

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | { FR } Trading Post ; [ now open ! ]
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He quickly scrambled away from the dragon that had sat on him the moment after the guardian who had swatted the other off poked his wing. He blinked, shrinking in on himself as if trying to hide when the ridgeback the guardian had knocked over turned and snarled at the dragoness. The moment they realized that Verdict probably wouldnt hesitate to shred their face, they sneered at her once before taking off through the crowd.

Owsla let out a breath he didnt know he had been holding, turning to look at the guardian who had just saved him from being squished. He blinked soft pink eyes at her before speaking.

"U-um thank you... F-for helping me out there... I suppose i owe you a favor or something for helping me out..." His gentle voice went quiet and he nervously rubbed at his wrists over the wrappings on his arms. His facial wins pinned to his head, making him look way smaller then he was.

"If-if you dont mind.. Mind me asking... What is your name...? Y-you dont have to say it if you dont want to! Thats perfectly fine! Its just-I dont want- Oh goodness, i'm sorry Miss. Im just being so rude right now... I'll just shut up.." He went silent.

He quickly scrambled away from the dragon that had sat on him the moment after the guardian who had swatted the other off poked his wing. He blinked, shrinking in on himself as if trying to hide when the ridgeback the guardian had knocked over turned and snarled at the dragoness. The moment they realized that Verdict probably wouldnt hesitate to shred their face, they sneered at her once before taking off through the crowd.

Owsla let out a breath he didnt know he had been holding, turning to look at the guardian who had just saved him from being squished. He blinked soft pink eyes at her before speaking.

"U-um thank you... F-for helping me out there... I suppose i owe you a favor or something for helping me out..." His gentle voice went quiet and he nervously rubbed at his wrists over the wrappings on his arms. His facial wins pinned to his head, making him look way smaller then he was.

"If-if you dont mind.. Mind me asking... What is your name...? Y-you dont have to say it if you dont want to! Thats perfectly fine! Its just-I dont want- Oh goodness, i'm sorry Miss. Im just being so rude right now... I'll just shut up.." He went silent.
@puppydoe @ArcaneLibrarian @TheBestiary [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The sly Spiral didn't seem to take any offense to the attitudes of the two females he had approached, fully aware that he simply appeared from nowhere to them. To the larger, he smiled, taking note of the short lisp she seemed to speak with. "Oh no, I'm not interested in selling you anything!" He chirped, smiling ear to ear. "I don't even own a stand here, frankly. I merely browse. But you two seemed quite lost... And I know the area like the back of my claws- so I simply wondered if you two lovely ladies could use any assistance?" To the one in bloody bandages, Tendon absentmindedly ignored her quick turn away from him. She seemed tough, and very to herself. But as long as he could hold a conversation with the prior, perhaps he could help them. He did enjoy keeping company with other Spirals, after all. He opened his mouth to say something further before hearing a small peep of a voice, and what seemed like stammering. Glancing around, the flamboyant male finally looked down, his eyes catching glimpse of a Fae darting under-foot of the other dragons. The little one was a bit too far out of range for Tendon to speak to, but he continued to watch, just as a burly Guardian- a strong-looking female, just like his mother!, [i]how quaint[/i]- seemed to notice the three of them- that being, himself and the two other Sprials. Blinking slowly, he started to turn back to his prior attempts at a conversation just as a much larger dragon nearly squashed the Fae. His head whipped back around, about to head over to help, but then stopped himself as the Guardian seized the situation and perhaps unintentionally saved the small blue Fae.
@puppydoe @ArcaneLibrarian @TheBestiary


The sly Spiral didn't seem to take any offense to the attitudes of the two females he had approached, fully aware that he simply appeared from nowhere to them. To the larger, he smiled, taking note of the short lisp she seemed to speak with. "Oh no, I'm not interested in selling you anything!" He chirped, smiling ear to ear. "I don't even own a stand here, frankly. I merely browse. But you two seemed quite lost... And I know the area like the back of my claws- so I simply wondered if you two lovely ladies could use any assistance?"
To the one in bloody bandages, Tendon absentmindedly ignored her quick turn away from him. She seemed tough, and very to herself. But as long as he could hold a conversation with the prior, perhaps he could help them. He did enjoy keeping company with other Spirals, after all.

He opened his mouth to say something further before hearing a small peep of a voice, and what seemed like stammering. Glancing around, the flamboyant male finally looked down, his eyes catching glimpse of a Fae darting under-foot of the other dragons. The little one was a bit too far out of range for Tendon to speak to, but he continued to watch, just as a burly Guardian- a strong-looking female, just like his mother!, how quaint- seemed to notice the three of them- that being, himself and the two other Sprials.

Blinking slowly, he started to turn back to his prior attempts at a conversation just as a much larger dragon nearly squashed the Fae. His head whipped back around, about to head over to help, but then stopped himself as the Guardian seized the situation and perhaps unintentionally saved the small blue Fae.
[center][img][/img][/center] The heavier spiral exhaled softly through her nose, perhaps the friendly socialite knew of the casino? He did look richly adorned, plenty for his hoard- she thought to herself with a polite smile outwards towards the spiral with the colors that made him appear skinless. With a careful swing of her head she nibbled on the flank of her scrawny companion to garner her attention. "Blood Money I do think we have found a chance for help." she called. [center][img][/img][/center] The bandaged she-drake had been intently watching the very small fae and the very big-in-comparison guardian femme who had knocked down a fellow spiral to preserve the well-being of the tiny dragon who had been sat on. Taking another tentative step towards the situation, she was interrupted by her droopy accomplice. Whipping around with quite the twist, Blood Money faced Tendon with her eyes narrowed into thin lines. "What makes you think he could help us, Dead Guppy?" @huvely

The heavier spiral exhaled softly through her nose, perhaps the friendly socialite knew of the casino? He did look richly adorned, plenty for his hoard- she thought to herself with a polite smile outwards towards the spiral with the colors that made him appear skinless. With a careful swing of her head she nibbled on the flank of her scrawny companion to garner her attention.

"Blood Money I do think we have found a chance for help." she called.

The bandaged she-drake had been intently watching the very small fae and the very big-in-comparison guardian femme who had knocked down a fellow spiral to preserve the well-being of the tiny dragon who had been sat on. Taking another tentative step towards the situation, she was interrupted by her droopy accomplice. Whipping around with quite the twist, Blood Money faced Tendon with her eyes narrowed into thin lines.

"What makes you think he could help us, Dead Guppy?"

@puppydoe [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] His eyes remained wide as the two conversed. [i]So they [b]were[/b] looking for something[/i]- he knew it! No two that looked and acted like these would come so dangerously close to the casinos whereabouts without a purpose or reason to do so. His smile thinned and widened, ear to ear again. "So you [i]are[/i] in need of assistance?" He interrupted, slinking an inch or two closer to the couple. "I thought you looked quite lost..!" Every move was caught by sunlight bouncing off of his flashy collection of adornments, glinting in the eyes of any creature nearby.

His eyes remained wide as the two conversed. So they were looking for something- he knew it! No two that looked and acted like these would come so dangerously close to the casinos whereabouts without a purpose or reason to do so. His smile thinned and widened, ear to ear again.

"So you are in need of assistance?" He interrupted, slinking an inch or two closer to the couple. "I thought you looked quite lost..!" Every move was caught by sunlight bouncing off of his flashy collection of adornments, glinting in the eyes of any creature nearby.
@puppydoe @ArcaneLibrarian @TheBestiary @huvely [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Barschheit was not one for tight spaces. Especially when he everybody here was almost larger than he is, except for the Faes and the occasional Spirals. He huffed slightly after leaving the crowd and was at a less busier road. He looked around and reminded himself his reason for coming here. The Wildclaw came here to help out his clan to find some sort of medicine, which was apparently so rare, only one or two merchants sell it here. When he got back, he was going to have a word with Mineryx who had requested him to embark on this journey. His clan was very far from here, and it had took him about two days arriving here with less than 5 hours of sleep. Somewhat sleep deprived, he longed to find a inn or motel or anything that could provide him some place to sleep. Tugging on his cowl, he trudged into the crowd and tried to find an inn. While walking, he had bumped into someone. He quickly shook his head and immediately apologized: "God, I'm so sorry." When he took a closer look, he had apparently bumped into a Guardian. One who seemed to be very irritated. He gulped and silently prayed he won't get into trouble.
@puppydoe @ArcaneLibrarian @TheBestiary @huvely


Barschheit was not one for tight spaces. Especially when he everybody here was almost larger than he is, except for the Faes and the occasional Spirals. He huffed slightly after leaving the crowd and was at a less busier road. He looked around and reminded himself his reason for coming here. The Wildclaw came here to help out his clan to find some sort of medicine, which was apparently so rare, only one or two merchants sell it here. When he got back, he was going to have a word with Mineryx who had requested him to embark on this journey.

His clan was very far from here, and it had took him about two days arriving here with less than 5 hours of sleep. Somewhat sleep deprived, he longed to find a inn or motel or anything that could provide him some place to sleep. Tugging on his cowl, he trudged into the crowd and tried to find an inn. While walking, he had bumped into someone. He quickly shook his head and immediately apologized:
"God, I'm so sorry."
When he took a closer look, he had apparently bumped into a Guardian. One who seemed to be very irritated. He gulped and silently prayed he won't get into trouble.
+15 FR Time
@radishcake @ArcaneLibrarian [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Once again, the Fae managed to amuse her with his hesitant words. Verdict snorted, somewhat irritated at herself for becoming so easily pleased. It probably wouldn't hurt to answer his question, though. "It's fine. My name is Verdict. You?" She kept her speech clipped, not wanting to reveal too much about herself by mistake. Before she received an answer, though, some dragon bumped into her. She immediately swung her head over in his direction, her eyes narrowing as he apologized. " 's fine, I suppose. But watch your step next time."
@radishcake @ArcaneLibrarian

Once again, the Fae managed to amuse her with his hesitant words. Verdict snorted, somewhat irritated at herself for becoming so easily pleased. It probably wouldn't hurt to answer his question, though.

"It's fine. My name is Verdict. You?" She kept her speech clipped, not wanting to reveal too much about herself by mistake.

Before she received an answer, though, some dragon bumped into her. She immediately swung her head over in his direction, her eyes narrowing as he apologized.

" 's fine, I suppose. But watch your step next time."
@TheBestiary @radishcake

He opened his mouth to answer her question when a wildclaw ran into her, and quickly backed up with an apology. For a brief moment, he wondered how many times someone had ran into her and apologized. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before speaking up somewhat quietly.

"Owsla, miss Verdict. My name is Owsla..." He went quiet, back to his habit of wringing his wrists when nervous. "I was- ah serious about paying you back though... Im not that good at fighting, but im good at shielding, and i can teleport things. Um, im not sure if that would be useful though, since i can only do non living things. Last time i tried that it went.... Horribly wrong..." He shuttered, going pale just thinking about it. Of course, he could always offer info. He knew a good amount of things others didnt. One of the things he knew about the trading post was the casino hidden here and the password to get in. He knew several of the traders and knew ways to blackmail them. He knew the most likely place to get robbed and how. Mostly general information.
@TheBestiary @radishcake

He opened his mouth to answer her question when a wildclaw ran into her, and quickly backed up with an apology. For a brief moment, he wondered how many times someone had ran into her and apologized. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before speaking up somewhat quietly.

"Owsla, miss Verdict. My name is Owsla..." He went quiet, back to his habit of wringing his wrists when nervous. "I was- ah serious about paying you back though... Im not that good at fighting, but im good at shielding, and i can teleport things. Um, im not sure if that would be useful though, since i can only do non living things. Last time i tried that it went.... Horribly wrong..." He shuttered, going pale just thinking about it. Of course, he could always offer info. He knew a good amount of things others didnt. One of the things he knew about the trading post was the casino hidden here and the password to get in. He knew several of the traders and knew ways to blackmail them. He knew the most likely place to get robbed and how. Mostly general information.
@TheBestiary @ArcaneLibrarian

When the Guardian had accepted his apology, Barschheit had gave out a breath of relief. Then, he saw a Fae conversing with the Guardian and had stated their name. Before he walked away, he would have just find one by himself, but he was too tired to look for one and might stir even more trouble if he were to bump into anyone who was less than forgiving. So he though he could ask these two, hoping to get some directions around the trading post.
"By any chance you would know a place to rest? The name's Barschheit."
He asked softly, while slightly tugging on his cowl because of his nervousness.
@TheBestiary @ArcaneLibrarian

When the Guardian had accepted his apology, Barschheit had gave out a breath of relief. Then, he saw a Fae conversing with the Guardian and had stated their name. Before he walked away, he would have just find one by himself, but he was too tired to look for one and might stir even more trouble if he were to bump into anyone who was less than forgiving. So he though he could ask these two, hoping to get some directions around the trading post.
"By any chance you would know a place to rest? The name's Barschheit."
He asked softly, while slightly tugging on his cowl because of his nervousness.
+15 FR Time
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