printed out a reciept.
"That'll be 26.87!" She chimed, setting down the paper to walk back behind the counter, cleaning tools and her griddle. She was listening in before they mentioned dokusei, which was when she decided to return her ears to the idle words on the news.
"No problem." Kris smiled at the group, punching a bunch of numbers into the calcultor-looking thing. After a few seconds, it whirred to life and printed out a reciept.
"That'll be 26.87!" She chimed, setting down the paper to walk back behind the counter, cleaning tools and her griddle. She was listening in before they mentioned dokusei, which was when she decided to return her ears to the idle words on the news.

"Understood sir," Atticus said, still feeling as if he'd been metaphorically rammed with a freight truck from the information he'd been given. Without another word he turned and left the catacombs of the underground floor, taking the elevator back up to the entrance hall. He lightly grasped at his head from a sudden rush of wooziness, deciding to go back outside for a bit, figuring some fresh air at his usual post would at least clear his mind a little.


Not human, huh? So another dragon... Sometimes Sawyer liked to believe he could detect the disguised creatures without much effort, but usually they had to let on that they weren't strictly human. Appearance-wise they almost always managed to disappear in a crowd... especially when said crowd likely had numerous other dragons within it. In hindsight though, in this instance, he really shouldn't have so quickly assumed the identical twin angle...

"If you were called for a meeting, you would'a been expected and they would'a let you in, I reckon... so, pardon my french, fella, but I'm gonna have to call ******** on your reasonin'. Either that or you dropped by too late, an' in that case you'll probably have to reschedule." He was keeping Arank's suspicions in mind as he spoke. This guy very well could've had something to do with that list if he was so inclined to get inside the tower, but if they were lucky, he'd call it quits and back off.

Not a moment had passed when the front door suddenly opened, with Atticus wobbling out, looking slightly dazed, probably on account of stepping back into the light after spending all that time in such a dreary structure. Noticing that Sawyer and Arank were still near the premises, he waved over to the two of them, evidently, as of yet, unaware of the stranger looking for a way in.

"You guys still here? Everything alright?" he asked, to which Sawyer motioned over to the stranger.

"Oh boy..." Atticus muttered, getting the hint and cautiously making sure the door was firmly shut behind him before stepping out to confront this intruder. "Buddy, unless you got some kinda permit or a Dokusei personally vouching for you, I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your distance, alright?"



"Extra patrols and more meetings is certainly a good start..." Rhett said in agreement, nodding along to Gronrux's words. The old dragon seemed to have a firm grasp on leadership, no surprise. He could see how Gronk clearly inherited a lot of his virtues.

"We have to make sure we don't waste too much time preparing though. The clock is ticking with those Garvus-lackeys. We can't afford to lose these allies of ours, not if we want to squash this remnant before they can regain any semblance of their prior influence." Once he'd said his piece, he turned his attention over to Gronk.

"Okay, big guy, let's get you back home before you pass out on us and end up knocking me out too," he said to him, half-humorously, though the dragon's exhaustion was definitely affecting him to some extent as well.



Jett listened intently to Sam explaining the findings of her scouting expedition, pursing his lips as she mentioned the highly secured cages out in the middle of seemingly nowhere. Hopefully those photos she took would clear up some of the specifics, but he already had an inkling of a suspicion over just who would be responsible... yet it meant nothing if they didn't have the proof.

"Yeah, I'll tag along... Might give me peace of mind, or it'll just confirm my fears, either way I prefer it to being in the dark about all this," he said, glancing back to Zydron.

"While you're in there, if you spot the rum bottle you made your pact-partner drop, would you mind bringing it back up with you? No biggie if you can't find it but... that stuff cost me a pretty penny, I'd rather it not just become another piece of ocean pollution."

"Understood sir," Atticus said, still feeling as if he'd been metaphorically rammed with a freight truck from the information he'd been given. Without another word he turned and left the catacombs of the underground floor, taking the elevator back up to the entrance hall. He lightly grasped at his head from a sudden rush of wooziness, deciding to go back outside for a bit, figuring some fresh air at his usual post would at least clear his mind a little.


Not human, huh? So another dragon... Sometimes Sawyer liked to believe he could detect the disguised creatures without much effort, but usually they had to let on that they weren't strictly human. Appearance-wise they almost always managed to disappear in a crowd... especially when said crowd likely had numerous other dragons within it. In hindsight though, in this instance, he really shouldn't have so quickly assumed the identical twin angle...

"If you were called for a meeting, you would'a been expected and they would'a let you in, I reckon... so, pardon my french, fella, but I'm gonna have to call ******** on your reasonin'. Either that or you dropped by too late, an' in that case you'll probably have to reschedule." He was keeping Arank's suspicions in mind as he spoke. This guy very well could've had something to do with that list if he was so inclined to get inside the tower, but if they were lucky, he'd call it quits and back off.

Not a moment had passed when the front door suddenly opened, with Atticus wobbling out, looking slightly dazed, probably on account of stepping back into the light after spending all that time in such a dreary structure. Noticing that Sawyer and Arank were still near the premises, he waved over to the two of them, evidently, as of yet, unaware of the stranger looking for a way in.

"You guys still here? Everything alright?" he asked, to which Sawyer motioned over to the stranger.

"Oh boy..." Atticus muttered, getting the hint and cautiously making sure the door was firmly shut behind him before stepping out to confront this intruder. "Buddy, unless you got some kinda permit or a Dokusei personally vouching for you, I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your distance, alright?"



"Extra patrols and more meetings is certainly a good start..." Rhett said in agreement, nodding along to Gronrux's words. The old dragon seemed to have a firm grasp on leadership, no surprise. He could see how Gronk clearly inherited a lot of his virtues.

"We have to make sure we don't waste too much time preparing though. The clock is ticking with those Garvus-lackeys. We can't afford to lose these allies of ours, not if we want to squash this remnant before they can regain any semblance of their prior influence." Once he'd said his piece, he turned his attention over to Gronk.

"Okay, big guy, let's get you back home before you pass out on us and end up knocking me out too," he said to him, half-humorously, though the dragon's exhaustion was definitely affecting him to some extent as well.



Jett listened intently to Sam explaining the findings of her scouting expedition, pursing his lips as she mentioned the highly secured cages out in the middle of seemingly nowhere. Hopefully those photos she took would clear up some of the specifics, but he already had an inkling of a suspicion over just who would be responsible... yet it meant nothing if they didn't have the proof.

"Yeah, I'll tag along... Might give me peace of mind, or it'll just confirm my fears, either way I prefer it to being in the dark about all this," he said, glancing back to Zydron.

"While you're in there, if you spot the rum bottle you made your pact-partner drop, would you mind bringing it back up with you? No biggie if you can't find it but... that stuff cost me a pretty penny, I'd rather it not just become another piece of ocean pollution."
New York, Outside The Dokusei Tower, Senji

Senji sighed and folded his arms as another one showed up. This one came from inside the tower. He sparked a bit of curiosity within him, but this was not the time. Thinking the dragon then took a step back. He then whistled, the other clones showed up and in seconds, but disappeared in puffs of smoke. Senji looked at the human who came from inside the tower. The dragon had a very serious look on his face and then stepped forward again. But didn't get too close obeying the man's words.

"My boss isn't going to be happy about this! I hope he will understand, could be my head for this! I will try to get this rescheduled, then, hopefully, no one dies in the meantime. Shame, really, but oh well! Sorry for causing any trouble didn't mean it. If you see Lord Tiemeth, let him know he will be expecting a call from the president. Hopefully, nothing bad happens in the meantime...see you around! Stay safe!".

The dragon then dashed off down the street. He would try to sneak in later. That window was prefect, once these three were settled down or gone. He would try to get inside that window and find Havok. If anyone was on the other side of that window. He was going to try to deal with them with as much little harm as he could.

New York, Dockspree, Rose Lowell

"We could always start small, find some dragons around and ask them a few things. I am sure there is a lot we can learn from them! Considering how long they live and stuff. I wonder if some found it easy to get adjusted to this life? or not? We should put out flyers so they can contact us, it is a nice start I think".

She took a bite of her food and listened to the others discuss it. They seemed to agree as they ate their food. One of the guys then suggested they could try to have a chat with the president himself! Rose stared at him and then sighed. How, though? It isn't like they could just walk up to him! Getting a meeting with him would take so long and wasn't a guarantee.

New York, Central Park, Ryadhul

The ice dragon decided to take a break. Heading for a park called Central Park he found a nice quiet spot by a pond next to a few trees. Stabbing his weapon into the earth he sat down. Staring at the water and the ducks swimming in it. A few times he glanced over at a few people walking by. The dragon soon closed his eyes trying to regain his composure. It felt good to take a break from his hunting. Just he wondered how his allies were doing at this moment. It had been a long time since he seen them. A bird then landed near his feet and the dragon didn't even react to it. Ryadhul missed his world at times, but did find some peace in this one. Like at this moment, it was so easy to just relax and be alone even though many were nearby.
New York, Outside The Dokusei Tower, Senji

Senji sighed and folded his arms as another one showed up. This one came from inside the tower. He sparked a bit of curiosity within him, but this was not the time. Thinking the dragon then took a step back. He then whistled, the other clones showed up and in seconds, but disappeared in puffs of smoke. Senji looked at the human who came from inside the tower. The dragon had a very serious look on his face and then stepped forward again. But didn't get too close obeying the man's words.

"My boss isn't going to be happy about this! I hope he will understand, could be my head for this! I will try to get this rescheduled, then, hopefully, no one dies in the meantime. Shame, really, but oh well! Sorry for causing any trouble didn't mean it. If you see Lord Tiemeth, let him know he will be expecting a call from the president. Hopefully, nothing bad happens in the meantime...see you around! Stay safe!".

The dragon then dashed off down the street. He would try to sneak in later. That window was prefect, once these three were settled down or gone. He would try to get inside that window and find Havok. If anyone was on the other side of that window. He was going to try to deal with them with as much little harm as he could.

New York, Dockspree, Rose Lowell

"We could always start small, find some dragons around and ask them a few things. I am sure there is a lot we can learn from them! Considering how long they live and stuff. I wonder if some found it easy to get adjusted to this life? or not? We should put out flyers so they can contact us, it is a nice start I think".

She took a bite of her food and listened to the others discuss it. They seemed to agree as they ate their food. One of the guys then suggested they could try to have a chat with the president himself! Rose stared at him and then sighed. How, though? It isn't like they could just walk up to him! Getting a meeting with him would take so long and wasn't a guarantee.

New York, Central Park, Ryadhul

The ice dragon decided to take a break. Heading for a park called Central Park he found a nice quiet spot by a pond next to a few trees. Stabbing his weapon into the earth he sat down. Staring at the water and the ducks swimming in it. A few times he glanced over at a few people walking by. The dragon soon closed his eyes trying to regain his composure. It felt good to take a break from his hunting. Just he wondered how his allies were doing at this moment. It had been a long time since he seen them. A bird then landed near his feet and the dragon didn't even react to it. Ryadhul missed his world at times, but did find some peace in this one. Like at this moment, it was so easy to just relax and be alone even though many were nearby.
A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Good things, many devils.
Militis and Tiemeth

Once inside Tiemeth closed the door and waited for the locks to click into place. Slowly he turned around and grabbed a pair of white latex gloves from a box on a metal tray by the door. The dragon then noticed there was no sound coming from the machine that was working earlier. The aging dragon smiled when he realized Militis was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the machine smashed into pieces on the other side of the room. "Militis, where are you hiding? You better behave! I don't mean you any harm, my dear friend. Don't do anything rash!".

The dragon kept his guard up as he searched and sniffed for the other dragon. The abilities the dragon could still have is unknown. They haven't had a chance to test that. They have been more focused on just trying to keep him alive. Tiemeth has been attacked before, he could handle the dragon. Just hoped he didn't have to use any deadly force.

Militis was hidden in a corner where the shadows were more prominent. His eyes watched the dragon enter the room. Militis could not help but stare at the door. What's on the other side? Where did this dragon go when he went behind it? The dragon then looked back at the other dragon. He then uncloaked himself from the shadows and approached him. The two dragons stared at each other, Militis glared sharply "There you are! Militis why don't you lay back down? So we can get started!".

Tiamat & Kara

Tiamat had fallen asleep on accident in front of the window. Her head rested on the windowsill. It was so nice of a breeze it relaxed her to sleep. Kara returned, smiling at the dragon resting peacefully. For now, the woman would let the dragon rest. After the information, they found out about and the events that could play out later. The dragon needed a moment to relax. If they were closer to the ground, Kara would be worried about some freak trying to get in. Tiamat was safe and so Kara went back to what she was doing.

The woman started to hum as she got an outfit setup for Tiamat. She then decided to check on Malinda's plants. Tiamat was fine, Kara left the room and headed to the elevator. Sighing deeply the woman couldn't wait for this day to be over.

The young dragon was relieved when Atticus arrived. He then tried to use his abilities on the other dragon. To maybe get an idea of what he was really up to. He really shouldn't at this point, his head was already struggling. The thought of stopping something before it happened was a risk he was willing to take. He would get a bad headache but would pass after some rest. As he tried to focus, his nose started to bleed a bit. He didn't even notice as he kept his attention on the dragon.

As the other dragon dashed away suddenly. Arank stared in the direction the dragon was last seen. What did he mean? When he said hopefully no one dies in the meantime. He wanted to ask questions but the dragon ran away. Maybe it was for the best? He was just happy no one got hurt and it was over. He then felt something on his lip. Touching it, he then looked at his fingers. The dragon stared at the small amount of blood on his fingers. He was a bit shocked and surprised to see it. This never happened before, was it just a dry nose? Or was is something else?

Gronk, Gronrux, Zoir, and Nero

Gronrux rubbed his sore shoulder and then smiled. "Meeting is over for now, Rhett I need to speak with you privately before you go to bed tonight. You will find me by the entrance to the village. Won't take long, oh and you are not in any trouble". Gronk smiled at Rhett then stood up. Wondering what his father was up to. He then whined a bit to his human brother. "Fineee...I don't wanna get up ...lucky it is you and not someone else". The dragon didn't want to move at all,
it hurt a bit when he did. It felt good to sit and do nothing, the building was so warm and cozy. Folding his arms, he headed out the door. Zoir and Nero followed him closely. They stood outside of the building for a moment together.

"Patrols are so boring! I would rather do training! or anything else!". Said the youngest dragon who then looked up at Gronk. Nero never did patrols alone, he was not old enough. Often times he was with someone but it was still boring. Gronk then playfully messed up his brother's hair and just laughed lightly at him. "Ah, come on, it is not so bad! Besides, it is nice to have a moment away from here". Zoir stood with his arms folded also and just smiled. "I hope you get some good rest for tomorrow buddy! Not going to go easy on you just so you know!".

Gronk looked at his friend and smirked at him."Oh, I know! I don't expect you to, and it should be fun! I may be a bit rusty, but I will make you yell uncle". Zoir laughed and gave a sure you will look. Then patted Nero on the shoulder. "For now I will take this little guy and go see what the villagers are up to. Then take him out on patrol, hopefully, that keeps him busy for a bit". Nero sighed and then pointed at his brother. "You and Rhett better take me out on an adventure soon! I will keep bugging you both till it happens!".

Jax, Zydron, and Sam

"Cool! Better than tagging along with Jax! Man drives me nuts, but I love him". Sam smiled brightly then led the way inside the ship and down a level. Walking into a room that seemed like storge. Weapons and tools of all kinds hung on the walls and wooden boxes had all kinds of parts in them. The weapons on the wall where mostly guns and a few swords, they were a bit dusty. A door on the far end was open, and a red light glowed from it. Setting the camera down on the counter she started to get to work. "So...Jett you guys behaved as I was gone? Sure hope that goofy man didn't annoy you too much. He can be a handful...but means well in the end".

Zydron dove down to seek out some fish. Thought it was silly but Jax must need them for something. So he was willing to do it and he did owe the human. So far the dragon could not find a bottle, maybe it just drifted off? The dragon slowly made his way deeper, trying to find the fish that were hiding. He came across a few sharks but didn't think those were what Jax wanted.

Jax got changed and then rubbed the back of his neck. He was actually still feeling a bit tired. Would have to push on till they got to the Darbi. Making his way to the bridge, a few crew members followed him. "Check the engines and make sure things are still hot. In a bit, we are taking to the skies again. This time I will put a lot of power into them. Hopefully, it gets us to our destination faster!". The crew members nodded and rushed down to the engine room.

Militis and Tiemeth

Once inside Tiemeth closed the door and waited for the locks to click into place. Slowly he turned around and grabbed a pair of white latex gloves from a box on a metal tray by the door. The dragon then noticed there was no sound coming from the machine that was working earlier. The aging dragon smiled when he realized Militis was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the machine smashed into pieces on the other side of the room. "Militis, where are you hiding? You better behave! I don't mean you any harm, my dear friend. Don't do anything rash!".

The dragon kept his guard up as he searched and sniffed for the other dragon. The abilities the dragon could still have is unknown. They haven't had a chance to test that. They have been more focused on just trying to keep him alive. Tiemeth has been attacked before, he could handle the dragon. Just hoped he didn't have to use any deadly force.

Militis was hidden in a corner where the shadows were more prominent. His eyes watched the dragon enter the room. Militis could not help but stare at the door. What's on the other side? Where did this dragon go when he went behind it? The dragon then looked back at the other dragon. He then uncloaked himself from the shadows and approached him. The two dragons stared at each other, Militis glared sharply "There you are! Militis why don't you lay back down? So we can get started!".

Tiamat & Kara

Tiamat had fallen asleep on accident in front of the window. Her head rested on the windowsill. It was so nice of a breeze it relaxed her to sleep. Kara returned, smiling at the dragon resting peacefully. For now, the woman would let the dragon rest. After the information, they found out about and the events that could play out later. The dragon needed a moment to relax. If they were closer to the ground, Kara would be worried about some freak trying to get in. Tiamat was safe and so Kara went back to what she was doing.

The woman started to hum as she got an outfit setup for Tiamat. She then decided to check on Malinda's plants. Tiamat was fine, Kara left the room and headed to the elevator. Sighing deeply the woman couldn't wait for this day to be over.

The young dragon was relieved when Atticus arrived. He then tried to use his abilities on the other dragon. To maybe get an idea of what he was really up to. He really shouldn't at this point, his head was already struggling. The thought of stopping something before it happened was a risk he was willing to take. He would get a bad headache but would pass after some rest. As he tried to focus, his nose started to bleed a bit. He didn't even notice as he kept his attention on the dragon.

As the other dragon dashed away suddenly. Arank stared in the direction the dragon was last seen. What did he mean? When he said hopefully no one dies in the meantime. He wanted to ask questions but the dragon ran away. Maybe it was for the best? He was just happy no one got hurt and it was over. He then felt something on his lip. Touching it, he then looked at his fingers. The dragon stared at the small amount of blood on his fingers. He was a bit shocked and surprised to see it. This never happened before, was it just a dry nose? Or was is something else?

Gronk, Gronrux, Zoir, and Nero

Gronrux rubbed his sore shoulder and then smiled. "Meeting is over for now, Rhett I need to speak with you privately before you go to bed tonight. You will find me by the entrance to the village. Won't take long, oh and you are not in any trouble". Gronk smiled at Rhett then stood up. Wondering what his father was up to. He then whined a bit to his human brother. "Fineee...I don't wanna get up ...lucky it is you and not someone else". The dragon didn't want to move at all,
it hurt a bit when he did. It felt good to sit and do nothing, the building was so warm and cozy. Folding his arms, he headed out the door. Zoir and Nero followed him closely. They stood outside of the building for a moment together.

"Patrols are so boring! I would rather do training! or anything else!". Said the youngest dragon who then looked up at Gronk. Nero never did patrols alone, he was not old enough. Often times he was with someone but it was still boring. Gronk then playfully messed up his brother's hair and just laughed lightly at him. "Ah, come on, it is not so bad! Besides, it is nice to have a moment away from here". Zoir stood with his arms folded also and just smiled. "I hope you get some good rest for tomorrow buddy! Not going to go easy on you just so you know!".

Gronk looked at his friend and smirked at him."Oh, I know! I don't expect you to, and it should be fun! I may be a bit rusty, but I will make you yell uncle". Zoir laughed and gave a sure you will look. Then patted Nero on the shoulder. "For now I will take this little guy and go see what the villagers are up to. Then take him out on patrol, hopefully, that keeps him busy for a bit". Nero sighed and then pointed at his brother. "You and Rhett better take me out on an adventure soon! I will keep bugging you both till it happens!".

Jax, Zydron, and Sam

"Cool! Better than tagging along with Jax! Man drives me nuts, but I love him". Sam smiled brightly then led the way inside the ship and down a level. Walking into a room that seemed like storge. Weapons and tools of all kinds hung on the walls and wooden boxes had all kinds of parts in them. The weapons on the wall where mostly guns and a few swords, they were a bit dusty. A door on the far end was open, and a red light glowed from it. Setting the camera down on the counter she started to get to work. "So...Jett you guys behaved as I was gone? Sure hope that goofy man didn't annoy you too much. He can be a handful...but means well in the end".

Zydron dove down to seek out some fish. Thought it was silly but Jax must need them for something. So he was willing to do it and he did owe the human. So far the dragon could not find a bottle, maybe it just drifted off? The dragon slowly made his way deeper, trying to find the fish that were hiding. He came across a few sharks but didn't think those were what Jax wanted.

Jax got changed and then rubbed the back of his neck. He was actually still feeling a bit tired. Would have to push on till they got to the Darbi. Making his way to the bridge, a few crew members followed him. "Check the engines and make sure things are still hot. In a bit, we are taking to the skies again. This time I will put a lot of power into them. Hopefully, it gets us to our destination faster!". The crew members nodded and rushed down to the engine room.


Expecting a call from the president? What was this guy nuts? Both Atticus and Sawyer were seriously starting to believe so, and before they could even get any sort of response out, the stranger was gone in an instant.

"The hell was that...?" Sawyer eventually muttered after an awkward silence had followed after the incident. "The guy spoke like he was some presidential lackey... then how come he didn't know 'bout Havok's whereabouts? You'd think the dragons workin' at the highest national authority ought'a have that crap figured out..."

"Guess that just goes to show things aren't so clear-cut up there in the oval office these days..." Atticus replied. "Not so giddy about that mention of people potentially dying by the way... Either he was cryptically threatening all of us there or he's worried about his own neck... or maybe some demented combination of the two."

"Well, whatever the case, if he's really workin' for the pres, he's eluded me all this time... but then I reckon he's got a good number 'a dragons workin' under him, so maybe I've just not been keepin' track... You didn't recognize him any, did you kid-... Woah, woah, kid, are you bleedin' there?" Sawyer's attention immediately turned fully to Arank's nosebleed, kneeling down to get a better look at it. "Man... this hasn't happened before to you, has it? Did you do somethin' back there?" he asked, clearly highly concerned. It wasn't like a common nosebleed was an emergency, but... moments like these, when they happened to Arank... Sawyer knew by now they could sometimes have entirely different implications.

Atticus stumbled his way over to the two, pulling out a tissue from his shirt pocket and handing it to Arank, all the while suddenly looking very fatigued.

"Here... before the blood makes too much of a mess on you..." he said, and Sawyer now looked to him with slight concern as well.

"You're lookin' a little drowsy there, Spade," he said, and Atticus seemed to nod as if to affirm he knew... or maybe he was just nodding off. Hard to tell.

"Guessing Tiamat's dozed off for a bit. Usually it doesn't affect me this badly but... This has been kind of a weird day..."



"Yeah yeah, 'lucky it's me'. You're lucky I'm so damn good at looking out for you!" Rhett said jokingly to Gronk as he smiled back before the older of his dragon-brothers made his way out with Nero and Zoir in tow. He chuckled at the sight of the three dragons bickering before they disappeared from sight, stretching a little with an accompanying yawn afterwards, feeling his own share of the exhaustion the day had brought. Still, Gronrux wanted to speak to him in private, so, as usual, he was more than willing to hear the elder dragon out.

He may have not been in trouble, but that was hardly a pressing issue in itself. The fact that Gronrux wanted to speak alone at the entrance of the village... this had to have been a big deal in some way. As such, Rhett wasted little time in making his way over to the designated location, hoping whatever news Gronrux had would be manageable.



"Well, I'll admit he can certainly be a handful, just as you said... but it's nothing I can't handle. I wouldn't still be kicking around on this ship if I didn't have some semblance of trust in him, would I?" Jett said to Sam with a light laugh, though it was certainly the truth of the matter. He'd occasionally throw a few dry-witted or snarky remarks Jax's way, perhaps, but the man was still captain, and he was in charge for a reason. Jett could see that reason when the moments presented themselves... like the way he handled that crash-landing for instance. Sure, part of that was also indirectly caused by one of Jax's actions, but the point was, he knew how to pull everyone out of any metaphorical rut they got dragged into.

"As for if everyone behaved? I mean... yeah for the most part. Jax got a little tired and left me in charge for a bit, you probably picked up on that from our prior phone-call... but I mean, that was only for a short while. Guy just got a little stressed I guess." He made a point not to mention how much alcohol the captain was downing in that time-span, not wanting this to lead into Sam mouthing off to her husband over that kind of irresponsibility. There was a good chance she'd find that part out herself anyways...

Expecting a call from the president? What was this guy nuts? Both Atticus and Sawyer were seriously starting to believe so, and before they could even get any sort of response out, the stranger was gone in an instant.

"The hell was that...?" Sawyer eventually muttered after an awkward silence had followed after the incident. "The guy spoke like he was some presidential lackey... then how come he didn't know 'bout Havok's whereabouts? You'd think the dragons workin' at the highest national authority ought'a have that crap figured out..."

"Guess that just goes to show things aren't so clear-cut up there in the oval office these days..." Atticus replied. "Not so giddy about that mention of people potentially dying by the way... Either he was cryptically threatening all of us there or he's worried about his own neck... or maybe some demented combination of the two."

"Well, whatever the case, if he's really workin' for the pres, he's eluded me all this time... but then I reckon he's got a good number 'a dragons workin' under him, so maybe I've just not been keepin' track... You didn't recognize him any, did you kid-... Woah, woah, kid, are you bleedin' there?" Sawyer's attention immediately turned fully to Arank's nosebleed, kneeling down to get a better look at it. "Man... this hasn't happened before to you, has it? Did you do somethin' back there?" he asked, clearly highly concerned. It wasn't like a common nosebleed was an emergency, but... moments like these, when they happened to Arank... Sawyer knew by now they could sometimes have entirely different implications.

Atticus stumbled his way over to the two, pulling out a tissue from his shirt pocket and handing it to Arank, all the while suddenly looking very fatigued.

"Here... before the blood makes too much of a mess on you..." he said, and Sawyer now looked to him with slight concern as well.

"You're lookin' a little drowsy there, Spade," he said, and Atticus seemed to nod as if to affirm he knew... or maybe he was just nodding off. Hard to tell.

"Guessing Tiamat's dozed off for a bit. Usually it doesn't affect me this badly but... This has been kind of a weird day..."



"Yeah yeah, 'lucky it's me'. You're lucky I'm so damn good at looking out for you!" Rhett said jokingly to Gronk as he smiled back before the older of his dragon-brothers made his way out with Nero and Zoir in tow. He chuckled at the sight of the three dragons bickering before they disappeared from sight, stretching a little with an accompanying yawn afterwards, feeling his own share of the exhaustion the day had brought. Still, Gronrux wanted to speak to him in private, so, as usual, he was more than willing to hear the elder dragon out.

He may have not been in trouble, but that was hardly a pressing issue in itself. The fact that Gronrux wanted to speak alone at the entrance of the village... this had to have been a big deal in some way. As such, Rhett wasted little time in making his way over to the designated location, hoping whatever news Gronrux had would be manageable.



"Well, I'll admit he can certainly be a handful, just as you said... but it's nothing I can't handle. I wouldn't still be kicking around on this ship if I didn't have some semblance of trust in him, would I?" Jett said to Sam with a light laugh, though it was certainly the truth of the matter. He'd occasionally throw a few dry-witted or snarky remarks Jax's way, perhaps, but the man was still captain, and he was in charge for a reason. Jett could see that reason when the moments presented themselves... like the way he handled that crash-landing for instance. Sure, part of that was also indirectly caused by one of Jax's actions, but the point was, he knew how to pull everyone out of any metaphorical rut they got dragged into.

"As for if everyone behaved? I mean... yeah for the most part. Jax got a little tired and left me in charge for a bit, you probably picked up on that from our prior phone-call... but I mean, that was only for a short while. Guy just got a little stressed I guess." He made a point not to mention how much alcohol the captain was downing in that time-span, not wanting this to lead into Sam mouthing off to her husband over that kind of irresponsibility. There was a good chance she'd find that part out herself anyways...

Taking the tissue that was offered to him. He did what he could to clean up the mess. Shaking his head in response to Sawyer he then spoke. "No, this is the first time if I remember correctly. Could just be dry air or maybe a side effect from using my gifts so much. The tower, Havok and now this guy. Could be too much, especially Havok. He still confuses me, what did he mean? I wonder if this guy's words mean the same thing? They both mentioned others getting hurt. You know, what he said to you, Sawyer.

It is strange, the feeling I got from this dragon. Were feelings like...kindness...hope...worry....and a bit of shame. Also something about a little girl with a ribbon in her hair...the color pink. He doesn't feel like Havok or John at all. They are darker and corrupt...even evil you could say. Why would someone who is kind in anyway be with John?
". He started to pick at his fingers again. Fighting back emotions from flooding him. The tower was affecting him, those passing by, Sawyer and Atticus as well. He then threw away the tissue in a trash bin nearby. "His face is familiar, I feel like I seen him before...just not sure when".


After finishing up chatting with Zoir and Nero. He smiled, then headed for his house. It was near Rhett's of course, the dragon mostly just used it to sleep. Even he needed a break to be alone from time to time. At first, it was weird, but he adjusted to it eventually. Was better than sleeping in the sandy desert, he had to admit. He didn't have much, but he was fine with that. The dragon had no use for the stuff humans often had. Just a place to sleep, wash and relax is just perfect for him.

Getting to the steps, he then took his boots off. Sighing, he then opened the door. Which was a solid wood sliding one. Then just sat on the steps for a moment. He took a deep breath as he eyed people and dragons walking by. The weight of the day started to really weigh on him, felt like a vise was around his head now. The dragon looked at the sky for a moment. Thinking about the past a bit again and of what could be coming. He then got up and went to make something warm to drink. Also, change into something lighter and a bit comfier.


The dragon got to the main gate soon after the meeting ended. He stood by the entrance of the village, the gate was open. He was given a bottle of water by one of the volunteer lookouts by the gate. Even a cloth to help wipe the sweat from his face. He looked out at the hot desert and those walking by him. A few people owned cars and a few motorbikes. Zooming by without a care in the world. It made the dragon happy to see those around him enjoying themselves. Some would go to nearby towns for supplies. It was still crazy to think he was taking care of a whole place filled with dragons and humans. Wasn't weird for humans to be seen with around the Darbi.

Just he never thought he would be living with so many. The dragon on the outside looked really tough, scary and angry most of the time. Inside he was very gentle, understanding and caring. He was harsh at times with his sons and Zoir and could lose his temper really easy. Is a dragon you can rely on though when things get bad or rocky.


Working on the images she dipped them into some fluid. She listened to Jett and hung the images on a wire. "That guy is always stressed about something, this ship always needs fixing. Some of it is from his own head, to be honest though. Sorta can blame his father for that. Always kept telling him that he needs to act more like him...and not be who he wants to be. Jax didn't want to be a pirate you know, but he was born into it. He stresses often cause he thinks of what his father would say. Always tried to make that man proud but always fell short. Jax can be very hard on himself sometimes, the reason why he drinks. Says it relaxes his head and well...makes him feel normal. He has tried to cut back on it before on my behalf but it didn't go well. Turn into a panicky mess and locked himself in his corridors for a few days".

She looked closely at the images and folded her arms. "I wonder what the men in weird black armor are about? Like they were ripped out of a medieval world. They were escorting those people off the ships and walking around the island. Some of the men there seemed like normal military as well, with guns and whatnot. What are they doing here? What are they hiding?". She tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. This was just a very weird day, when she woke up, she never expected the day to turn out like this.

Zydron & Jax

Zydron eventually found what he needed and returned to the ship. He even found a small bottle, assuming it is the one Jett mentioned. Changing forms he took the fish to the kitchen, handing them to the cook. He gripped the anchor he often had with him tightly. It was very pike like and he used it like one when needed. "Captain wants them not sure why though. Clean them up and just get them on ice". He then went to find Jax. Following the trail, the pact was leading him to." Hey! Got what you asked, handed them to the cook! ".

"Wonderful! Now I can get this girl up and on the move". The human went to the microphone setup by the wheel. Pressing the button he then spoke loudly. "Alright...everyone! This ship is about to take flight. You know the routine, hold onto something!". Jax flipped a few switches and then turned the wheel a bit. "Alright old girl, time to get back on track!". The ship started to move a bit fast once again. It rattled a bit as it began to slowly rise to the sky. Like a plane taking off at an airport.

Once it was high enough the engines were switched to full power. It shot forward with great force. Heading for the Darbi once again. Jax then pressed the button on the mic again. "Alright! Everything looks good! Should get to the Darbi faster, oh uh...Jett would you be so kind and to radio Rhett. Letting him know we should be there within an hour or so....just as long as we don't hit a storm".

Taking the tissue that was offered to him. He did what he could to clean up the mess. Shaking his head in response to Sawyer he then spoke. "No, this is the first time if I remember correctly. Could just be dry air or maybe a side effect from using my gifts so much. The tower, Havok and now this guy. Could be too much, especially Havok. He still confuses me, what did he mean? I wonder if this guy's words mean the same thing? They both mentioned others getting hurt. You know, what he said to you, Sawyer.

It is strange, the feeling I got from this dragon. Were feelings like...kindness...hope...worry....and a bit of shame. Also something about a little girl with a ribbon in her hair...the color pink. He doesn't feel like Havok or John at all. They are darker and corrupt...even evil you could say. Why would someone who is kind in anyway be with John?
". He started to pick at his fingers again. Fighting back emotions from flooding him. The tower was affecting him, those passing by, Sawyer and Atticus as well. He then threw away the tissue in a trash bin nearby. "His face is familiar, I feel like I seen him before...just not sure when".


After finishing up chatting with Zoir and Nero. He smiled, then headed for his house. It was near Rhett's of course, the dragon mostly just used it to sleep. Even he needed a break to be alone from time to time. At first, it was weird, but he adjusted to it eventually. Was better than sleeping in the sandy desert, he had to admit. He didn't have much, but he was fine with that. The dragon had no use for the stuff humans often had. Just a place to sleep, wash and relax is just perfect for him.

Getting to the steps, he then took his boots off. Sighing, he then opened the door. Which was a solid wood sliding one. Then just sat on the steps for a moment. He took a deep breath as he eyed people and dragons walking by. The weight of the day started to really weigh on him, felt like a vise was around his head now. The dragon looked at the sky for a moment. Thinking about the past a bit again and of what could be coming. He then got up and went to make something warm to drink. Also, change into something lighter and a bit comfier.


The dragon got to the main gate soon after the meeting ended. He stood by the entrance of the village, the gate was open. He was given a bottle of water by one of the volunteer lookouts by the gate. Even a cloth to help wipe the sweat from his face. He looked out at the hot desert and those walking by him. A few people owned cars and a few motorbikes. Zooming by without a care in the world. It made the dragon happy to see those around him enjoying themselves. Some would go to nearby towns for supplies. It was still crazy to think he was taking care of a whole place filled with dragons and humans. Wasn't weird for humans to be seen with around the Darbi.

Just he never thought he would be living with so many. The dragon on the outside looked really tough, scary and angry most of the time. Inside he was very gentle, understanding and caring. He was harsh at times with his sons and Zoir and could lose his temper really easy. Is a dragon you can rely on though when things get bad or rocky.


Working on the images she dipped them into some fluid. She listened to Jett and hung the images on a wire. "That guy is always stressed about something, this ship always needs fixing. Some of it is from his own head, to be honest though. Sorta can blame his father for that. Always kept telling him that he needs to act more like him...and not be who he wants to be. Jax didn't want to be a pirate you know, but he was born into it. He stresses often cause he thinks of what his father would say. Always tried to make that man proud but always fell short. Jax can be very hard on himself sometimes, the reason why he drinks. Says it relaxes his head and well...makes him feel normal. He has tried to cut back on it before on my behalf but it didn't go well. Turn into a panicky mess and locked himself in his corridors for a few days".

She looked closely at the images and folded her arms. "I wonder what the men in weird black armor are about? Like they were ripped out of a medieval world. They were escorting those people off the ships and walking around the island. Some of the men there seemed like normal military as well, with guns and whatnot. What are they doing here? What are they hiding?". She tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. This was just a very weird day, when she woke up, she never expected the day to turn out like this.

Zydron & Jax

Zydron eventually found what he needed and returned to the ship. He even found a small bottle, assuming it is the one Jett mentioned. Changing forms he took the fish to the kitchen, handing them to the cook. He gripped the anchor he often had with him tightly. It was very pike like and he used it like one when needed. "Captain wants them not sure why though. Clean them up and just get them on ice". He then went to find Jax. Following the trail, the pact was leading him to." Hey! Got what you asked, handed them to the cook! ".

"Wonderful! Now I can get this girl up and on the move". The human went to the microphone setup by the wheel. Pressing the button he then spoke loudly. "Alright...everyone! This ship is about to take flight. You know the routine, hold onto something!". Jax flipped a few switches and then turned the wheel a bit. "Alright old girl, time to get back on track!". The ship started to move a bit fast once again. It rattled a bit as it began to slowly rise to the sky. Like a plane taking off at an airport.

Once it was high enough the engines were switched to full power. It shot forward with great force. Heading for the Darbi once again. Jax then pressed the button on the mic again. "Alright! Everything looks good! Should get to the Darbi faster, oh uh...Jett would you be so kind and to radio Rhett. Letting him know we should be there within an hour or so....just as long as we don't hit a storm".
New York, Outside The Dokusei Tower, Senji

"That was a close one, if that window stays open any longer I will go for it. Hopefully, those three are gone or distracted when I do".

Senji managed to get himself on top of a building nearby. So he could watch the front of the Dokusei Tower. Part of him was starting to feel like Havok wasn't in there anymore. But he wasn't sure, if that was the case then he was late and failed in his task. Also, he was going to look like one big fool in front of John. He didn't want to ask about Havok and give out information. The dragon was in a big pickle, if he got inside it would be dangerous no doubt. Well if he got spotted that is, maybe ten minutes tops he would stay.

The dragon took the large black gun case he was holding and placed it down. Taking a seat on a metal vent he sighed. This day was not going his way. He really didn't want to tell John he failed this. He did not want to get that human mad. He heard rumors about what that man was capable of. He has seen the pain he can cause first hand before, like those cages two years ago. That human has so much control and connections. He didn't like working for John, but he owed him a debt.

New York, Dockspree, Rose Lowell

After finishing the meals Rose took the money out of her wallet. She placed it on the table and with a five dollar tip. Taking a moment they sat and finished their drinks. Talking some more about various things like the newspaper, dragons, and even the weather. Before they left they all said thank you for meals once again. Leaving the place they headed back to the office to make the newspaper. The food was so good they were sure to visit again at some point. As they walked they agreed to try and meet the president at some point. Wasn't going to be easy but they could at least try, besides that man would give them attention.
New York, Outside The Dokusei Tower, Senji

"That was a close one, if that window stays open any longer I will go for it. Hopefully, those three are gone or distracted when I do".

Senji managed to get himself on top of a building nearby. So he could watch the front of the Dokusei Tower. Part of him was starting to feel like Havok wasn't in there anymore. But he wasn't sure, if that was the case then he was late and failed in his task. Also, he was going to look like one big fool in front of John. He didn't want to ask about Havok and give out information. The dragon was in a big pickle, if he got inside it would be dangerous no doubt. Well if he got spotted that is, maybe ten minutes tops he would stay.

The dragon took the large black gun case he was holding and placed it down. Taking a seat on a metal vent he sighed. This day was not going his way. He really didn't want to tell John he failed this. He did not want to get that human mad. He heard rumors about what that man was capable of. He has seen the pain he can cause first hand before, like those cages two years ago. That human has so much control and connections. He didn't like working for John, but he owed him a debt.

New York, Dockspree, Rose Lowell

After finishing the meals Rose took the money out of her wallet. She placed it on the table and with a five dollar tip. Taking a moment they sat and finished their drinks. Talking some more about various things like the newspaper, dragons, and even the weather. Before they left they all said thank you for meals once again. Leaving the place they headed back to the office to make the newspaper. The food was so good they were sure to visit again at some point. As they walked they agreed to try and meet the president at some point. Wasn't going to be easy but they could at least try, besides that man would give them attention.
A frog in a well does not know the great sea.
Good things, many devils.

Quite the mystery, whoever this attempted intruder had been, especially with Arank having sensed such... conflicting emotions coming from the man. The mention of a girl with a pink ribbon seemed to make Atticus cringe for a moment. Maybe this had nothing to do with that girl, but all this talk of the president made it difficult for him to not think about the complete tragedy of an existence that befell upon the woman who held the incumbent position beforehand... Did she have a pink ribbon? Damn, he couldn't even remember... Likely it was another girl entirely though, but that just raised further questions. Who could Arank possibly be referring to?

"Sounds to me like Zermack might have some dirt on our little pal or somethin'," Sawyer pondered aloud as he stroked his chin in thought. "Blackmail's a pretty effective way to force people into workin' for you, 'least in the short-run. Havok's probably loomin' over him a lot too... Still, the guy clearly needs to work on his communicatin' skills... he was comin' across as some complete nut who was under the delusion he had business here without showin' us any proof..."

"Probably didn't have a lot of time to plan ahead, I'll bet he only recently heard Havok was coming this way, assumed the worst and tried to trail him to keep that guy from doing any irreparable damage. You think he has any idea that Havok left well before his arrival? He's probably not gonna be very happy if he does find a way in past me..." Atticus said, shaking his head. Just another layer of unneeded stress to add to the rather hefty pile he was receiving today...

"Well, either way, we'd better get you back to the cab if these voices an' feelings an' such are messin' with you this badly. Might do you some good to get you somewhere without all that background noise," Sawyer said to Arank, looking around for a moment as if to recall just where they had parked. Yup... still wasn't used to this urban jungle of a city...



"Heh... normal... Yeah, I can understand wanting to feel that way sometimes... Still, gotta be better ways to get that feeling than getting yourself wasted..." Jett said, sighing a little as he thought over the rest of Sam's response.

"Living on the expectations of others really isn't a way to live at all... I totally get wanting to make your family proud, but obsessing over it like that? That's just self-destructive... It isn't worth it if his father's love and approval is so conditional..."

As for the situation with the men in the suspiciously archaic black armor... that was rather interesting...

"Quite the mystery we've got with those guys... Seems to me like they could potentially have a connection to the dragons' homeworld, perhaps? You know... what was it again... Zoidobi! That's what they called it... From what I've heard, that whole world's got that medieval look going on. Either they have some vague connection to that, or maybe they're just trying to look tough and intimidating to scare off anyone who manages to stumble upon their little hideout... Either way, it's pretty safe to assume our little schemer wouldn't put this level of resources into protecting something unless it's some real high-priority secret stuff..." Jett said, though before he could ponder it any further, Jax's voice emanated from the intercom, asking him to contact Rhett to let them know they'd be arriving in a couple hours, barring any weather delays.

Jett was more than happy to comply, pulling out the radio to contact Rhett, only hoping the old soldier would answer.



As he neared the main gate, Rhett suddenly came to a stop as he heard Jett's voice coming from his radio once more. Without hesitation he went to answer.

"Read you loud and clear, kid, you still headed our way?" he asked.

"Yep, sorry it's taken as long as it has... Had to stop for a couple things... We should be there in a few hours, hopefully we're not dropping in too late," Jett said in response.

"Nah... Might be late but I'll probably be up some time longer. You fellas drop in whenever you can," Rhett said assuredly.

"Roger that," Jett said, bringing that short call to a close as Rhett went back to the present task at hand.

It wasn't long before Rhett arrived at the gate, seeing Gronrux already there waiting for him. The old dragon seemed to be lost in thought as he witnessed all the evening goings on between humans and dragons alike. Rhett honestly couldn't imagine how it would feel to be so many centuries old, having memories of worlds that would seem ancient or alien in comparison to the present day... but it wasn't too far a stretch to recall a very different past in his own right... After all, he'd once lived in a world where dragons were figments of the imagination and nothing more... A world he'd been familiar with for more than three and a half decades... and yet after only 5 or 6 years, he couldn't imagine living in such a world any longer. That level of banal normalcy now suddenly seemed like the one that was merely a fantasy land.

"So... Lord Gronrux, sir, you wanted to speak with me in private about something?" he eventually spoke up once he was within hearing distance of the old dragon.

Quite the mystery, whoever this attempted intruder had been, especially with Arank having sensed such... conflicting emotions coming from the man. The mention of a girl with a pink ribbon seemed to make Atticus cringe for a moment. Maybe this had nothing to do with that girl, but all this talk of the president made it difficult for him to not think about the complete tragedy of an existence that befell upon the woman who held the incumbent position beforehand... Did she have a pink ribbon? Damn, he couldn't even remember... Likely it was another girl entirely though, but that just raised further questions. Who could Arank possibly be referring to?

"Sounds to me like Zermack might have some dirt on our little pal or somethin'," Sawyer pondered aloud as he stroked his chin in thought. "Blackmail's a pretty effective way to force people into workin' for you, 'least in the short-run. Havok's probably loomin' over him a lot too... Still, the guy clearly needs to work on his communicatin' skills... he was comin' across as some complete nut who was under the delusion he had business here without showin' us any proof..."

"Probably didn't have a lot of time to plan ahead, I'll bet he only recently heard Havok was coming this way, assumed the worst and tried to trail him to keep that guy from doing any irreparable damage. You think he has any idea that Havok left well before his arrival? He's probably not gonna be very happy if he does find a way in past me..." Atticus said, shaking his head. Just another layer of unneeded stress to add to the rather hefty pile he was receiving today...

"Well, either way, we'd better get you back to the cab if these voices an' feelings an' such are messin' with you this badly. Might do you some good to get you somewhere without all that background noise," Sawyer said to Arank, looking around for a moment as if to recall just where they had parked. Yup... still wasn't used to this urban jungle of a city...



"Heh... normal... Yeah, I can understand wanting to feel that way sometimes... Still, gotta be better ways to get that feeling than getting yourself wasted..." Jett said, sighing a little as he thought over the rest of Sam's response.

"Living on the expectations of others really isn't a way to live at all... I totally get wanting to make your family proud, but obsessing over it like that? That's just self-destructive... It isn't worth it if his father's love and approval is so conditional..."

As for the situation with the men in the suspiciously archaic black armor... that was rather interesting...

"Quite the mystery we've got with those guys... Seems to me like they could potentially have a connection to the dragons' homeworld, perhaps? You know... what was it again... Zoidobi! That's what they called it... From what I've heard, that whole world's got that medieval look going on. Either they have some vague connection to that, or maybe they're just trying to look tough and intimidating to scare off anyone who manages to stumble upon their little hideout... Either way, it's pretty safe to assume our little schemer wouldn't put this level of resources into protecting something unless it's some real high-priority secret stuff..." Jett said, though before he could ponder it any further, Jax's voice emanated from the intercom, asking him to contact Rhett to let them know they'd be arriving in a couple hours, barring any weather delays.

Jett was more than happy to comply, pulling out the radio to contact Rhett, only hoping the old soldier would answer.



As he neared the main gate, Rhett suddenly came to a stop as he heard Jett's voice coming from his radio once more. Without hesitation he went to answer.

"Read you loud and clear, kid, you still headed our way?" he asked.

"Yep, sorry it's taken as long as it has... Had to stop for a couple things... We should be there in a few hours, hopefully we're not dropping in too late," Jett said in response.

"Nah... Might be late but I'll probably be up some time longer. You fellas drop in whenever you can," Rhett said assuredly.

"Roger that," Jett said, bringing that short call to a close as Rhett went back to the present task at hand.

It wasn't long before Rhett arrived at the gate, seeing Gronrux already there waiting for him. The old dragon seemed to be lost in thought as he witnessed all the evening goings on between humans and dragons alike. Rhett honestly couldn't imagine how it would feel to be so many centuries old, having memories of worlds that would seem ancient or alien in comparison to the present day... but it wasn't too far a stretch to recall a very different past in his own right... After all, he'd once lived in a world where dragons were figments of the imagination and nothing more... A world he'd been familiar with for more than three and a half decades... and yet after only 5 or 6 years, he couldn't imagine living in such a world any longer. That level of banal normalcy now suddenly seemed like the one that was merely a fantasy land.

"So... Lord Gronrux, sir, you wanted to speak with me in private about something?" he eventually spoke up once he was within hearing distance of the old dragon.

He sighed at the thought of the dragon being used or threatened in any way. Arank was sensitive when it came to pain or awful treatment towards others. Most of it cause of his own experiences. Helping someone with pain or in trouble was something he felt like he had to do. It was weird he noticed most of the time those who needed help seemed to see him. The dragon started to think then looked at Sawyer. He kept thinking about finding that dragon again. Maybe if he helped him something good could happen. This dragon could have the answers they need. It could be dangerous though, Havok and John are two he really didn't want to meet again. Getting close to that dragon could put him right on a dangerous path.

"We should get going, maybe someplace quieter. This tower is just too loud to think, so much pain and sadness". He looked over at Atticus and smiled." I like seeing you and Tiamat just something is really off in this place. Sure hope whatever is going on isn't harmful to you and her". Little did the young dragon know, but the feelings he could be getting might be from Militis. The raw physical and mental pain of the past and present. The tower was a place for the dead, so that could be a big major part of what Arank feels. Not the most cheerful of places in the city.

A woman then walked by and he started to do his weird...thing. "Eyes with tears...achy back. Was my fault...tried to stop the bleeding. So many got hurt...he got sick and he died, it was my fault". Arank then started to follow and rushed after the woman. Touching her shoulder, she then turned around. Looking right at what seemed to be a small boy. "It is alright, you did want you could. Sometimes they die, you did what you could to save them". The girl seemed a bit freaked out and confused for a moment. "Like your brother, he ran off and ended up getting sick. That wasn't your fault, it just happened you did what you could to help. You blame yourself so it is easier, something or someone has to be at fault. He...they...died happily and not alone, forgive yourself...they don't blame you!".

The girl started to cry then hugged the boy. Then let him go and walked away, she suddenly started smiling. Not even looking back at the dragon. Arank stood there playing with his fingers. As he just stood there spacing out at the air for a moment. Well, until one guy walked right into him. Knocking him right off his feet. The man kept walking as if he didn't even see the dragon. Arank didn't say a word, most would yell and get mad. He was used to people not seeing him and bumping into him. The dragon alright, just a bit winded.

He then turned to face the human. Breaking free from his thoughts, his expression softened a bit. "Rhett, thank you for coming so soon. Uh...well first off...thank you for being there for my son. He can be very hard headed and a real pain in the *** father, like son really. He and we are lucky to have a human like you around here. I wasn't too keen on this pact thing you two have. But, it helps him and seems more positive than negative. I swear if you were not here I would have one less offspring. I respect you a lot, you have my full trust".

Adjusting his legs he sat on a boulder right by the gate. It was often used to help keep it close from time to time. "So...I want you and Gronk to go to New York. To visit with the Dokusei, I will send a letter to Lord Tiemeth. Letting him know he will be expecting two visitors from us. Talk with my son about it and let me know ahead of time when you both are planning to go. You both will talk with Tiemeth and see if you can get him allied with us. I would do it, but we have many other clans to visit. They are so far off, and I have so much to do here as it is. It will be a good chance for my son to be a leader and for you to learn more about us and also them. Just be warned though, Tiemeth isn't a fan of humans. I am sure you can handle yourself, but stay with my son when you are near that creature. He can be dangerous, but willing to listen if shown respect".


Wearing a black tank-top and a pair of gray sweatpants and nothing on his feet. He sat on the floor with his legs crossed. He sipped the nice warm cup of tea. Looking at the wall near the table, two swords hung there. One belonged to that samurai he met two years ago, Kambei. The other belonged to Militis, he tried to give it back to Tiamat, but in the end, he kept it. He sighed at them remembering what happened to them. Kambei and that dragon Ai where killed. Someone attacked them on Jax's ship, the saddest thing he has ever seen. At least they were together, another human and dragon pair that loved each other. He still feels guilty for Militis. Gronk at the time was still recovering from being shot he really couldn't have done anything.

Gronk rubbed his chest thinking of that day. At this point, it was just a light scar. John could have let him die, but didn't. Why? Was he really trying to be good? Or was that just an act also? Resting his hand on the table, he held it out. Spacing out he started to toy with the sand around him. Creating a ball of it and then changing it into different forums. Mostly changing it into animals and various shapes. He then stopped and left it in the harden shape of a round ball. Letting it fall and roll across the table. Getting up, he closed the door and then went to his bed.

Sam, Zydron and Jax

Staring at the images that were hung up. "If they are from Zoidobi I bet the dragons can help with information about them". She sighed and then turned away a bit. "Just when Zydron saw them, he didn't say a word, just seemed speechless and surprised. I wonder if he knows something just didn't say at the moment. That armor makes them look like they are from some cult or something like that! I swear the scale armor make me think of a dragon". She then covered her mouth as she yawned.

The stress and strain of the day were really starting to hit her now."Oh! Jett, I am sorry, all this adventure and stuff is really doing a number on me. Think I am going to get some rest before we arrive. Really don't want to be passing out in front of everyone. You can finish getting these images done if you like...or not...always something to do on this ship. We got a bunch of books lying around the small library". She yawned again and shook her head. Not able to take the yawning anymore, she left the room and headed for the captain's corridors.

Jax and Zydron both stood quietly in the bridge. The ship rattled a few times, but it settled after a few minutes. The dragon thought it was kinda cool, that the guy could control this massive chunk of metal with ease. A few lights started to flash and Jax gave a look. "Oh! That is not good, fuel seems low, but should just about make it. Could be a bit of a rough landing cause of it though". He stared at the gage and frowned at it. Then flicked it a few times to make sure it was showing up correctly.



Letting out a deep sigh the dragon stared out the window. His red eyes glared back at him. "Can we find someplace to eat?". The driver and the one in the front passenger seat nodded. After about five minutes, they stopped in front of a place. One of the men opened the door for the dragon, Havok then stepped out and stared at the building. "Dockspree? I guess it will work, they better have some good meat!". He has never been here before, hopefully, it was a good one. The driver then drove off and left Havok with the other man in a black suit and shades. Walking into the restaurant they then found a spot in the back. It seemed like a quiet spot which the dragon preferred. Once seated, he placed his weapon across his lap. The blade facing towards the wall so no one would accidentally bump into it. If this place was good then maybe he would bring Tiamat here tonight?

He sighed at the thought of the dragon being used or threatened in any way. Arank was sensitive when it came to pain or awful treatment towards others. Most of it cause of his own experiences. Helping someone with pain or in trouble was something he felt like he had to do. It was weird he noticed most of the time those who needed help seemed to see him. The dragon started to think then looked at Sawyer. He kept thinking about finding that dragon again. Maybe if he helped him something good could happen. This dragon could have the answers they need. It could be dangerous though, Havok and John are two he really didn't want to meet again. Getting close to that dragon could put him right on a dangerous path.

"We should get going, maybe someplace quieter. This tower is just too loud to think, so much pain and sadness". He looked over at Atticus and smiled." I like seeing you and Tiamat just something is really off in this place. Sure hope whatever is going on isn't harmful to you and her". Little did the young dragon know, but the feelings he could be getting might be from Militis. The raw physical and mental pain of the past and present. The tower was a place for the dead, so that could be a big major part of what Arank feels. Not the most cheerful of places in the city.

A woman then walked by and he started to do his weird...thing. "Eyes with tears...achy back. Was my fault...tried to stop the bleeding. So many got hurt...he got sick and he died, it was my fault". Arank then started to follow and rushed after the woman. Touching her shoulder, she then turned around. Looking right at what seemed to be a small boy. "It is alright, you did want you could. Sometimes they die, you did what you could to save them". The girl seemed a bit freaked out and confused for a moment. "Like your brother, he ran off and ended up getting sick. That wasn't your fault, it just happened you did what you could to help. You blame yourself so it is easier, something or someone has to be at fault. He...they...died happily and not alone, forgive yourself...they don't blame you!".

The girl started to cry then hugged the boy. Then let him go and walked away, she suddenly started smiling. Not even looking back at the dragon. Arank stood there playing with his fingers. As he just stood there spacing out at the air for a moment. Well, until one guy walked right into him. Knocking him right off his feet. The man kept walking as if he didn't even see the dragon. Arank didn't say a word, most would yell and get mad. He was used to people not seeing him and bumping into him. The dragon alright, just a bit winded.

He then turned to face the human. Breaking free from his thoughts, his expression softened a bit. "Rhett, thank you for coming so soon. Uh...well first off...thank you for being there for my son. He can be very hard headed and a real pain in the *** father, like son really. He and we are lucky to have a human like you around here. I wasn't too keen on this pact thing you two have. But, it helps him and seems more positive than negative. I swear if you were not here I would have one less offspring. I respect you a lot, you have my full trust".

Adjusting his legs he sat on a boulder right by the gate. It was often used to help keep it close from time to time. "So...I want you and Gronk to go to New York. To visit with the Dokusei, I will send a letter to Lord Tiemeth. Letting him know he will be expecting two visitors from us. Talk with my son about it and let me know ahead of time when you both are planning to go. You both will talk with Tiemeth and see if you can get him allied with us. I would do it, but we have many other clans to visit. They are so far off, and I have so much to do here as it is. It will be a good chance for my son to be a leader and for you to learn more about us and also them. Just be warned though, Tiemeth isn't a fan of humans. I am sure you can handle yourself, but stay with my son when you are near that creature. He can be dangerous, but willing to listen if shown respect".


Wearing a black tank-top and a pair of gray sweatpants and nothing on his feet. He sat on the floor with his legs crossed. He sipped the nice warm cup of tea. Looking at the wall near the table, two swords hung there. One belonged to that samurai he met two years ago, Kambei. The other belonged to Militis, he tried to give it back to Tiamat, but in the end, he kept it. He sighed at them remembering what happened to them. Kambei and that dragon Ai where killed. Someone attacked them on Jax's ship, the saddest thing he has ever seen. At least they were together, another human and dragon pair that loved each other. He still feels guilty for Militis. Gronk at the time was still recovering from being shot he really couldn't have done anything.

Gronk rubbed his chest thinking of that day. At this point, it was just a light scar. John could have let him die, but didn't. Why? Was he really trying to be good? Or was that just an act also? Resting his hand on the table, he held it out. Spacing out he started to toy with the sand around him. Creating a ball of it and then changing it into different forums. Mostly changing it into animals and various shapes. He then stopped and left it in the harden shape of a round ball. Letting it fall and roll across the table. Getting up, he closed the door and then went to his bed.

Sam, Zydron and Jax

Staring at the images that were hung up. "If they are from Zoidobi I bet the dragons can help with information about them". She sighed and then turned away a bit. "Just when Zydron saw them, he didn't say a word, just seemed speechless and surprised. I wonder if he knows something just didn't say at the moment. That armor makes them look like they are from some cult or something like that! I swear the scale armor make me think of a dragon". She then covered her mouth as she yawned.

The stress and strain of the day were really starting to hit her now."Oh! Jett, I am sorry, all this adventure and stuff is really doing a number on me. Think I am going to get some rest before we arrive. Really don't want to be passing out in front of everyone. You can finish getting these images done if you like...or not...always something to do on this ship. We got a bunch of books lying around the small library". She yawned again and shook her head. Not able to take the yawning anymore, she left the room and headed for the captain's corridors.

Jax and Zydron both stood quietly in the bridge. The ship rattled a few times, but it settled after a few minutes. The dragon thought it was kinda cool, that the guy could control this massive chunk of metal with ease. A few lights started to flash and Jax gave a look. "Oh! That is not good, fuel seems low, but should just about make it. Could be a bit of a rough landing cause of it though". He stared at the gage and frowned at it. Then flicked it a few times to make sure it was showing up correctly.



Letting out a deep sigh the dragon stared out the window. His red eyes glared back at him. "Can we find someplace to eat?". The driver and the one in the front passenger seat nodded. After about five minutes, they stopped in front of a place. One of the men opened the door for the dragon, Havok then stepped out and stared at the building. "Dockspree? I guess it will work, they better have some good meat!". He has never been here before, hopefully, it was a good one. The driver then drove off and left Havok with the other man in a black suit and shades. Walking into the restaurant they then found a spot in the back. It seemed like a quiet spot which the dragon preferred. Once seated, he placed his weapon across his lap. The blade facing towards the wall so no one would accidentally bump into it. If this place was good then maybe he would bring Tiamat here tonight?
"Welcome! Give me a moment to finish cleaning over here and i'll get you set up for drinks!" Kris called from across the resturant as she cleaned a recenyly vacated table.
Thirty seconds later she came to the newcomer's table.
One was obviously a dragon, the eyes were a dead giveaway. The rest seemed to be gaurds? Whoever this was, they must've been important.
"Hiya! Welcome to the dockspree," Kris greeted, passing out menus for the group, "What can I get you to drink today?"
"Welcome! Give me a moment to finish cleaning over here and i'll get you set up for drinks!" Kris called from across the resturant as she cleaned a recenyly vacated table.
Thirty seconds later she came to the newcomer's table.
One was obviously a dragon, the eyes were a dead giveaway. The rest seemed to be gaurds? Whoever this was, they must've been important.
"Hiya! Welcome to the dockspree," Kris greeted, passing out menus for the group, "What can I get you to drink today?"
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