

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Sibling rivalry [Closed]
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((sorry! long day...)
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Solztize

Soul sighed, a little resigned to sit there and laugh at the wildclaws in their individual bubbles. She pulled up next to the male pearlcatcher, sitting on the ground next to him, finally in the mood to say something. "You've definitely gotta teach me that trick... I've got two adopted hatchling mirrors and all they seem to do is bicker and bicker..." Soul says in a soft voice, "and personally I enjoy BOTH magic and personal melee combat. It just depends on who, or what, I'm fighting." Soul gives the two wildclaws a devious grin, showing all her razor sharp teeth.

She then sat there in silence, content to watch the show as it got more ridiculous.
((sorry! long day...)
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Solztize

Soul sighed, a little resigned to sit there and laugh at the wildclaws in their individual bubbles. She pulled up next to the male pearlcatcher, sitting on the ground next to him, finally in the mood to say something. "You've definitely gotta teach me that trick... I've got two adopted hatchling mirrors and all they seem to do is bicker and bicker..." Soul says in a soft voice, "and personally I enjoy BOTH magic and personal melee combat. It just depends on who, or what, I'm fighting." Soul gives the two wildclaws a devious grin, showing all her razor sharp teeth.

She then sat there in silence, content to watch the show as it got more ridiculous.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Alledowaya

Orpheus rolled his eyes when the two Wildclaws started bickering again. Crossing his claws over his chest, he stared at them for a moment. I'm guessing fighting is normal for them all the time. Honestly, siblings... "Look arguing among siblings is normal," he said,"But fighting too much isn't. Look, Achilles and I aren't even real siblings. We're not from the same clutch, but we don't fight."

"We do bicker sometimes you know. Especially of how you're such a goody-two-shoes," Achilles interjected,"This guy always drags things down. Don't do this. Don't do that." He rolled his eyes in exasperation. Still calm, Orpheus only raised an brow at him. "See what I mean? We don't fight because I learned ignore his insults."
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Alledowaya

Orpheus rolled his eyes when the two Wildclaws started bickering again. Crossing his claws over his chest, he stared at them for a moment. I'm guessing fighting is normal for them all the time. Honestly, siblings... "Look arguing among siblings is normal," he said,"But fighting too much isn't. Look, Achilles and I aren't even real siblings. We're not from the same clutch, but we don't fight."

"We do bicker sometimes you know. Especially of how you're such a goody-two-shoes," Achilles interjected,"This guy always drags things down. Don't do this. Don't do that." He rolled his eyes in exasperation. Still calm, Orpheus only raised an brow at him. "See what I mean? We don't fight because I learned ignore his insults."

"This doesn't happen as often as you think, stranger." Kest rolled his eyes, getting comfy in the bubble. "We've only been sent outside three times so far, that's gotta count for something!" Maulli grumbled, still trying to claw her way out of the magic. "Yeah! That's not bad.. right?" They knew that the stranger was right, but it was obvious that they refused to admit it.

"This doesn't happen as often as you think, stranger." Kest rolled his eyes, getting comfy in the bubble. "We've only been sent outside three times so far, that's gotta count for something!" Maulli grumbled, still trying to claw her way out of the magic. "Yeah! That's not bad.. right?" They knew that the stranger was right, but it was obvious that they refused to admit it.

"Oh, it looks like it happens quite more often than you two realize," Orpheus replied,"You were sent out for a reason right? Have you both finished whatever task before you started arguing?" His continued to focus his attention at the two siblings. He knew their business was none of his concern, but he couldn't help but want to right a wrong. This was probably the reason Achilles always called him a Mr. Responsible.

Achilles stood directly in front of Kest's bubble. He eyed the pink circle with curious interest. "Brother, why doesn't anyone in our clan do this kind of magic in our clan? It would be cool to put everyone in this bubble." He chuckled at the thought of it. Trying to touch it with his claw, Achilles accidentally popped the bubble. "I guess you're out, buddy." He smiled at the Wildclaw.

"Oh, it looks like it happens quite more often than you two realize," Orpheus replied,"You were sent out for a reason right? Have you both finished whatever task before you started arguing?" His continued to focus his attention at the two siblings. He knew their business was none of his concern, but he couldn't help but want to right a wrong. This was probably the reason Achilles always called him a Mr. Responsible.

Achilles stood directly in front of Kest's bubble. He eyed the pink circle with curious interest. "Brother, why doesn't anyone in our clan do this kind of magic in our clan? It would be cool to put everyone in this bubble." He chuckled at the thought of it. Trying to touch it with his claw, Achilles accidentally popped the bubble. "I guess you're out, buddy." He smiled at the Wildclaw.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Solztize

Looking at the newly released wildclaw, Soul smiled. "So I'm borderline agreeing with Orpheus here. It makes sense for you two to be doing something, yet... You're bickering like a pair of Hoarfrost Maulers, which is pretty ridiculous. You are siblings right?" Soul asked, and without waiting for an answer she continued, "well being siblings you should be helping each other instead of drawing this much attention to yourselves drawing over four others to your location," She nods to the coatls and the pearlcatcher, "and who knows if we were gonna be friendly or not?"
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Solztize

Looking at the newly released wildclaw, Soul smiled. "So I'm borderline agreeing with Orpheus here. It makes sense for you two to be doing something, yet... You're bickering like a pair of Hoarfrost Maulers, which is pretty ridiculous. You are siblings right?" Soul asked, and without waiting for an answer she continued, "well being siblings you should be helping each other instead of drawing this much attention to yourselves drawing over four others to your location," She nods to the coatls and the pearlcatcher, "and who knows if we were gonna be friendly or not?"
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