

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | the dust [private]
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[columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] It wasn't surprised that Blake found himself out in the open once more, holding nothing but a single gun loaded with only one magazine. He had a few extra clips, but it wasn't worth switching them out yet. It was incredibly difficult, being banished from his old work and sent to be a stray. No one exactly wanted someone who was Hyperion. It would have been so easy for him to strip off his armour and get rid of it, but that would leave him unprotected and vulnerable to the rest of the harsh world. Sitting down on a rock, the young commando sighed. Life wasn't fair, was it? [sub]@Novaface[/sub]
blake_small_by_rexcaliburr-d9seh7o.png It wasn't surprised that Blake found himself out in the open once more, holding nothing but a single gun loaded with only one magazine. He had a few extra clips, but it wasn't worth switching them out yet.

It was incredibly difficult, being banished from his old work and sent to be a stray. No one exactly wanted someone who was Hyperion. It would have been so easy for him to strip off his armour and get rid of it, but that would leave him unprotected and vulnerable to the rest of the harsh world.

Sitting down on a rock, the young commando sighed. Life wasn't fair, was it?

knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping

Well, this is lovely.
Skit thought to herself, as she was forced out of a car, burlap sack over her head and arms tied together in front of her. Someone was leading her down a dirt path, to what was certainly a meeting point where she would be traded to some, in Skit's opinion, very bad men.
The two men seemed more preoccupied keeping the girl in control then checking their surroundings, not seeing the man off in the distance. They assumed no one was crazy enough to go this far into **********, Nowhere, Skit continued to struggle against her bonds, before she was thrown to the dirt ground.
"You're going to regret that." Skit threatened, though her gumption didn't quite match her situation.
"Shut up." her kidnapper replied, giving her a kick to the stomach.
Skit rolled around in pain, trying to feel out for a sharp rock to cut her bonds without anyone noticing.

Well, this is lovely.
Skit thought to herself, as she was forced out of a car, burlap sack over her head and arms tied together in front of her. Someone was leading her down a dirt path, to what was certainly a meeting point where she would be traded to some, in Skit's opinion, very bad men.
The two men seemed more preoccupied keeping the girl in control then checking their surroundings, not seeing the man off in the distance. They assumed no one was crazy enough to go this far into **********, Nowhere, Skit continued to struggle against her bonds, before she was thrown to the dirt ground.
"You're going to regret that." Skit threatened, though her gumption didn't quite match her situation.
"Shut up." her kidnapper replied, giving her a kick to the stomach.
Skit rolled around in pain, trying to feel out for a sharp rock to cut her bonds without anyone noticing.
"We're wind flight, corgies are kinda our thing."

Well, Blake did not expect the car. His eyes trailed the rusty, old vehicle, watching it carefully. Was it coming towards him? No. Did it seem to want to bother with him? Not really. He remained on his rock, though his grip on his gun tightened a little.

He became a little more curious when the driver got out, heading around the car and yanking open the back door. The man dragged out someone with a sack over her head, shoving her onto the hot, dusty ground.

Was she his problem? No. Were the men his problems? Not at the moment, thought they looked like they could be if they saw his unwanted presence. The shy man didn't think he wanted to get involved in whatever was happening out there, but either way, found himself getting up and heading over. His finger automatically turned the safety on his gun off.

Well, Blake did not expect the car. His eyes trailed the rusty, old vehicle, watching it carefully. Was it coming towards him? No. Did it seem to want to bother with him? Not really. He remained on his rock, though his grip on his gun tightened a little.

He became a little more curious when the driver got out, heading around the car and yanking open the back door. The man dragged out someone with a sack over her head, shoving her onto the hot, dusty ground.

Was she his problem? No. Were the men his problems? Not at the moment, thought they looked like they could be if they saw his unwanted presence. The shy man didn't think he wanted to get involved in whatever was happening out there, but either way, found himself getting up and heading over. His finger automatically turned the safety on his gun off.
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping

"Whoosdat?" one of the men asked, Skit began to panic, sensing her captors's attention being pulled elsewhere she grabbed the biggest rock as a shoddy form of defense.
"I don't know, might be our guy." the other replied, Skit took her kidnappers distraction as a blessing, desperately trying to use a sharper edge of the rock as a knife.
She was getting nowhere fast.
"HALT! WHO GOES THERE!" the dumber of the two shouted towards the slowly approaching figure, Skit strained her eyes to see through the poorly woven burlap, she could make out the form of a man walking up on them.
"You idiot." The man who kicked Skit hissed, before shouting towards the newcomer, "I think we have what you're looking for!"
The sack was ripped off Skit's head and her eyes strained under the sudden increase of light. The man grabbed Skit by her pink and purple dyed hair and stood her up to her full five feet six inches.

"You can drop the gun, we'll take our money, you take her, we all go home happy."

"Whoosdat?" one of the men asked, Skit began to panic, sensing her captors's attention being pulled elsewhere she grabbed the biggest rock as a shoddy form of defense.
"I don't know, might be our guy." the other replied, Skit took her kidnappers distraction as a blessing, desperately trying to use a sharper edge of the rock as a knife.
She was getting nowhere fast.
"HALT! WHO GOES THERE!" the dumber of the two shouted towards the slowly approaching figure, Skit strained her eyes to see through the poorly woven burlap, she could make out the form of a man walking up on them.
"You idiot." The man who kicked Skit hissed, before shouting towards the newcomer, "I think we have what you're looking for!"
The sack was ripped off Skit's head and her eyes strained under the sudden increase of light. The man grabbed Skit by her pink and purple dyed hair and stood her up to her full five feet six inches.

"You can drop the gun, we'll take our money, you take her, we all go home happy."
"We're wind flight, corgies are kinda our thing."

Blake quirked his lips at the girl. She was quite pretty, though she didn't seem at her best. Of course, no one could look particularly good on the floor in the middle of nowhere after having a sack hastily pulled off their head.

The hyperion soldier sighed. "Listen here, I'm not whoever you think I am, and I'm honestly not interested in the girl but... that's no way to handle a lady... really...." He trailed off awkwardly, staring at her for a moment.

Slowly, he took a step back, taking a deep breath before raising the weapon. "So... how about you let her go, and I don't shoot you?"

Blake quirked his lips at the girl. She was quite pretty, though she didn't seem at her best. Of course, no one could look particularly good on the floor in the middle of nowhere after having a sack hastily pulled off their head.

The hyperion soldier sighed. "Listen here, I'm not whoever you think I am, and I'm honestly not interested in the girl but... that's no way to handle a lady... really...." He trailed off awkwardly, staring at her for a moment.

Slowly, he took a step back, taking a deep breath before raising the weapon. "So... how about you let her go, and I don't shoot you?"
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping

"Well if today wasn't interesting enough." Skit quipped, trying to smile through the situation, her captor let go of her ponytail to pull his own gun out.
"Shut up." He hissed, fumbling with the gun tucked into the back of his pants, his companion raised his hands in the air in surrender.
"Thats not how this is going to work, buddy. See any second now the man who wants this chick is going to roll up to collect her. He's kinda the paranoid type so he probably has a few guards with him. Even if I was tempted by your offer, I speculate if you knew how much he was paying for her, you'd understand why I'm not too keen to just let her loose." The kidnapper explained, his own gun now pointed at Blake.
"You look like the knight in shining armor type. It really is an obscene amount of money, he's kinda greedy. I'd just shoot him if I were you." Skit added, hoping a gunfight would give her the opportunity to bolt for the car.
"I already told you, girl. Shut. Up." The man with the gun spoke, his lacky finally decided that they had the upper hand, He lowered his arms and went to smack Skit to shut her up. Skit gave Blake a look, tilting her head as she held eye contact, as if to ask: 'what are you going to do next?'


"Well if today wasn't interesting enough." Skit quipped, trying to smile through the situation, her captor let go of her ponytail to pull his own gun out.
"Shut up." He hissed, fumbling with the gun tucked into the back of his pants, his companion raised his hands in the air in surrender.
"Thats not how this is going to work, buddy. See any second now the man who wants this chick is going to roll up to collect her. He's kinda the paranoid type so he probably has a few guards with him. Even if I was tempted by your offer, I speculate if you knew how much he was paying for her, you'd understand why I'm not too keen to just let her loose." The kidnapper explained, his own gun now pointed at Blake.
"You look like the knight in shining armor type. It really is an obscene amount of money, he's kinda greedy. I'd just shoot him if I were you." Skit added, hoping a gunfight would give her the opportunity to bolt for the car.
"I already told you, girl. Shut. Up." The man with the gun spoke, his lacky finally decided that they had the upper hand, He lowered his arms and went to smack Skit to shut her up. Skit gave Blake a look, tilting her head as she held eye contact, as if to ask: 'what are you going to do next?'

"We're wind flight, corgies are kinda our thing."

Knight in shining armour? Blake didn't feel so convinced. Hyperion never liked him and well, truth be told his armour wasn't in the best condition. "Well, if you say so girl." Without any further warning, he opened fire. After all, that was what Hyperion taught him. Just shoot, no warnings, nothing.

The gunfire gave him a hazy red rush. Now, Blake never looked like the sort of man who liked this kind of thing, but the internal rush of adrenaline reminded him again why he had ever bothered to learn to shoot. The assault rifle in his hands grew warm as he unloaded the magazine till it clicked empty, his hand automatically going back to his small ammo pouch to refill.

Now, to see the result of the aggressive spray of bullets.

Knight in shining armour? Blake didn't feel so convinced. Hyperion never liked him and well, truth be told his armour wasn't in the best condition. "Well, if you say so girl." Without any further warning, he opened fire. After all, that was what Hyperion taught him. Just shoot, no warnings, nothing.

The gunfire gave him a hazy red rush. Now, Blake never looked like the sort of man who liked this kind of thing, but the internal rush of adrenaline reminded him again why he had ever bothered to learn to shoot. The assault rifle in his hands grew warm as he unloaded the magazine till it clicked empty, his hand automatically going back to his small ammo pouch to refill.

Now, to see the result of the aggressive spray of bullets.
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping

Skit barely had time to comprehend the boy's full sentence before she threw herself to the ground, avoiding the bullets raining above her. Skit stayed on the ground, even after the screaming stopped and the gun ceased fire, she grinned to herself before pushing herself up. Skit took in the sight of her two kidnappers, now dead, laying next to her.
"Thanks," She muttered, standing and brushing herself off, "Not going to lie, wasn't sure how I was getting out of that one."
Skit picked the handgun up off the ground, studying all the nicks and grooves of it before tucking it into the back of her pants.
"Jerk wasn't kidding about the whole 'bad guy rolling up on the horizon' thing. I'd get out of here before he comes, if I were you." Skit scanned the area around her, not seeing a car besides the one she was previously in, "You do have a way our of here, right?"


Skit barely had time to comprehend the boy's full sentence before she threw herself to the ground, avoiding the bullets raining above her. Skit stayed on the ground, even after the screaming stopped and the gun ceased fire, she grinned to herself before pushing herself up. Skit took in the sight of her two kidnappers, now dead, laying next to her.
"Thanks," She muttered, standing and brushing herself off, "Not going to lie, wasn't sure how I was getting out of that one."
Skit picked the handgun up off the ground, studying all the nicks and grooves of it before tucking it into the back of her pants.
"Jerk wasn't kidding about the whole 'bad guy rolling up on the horizon' thing. I'd get out of here before he comes, if I were you." Skit scanned the area around her, not seeing a car besides the one she was previously in, "You do have a way our of here, right?"

"We're wind flight, corgies are kinda our thing."

The hazy red rush of adrenaline slowly faded, Blake staring at the bodies on the ground. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his messy, curly hair. "You're welcome, I guess." He eyed the handgun that had somehow made it out of the bloodshed clean, albeit a little dusty.

He swept his surroundings with a quick gaze. No one seemed to be coming up. He nervously laughed when she asked him about having a way out. "Aha, uh, no. Hyperion didn't give me much when they tried to kill me. Is their car not working?" The soldier gestured to the old car. It didn't look like it would hold up for that long but it was certainly going to be better than walking. Slowly, Blake ran a hand over the hood. "I mean, if it works I could probably hotwire it..."

The hazy red rush of adrenaline slowly faded, Blake staring at the bodies on the ground. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his messy, curly hair. "You're welcome, I guess." He eyed the handgun that had somehow made it out of the bloodshed clean, albeit a little dusty.

He swept his surroundings with a quick gaze. No one seemed to be coming up. He nervously laughed when she asked him about having a way out. "Aha, uh, no. Hyperion didn't give me much when they tried to kill me. Is their car not working?" The soldier gestured to the old car. It didn't look like it would hold up for that long but it was certainly going to be better than walking. Slowly, Blake ran a hand over the hood. "I mean, if it works I could probably hotwire it..."
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping

If Skit thought it odd that there was someone out there trying to kill a kid in armor, she didn't say anything about it.
"HA! Someone's out for my head too, lets start a club." She quipped sarcastically, "My name's Sta- ya know what? My name doesn't matter. You can call me Skit."
Making her way to the other body, Skit started rooting around in the dead man's inside jacket.
She pulled out a set of keys, covered in blood,
"Why hotwire? I can do you one better, here's the keys. You can shoot alright, but can you drive?" Skit asked, tossing the keys over to the kid.


If Skit thought it odd that there was someone out there trying to kill a kid in armor, she didn't say anything about it.
"HA! Someone's out for my head too, lets start a club." She quipped sarcastically, "My name's Sta- ya know what? My name doesn't matter. You can call me Skit."
Making her way to the other body, Skit started rooting around in the dead man's inside jacket.
She pulled out a set of keys, covered in blood,
"Why hotwire? I can do you one better, here's the keys. You can shoot alright, but can you drive?" Skit asked, tossing the keys over to the kid.

"We're wind flight, corgies are kinda our thing."
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