

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Injured and The Insane
@Crookedhalo1109 @DragonSeeker @KitThorne @AviatorShadow

"Oh, um, yes, thank you... but..." Ulci paused for a moment. He didn't like to eat in front of people. It seemed rude, to say the least. He struggled for a moment between what he believed to be polite and what these new acquaintances might see as rude. He closed his mouth, watching them retreat back into the kitchen. He turned slightly when someone else opened the door, glimpsing a bloody and torn coat. While his first instinct was to move away into a corner defensively, Ulci stayed where he was. Judging by the two wounded townspeople, perhaps he would get lucky and this was really only the town's healer. He wondered if the healer knew anything about hearts, and how to fix a broken one. He decided not to ask, because it would probably be slightly foolish to expose what he was. He had never fully understood what trust was, but perhaps... No. Remain silent. His eyes fell to the wounded elf. She was familiar, somehow... He shook the feeling. He didn't know anything, he had to remind himself. He didn't know anything at all.
@Crookedhalo1109 @DragonSeeker @KitThorne @AviatorShadow

"Oh, um, yes, thank you... but..." Ulci paused for a moment. He didn't like to eat in front of people. It seemed rude, to say the least. He struggled for a moment between what he believed to be polite and what these new acquaintances might see as rude. He closed his mouth, watching them retreat back into the kitchen. He turned slightly when someone else opened the door, glimpsing a bloody and torn coat. While his first instinct was to move away into a corner defensively, Ulci stayed where he was. Judging by the two wounded townspeople, perhaps he would get lucky and this was really only the town's healer. He wondered if the healer knew anything about hearts, and how to fix a broken one. He decided not to ask, because it would probably be slightly foolish to expose what he was. He had never fully understood what trust was, but perhaps... No. Remain silent. His eyes fell to the wounded elf. She was familiar, somehow... He shook the feeling. He didn't know anything, he had to remind himself. He didn't know anything at all.
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis

I have found,
Broken Pieces,
All around,
A shattered heart.
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @AviatorShadow @Crookedhalo1109

Mira had just opened her mouth to ask what else he'd like, when a very disheveled Ruana returned, and made her way in to collapse on a stool. Immediately, her mouth snapped shut and without another word to the stranger, she hurried over and poured the poor woman a tall glass of water. "I'm glad your back." She said, sliding the glass over to the doctor. Somewhere deep inside the kitchen, a glass shattered. Mira glanced up at the kitchen door, her eyes narrowed. She pulled a menu for the poor woman and then added. "Have a look when you've caught your breath, and I'll be right back to take your order."
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @AviatorShadow @Crookedhalo1109

Mira had just opened her mouth to ask what else he'd like, when a very disheveled Ruana returned, and made her way in to collapse on a stool. Immediately, her mouth snapped shut and without another word to the stranger, she hurried over and poured the poor woman a tall glass of water. "I'm glad your back." She said, sliding the glass over to the doctor. Somewhere deep inside the kitchen, a glass shattered. Mira glanced up at the kitchen door, her eyes narrowed. She pulled a menu for the poor woman and then added. "Have a look when you've caught your breath, and I'll be right back to take your order."
@KitThorne @DragonSeeker @AviatorShadow @DragonLair

Ruana managed a slight grin towards Mira, before eagerly grabbing the water glass. She nearly spilled it down the sides of her face she tipped it so fast, feeling the liquid slide down her dry throat. It was heavenly, to say the least. She finished it with a satisfied gasp, setting it down carefully before picking up the menu to browse, ears twisted behind her to listen in on the conversation of the others. She ran her tongue over her fangs as she read the menu, almost anything would be irresistible right now. Her eyes stopped on a tasty looking meat dish, and she set down the menu and leaned her chin on her hand, watching the group behind her with a blank expression.
@KitThorne @DragonSeeker @AviatorShadow @DragonLair

Ruana managed a slight grin towards Mira, before eagerly grabbing the water glass. She nearly spilled it down the sides of her face she tipped it so fast, feeling the liquid slide down her dry throat. It was heavenly, to say the least. She finished it with a satisfied gasp, setting it down carefully before picking up the menu to browse, ears twisted behind her to listen in on the conversation of the others. She ran her tongue over her fangs as she read the menu, almost anything would be irresistible right now. Her eyes stopped on a tasty looking meat dish, and she set down the menu and leaned her chin on her hand, watching the group behind her with a blank expression.
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @KitThorne @Crookedhalo1109 GUESS WHOS BACK FOR .... well technically two weeks because i got back today but im gone next week again XD)

Agrina sighs, and turns to the doc. "Ruana, you got to take care of yourself more, or else I might have to force you to, okay?" She smirks at the doctor and tries to make a smart-alecky gesture, but hisses in pain instead. Reluctantly, she decides to sit down against the wall again. With a grimace, she slides down the wall, glad to feel the stitches had shrunk. Her healing was working again.
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @KitThorne @Crookedhalo1109 GUESS WHOS BACK FOR .... well technically two weeks because i got back today but im gone next week again XD)

Agrina sighs, and turns to the doc. "Ruana, you got to take care of yourself more, or else I might have to force you to, okay?" She smirks at the doctor and tries to make a smart-alecky gesture, but hisses in pain instead. Reluctantly, she decides to sit down against the wall again. With a grimace, she slides down the wall, glad to feel the stitches had shrunk. Her healing was working again.
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @KitThorne @Crookedhalo1109

dang it i killed it again XD

but like.... why did this even pop into my head all of a sudden...

i was sitting here like


then i happened to find it again XD whatdyaknow)
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @KitThorne @Crookedhalo1109

dang it i killed it again XD

but like.... why did this even pop into my head all of a sudden...

i was sitting here like


then i happened to find it again XD whatdyaknow)
(Woah, how old @Aviatorshadow)
(Woah, how old @Aviatorshadow)
I don't even know

Like I didn't have anything else to throw into this roleplay

I don't even know

Like I didn't have anything else to throw into this roleplay

Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
XD broooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was just.... i was bored again cuz in a few i have to start school work XD
XD broooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was just.... i was bored again cuz in a few i have to start school work XD
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @AviatorShadow @Crookedhalo1109. (Aww.
I've missed this rp. Didn't realize anyone had posted.)

With a tray balanced on one palm, and a carafe of water in the other hand, Mira held the kitchen door open with a foot to allow Grog to pass unhindered. The ogre's hands dwarfed the bowl of soup, but he held it as gingerly as a baby bird as he lumbered back over to Ulci's table.

Arriving, Grog made as if to set the bowl down on the table. It tilted dangerously. Grog's face pinched in deep concentration as he tried again. The bowl clunked down. He stepped back and chortled victoriously. "See... Grog help." The ogre plopped down in a chair, staring expectantly across the table at Ulci. "Sooo, what bring Animal man here?" He asked, leaning in as if a casual conversation with an ogre was the most natural thing in the world.

"Well done" Mira praised as she skirted around the ogre. She paused for a moment to deposit a basket of rolls and small dish of honey butter on UIcI's table, before making her way back to Ruana.

She refilled the empty water glass immediately. "Sorry about that. Have you decided what you'd like?" She asked as she slid a similar basket of rolls and butter onto the healers table.
@DragonLair @DragonSeeker @AviatorShadow @Crookedhalo1109. (Aww.
I've missed this rp. Didn't realize anyone had posted.)

With a tray balanced on one palm, and a carafe of water in the other hand, Mira held the kitchen door open with a foot to allow Grog to pass unhindered. The ogre's hands dwarfed the bowl of soup, but he held it as gingerly as a baby bird as he lumbered back over to Ulci's table.

Arriving, Grog made as if to set the bowl down on the table. It tilted dangerously. Grog's face pinched in deep concentration as he tried again. The bowl clunked down. He stepped back and chortled victoriously. "See... Grog help." The ogre plopped down in a chair, staring expectantly across the table at Ulci. "Sooo, what bring Animal man here?" He asked, leaning in as if a casual conversation with an ogre was the most natural thing in the world.

"Well done" Mira praised as she skirted around the ogre. She paused for a moment to deposit a basket of rolls and small dish of honey butter on UIcI's table, before making her way back to Ruana.

She refilled the empty water glass immediately. "Sorry about that. Have you decided what you'd like?" She asked as she slid a similar basket of rolls and butter onto the healers table.
(I don't remember how to type Ruana help meee)

Ruana glanced back at Agrina with a pointed eyebrow as she hissed in pain, crossing her legs daintily.

"Yes, I'm the one who needs to take care of themselves." She drawled, before she was distracted by Mira. She grabbed a warm roll eagerly before ordering. "Steak." She pointed at the menu. "The rarer the better."

((If we need plot we can have Ruru's past catch up with her..?))
(I don't remember how to type Ruana help meee)

Ruana glanced back at Agrina with a pointed eyebrow as she hissed in pain, crossing her legs daintily.

"Yes, I'm the one who needs to take care of themselves." She drawled, before she was distracted by Mira. She grabbed a warm roll eagerly before ordering. "Steak." She pointed at the menu. "The rarer the better."

((If we need plot we can have Ruru's past catch up with her..?))