

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | (FTTF) - Elysium
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RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- It’s strange. It had felt like minutes, hours, or perhaps even days since the last time you opened your eyes. You had been encased in darkness, blindness, for all too long. Time had whisked by, and you can’t remember a single moment of what had occurred within its thin boundaries. The last thing you remember before being exposed to the void was a striking flash of white. You cannot recall how you arrived here. Wherever ‘here’ was, that is. The walls are rippled and vibrant with color, made entirely of carefully crafted patterns of glass. Light seeps between the cracks and through the stained glass itself, giving the room an ethereal glow. The shapes on the wall are far too intricate to comprehend, and staring at them directly only serves to make your head spin. There are many busts situated throughout the ends of the room, some of which make your stomach turn. Something about them seems familiar, but you can’t quite put a finger on the cause. Streams of water drain from the statues’ eyes, almost as though the busts were fueling the indoor ponds beneath them. The peculiar, glowing fish that swum within must not care where their water comes from. But really . . . Stained glass walls? Indoor canals? Personalized busts? Whoever was the owner of this place must have more money than they could count. Regardless of where you looked, the room managed to amaze you further. The ceiling appeared endless, a highly convincing mural of a cloudy sky painted throughout. If you had the strength to fly, you were sure that flying skyward without meeting any borders was possible. The floor is as dark as the night sky, littered with sparkling stars and the occasional comet. Taking a step from where you stand almost seems fatal, as though you could fall into forever. If you had to take a guess as to where you were, you would answer ‘Heaven.’ All that meets your ears is the gentle sound of rushing water, accompanied by a delicate piano melody. The song is hushed behind closed doors, the only indication of an exit from the room you stand in. It beckons for you to approach the doors and whisk them open, a mere twenty feet away. A simple turn of the head reveals a dead end behind you, so the only course of option appears to be forward. The music grows louder with each step you take, almost as though the tune is responding to your movement. Your footsteps are loud, irregular, piercing the silence that the room was made to maintain. It fills you with a feeling of dread, but curiosity overwhelms you. You lick your lips with anticipation, grasping the golden handles set before you. The doors are pulled open, and a fleeting vision of stars intercepts your vision. The new room seems similar in nature to the last, aside from a peculiar structure in the back. An immense assortment of bottles and glasses lines the rack behind an elongated table. Several blue-cushioned stools invite you to take a seat. Was this . . . a bar? It seemed out of place, but you weren’t really in the station to ask questions. Even so, it appeared that there was someone present who could provide answers. On the other end of the counter stands a nocturne. The eye-burning pink of his scales makes you wonder why he wasn’t the first thing to cross your vision, but there he was. His purple eyes are half-lidded, peeking through his glasses at his current task. A large deck of black and white cards shuffle between his claws. His eyes refuse to meet yours, but he seems to acknowledge your presence nonetheless. [img][/img] [img][/img] “Ahh. You must be our newest guest.” His deck of cards meets the bar counter with a quiet thud. [img][/img] "I welcome you... To Elysium." [/center]

It’s strange.

It had felt like minutes, hours, or perhaps even days since the last time you opened your eyes. You had been encased in darkness, blindness, for all too long. Time had whisked by, and you can’t remember a single moment of what had occurred within its thin boundaries.

The last thing you remember before being exposed to the void was a striking flash of white.

You cannot recall how you arrived here. Wherever ‘here’ was, that is.

The walls are rippled and vibrant with color, made entirely of carefully crafted patterns of glass. Light seeps between the cracks and through the stained glass itself, giving the room an ethereal glow. The shapes on the wall are far too intricate to comprehend, and staring at them directly only serves to make your head spin.

There are many busts situated throughout the ends of the room, some of which make your stomach turn. Something about them seems familiar, but you can’t quite put a finger on the cause. Streams of water drain from the statues’ eyes, almost as though the busts were fueling the indoor ponds beneath them. The peculiar, glowing fish that swum within must not care where their water comes from.

But really . . .

Stained glass walls?

Indoor canals? Personalized busts?

Whoever was the owner of this place must have more money than they could count.

Regardless of where you looked, the room managed to amaze you further. The ceiling appeared endless, a highly convincing mural of a cloudy sky painted throughout. If you had the strength to fly, you were sure that flying skyward without meeting any borders was possible. The floor is as dark as the night sky, littered with sparkling stars and the occasional comet. Taking a step from where you stand almost seems fatal, as though you could fall into forever.

If you had to take a guess as to where you were, you would answer


All that meets your ears is the gentle sound of rushing water, accompanied by a delicate piano melody. The song is hushed behind closed doors, the only indication of an exit from the room you stand in. It beckons for you to approach the doors and whisk them open, a mere twenty feet away. A simple turn of the head reveals a dead end behind you, so the only course of option appears to be forward.

The music grows louder with each step you take, almost as though the tune is responding to your movement. Your footsteps are loud, irregular, piercing the silence that the room was made to maintain. It fills you with a feeling of dread, but curiosity overwhelms you. You lick your lips with anticipation, grasping the golden handles set before you. The doors are pulled open, and a fleeting vision of stars intercepts your vision.

The new room seems similar in nature to the last, aside from a peculiar structure in the back. An immense assortment of bottles and glasses lines the rack behind an elongated table. Several blue-cushioned stools invite you to take a seat.

Was this . . . a bar?

It seemed out of place, but you weren’t really in the station to ask questions.

Even so, it appeared that there was someone present who could provide answers. On the other end of the counter stands a nocturne. The eye-burning pink of his scales makes you wonder why he wasn’t the first thing to cross your vision, but there he was. His purple eyes are half-lidded, peeking through his glasses at his current task. A large deck of black and white cards shuffle between his claws. His eyes refuse to meet yours, but he seems to acknowledge your presence nonetheless.


5ac2489831f58adc847977e9a8087710.png “Ahh.

You must be our newest guest.”

His deck of cards meets the bar counter with a quiet thud.

5ac2489831f58adc847977e9a8087710.png "I welcome you...

To Elysium."

RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png

1. Only post here if you have been pinged to the thread at some point by me. This is solely a place for the deceased players in Farewell to the Future to RP. If you are not involved in the game but would like to follow along, please share your commentary for the OOC thread!

2. Be polite! Rude characters are okay, but being outright disrespectful to other players is unacceptable.

3. Please refrain from spamming the thread!

Straightforward and simple! There's probably more I could put up here, but I trust that everyone is already capable of keeping themselves in order.


1. Only post here if you have been pinged to the thread at some point by me. This is solely a place for the deceased players in Farewell to the Future to RP. If you are not involved in the game but would like to follow along, please share your commentary for the OOC thread!

2. Be polite! Rude characters are okay, but being outright disrespectful to other players is unacceptable.

3. Please refrain from spamming the thread!

Straightforward and simple! There's probably more I could put up here, but I trust that everyone is already capable of keeping themselves in order.

RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
Current Residents

1. FeverDream (Heliopunk)

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Current Residents

1. FeverDream (Heliopunk)

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RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ((The following 3 posts all contribute to the Elysium service corner! More services and activities will be revealed as the game progresses, so keep an eye open!)) ----- [size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "I am not yet able to offer this service, so I ask that you be patient with me. Why not have a drink, in the meantime?" ----- [center][size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] ". . . I am not ready. I will let you know when... this fog clears from my skull." ----- [center][size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "Heheh... I know you're just dying to meet me already, but I have some stuff to take care of first. The other two will let you know when I have stuff set up." [/center]

((The following 3 posts all contribute to the Elysium service corner! More services and activities will be revealed as the game progresses, so keep an eye open!))

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BuzeVQH.png "I am not yet able to offer this service, so I ask that you be patient with me.

Why not have a drink, in the meantime?"

- - -

BuzeVQH.png ". . . I am not ready.

I will let you know when... this fog clears from my skull."

- - -

BuzeVQH.png "Heheh... I know you're just dying to meet me already, but I have some stuff to take care of first.

The other two will let you know when I have stuff set up."

RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "Look... alchemy is tough business. Risking your health isn't the problem here. It's the fact that I have to gather all these materials myself! Do you know how difficult that is when Elysium is about as bare as a snake skin?" ----- [center][size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "My descent will take place only when the time is right. Until then, you have no choice but to wait." ----- [center][size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "Oh, I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting! I ask that you please wait patiently for me to be ready... In the meantime, why not have a chat with the others? That is what I enjoy most during my free time." [/center]

- - -

BuzeVQH.png "Look... alchemy is tough business. Risking your health isn't the problem here.

It's the fact that I have to gather all these materials myself! Do you know how difficult that is when Elysium is about as bare as a snake skin?"

- - -

BuzeVQH.png "My descent will take place only when the time is right.

Until then, you have no choice but to wait."

- - -

BuzeVQH.png "Oh, I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting!

I ask that you please wait patiently for me to be ready... In the meantime, why not have a chat with the others?

That is what I enjoy most during my free time."

RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] ". . ." ----- [center][size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "Finally, a chance to make my debut! ...What? What do you mean I can't come out just yet?! Whose cruel idea was it to detain me from my calling? Hmph, no matter! My dearies will wait for me with bated breath, all the same!" ----- [center][size=5] - - - [/size] ----- [img][/img] "Kehehe... the [i]pleassure iss[/i] all mine... I cannot wait to [i]ssee [/i]all your [i]ssmiling facess[/i]..." [/center]

- - -

BuzeVQH.png ". . ."

- - -

BuzeVQH.png "Finally, a chance to make my debut!

...What? What do you mean I can't come out just yet?!

Whose cruel idea was it to detain me from my calling? Hmph, no matter!

My dearies will wait for me with bated breath, all the same!"

- - -

BuzeVQH.png "Kehehe... the pleassure iss all mine...

I cannot wait to ssee all your ssmiling facess..."

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RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
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