

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Egg (open)
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The grey and silver Pearlcatcher flapped her tired wings harder. She looked down at her front talons. Instead of the white pearl she normally carried, in her claws laid an egg. A very special egg. This egg contained a hatchling who carried the blood of all eleven flights. Rare, but not impossible. But this egg also had something that all of the flights wanted. This hatchling had power. An ancient prophecy had foretold that whoever had the hatchling would be granted eternal power. Volyno had stolen the egg from the Icewarden and was delivering it to the Flamecaller. She had been exalted from her Clan, and was proud to serve under the Flamecaller. She knew that she wouldn't be able to make it back to the Flamecaller in one journey. She would have to stop and rest for the night soon. She noticed that she was near her old Clan. She decided to land near it and walk in. She landed on the edge of an empty crater that had once held lava, and watched the Clan from afar. It had grown, with several new dragon hatchlings. She squinted her sharp eyes at one particular dragon. A shimmery white Pearlcatcher dragon, with a blueish white pearl in his claws. Her son, Gossamer. He was followed by a small black and purple Imperial hatchling. That must be his hatchling. Volyno smiled at the little one's antics and decided to wait until after nightfall to re-enter the Clan. She made herself comfortable inside the empty crater and curled herself around the egg. While she was waiting for nightfall, she sang an ancient dragon lullaby to the precious egg. I ubi non oportet , Pangur Ban panur ban non solum in hoc saeculo sed incertum est non sumus , parum interim Pangur prohibetur Pangur ban non solum in hoc saeculo sed caligine sed parum honestum pusillus nam et dum. i ubi non oportet , Pangur prohibetur Pangur ban non solum in hoc saeculo sed incertum est enim vivo parum tempus.
The grey and silver Pearlcatcher flapped her tired wings harder. She looked down at her front talons. Instead of the white pearl she normally carried, in her claws laid an egg. A very special egg. This egg contained a hatchling who carried the blood of all eleven flights. Rare, but not impossible. But this egg also had something that all of the flights wanted. This hatchling had power. An ancient prophecy had foretold that whoever had the hatchling would be granted eternal power. Volyno had stolen the egg from the Icewarden and was delivering it to the Flamecaller. She had been exalted from her Clan, and was proud to serve under the Flamecaller. She knew that she wouldn't be able to make it back to the Flamecaller in one journey. She would have to stop and rest for the night soon. She noticed that she was near her old Clan. She decided to land near it and walk in. She landed on the edge of an empty crater that had once held lava, and watched the Clan from afar. It had grown, with several new dragon hatchlings. She squinted her sharp eyes at one particular dragon. A shimmery white Pearlcatcher dragon, with a blueish white pearl in his claws. Her son, Gossamer. He was followed by a small black and purple Imperial hatchling. That must be his hatchling. Volyno smiled at the little one's antics and decided to wait until after nightfall to re-enter the Clan. She made herself comfortable inside the empty crater and curled herself around the egg. While she was waiting for nightfall, she sang an ancient dragon lullaby to the precious egg. I ubi non oportet , Pangur Ban panur ban non solum in hoc saeculo sed incertum est non sumus , parum interim Pangur prohibetur Pangur ban non solum in hoc saeculo sed caligine sed parum honestum pusillus nam et dum. i ubi non oportet , Pangur prohibetur Pangur ban non solum in hoc saeculo sed incertum est enim vivo parum tempus.
((May I join you?))
((May I join you?))
@Zoku Of course! :D
@Zoku Of course! :D

The small pearlcatcher hatchling trilled as she watched the stars rise up from the rim of the world. Her tiny ears flicked; the melody of a song reached her. She turned, clutching her iridescent pearl, and spotted an adult of her kind. It didn't seem as if she carried a pearl; no, the object wasn't globular as was her pearl. She spread her wings and lofted into the air with a few flaps. Being young, the lullaby was calming her and she struggled to keep awake. She touched down on a rock, a few feet away from the grey and silver pearlcatcher.


The small pearlcatcher hatchling trilled as she watched the stars rise up from the rim of the world. Her tiny ears flicked; the melody of a song reached her. She turned, clutching her iridescent pearl, and spotted an adult of her kind. It didn't seem as if she carried a pearl; no, the object wasn't globular as was her pearl. She spread her wings and lofted into the air with a few flaps. Being young, the lullaby was calming her and she struggled to keep awake. She touched down on a rock, a few feet away from the grey and silver pearlcatcher.

Volyno herd a small sound behind her. She turned her head around and saw a small hatchling of her kind, struggling to stay awake. "Hello there, little one. What are you doing out here at this time of day? Are you from that Clan over there?" She picked the small one up and placed her next to the egg. I do hope she's from my old Clan. If she's lost, then I won't be able to help her. I need to get this egg to the Flamecaller soon, as it is only a few days from hatching.
Volyno herd a small sound behind her. She turned her head around and saw a small hatchling of her kind, struggling to stay awake. "Hello there, little one. What are you doing out here at this time of day? Are you from that Clan over there?" She picked the small one up and placed her next to the egg. I do hope she's from my old Clan. If she's lost, then I won't be able to help her. I need to get this egg to the Flamecaller soon, as it is only a few days from hatching.
@ avalonwebgirl130 May I join

(What would I use for the picture and would it be my own Dragon or one from Google)
@ avalonwebgirl130 May I join

(What would I use for the picture and would it be my own Dragon or one from Google)
I love my dragons CLOUD, ROSE, AND HAWKSTONE!!💖💖💖
(P.S. I was not yelling

"Y-yeah." The tiny blue hatchling turned her gaze to the object held within the other pearlcatcher's hands.
"What's that? It's not a pearl, so what is it?" She asked tiny tail whipping. She leaned forward to sniff it.

"Y-yeah." The tiny blue hatchling turned her gaze to the object held within the other pearlcatcher's hands.
"What's that? It's not a pearl, so what is it?" She asked tiny tail whipping. She leaned forward to sniff it.
I love my dragons CLOUD, ROSE, AND HAWKSTONE!!💖💖💖
(P.S. I was not yelling
Volyno smiled at the hatchling."It's an egg, little one. A very special egg." She looked at the small hatchling. She looked very much like her own dear son, Gossamer. I wonder..."Is your daddy named Gossamer?"
Volyno smiled at the hatchling."It's an egg, little one. A very special egg." She looked at the small hatchling. She looked very much like her own dear son, Gossamer. I wonder..."Is your daddy named Gossamer?"

The hatchling looked over and smiled.
"Yeah! He took me hunting today and I caught a rabbit!" Her tail swished, and she climbed up onto her pearl to get a better look at the egg. It seemed as if it was glowing faintly.

The hatchling looked over and smiled.
"Yeah! He took me hunting today and I caught a rabbit!" Her tail swished, and she climbed up onto her pearl to get a better look at the egg. It seemed as if it was glowing faintly.
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