

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private} with rubesdragon
((It’s alright xD Also, if you get a little confused about all the different characters, they can all be found on page 1 of my lair ^-^))

Rivas eyes pierced Hermes, “does it look like it?!” she snapped rather aggressively. Polaris slowly glanced up towards her, “it wasn’t he’s fault, he couldn’t of helped even if he wanted too” Polaris tried to stand once again but just fell back into a heap.

“Stay here and rest, I’ll get some water. Hida!” Riva clambered to her legs and watched Hida trot over, “yes?” she anwsered. “We're going to the stream to gather some water for the injured” Riva explained. Lifting her head further when noticing Eira limping over; a grave expression plastered across her face. “How’s Leo?” Riva asked Eira nervously, “no good. Weak still. I’ll come and help with the water,” Eira replied.

Riva wanted to object when noticing her limp had worsened but knew it would be useless ‘she cares for him too much’ Riva sighed and led the party towards a nearby stream, pacing past Hermes on the way out.
((It’s alright xD Also, if you get a little confused about all the different characters, they can all be found on page 1 of my lair ^-^))

Rivas eyes pierced Hermes, “does it look like it?!” she snapped rather aggressively. Polaris slowly glanced up towards her, “it wasn’t he’s fault, he couldn’t of helped even if he wanted too” Polaris tried to stand once again but just fell back into a heap.

“Stay here and rest, I’ll get some water. Hida!” Riva clambered to her legs and watched Hida trot over, “yes?” she anwsered. “We're going to the stream to gather some water for the injured” Riva explained. Lifting her head further when noticing Eira limping over; a grave expression plastered across her face. “How’s Leo?” Riva asked Eira nervously, “no good. Weak still. I’ll come and help with the water,” Eira replied.

Riva wanted to object when noticing her limp had worsened but knew it would be useless ‘she cares for him too much’ Riva sighed and led the party towards a nearby stream, pacing past Hermes on the way out.
"Riva," Hermes called out. He still felt a little shaky, but he seemed to be in better shape than a lot of the dragons. Looking up, he realised they weren't actually too far from where his own clan had settled. As long as his wings didnt give up on him, he might be able to reach them!
He turned to Riva. "Riva, let me help."

"Riva," Hermes called out. He still felt a little shaky, but he seemed to be in better shape than a lot of the dragons. Looking up, he realised they weren't actually too far from where his own clan had settled. As long as his wings didnt give up on him, he might be able to reach them!
He turned to Riva. "Riva, let me help."

794a3145f6fa1f605844f6d1d3f20ebb5196384f.png Wishlist
(( ITS OKAY XD @ @rubesdragon ))

The party of female Wildclaws came to a halt. Riva glanced behind her before sighing heavily. A smile began to build over her drained face as she was about to reply but wiped it away in an instance as Zilla (a very moody female wildclaw who’s close with Riva but has trust issues especially when it comes to outsiders) stepped forwards, lashing her tail from side to side in frustration.

Zilla was always one for making a scene, as she stepped forwards she snarled at Hermes. “Why is he still here?! He’s an outsider! And I could probably kill him using my forearms!” Riva rolled her eyes, ‘Hmn, I feared that some dragons may begin to challenge his presence…’ her thoughts interrupted when the other females standing behind began to mumble in agreement.
“Yes! We should chase him out!”
“Yeah! He’s a waste of space!” the mumbles growing louder and more intense.
“See Riva? Im not the only one that things he should go! And if you don’t I’ll do it right n--”
“Enough!” Riva bellowed as she smashed her tail on the ground. The sound continued to echo around the forest for a few long moments before everything was silence once more. The females looked in disarray at Riva. “Don’t. Make me do that again.” Riva’s cold stare locked onto Zilla, “I’ll talk about this later” she snarled at Zilla before gesturing her over towards the river using her head.
Zilla nodded in respect at Riva before trotting off into some bushes leaving her out of sight.

Riva relaxed yet again and turned towards Hermes, “sorry about that, they’ve never been great with new comers” her tone returned to being soft and calm once more. She paced over towards Hermes until there was only a meter between them, “besides, Zilla would have no chance against you in a race. She’s more the ‘up front’ type.”
(( ITS OKAY XD @ @rubesdragon ))

The party of female Wildclaws came to a halt. Riva glanced behind her before sighing heavily. A smile began to build over her drained face as she was about to reply but wiped it away in an instance as Zilla (a very moody female wildclaw who’s close with Riva but has trust issues especially when it comes to outsiders) stepped forwards, lashing her tail from side to side in frustration.

Zilla was always one for making a scene, as she stepped forwards she snarled at Hermes. “Why is he still here?! He’s an outsider! And I could probably kill him using my forearms!” Riva rolled her eyes, ‘Hmn, I feared that some dragons may begin to challenge his presence…’ her thoughts interrupted when the other females standing behind began to mumble in agreement.
“Yes! We should chase him out!”
“Yeah! He’s a waste of space!” the mumbles growing louder and more intense.
“See Riva? Im not the only one that things he should go! And if you don’t I’ll do it right n--”
“Enough!” Riva bellowed as she smashed her tail on the ground. The sound continued to echo around the forest for a few long moments before everything was silence once more. The females looked in disarray at Riva. “Don’t. Make me do that again.” Riva’s cold stare locked onto Zilla, “I’ll talk about this later” she snarled at Zilla before gesturing her over towards the river using her head.
Zilla nodded in respect at Riva before trotting off into some bushes leaving her out of sight.

Riva relaxed yet again and turned towards Hermes, “sorry about that, they’ve never been great with new comers” her tone returned to being soft and calm once more. She paced over towards Hermes until there was only a meter between them, “besides, Zilla would have no chance against you in a race. She’s more the ‘up front’ type.”
@zafikii :D

Hermes dipped his head gratefully at Riva. "Thank you for defending me. I'd like to repay your kindness in any way I can; I believe we're not too far from where my clan is based. I can bring some of them here to help you and your friends." He looked at the Wildclaw for approval.
@zafikii :D

Hermes dipped his head gratefully at Riva. "Thank you for defending me. I'd like to repay your kindness in any way I can; I believe we're not too far from where my clan is based. I can bring some of them here to help you and your friends." He looked at the Wildclaw for approval.
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Riva smiled for a split second “don’t mention it” before pricking her head at Hermes comment, “outsiders? Defiantly not, you saw how they took to your presence?!” Cutting her sentence short, she thought for a moment ‘mhn, do I have any choice?’ she glanced around at her friends, family, comrades suffering from the blow. She sighed once more, “take me to them.” She finally replied.

Riva smiled for a split second “don’t mention it” before pricking her head at Hermes comment, “outsiders? Defiantly not, you saw how they took to your presence?!” Cutting her sentence short, she thought for a moment ‘mhn, do I have any choice?’ she glanced around at her friends, family, comrades suffering from the blow. She sighed once more, “take me to them.” She finally replied.
@rubesdragon xD
@rubesdragon xD