

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private rp with imber66



"Or did they not bother to give you one? Well then, what would you like to be called?"


"Or did they not bother to give you one? Well then, what would you like to be called?"

He shook his head "My name is blood." he said again

He shook his head "My name is blood." he said again

@imber66 ((omg lol I completely missed that the first time. how dumb.))

"Well, Blood. Start digging."

@imber66 ((omg lol I completely missed that the first time. how dumb.))

"Well, Blood. Start digging."

He noted and heaved himself upward fiercly scraping against the dirt with harsh claws

He noted and heaved himself upward fiercly scraping against the dirt with harsh claws


They dug, and dug and dug. Finally, their claws broke through to open air and moonlight streamed into the tunnel. Lydis crawled out, helping the other two up after him. They had ended up in the middle of a system of caves and lakes. "Rest." he said, collapsing on to the ground. "Though we're not completely safe yet. This is still their land. We'll need to move farther later. But rest for now."


They dug, and dug and dug. Finally, their claws broke through to open air and moonlight streamed into the tunnel. Lydis crawled out, helping the other two up after him. They had ended up in the middle of a system of caves and lakes. "Rest." he said, collapsing on to the ground. "Though we're not completely safe yet. This is still their land. We'll need to move farther later. But rest for now."

Charcoal nodded. He lay himself down on the ground, blood leaked from his wounds.
Blood sat down.

Charcoal nodded. He lay himself down on the ground, blood leaked from his wounds.
Blood sat down.

In a few hours, the Imperial woke the other two dragons.

"Come on. The longer we wait, the more chance of them finding us. Now, the worst of it is over. But if we're caught leaving the territory, we'll end up right back in those cells, so we have to be as careful and quiet as possible." He moved around the cave, hiding their tracks.
"Now, once we get out, do you have someplace safe to go?"

In a few hours, the Imperial woke the other two dragons.

"Come on. The longer we wait, the more chance of them finding us. Now, the worst of it is over. But if we're caught leaving the territory, we'll end up right back in those cells, so we have to be as careful and quiet as possible." He moved around the cave, hiding their tracks.
"Now, once we get out, do you have someplace safe to go?"

They both shook there heads,"Maybe we should hide in one of the flights with a nice (what are the leaders called?)"

They both shook there heads,"Maybe we should hide in one of the flights with a nice (what are the leaders called?)"

@imber66 (i have no idea. 'clan leader' is fine)

Well, every flight has it's good and bad clans. Go ahead an join one if you like, especially if we meet anyone friendly along the way. You can stick with me if you like, but I'm not making any promises of paradise. I'm going to try to get in touch with some friends of mine. See which ones are still alive. And trustworthy."

@imber66 (i have no idea. 'clan leader' is fine)

Well, every flight has it's good and bad clans. Go ahead an join one if you like, especially if we meet anyone friendly along the way. You can stick with me if you like, but I'm not making any promises of paradise. I'm going to try to get in touch with some friends of mine. See which ones are still alive. And trustworthy."
