

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private 1x1 with Azurene
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@Azurene ((wow, I'm so creative with titles.)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Surviving alone was hard work. Azareth hadn't expected getting by in the Wasteland to be so incredibly [i]hard.[/i] He'd grown up with his clan doing most of the hunting while he stood on the sidelines, so he'd never had that much experience with it. Now he had to get it together and feed himself. It wasn't an easy job, but he was fine with doing it. Azareth had noticed that he was a bit on the thin side though. He stretched out underneath the shelter he had built for himself out of dead plants. Dawn was beginning to creep over the hilly region. Azareth rose to his feet and quickly checked his surroundings for any signs of nearby prey. He took a deep breath in and picked up the scent trail of some sort of animal nearby. Azareth grinned to himself and began to follow it. If he was lucky, he'd come back with something to eat today. From there, however, he didn't know exactly what he was going to do. Being without a clan was a lonely life. He shrugged and took off to follow the trail.
@Azurene ((wow, I'm so creative with titles.))


Surviving alone was hard work.

Azareth hadn't expected getting by in the Wasteland to be so incredibly hard. He'd grown up with his clan doing most of the hunting while he stood on the sidelines, so he'd never had that much experience with it.

Now he had to get it together and feed himself. It wasn't an easy job, but he was fine with doing it. Azareth had noticed that he was a bit on the thin side though.

He stretched out underneath the shelter he had built for himself out of dead plants. Dawn was beginning to creep over the hilly region. Azareth rose to his feet and quickly checked his surroundings for any signs of nearby prey.

He took a deep breath in and picked up the scent trail of some sort of animal nearby. Azareth grinned to himself and began to follow it. If he was lucky, he'd come back with something to eat today. From there, however, he didn't know exactly what he was going to do. Being without a clan was a lonely life.

He shrugged and took off to follow the trail.
@MidnightRaven ((I hate creating titles myself. I'm so bad at them.)) [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Alcyone had never been so deep into to the Wasteland before. Compared to the underwater lair she hails from, the place had little to offer in the form of resources. However, she will admit that since there are plenty of dragons that call this place home, she probably doesn't know how to look. It's a good thing she specializes in defense. This particular outing didn't produce much to report to her clan leader, whom had received a report from one of the gatherers that there was [i]something[/i] in the Wasteland that needed to be analyzed. Was it a threat? Well, that's Alcyone's job to find out. She originally arrived in the Wasteland with several other dragons under her command, but they fell ill from the plague and sickness that seemed to be rampant here. She immediately sent them on their way back to the lair, hoping the healers would be able to help them. She found it strange that she was still healthy, but didn't dwell on that fact for too long. Duty first: protect the clan. Anything else can be dealt with later. As she flew, she scanned the land below her, trying to find [i]whatever it was[/i] that spooked the gatherer dragon. Nothing of interest yet. She decided to take a break from flying and landed near a trail. She ate from the supplies she brought with her. In the distance, she could see what looked like a dragon coming in her direction -- Wildclaw, if her eyes served her right. After quickly stuffing the rest of her meal in her mouth and swallowing, she called out to the Wildclaw: [b]"Ho, there! Spare a minute. I need to speak with you."[/b]
@MidnightRaven ((I hate creating titles myself. I'm so bad at them.))
Alcyone had never been so deep into to the Wasteland before. Compared to the underwater lair she hails from, the place had little to offer in the form of resources. However, she will admit that since there are plenty of dragons that call this place home, she probably doesn't know how to look. It's a good thing she specializes in defense.

This particular outing didn't produce much to report to her clan leader, whom had received a report from one of the gatherers that there was something in the Wasteland that needed to be analyzed. Was it a threat? Well, that's Alcyone's job to find out.

She originally arrived in the Wasteland with several other dragons under her command, but they fell ill from the plague and sickness that seemed to be rampant here. She immediately sent them on their way back to the lair, hoping the healers would be able to help them. She found it strange that she was still healthy, but didn't dwell on that fact for too long.

Duty first: protect the clan. Anything else can be dealt with later.

As she flew, she scanned the land below her, trying to find whatever it was that spooked the gatherer dragon. Nothing of interest yet.

She decided to take a break from flying and landed near a trail. She ate from the supplies she brought with her. In the distance, she could see what looked like a dragon coming in her direction -- Wildclaw, if her eyes served her right.

After quickly stuffing the rest of her meal in her mouth and swallowing, she called out to the Wildclaw:

"Ho, there! Spare a minute. I need to speak with you."

Azareth startled. He'd been letting his thoughts wander off, so the sound of someone's voice was a bit of a wake-up to reality.

He spotted someone who he suspected had called him up ahead- a Pearlcatcher. Azareth slowed down and came up to her at a more casual pace.

"Hello to you as well," he responded cheerily. "How can I help you?" Azareth preferred to be friendly to strangers- after all, this Pearlcatcher definitely didn't make him suspicious. Why was there any need to treat her poorly?

Azareth startled. He'd been letting his thoughts wander off, so the sound of someone's voice was a bit of a wake-up to reality.

He spotted someone who he suspected had called him up ahead- a Pearlcatcher. Azareth slowed down and came up to her at a more casual pace.

"Hello to you as well," he responded cheerily. "How can I help you?" Azareth preferred to be friendly to strangers- after all, this Pearlcatcher definitely didn't make him suspicious. Why was there any need to treat her poorly?

As the Wildclaw approached, Alcyone eyed the dragon with scrutiny.

Doesn't fit the description, stature posed in a friendly manner - good, not a threat.

She relaxed her posture a little and and adjusted the pearl that was wrapped securely in her tail, just in case he would steal it. She rummaged through her sack and pulled out a sheet of folded parchment. She handed the paper to the dragon. She looked at the dragon's eye color: red.

Perfect, a local.

"I am Alcyone. I come from a clan in the Sea of a Thousand Currents. I have been sent here to search for what one of the gatherers says to be a potential threat. This map shows the general area and description of this... beast the dragon speaks of. Perhaps you know of any disturbances in this area?"

((Feel free to use your imagination on what you want the "beast" to look like.))

As the Wildclaw approached, Alcyone eyed the dragon with scrutiny.

Doesn't fit the description, stature posed in a friendly manner - good, not a threat.

She relaxed her posture a little and and adjusted the pearl that was wrapped securely in her tail, just in case he would steal it. She rummaged through her sack and pulled out a sheet of folded parchment. She handed the paper to the dragon. She looked at the dragon's eye color: red.

Perfect, a local.

"I am Alcyone. I come from a clan in the Sea of a Thousand Currents. I have been sent here to search for what one of the gatherers says to be a potential threat. This map shows the general area and description of this... beast the dragon speaks of. Perhaps you know of any disturbances in this area?"

((Feel free to use your imagination on what you want the "beast" to look like.))

Azareth took the map and examined it closely, frowning a little bit. "I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. I mean, I've seen a couple of Imperial-sized footprints around here lately, but there are Imperials around here, so I haven't paid too much attention to them."

Well, there were the weird sounds at night, but Azareth didn't bring those up.

Azareth took the map and examined it closely, frowning a little bit. "I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. I mean, I've seen a couple of Imperial-sized footprints around here lately, but there are Imperials around here, so I haven't paid too much attention to them."

Well, there were the weird sounds at night, but Azareth didn't bring those up.

"Can you lead me to these footprints? Maybe they can aid me on my search," Alcyone said, noting the small frown the Wildclaw had. "If not, I would appreciate it if you could lead me to a place where I could take shelter when night approaches."

"Can you lead me to these footprints? Maybe they can aid me on my search," Alcyone said, noting the small frown the Wildclaw had. "If not, I would appreciate it if you could lead me to a place where I could take shelter when night approaches."

Azareth nodded. "Yeah. I saw some yesterday- not too far from here, actually." He glanced at the poster again. He wished he could put a claw on what the picture on the poster reminded him of, but his memory was failing him.

He pointed towards the east and took off. "Follow me."

Azareth nodded. "Yeah. I saw some yesterday- not too far from here, actually." He glanced at the poster again. He wished he could put a claw on what the picture on the poster reminded him of, but his memory was failing him.

He pointed towards the east and took off. "Follow me."

Alcyone removed her pearl from her tail and held it tightly within her arms before taking off to follow the Wildclaw, her blue-hued wings flapping steadily in the air.

Imperial footprints. How peculiar, since they don't enjoy convening around each other. Could it be...

No, if it was an Emperor, everyone would have caught wind of the news. It's best to not jump to conclusions. For all she knew, this creature could only exist in the Scarred Wasteland. Due to the simple fact that the land of the Plaguebringer is so close to the Tidelord's realm, such a thing could easily be a threat to her clan's waters.

Also, there is also the possibility that the gatherer could have imagined the whole ordeal. The group of gatherers were a pretty flighty bunch if you asked her.

"I thank you, sir," Alcyone said as she caught up to the WIldclaw. "Say, I don't believe I caught your name."

Alcyone removed her pearl from her tail and held it tightly within her arms before taking off to follow the Wildclaw, her blue-hued wings flapping steadily in the air.

Imperial footprints. How peculiar, since they don't enjoy convening around each other. Could it be...

No, if it was an Emperor, everyone would have caught wind of the news. It's best to not jump to conclusions. For all she knew, this creature could only exist in the Scarred Wasteland. Due to the simple fact that the land of the Plaguebringer is so close to the Tidelord's realm, such a thing could easily be a threat to her clan's waters.

Also, there is also the possibility that the gatherer could have imagined the whole ordeal. The group of gatherers were a pretty flighty bunch if you asked her.

"I thank you, sir," Alcyone said as she caught up to the WIldclaw. "Say, I don't believe I caught your name."

"Oh, it's Azareth. How about yours?" The Wildclaw kept his eyes trained on the ground down below. He estimated that he was about a mile or so from his campsite right now, and he'd seen the footprints about half a mile to the east from there.

The thought of something lurking around close to his home was unsettling. Azareth had spent forever and a day carving out his little niche in the Wasteland- it'd be a shame if he had to relocate again.

"Oh, it's Azareth. How about yours?" The Wildclaw kept his eyes trained on the ground down below. He estimated that he was about a mile or so from his campsite right now, and he'd seen the footprints about half a mile to the east from there.

The thought of something lurking around close to his home was unsettling. Azareth had spent forever and a day carving out his little niche in the Wasteland- it'd be a shame if he had to relocate again.

"Alcyone," the Pearlcatcher replied. She glanced about her surroundings every once in a while, making sure of her direction to be able to find her way back to her clan.

Something about Azareth stuck out as odd about him... Where was his clan? In a dangerous area like this, it's a death-wish to be all alone.

Of course, believing so was hypocritical for her, since she continued on without her scouting group, but she swore her life to protect the clan. It was different.

Thinking about her clan mates made her miss them. She's been alone in the Wasteland for a few days already. And not to mention that she still needed to find a place to stay for the night.

"Would your clan be open to letting me stay with them for a while?"

"Alcyone," the Pearlcatcher replied. She glanced about her surroundings every once in a while, making sure of her direction to be able to find her way back to her clan.

Something about Azareth stuck out as odd about him... Where was his clan? In a dangerous area like this, it's a death-wish to be all alone.

Of course, believing so was hypocritical for her, since she continued on without her scouting group, but she swore her life to protect the clan. It was different.

Thinking about her clan mates made her miss them. She's been alone in the Wasteland for a few days already. And not to mention that she still needed to find a place to stay for the night.

"Would your clan be open to letting me stay with them for a while?"
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