Character Information
- Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.
I am a mixed role player, having both fandom characters and original characters. If the rp calls for original characters, I'll join using original characters. If it is a fandom rp, I'll use fandom characters.
- Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.
I would like to do Star Wars rps or AUs of Star Wars, Marvel, and OUAT. But i'm a big sucker for mixed fandom rps where different characters (canon or fan OCs) mingle around in some sort of AU. But I'm not picky choosy. I'll do FR rps as well.
Player Information- Average reply length?
I will always try to go above a paragraph as I find that is not only good for the rp, but also help me practice my skills. But if the OP of the RP wants only short responses, I can do that as well.
- Average reply speed?
When school is on, my replies are very few to none, as it depends if I can get on FR without getting caught. When school is out or it is summer, I'm on FR almost constantly, but I still have a life. Sometimes I ghost with no explanation, but usually it's because of personal things.
- Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I get annoyed when rping with a novice, but I can tolerate them. I like rps that are either are one on one rping or a larger group consisting of two to three people, not including myself. People who demand that I must be active on the rp or I'm kicked off usually get under my skin, so I tend not to go for the pushier, more writing dependent rps.
- Would you like to share any additional information?
I don't care where I rp as long as it isn't on sites like KIK, Instagram, Discord, Skype, or anything along the lines of that. I don't mind forum rps or DM rps on here. Wanna rp with me in SWTOR? Hit me up on Star Forge! I'll either be on my Jedi Togru or Imp A Twi on Odessen.