

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private with KnightOfScarves
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Rider walked down to the meal hall of the castle and sat relatively near the king. He wanted to know what was wrong with the princess, mostly because he believed people do not just randomly lose sleep like she did.

Meanwhile Champion was still asleep in a little camp sight he and Vlad had made, he was not expecting the princess until noon.

Rider walked down to the meal hall of the castle and sat relatively near the king. He wanted to know what was wrong with the princess, mostly because he believed people do not just randomly lose sleep like she did.

Meanwhile Champion was still asleep in a little camp sight he and Vlad had made, he was not expecting the princess until noon.

Looking through the woods, she swallowed. She was early but she could rest here until she had met with the others... Looking through, she blinked at the camp. Isn let out a purr and nuzzled against his rider before sniffing and looking over. "He's here... let's go wake him." "Not yet.." She chuckled, peering to the other.

Looking through the woods, she swallowed. She was early but she could rest here until she had met with the others... Looking through, she blinked at the camp. Isn let out a purr and nuzzled against his rider before sniffing and looking over. "He's here... let's go wake him." "Not yet.." She chuckled, peering to the other.

Vlad was already up and preparing some breakfast, which one could only assume to be something they found in the forest. Vlad was currently not wearing a shirt, after all it was a warm morning in a southern kingdom, which was blazing hot to anyone from the north. He was roasting several slabs of meat over a fire.

Vlad was already up and preparing some breakfast, which one could only assume to be something they found in the forest. Vlad was currently not wearing a shirt, after all it was a warm morning in a southern kingdom, which was blazing hot to anyone from the north. He was roasting several slabs of meat over a fire.

"Morning." the princess looked over with a smile to thee other. She didn't want to scare him as she didn't know if Vlad would know she was here. Altaria offered a shy smile while Isn just pounded forward, sniffing the man he remembered from when he was a hatching.

"Morning." the princess looked over with a smile to thee other. She didn't want to scare him as she didn't know if Vlad would know she was here. Altaria offered a shy smile while Isn just pounded forward, sniffing the man he remembered from when he was a hatching.

"Good morning! I was wondering when you would come over," he said happily as he turned the meat over with a spatula, "Champ said you would not be hear till noon," Vlad reached down and rubbed Isn's head when he came over.

A bit of snoring could be heard from inside one of the two tents set up at the camp sight.

"Good morning! I was wondering when you would come over," he said happily as he turned the meat over with a spatula, "Champ said you would not be hear till noon," Vlad reached down and rubbed Isn's head when he came over.

A bit of snoring could be heard from inside one of the two tents set up at the camp sight.

"I left early... they think I'm ill and sleeping..." She smiled weakly to the other, taking a seat on the ground and sighing. Altaria stroked a hand through her hair slowly and leant there, looking to the other. She offered a shy smile, remembering when she first met the other when they were younger. "Hopefully everything will be okay while I'm away..."

"I left early... they think I'm ill and sleeping..." She smiled weakly to the other, taking a seat on the ground and sighing. Altaria stroked a hand through her hair slowly and leant there, looking to the other. She offered a shy smile, remembering when she first met the other when they were younger. "Hopefully everything will be okay while I'm away..."

"Hopefully," Vlad said happily as he poked the meat with a spatula, "Do you want me to make you anything for breakfast?" he asked with a smile.

There was some rustling from one of the tents and the red headed man from last night came out, wearing a gray cotton shirt and a brown leather pants. He yawned and looked over at the princess, "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hopefully," Vlad said happily as he poked the meat with a spatula, "Do you want me to make you anything for breakfast?" he asked with a smile.

There was some rustling from one of the tents and the red headed man from last night came out, wearing a gray cotton shirt and a brown leather pants. He yawned and looked over at the princess, "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm fine really..." She smiled weakly to the other, stroking a hand through her hair while Isn watched around. "Food?" The dragon chirped and looked around. Altaria looked up to the other before sighing. "I had to leave early..."

"I'm fine really..." She smiled weakly to the other, stroking a hand through her hair while Isn watched around. "Food?" The dragon chirped and looked around. Altaria looked up to the other before sighing. "I had to leave early..."

"Yeah, what do you want little guy?" Vlad asked in draconic, "We have mostly meat, but I could also make you some eggs or something,"

"OK... did you convince your dad not to let the monster hunting squad into your kingdom?" Champion asked as he took a seat next to the fire. The fire seemed to get brighter when he got closer.

"Yeah, what do you want little guy?" Vlad asked in draconic, "We have mostly meat, but I could also make you some eggs or something,"

"OK... did you convince your dad not to let the monster hunting squad into your kingdom?" Champion asked as he took a seat next to the fire. The fire seemed to get brighter when he got closer.
Making a face at the meat, Isn looked around. "I'll get some fruit, and you cook it okay?" He grinned before bonding off into the forest.

Altaria sighed and shook her head. "I'm going to speak to him tonight when Rider is asleep." She looked over to the other, watching the fire and placing her own hand over it. Ice frosted around her wrists even with the fire around.

Making a face at the meat, Isn looked around. "I'll get some fruit, and you cook it okay?" He grinned before bonding off into the forest.

Altaria sighed and shook her head. "I'm going to speak to him tonight when Rider is asleep." She looked over to the other, watching the fire and placing her own hand over it. Ice frosted around her wrists even with the fire around.

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