Woops, thanks for the warning though.
I was planning on starting it earlier but it seemed to me like most people were busy.
Woops, thanks for the warning though.
I was planning on starting it earlier but it seemed to me like most people were busy.
I need Twenty Good Men(tm)
Even if people are busy, they'll post whenever they can. as will I with school and my projects coming closer. Make it already, we're waiting for the fun to begin! :D
Even if people are busy, they'll post whenever they can. as will I with school and my projects coming closer. Make it already, we're waiting for the fun to begin! :D
CarolusRex I've been waiting for it to start. Also been thinking over my characters.
CarolusRex I've been waiting for it to start. Also been thinking over my characters.
It's the end of the school year for me, so finals and projects are time consuming x.x, but I'd get a post in when I could. Just tweaking my characters is left xD
It's the end of the school year for me, so finals and projects are time consuming x.x, but I'd get a post in when I could. Just tweaking my characters is left xD
I guess I should have waited till summer before starting this, knowing finals were coming. Oh well. :P
I guess I should have waited till summer before starting this, knowing finals were coming. Oh well. :P
I need Twenty Good Men(tm)
Hey @
Chance did you get the PM I sent you? Just wondering because it's been a couple days.
Hey @
Chance did you get the PM I sent you? Just wondering because it's been a couple days.
Due to the lack of French characters I'm considering making it a Brit-only RP. Would be easier that way, I think.
Due to the lack of French characters I'm considering making it a Brit-only RP. Would be easier that way, I think.
I need Twenty Good Men(tm)
Lemme know in case I need to make another character! :D
Lemme know in case I need to make another character! :D
Chance Well you already have a British Character so you don't have anything to worry about.
On the other hand I should start writing down my Brit character. vwv;
Chance Well you already have a British Character so you don't have anything to worry about.
On the other hand I should start writing down my Brit character. vwv;
I need Twenty Good Men(tm)
Double post and bump. As well as pings.
Since this roleplay didn't have as much success as I hoped it would, and don't think having several nations will work, I was wondering what you guys think we should do.
Option one would probably be to lock France since not a lot of people seem interested in roleplaying from that PoV.
Option two would be to think of another time period and focus on one group of characters.
Though, if you have any suggestions feel free to write them.
Double post and bump. As well as pings.
Since this roleplay didn't have as much success as I hoped it would, and don't think having several nations will work, I was wondering what you guys think we should do.
Option one would probably be to lock France since not a lot of people seem interested in roleplaying from that PoV.
Option two would be to think of another time period and focus on one group of characters.
Though, if you have any suggestions feel free to write them.
I need Twenty Good Men(tm)