

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Stormclan ((awh)) ~ OPEN
@kilauea @frozenpumpkin @Circade @feldoras @Burnmoon
((This thread is happening the day BEFORE the gathering just so you all are aware.))

Maplestar turned her head slightly to look over her shoulder at the tom that called himself Crow. Yes she had been right about his age, though being malnourished had made him look younger. She gave Crow a sad knowing smile at his lose. "One day I will tell you the story of the old clans and how ours came to be." Turing her head back to focus on where she was going Maplestar pushed away the old memories that threatened to steal into her heart.

Without turning to face him Maplestar continued their conversation without much emotion. She was trying to focus on the new scents that swept through her territory all the while trying not to let the fur on her back stand on end in hostility. Had really so much changed while she was away? Glancing up at the tree tops Maplestar wished she could see the sky. Was Starclan telling her something, or was she making an omen out of something that wasn't there?

"You're at the age where clan cats become apprentices. Apprentices are what kits become at the age of 6 moons and usual stay apprentices until 12 moons, though sometimes it can last longer. After your mentor has trained you and you are fit for the role, you become a warrior. Our warriors are proud and strong; capable of providing for the whole clan while protecting each other from harm the outside world may harbor." Maplestar didn't want to give Crow too much information, as the young tom was probably already in shock however she wanted him to understand something before he walked straight into the camp and into her way of life.

Soon the two cats were standing just outside the clans entrance and Maplestar's senses were on high alert. She did not want to scare Crow but something was going on in her camp and she needed to find out what. Turning her head to face Crow she nodded toward the entrance, letting the young tom go first while her face remained composed and stiff, mental prepared for whatever was there to greet her.
@kilauea @frozenpumpkin @Circade @feldoras @Burnmoon
((This thread is happening the day BEFORE the gathering just so you all are aware.))

Maplestar turned her head slightly to look over her shoulder at the tom that called himself Crow. Yes she had been right about his age, though being malnourished had made him look younger. She gave Crow a sad knowing smile at his lose. "One day I will tell you the story of the old clans and how ours came to be." Turing her head back to focus on where she was going Maplestar pushed away the old memories that threatened to steal into her heart.

Without turning to face him Maplestar continued their conversation without much emotion. She was trying to focus on the new scents that swept through her territory all the while trying not to let the fur on her back stand on end in hostility. Had really so much changed while she was away? Glancing up at the tree tops Maplestar wished she could see the sky. Was Starclan telling her something, or was she making an omen out of something that wasn't there?

"You're at the age where clan cats become apprentices. Apprentices are what kits become at the age of 6 moons and usual stay apprentices until 12 moons, though sometimes it can last longer. After your mentor has trained you and you are fit for the role, you become a warrior. Our warriors are proud and strong; capable of providing for the whole clan while protecting each other from harm the outside world may harbor." Maplestar didn't want to give Crow too much information, as the young tom was probably already in shock however she wanted him to understand something before he walked straight into the camp and into her way of life.

Soon the two cats were standing just outside the clans entrance and Maplestar's senses were on high alert. She did not want to scare Crow but something was going on in her camp and she needed to find out what. Turning her head to face Crow she nodded toward the entrance, letting the young tom go first while her face remained composed and stiff, mental prepared for whatever was there to greet her.
Brightleap flicked an ear as she haerd her sister protest, then relaxed again as Turtleshell seemed to have dropped it. She sniffed the air, an odd scent rising over that of the kittens that squirmed just below her nose. The smell made her feel agitated, though tried not to let it get under her skin just yet.
Her mind wandered back to Marshclan, and she felt a sharp prod of pain as she thought of being away for so long.
I'm here for the kittens, it is necessary... Though no matter how many times she repeated this to herself she still felt somehow that she was abandoning her clan, that she was leaving it behind for this clan that hunted under trees instead of in the rushing rivers that were home to her. How she would ever adapt to this foreign land was beyond her, though she must do it somehow, she determined.
A queen, no, a loner? Some cat had just then padded up to her, belly heavy with kits and reeking with the scent of hormones and oncoming milk. This cat didn't feel threatening, so she felt no need to do anything that showed hostility.

Your name is Brightleap, is that correct? "

She looked back into the cats eyes, her own unblinking and, if one looked close enough, exhausted and aching for sleep. She nodded her answer, not feeling all to inclined to speak at the moment. She sniffed at the stranger before casting her gaze around camp, trying to seek out where the nursery or medicine cat den might be.

Brightleap flicked an ear as she haerd her sister protest, then relaxed again as Turtleshell seemed to have dropped it. She sniffed the air, an odd scent rising over that of the kittens that squirmed just below her nose. The smell made her feel agitated, though tried not to let it get under her skin just yet.
Her mind wandered back to Marshclan, and she felt a sharp prod of pain as she thought of being away for so long.
I'm here for the kittens, it is necessary... Though no matter how many times she repeated this to herself she still felt somehow that she was abandoning her clan, that she was leaving it behind for this clan that hunted under trees instead of in the rushing rivers that were home to her. How she would ever adapt to this foreign land was beyond her, though she must do it somehow, she determined.
A queen, no, a loner? Some cat had just then padded up to her, belly heavy with kits and reeking with the scent of hormones and oncoming milk. This cat didn't feel threatening, so she felt no need to do anything that showed hostility.

Your name is Brightleap, is that correct? "

She looked back into the cats eyes, her own unblinking and, if one looked close enough, exhausted and aching for sleep. She nodded her answer, not feeling all to inclined to speak at the moment. She sniffed at the stranger before casting her gaze around camp, trying to seek out where the nursery or medicine cat den might be.

ChibiKittens, the original chibi derp cat
@kilauea @frozenpumpkin @wildheart @feldoras @Burnmoon

Crow had been struggling a bit to keep up due to his small size and unhealthy condition, but his eyes brightened a bit at the mention of a story. Good tale or bad, he always enjoyed hearing stories from his mother as a kit.

"I'd like that," he replied, as he padded after her towards his new home. As exhausted as he felt, he also liked the sound of being an apprentice. He just knew he could be strong, his life and its hardships thus far had strengthened him already, and eventually he could be warrior that he hoped Maplestar would be proud of. He didn't want to let her down after allowing him a home, and the chance to live.

Trying his best to look calm and worthy of this chance, he padded through the entrance of the camp. This was the start of a new journey, and he wouldn't start out by letting these new cats believe he was just a frightened kit.
@kilauea @frozenpumpkin @wildheart @feldoras @Burnmoon

Crow had been struggling a bit to keep up due to his small size and unhealthy condition, but his eyes brightened a bit at the mention of a story. Good tale or bad, he always enjoyed hearing stories from his mother as a kit.

"I'd like that," he replied, as he padded after her towards his new home. As exhausted as he felt, he also liked the sound of being an apprentice. He just knew he could be strong, his life and its hardships thus far had strengthened him already, and eventually he could be warrior that he hoped Maplestar would be proud of. He didn't want to let her down after allowing him a home, and the chance to live.

Trying his best to look calm and worthy of this chance, he padded through the entrance of the camp. This was the start of a new journey, and he wouldn't start out by letting these new cats believe he was just a frightened kit.
@wildheart @kilauea @feldoras @frozenpumpkin @cicade

Hollyeyes blinked and tried processing Cinder's information, and while some details were utterly meaningless, it had merit enough.

"Cinders, that could help. But we need these kits to have milk right away, and the journey outside would take too long. But if thats our last resort..."

Hollyeyes shrugged, and turned to Downyclaw, nodding in approval. Maplestar might not be here at the moment, but it was his position's duty to heal cats- so this wasn't doing any harm. But at Brightleap's declaration, he turned to her and meowed,

"That isn't for you to decide. I hope you have luck in swaying Maplestar to your side."

Leaping down, he said to Downyclaw,

"Whisperpaw should be out with the borage leaves any second now. In the meantime, you'd best get comfortable in the nursery."

It wasn't his home turf, and that was both a positive and a negative. He was more likely to be nervous in such imperfect places, but if the kits died he wouldn't have to remember them every time he walked inside his den.

Either way, this was going to be difficult.
@wildheart @kilauea @feldoras @frozenpumpkin @cicade

Hollyeyes blinked and tried processing Cinder's information, and while some details were utterly meaningless, it had merit enough.

"Cinders, that could help. But we need these kits to have milk right away, and the journey outside would take too long. But if thats our last resort..."

Hollyeyes shrugged, and turned to Downyclaw, nodding in approval. Maplestar might not be here at the moment, but it was his position's duty to heal cats- so this wasn't doing any harm. But at Brightleap's declaration, he turned to her and meowed,

"That isn't for you to decide. I hope you have luck in swaying Maplestar to your side."

Leaping down, he said to Downyclaw,

"Whisperpaw should be out with the borage leaves any second now. In the meantime, you'd best get comfortable in the nursery."

It wasn't his home turf, and that was both a positive and a negative. He was more likely to be nervous in such imperfect places, but if the kits died he wouldn't have to remember them every time he walked inside his den.

Either way, this was going to be difficult.
xGq4e44.png Click my username for my art shop!
@Burnmoon @ChibiKittens

Downyclaw felt another pang of sympathy at the sight Brightleap made. She looked so exhausted, and she still had quite the ordeal to go through. She knew Maplestar didn't trust Foxstar, so how much did she trust one of his warriors? It wasn't as if she was defecting, though that actually might of ended up making the situation better. Hollyeyes words reinforced her thoughts, and Downyclaw cast her gaze down. She raised her head when the medicine cat directed his attention to her, and nodded quietly.

" I'm going to take them now, " she said as she lowered her head, glancing over at Brightleap once more. She didn't want the warrior to show aggression, so she went as slow as she could. " I'll take the littlest one first, since she seems warmer, and then I'll come back and get the weaker one. " It smelled like Maplestar was about to come in, so she didn't want the leader to see an enemy cat pushing her way into the nursery. She scooped up Littlekit by the scruff and headed over to the bushes that held the nursery. She quickly carried Littlekit over to her nest, and then put the squealing kit down.

She went back and quickly scooped up Otterkit, aware that the kits needed to be somewhere warm and dry and with food. She took the kit into the nursery with her, her tail lashing. She glanced back at Cinders, hoping the kittypet would be okay without her-it wasn't like she couldn't visit her in the nursery. She lowered Otterkit down next to his sister and curled around them in her nest, licking their fur to dry them. The snow outside had melted partially onto their fur, and she could feel their little paws kneading at her stomach, biting, trying to get at some milk. " Soon, little ones, " she purred soothingly. " You'll get your food soon. "

(I'll wait for Maplestar to come in before posting for Turtleshell OTL)
@Burnmoon @ChibiKittens

Downyclaw felt another pang of sympathy at the sight Brightleap made. She looked so exhausted, and she still had quite the ordeal to go through. She knew Maplestar didn't trust Foxstar, so how much did she trust one of his warriors? It wasn't as if she was defecting, though that actually might of ended up making the situation better. Hollyeyes words reinforced her thoughts, and Downyclaw cast her gaze down. She raised her head when the medicine cat directed his attention to her, and nodded quietly.

" I'm going to take them now, " she said as she lowered her head, glancing over at Brightleap once more. She didn't want the warrior to show aggression, so she went as slow as she could. " I'll take the littlest one first, since she seems warmer, and then I'll come back and get the weaker one. " It smelled like Maplestar was about to come in, so she didn't want the leader to see an enemy cat pushing her way into the nursery. She scooped up Littlekit by the scruff and headed over to the bushes that held the nursery. She quickly carried Littlekit over to her nest, and then put the squealing kit down.

She went back and quickly scooped up Otterkit, aware that the kits needed to be somewhere warm and dry and with food. She took the kit into the nursery with her, her tail lashing. She glanced back at Cinders, hoping the kittypet would be okay without her-it wasn't like she couldn't visit her in the nursery. She lowered Otterkit down next to his sister and curled around them in her nest, licking their fur to dry them. The snow outside had melted partially onto their fur, and she could feel their little paws kneading at her stomach, biting, trying to get at some milk. " Soon, little ones, " she purred soothingly. " You'll get your food soon. "

(I'll wait for Maplestar to come in before posting for Turtleshell OTL)

Wildfire straightened, sceptic still. There were no other scents other than this cat, and even if there were, they would have come out by now.

And he looks like he's seen a ghost, he thought, and nodded, "Alright. Come on, I'll show you the way."

He beckoned the other with a slight swish of his tail. He hasn't missed the slip up, and Wildfire piqued in curiosity - did something happen in MarshClan, to have this apprentice run to them in fear?

The tom shook his head. Now's not the time for gossip, "I won't bite. You look very familiar, I've seen you around before, but never got your name." Wildfire spoke gently, voice laced with his usual friendliness. It would be good to soothe the apprentice's nerves before showing him to Maplestar.

"I'm Wildfire, by the way, but I'm sure you already knew that. I'm quite popular." He boasted, lifting his chin. Maybe there was nothing happening in MarshClan - perhaps the younger tom just recognized him as a popular figure that his nerves were frazzled, not not to being in the presence of someone so damn cool.

Wildfire straightened, sceptic still. There were no other scents other than this cat, and even if there were, they would have come out by now.

And he looks like he's seen a ghost, he thought, and nodded, "Alright. Come on, I'll show you the way."

He beckoned the other with a slight swish of his tail. He hasn't missed the slip up, and Wildfire piqued in curiosity - did something happen in MarshClan, to have this apprentice run to them in fear?

The tom shook his head. Now's not the time for gossip, "I won't bite. You look very familiar, I've seen you around before, but never got your name." Wildfire spoke gently, voice laced with his usual friendliness. It would be good to soothe the apprentice's nerves before showing him to Maplestar.

"I'm Wildfire, by the way, but I'm sure you already knew that. I'm quite popular." He boasted, lifting his chin. Maybe there was nothing happening in MarshClan - perhaps the younger tom just recognized him as a popular figure that his nerves were frazzled, not not to being in the presence of someone so damn cool.
FR +15 || Call me Kit or Tea!
Makibaka // Dare to Fight
{ holy fishnuggets you guys post fast. @Burnmoon @Kilauea @wildheart @Feldoras (and let me know if there's anyone else I should be pinging) }

Whisperpaw came trotting back in with the borage leaves, ears pricked and tail flicking happily. She hadn't had much to do over the past few days, and as bad as it sounded, at least there was something to break the monotony. (But then she felt bad for thinking such thoughts, and shook her head to banish them, careful to keep a tight hold on her herbs.)

"Will these be enough?" she asked Hollyeyes, laying down the borage and quickly sorting through them to ensure she hadn't punctured any with her teeth.

She noticed with a pang how chilly it was outside, and hoped briefly that the nursery was insulated enough. "Also, is there anything else I can do, Hollyeyes?"
{ holy fishnuggets you guys post fast. @Burnmoon @Kilauea @wildheart @Feldoras (and let me know if there's anyone else I should be pinging) }

Whisperpaw came trotting back in with the borage leaves, ears pricked and tail flicking happily. She hadn't had much to do over the past few days, and as bad as it sounded, at least there was something to break the monotony. (But then she felt bad for thinking such thoughts, and shook her head to banish them, careful to keep a tight hold on her herbs.)

"Will these be enough?" she asked Hollyeyes, laying down the borage and quickly sorting through them to ensure she hadn't punctured any with her teeth.

She noticed with a pang how chilly it was outside, and hoped briefly that the nursery was insulated enough. "Also, is there anything else I can do, Hollyeyes?"
FR +0
@kilauea @frozenpumpkin @Circade @feldoras @Burnmoon @TeaLeafves

Maplestar gave Crow a swift smile before following the young tom into her camp. The scents from outside were just swift glances through the bracken full of doubt but now standing before the unknown Maplestar could see everything. Standing before her was a sight she wasn't very well expecting, that was for sure. Instinct told Maplestar to hiss at the newcomers in her camp but reason kept her face blank and voice passive.

It only took the she-cat seconds to understand what was going on before her and although she knew nothing of what was going on, she was sure someone would give her the full story soon. Maplestar's eyes flickered over the scene quickly and realizing Crow still stood beside her, probably as lost and dazed as the rest of them. Thinking quickly Maplestar spotted a familiar figure. Fondness spread through her heart but the calico let nothing show on her face. Now was a time for diplomacy and her time to act as a leader, not a friend.

Lifting her head high Maplestar flicked her tail in the direction of Starlingpool, beckoning the she-cat close. "Starlingpool I would like you to meet Crow. He just lost his mother and is in need of some shelter. Please be so kind as to get him some food and show him around camp." Maplestar didn't have time to deal with a skittish loner at her back while two full grown Marshclan warriors stood facing her from the front. She was going to be in control here, this was HER camp; her clan.

Turning her face again to Starlingpool's Maplestar let her tail stroke along the she-cat's shoulder. "Don't overwhelm him." the calico's voice was firm, the way a leader would speak to a warrior, not a friend among friends. Maplestar gave Crow a promising look that meant they would talk again later before directing her attention to the four Marshclan cat's that stood in the heart of her camp, in the heart of her soul.

The she-cat was silent for a moment, deciphering who was here and why. She noticed the shine of a collar dangling from the mouth of another unknown cat but one loner she could deal with in its own time. Marshclan cats were a different story.

She could tell by the look on Hollyeyes face that he had something to do with this and she sat there on her haunches in as much of a relaxed position as she could muster while looking at the cats gathering before her. Turning to face Hollyeyes once more she said one simple word, "Explain."
@kilauea @frozenpumpkin @Circade @feldoras @Burnmoon @TeaLeafves

Maplestar gave Crow a swift smile before following the young tom into her camp. The scents from outside were just swift glances through the bracken full of doubt but now standing before the unknown Maplestar could see everything. Standing before her was a sight she wasn't very well expecting, that was for sure. Instinct told Maplestar to hiss at the newcomers in her camp but reason kept her face blank and voice passive.

It only took the she-cat seconds to understand what was going on before her and although she knew nothing of what was going on, she was sure someone would give her the full story soon. Maplestar's eyes flickered over the scene quickly and realizing Crow still stood beside her, probably as lost and dazed as the rest of them. Thinking quickly Maplestar spotted a familiar figure. Fondness spread through her heart but the calico let nothing show on her face. Now was a time for diplomacy and her time to act as a leader, not a friend.

Lifting her head high Maplestar flicked her tail in the direction of Starlingpool, beckoning the she-cat close. "Starlingpool I would like you to meet Crow. He just lost his mother and is in need of some shelter. Please be so kind as to get him some food and show him around camp." Maplestar didn't have time to deal with a skittish loner at her back while two full grown Marshclan warriors stood facing her from the front. She was going to be in control here, this was HER camp; her clan.

Turning her face again to Starlingpool's Maplestar let her tail stroke along the she-cat's shoulder. "Don't overwhelm him." the calico's voice was firm, the way a leader would speak to a warrior, not a friend among friends. Maplestar gave Crow a promising look that meant they would talk again later before directing her attention to the four Marshclan cat's that stood in the heart of her camp, in the heart of her soul.

The she-cat was silent for a moment, deciphering who was here and why. She noticed the shine of a collar dangling from the mouth of another unknown cat but one loner she could deal with in its own time. Marshclan cats were a different story.

She could tell by the look on Hollyeyes face that he had something to do with this and she sat there on her haunches in as much of a relaxed position as she could muster while looking at the cats gathering before her. Turning to face Hollyeyes once more she said one simple word, "Explain."
@Tealeafves @Kilauea @wildheart @feldoras @frozenpumpkin @Chibikittens ((pinging everyone I see, so chaotics XD)

Hollyeyes turned to Whisperpaw, nodding his approval and pondering for a brief moment what else the medicine cat apprentice could do. Did he dare bring her along with him? Could he handle it? The medicine cat hesitated, then said,

"Get some parsley and water as well, and after that come with me into the nursery."

The medicine cat turned quickly at Maplestar, and said quickly,

"MarshClan has kits with a dead mother- they've asked us to provide for them until they're old enough to make their own decisions. I'm obligated by StarClan to make sure they survive, but after they're stable what we do with them is your decision. Some other cats have asked to defect as well- but please, you should handle that. I need to heal these kits- they're already dying."

And I'll have to bury them too, if this doesn't work out.

Hollyeyes grabbed the borage leaves and winced, mostly because he could feel the unevenness in the borage. He trotted quickly to the nursery, slipping inside with the borage.

Spotting Downyclaw and the other cats, he sat the borage leaves down and licked them clean of any dirt or dust. He nudged the bundle to Downyclaw and ordered,

"Chew that into a pulp, then swallow. After that, it's... it's... up to luck."

Hollyeyes voice was forced a little at that last word, and felt another nervous tick flaring within him at having to play the waiting game. He briefly felt like he couldn't breathe- before forcing himself to shut it all down and work with what he had. Hollyeyes began licking at the kits, ignoring all other cats in the nursery- he had to work with this.

This would be better if he knew about this. But no, StarClan insisted that he be given the surprise of his life and attempt to feed dying kits.
@Tealeafves @Kilauea @wildheart @feldoras @frozenpumpkin @Chibikittens ((pinging everyone I see, so chaotics XD)

Hollyeyes turned to Whisperpaw, nodding his approval and pondering for a brief moment what else the medicine cat apprentice could do. Did he dare bring her along with him? Could he handle it? The medicine cat hesitated, then said,

"Get some parsley and water as well, and after that come with me into the nursery."

The medicine cat turned quickly at Maplestar, and said quickly,

"MarshClan has kits with a dead mother- they've asked us to provide for them until they're old enough to make their own decisions. I'm obligated by StarClan to make sure they survive, but after they're stable what we do with them is your decision. Some other cats have asked to defect as well- but please, you should handle that. I need to heal these kits- they're already dying."

And I'll have to bury them too, if this doesn't work out.

Hollyeyes grabbed the borage leaves and winced, mostly because he could feel the unevenness in the borage. He trotted quickly to the nursery, slipping inside with the borage.

Spotting Downyclaw and the other cats, he sat the borage leaves down and licked them clean of any dirt or dust. He nudged the bundle to Downyclaw and ordered,

"Chew that into a pulp, then swallow. After that, it's... it's... up to luck."

Hollyeyes voice was forced a little at that last word, and felt another nervous tick flaring within him at having to play the waiting game. He briefly felt like he couldn't breathe- before forcing himself to shut it all down and work with what he had. Hollyeyes began licking at the kits, ignoring all other cats in the nursery- he had to work with this.

This would be better if he knew about this. But no, StarClan insisted that he be given the surprise of his life and attempt to feed dying kits.
xGq4e44.png Click my username for my art shop!
{ @wildheart lol thanks for including her! ;u; @Circade }

Starlingpool turned in surprise and meowed a quick greeting to the newcomer. "Of course, Maplestar!"

The golden tabby paced forward and stopped in front of Crow, awkwardly trying to school her face into something that could be perceived as 'welcoming'. She wasn't very good at this being-friendly thing, but she bore no ill will towards the small cat, and she was determined to do her clan and leader proud in welcoming him. "Hello," she said warmly. "My name is Starlingpool. You look kinda hungry- come with me."

Mentally congratulating herself on that cordial greeting, she led him over to freshkill pile and dragged a small sparrow out. It wasn't a horribly large meal, she knew how cats who didn't get much to eat couldn't handle large amounts at a time until they were used to it.

Whisperpaw nodded eagerly. "Sure thing!" She raced off to fetch some moss and the bundle of parsley she had re-organized yesterday from the den.

At first she found it a bit of a challenge to try and carry both dripping moss and a number of fragile leaves at the same time, but she found that if she tucked the parsley under her chin and carried the moss in her mouth, not only were the leaves saved from getting wet, she was able to manage both. This did, however, make her look exceedingly ridiculous as she walked.

"Herrrf yhuu goo," she mumbled as she tottered up to Hollyeyes. After releasing the moss, she said in a much clearer voice, "Drink up!"
{ @wildheart lol thanks for including her! ;u; @Circade }

Starlingpool turned in surprise and meowed a quick greeting to the newcomer. "Of course, Maplestar!"

The golden tabby paced forward and stopped in front of Crow, awkwardly trying to school her face into something that could be perceived as 'welcoming'. She wasn't very good at this being-friendly thing, but she bore no ill will towards the small cat, and she was determined to do her clan and leader proud in welcoming him. "Hello," she said warmly. "My name is Starlingpool. You look kinda hungry- come with me."

Mentally congratulating herself on that cordial greeting, she led him over to freshkill pile and dragged a small sparrow out. It wasn't a horribly large meal, she knew how cats who didn't get much to eat couldn't handle large amounts at a time until they were used to it.

Whisperpaw nodded eagerly. "Sure thing!" She raced off to fetch some moss and the bundle of parsley she had re-organized yesterday from the den.

At first she found it a bit of a challenge to try and carry both dripping moss and a number of fragile leaves at the same time, but she found that if she tucked the parsley under her chin and carried the moss in her mouth, not only were the leaves saved from getting wet, she was able to manage both. This did, however, make her look exceedingly ridiculous as she walked.

"Herrrf yhuu goo," she mumbled as she tottered up to Hollyeyes. After releasing the moss, she said in a much clearer voice, "Drink up!"
FR +0