

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Sibling rivalry [Closed]
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((Probably will only let in three people, just so everyone can keep up and have someone to roleplay with.)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Face it Kest. You only use magic because you're weak. If you don't use your magic, you wouldn't be able to match up to me." Maulli scoffed at her brother. Kest loosened the wraps around his muzzle. "At least I can lose a battle with SOME of my dignity left, unlike a [i]certain someone[/i]." Kest pointed at her and smirked under his hood. "Magic is a boon, we should make full use of it in any way we can." He added. "Magic is just a tool for weaklings hide away and use from afar." Maulli got in his face and growled. "You ever see me run away and shoot arcane energy at you? No. I'm right up in your face with it. Besides, you don't [i]actually[/i] think that. You just say that because any other magic users are in earshot." He snickered quietly, readying himself. "Got a problem with that?" The two launched themselves at each other, engaging in a regular round of fisticuffs.
((Probably will only let in three people, just so everyone can keep up and have someone to roleplay with.))



"Face it Kest. You only use magic because you're weak. If you don't use your magic, you wouldn't be able to match up to me." Maulli scoffed at her brother. Kest loosened the wraps around his muzzle. "At least I can lose a battle with SOME of my dignity left, unlike a certain someone." Kest pointed at her and smirked under his hood. "Magic is a boon, we should make full use of it in any way we can." He added.

"Magic is just a tool for weaklings hide away and use from afar." Maulli got in his face and growled. "You ever see me run away and shoot arcane energy at you? No. I'm right up in your face with it. Besides, you don't actually think that. You just say that because any other magic users are in earshot." He snickered quietly, readying himself. "Got a problem with that?"

The two launched themselves at each other, engaging in a regular round of fisticuffs.
@tbptwist (Hope you dont mind if i join?) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Well this was... odd. The Pearlcatcher tilted his head different ways as he watched the two dragons that he assumed as siblings fight. They looked so much alike that he wouldnt be surprised if lots of dragons thought the same. He had no idea why they were fighting though. After watching the two fight for a bit he spoke up from where he lay on a rock not to far away. "Excuse me, i dont mean to intrude, but what are you fighting about?"
@tbptwist (Hope you dont mind if i join?)


Well this was... odd. The Pearlcatcher tilted his head different ways as he watched the two dragons that he assumed as siblings fight. They looked so much alike that he wouldnt be surprised if lots of dragons thought the same. He had no idea why they were fighting though.

After watching the two fight for a bit he spoke up from where he lay on a rock not to far away.
"Excuse me, i dont mean to intrude, but what are you fighting about?"
@thunderdancer ((Go ahead!))

The two stopped squabbling and looked over at the Pearlcatcher. They hadn't even noticed them in the undergrowth of the jungle. They both stood upright and fixed their outfits. Maulli growled. "If you didn't meant to intrude, why are you speaking up?!" Kest growled at Maulli. "Maulli be nice, this person doesn't have anything to do with... Wait." He turned to the stranger. "Do you use magic? Do you consider fighting with magic true fighting or should it only be used by weaklings?"
@thunderdancer ((Go ahead!))

The two stopped squabbling and looked over at the Pearlcatcher. They hadn't even noticed them in the undergrowth of the jungle. They both stood upright and fixed their outfits. Maulli growled. "If you didn't meant to intrude, why are you speaking up?!" Kest growled at Maulli. "Maulli be nice, this person doesn't have anything to do with... Wait." He turned to the stranger. "Do you use magic? Do you consider fighting with magic true fighting or should it only be used by weaklings?"

The pearlcatcher showed amusement on his face when they rushed to stand up and make themselves presentable. He found it even funnier when the female was instantly aggressive. The smile dropped from his face at the brothers question however and he just stared at the two for a few moments.

"Pardon? Magic fighting? Thats what you were bickering about? Then again, i suppose iv seen battles started over more foolish matters..." He went silent for a bit, rolling his pearl in his paws absentmindedly while he thought.

"Hm, i suppose that it would depend on who you ask. I have found that neither is your answer." His pink eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled at them.

The pearlcatcher showed amusement on his face when they rushed to stand up and make themselves presentable. He found it even funnier when the female was instantly aggressive. The smile dropped from his face at the brothers question however and he just stared at the two for a few moments.

"Pardon? Magic fighting? Thats what you were bickering about? Then again, i suppose iv seen battles started over more foolish matters..." He went silent for a bit, rolling his pearl in his paws absentmindedly while he thought.

"Hm, i suppose that it would depend on who you ask. I have found that neither is your answer." His pink eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled at them.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer (Joining in :3) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Orpheus fixed his leather fedora as he walked in the jungle. His younger brother Achilles was walking far ahead of him. "Achilles, don't go too far on your own," He chided his brother. When the crimson Coatl didn't respond, he shook his head in exasperation. [i]Honestly, this dragon is too childish for his own good.[/i] He increased his gait in order to catch up with his brother. Achilles was far too absorbed in the commotion going on to his brother. "Brother," Achilles spoke,"Do you hear that awful noise?" He continued forward to see what was making that commotion in the middle of the jungle. It seemed to be two Wildclaws arguing about who's better along with a pearlcatcher. An amused smile spread n his lips. "They seem to be fighting. Maybe we should stop them?" Orpheus narrowed his eyes at the three other dragons. Their argument was none of their concern. An argument to who was better was foolish talk to him, but his brother always liked to involve himself in needless situations. "Achilles! Don't you dare do anything. Re-" he was suddenly cut off when his brother dashed towards the strangers. "Honestly, this boy..." He sighed as he followed after him. Achilles drew closer towards the three dragons. "You two seem to have some trouble there," he smirked,"Your voices were so loud I could hear you miles away in the jungle." He circled around them watching their movement. He knew Orpheus would probably scold for this. But he couldn't help but get involve in arguments. "You're squabbling about magic and physical fighting if I'm correct? I myself prefer claw to claw combat." He stopped directly in front of them as he gave a smug smile.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer (Joining in :3)



Orpheus fixed his leather fedora as he walked in the jungle. His younger brother Achilles was walking far ahead of him. "Achilles, don't go too far on your own," He chided his brother. When the crimson Coatl didn't respond, he shook his head in exasperation. Honestly, this dragon is too childish for his own good. He increased his gait in order to catch up with his brother.

Achilles was far too absorbed in the commotion going on to his brother. "Brother," Achilles spoke,"Do you hear that awful noise?" He continued forward to see what was making that commotion in the middle of the jungle. It seemed to be two Wildclaws arguing about who's better along with a pearlcatcher. An amused smile spread n his lips. "They seem to be fighting. Maybe we should stop them?"

Orpheus narrowed his eyes at the three other dragons. Their argument was none of their concern. An argument to who was better was foolish talk to him, but his brother always liked to involve himself in needless situations. "Achilles! Don't you dare do anything. Re-" he was suddenly cut off when his brother dashed towards the strangers. "Honestly, this boy..." He sighed as he followed after him.

Achilles drew closer towards the three dragons. "You two seem to have some trouble there," he smirked,"Your voices were so loud I could hear you miles away in the jungle." He circled around them watching their movement. He knew Orpheus would probably scold for this. But he couldn't help but get involve in arguments. "You're squabbling about magic and physical fighting if I'm correct? I myself prefer claw to claw combat." He stopped directly in front of them as he gave a smug smile.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer (Hope I can join?) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hiding a little bit in the shadows, the spectre guise clad pearlcatcher sat in silence, wondering if the male pearlcatcher was helping or hurting the situation. She sighed, pulling herself up and into the light. Walking up a little closer so she could hear better. One of the Wildclaw siblings saw her, and glared, obviously she was not welcome there. She stayed anyway, making sure they weren't going to hurt the singular pearlcatcher. A newcomer came into the situation, a coatl. pretty much asking for trouble, he jumped into the argument with a wild smirk on his face. Soul saw that this might turn ugly, so she took a defensive stance a few meters behind the other pearlcatcher.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer
(Hope I can join?)


Hiding a little bit in the shadows, the spectre guise clad pearlcatcher sat in silence, wondering if the male pearlcatcher was helping or hurting the situation. She sighed, pulling herself up and into the light. Walking up a little closer so she could hear better. One of the Wildclaw siblings saw her, and glared, obviously she was not welcome there. She stayed anyway, making sure they weren't going to hurt the singular pearlcatcher.

A newcomer came into the situation, a coatl. pretty much asking for trouble, he jumped into the argument with a wild smirk on his face. Soul saw that this might turn ugly, so she took a defensive stance a few meters behind the other pearlcatcher.

"Neither?! That's... That's not an answer!" Maulli huffed and crossed her tiny arms, tapping one of her large claws in annoyance. "Well actually, it's-" Kest began to speak when he was interrupted by his sister. "Nuh-uh! It doesn't help! There's no way that you can just... Like.." Maulli's words became lost to her as another stranger interjected.


The siblings looked at the coatl. Maulli cackled as the red, smaller coatl had sided with her. "See?! Even he thinks magicless fighting is better. Whaddya have to say to that?!" Kest shook his head and sighed at his sister. "Maulli, he didn't say it was better. He said he preferred it. That doesn't make you right." "Yes it does." "No it doesn't.." "YUH-HUH!!" "NUH-UH!" Here we go again.

@Alledowaya (Yeah, that's fine! :D)

Kest had spotted the other pearlcatcher and gave her a moment of disapproval, only to be launched at by Maulli. He threw her off of himself and spat a bolt of magic in her direction. She dodged it and dashed towards him, swiping at him. He quickly used a spell to block her and dropped lower to the ground, swiping his powerful tail at her legs. Maulli landed on the ground with a thud. She scrambled to get back up and butted her head with Kest. They hadn't payed much attention to their surroundings now, but they both secretly hoped they didn't hurt the coatl that was close to them.

"Neither?! That's... That's not an answer!" Maulli huffed and crossed her tiny arms, tapping one of her large claws in annoyance. "Well actually, it's-" Kest began to speak when he was interrupted by his sister. "Nuh-uh! It doesn't help! There's no way that you can just... Like.." Maulli's words became lost to her as another stranger interjected.


The siblings looked at the coatl. Maulli cackled as the red, smaller coatl had sided with her. "See?! Even he thinks magicless fighting is better. Whaddya have to say to that?!" Kest shook his head and sighed at his sister. "Maulli, he didn't say it was better. He said he preferred it. That doesn't make you right." "Yes it does." "No it doesn't.." "YUH-HUH!!" "NUH-UH!" Here we go again.

@Alledowaya (Yeah, that's fine! :D)

Kest had spotted the other pearlcatcher and gave her a moment of disapproval, only to be launched at by Maulli. He threw her off of himself and spat a bolt of magic in her direction. She dodged it and dashed towards him, swiping at him. He quickly used a spell to block her and dropped lower to the ground, swiping his powerful tail at her legs. Maulli landed on the ground with a thud. She scrambled to get back up and butted her head with Kest. They hadn't payed much attention to their surroundings now, but they both secretly hoped they didn't hurt the coatl that was close to them.
@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Alledowaya

Orpheus finally caught up to his brother. "Achilles, I told you to s-" his words were cut off when he saw Achilles near two Wildclaws fighting. "Get out of there, Achilles!" he growled out. His brother's position was far too dangerous. That boy never learns. In any case, this fight might he stopped. Being involved in this was honestly troublesome, but he had to else others would get hurt. Shaking his head in exasperation, Orpheus shot out a strong blast of shadow magic in the air to get the Wildclaws' attention. "Both of you," he chided, his tone irritated,"Stop this nonsensical fighting. It's not going to do anyone any good."

"But, Brother!" Achilles complained,"It was just getting good. A bit of fighting between siblings is good sometimes, yeah?" Glancing at his side, he saw a female pearlcatcher who seemed to be eyeing him defensively. What? Does she think I'm going to fight her? I'm ready of she is. He loved a good brawl after all unlike his ever so responsible brother. "Don't listen to my brother. He's a bit of a spoilsport."

@tbptwist @Thunderdancer @Alledowaya

Orpheus finally caught up to his brother. "Achilles, I told you to s-" his words were cut off when he saw Achilles near two Wildclaws fighting. "Get out of there, Achilles!" he growled out. His brother's position was far too dangerous. That boy never learns. In any case, this fight might he stopped. Being involved in this was honestly troublesome, but he had to else others would get hurt. Shaking his head in exasperation, Orpheus shot out a strong blast of shadow magic in the air to get the Wildclaws' attention. "Both of you," he chided, his tone irritated,"Stop this nonsensical fighting. It's not going to do anyone any good."

"But, Brother!" Achilles complained,"It was just getting good. A bit of fighting between siblings is good sometimes, yeah?" Glancing at his side, he saw a female pearlcatcher who seemed to be eyeing him defensively. What? Does she think I'm going to fight her? I'm ready of she is. He loved a good brawl after all unlike his ever so responsible brother. "Don't listen to my brother. He's a bit of a spoilsport."

@Alledowaya @tbptwist @Solztize

He had chuckled at first at the sisters reaction. He gave them an unimpressed face however when they started bickering again and fighting. Ok, now this was just getting silly. He let them wrestle a moment longer before sighing and standing up, an arcane sign appearing over his head.

"Alright, that is enough!" Bubbles engulfed the two wildclaws, preventing them from harming each other or others. He hopped down from his rock and walked inbetween the two, his face now serious.

"Seriously, enough. Im not sure how many of you there were in a clutch, but i was hatched from a clutch of four, and i never fought with my other three siblings this much. You want you answer to your question? Then hush up and listen, alright?"
@Alledowaya @tbptwist @Solztize

He had chuckled at first at the sisters reaction. He gave them an unimpressed face however when they started bickering again and fighting. Ok, now this was just getting silly. He let them wrestle a moment longer before sighing and standing up, an arcane sign appearing over his head.

"Alright, that is enough!" Bubbles engulfed the two wildclaws, preventing them from harming each other or others. He hopped down from his rock and walked inbetween the two, his face now serious.

"Seriously, enough. Im not sure how many of you there were in a clutch, but i was hatched from a clutch of four, and i never fought with my other three siblings this much. You want you answer to your question? Then hush up and listen, alright?"
@Thunderdancer @Solztize

The two wildclaws' gaze shot from eachother to the coatl. "We didn't ask for you for your input, yaknow." Maulli scoffed. "Don't be so harsh, you were kinda loud and drew attention to us. We're lucky the attention was from dragons who aren't as dumb as you." Kest stuck his tongue out at his sister. "I'll make you eat those words!" Maulli launched herself at Kest again, only to be met with a pink barrier.

Maulli was quite spooked by the bubble. "Hey! Get me outta here! This isn't fair!" Kest rolled his eyes and groaned, slumping down into the bubble. He would probably be able to pop it since it was arcane magic, but he would probably get bubbled again. The female wildclaw scraped at the bubble, but to no avail. "Hey M, shut up maybe? You're gonna get us in trouble again." His voice was slightly muffled due to bubble. "They don't know who's clan we're in!" The orange winged wildclaw turned her head to the male pearlcatcher. "...You don't know Tajah..... right?" Kest groaned. "Idiot."

((I'll wait for Alle now. ^^))
@Thunderdancer @Solztize

The two wildclaws' gaze shot from eachother to the coatl. "We didn't ask for you for your input, yaknow." Maulli scoffed. "Don't be so harsh, you were kinda loud and drew attention to us. We're lucky the attention was from dragons who aren't as dumb as you." Kest stuck his tongue out at his sister. "I'll make you eat those words!" Maulli launched herself at Kest again, only to be met with a pink barrier.

Maulli was quite spooked by the bubble. "Hey! Get me outta here! This isn't fair!" Kest rolled his eyes and groaned, slumping down into the bubble. He would probably be able to pop it since it was arcane magic, but he would probably get bubbled again. The female wildclaw scraped at the bubble, but to no avail. "Hey M, shut up maybe? You're gonna get us in trouble again." His voice was slightly muffled due to bubble. "They don't know who's clan we're in!" The orange winged wildclaw turned her head to the male pearlcatcher. "...You don't know Tajah..... right?" Kest groaned. "Idiot."

((I'll wait for Alle now. ^^))
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