

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Mansion In The Woods
Cheesy title, I know : ) It sounds way more dramatic than this rp really is.

We all have OCs right? And if you're like me, you have a ton. So I figured, why not take a clump of them and chuck them into a huge mysterious mansion in the middle of a forest with a bunch of other people's OCs? In other words, you pick some of your favorite OCs, ' matter how many or how weird they are, and they get set into a trans-dimensional mansion.

I know it sounds like it would be crazy, but I've done it before with a friend and it ends up being pretty fun. The plot isn't limited to the mansion or woods, the characters can be thrown anywhere and do anything. So, if you want to give it a try, read on for rules and forms -->




Be nice to everyone!
No god-modding
No mary-sues or super OP characters!!
Have oodles of fun
If you have something you want to happen, any sort of question, concern, or problem, just PM me.
Cheesy title, I know : ) It sounds way more dramatic than this rp really is.

We all have OCs right? And if you're like me, you have a ton. So I figured, why not take a clump of them and chuck them into a huge mysterious mansion in the middle of a forest with a bunch of other people's OCs? In other words, you pick some of your favorite OCs, ' matter how many or how weird they are, and they get set into a trans-dimensional mansion.

I know it sounds like it would be crazy, but I've done it before with a friend and it ends up being pretty fun. The plot isn't limited to the mansion or woods, the characters can be thrown anywhere and do anything. So, if you want to give it a try, read on for rules and forms -->




Be nice to everyone!
No god-modding
No mary-sues or super OP characters!!
Have oodles of fun
If you have something you want to happen, any sort of question, concern, or problem, just PM me.
ALRIGHT, alright, alright, alright. This, is amazing. Yes.

Name: Koru
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He's not the mean devil you would think of, but he does do his job taking care of the underworld. Normally he can switch between over world and underworld pretty easily, but when he was put in the mansion, he couldn't. He often takes leadership, that being his only role, but he doesn't know common courtesies that the humans do, which can lead to something looking like Thor. Although I said he wasn't normally mean, he does have a short temper.
Other: Actually the devil. Except, y'know, younger. And hotter. Close friends with Skyler, and acts more like a father to her.

Name: Skyler
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Her cat form is a normal brown cat.
Personality: Pretty much acts like a cat. She doesn't want all attention on her, but she does like to run ahead, bounce off-topic, and is very adventurous. She is full of energy like a kit, which she pretty much is, and is very friendly. Adorable :3
Other: Half human half cat, can switch between the two. Close friends with Koru.

(Normally this character would be OP, but I've watered her down)
Name: Time
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She is laid back and and seems pretty tough, but she's really kindhearted. She wants to warm up anyone's day. She is very responsible (Mostly because of her power), and trustworthy.
Other: So her power is, as you could guess, time. This is where the watering-down comes in. When she entered the mansion, her powers didn't work anymore, similar to Koru. The dust in her bottle creates portals to go though time and space, although she doesn't really need it (She can do it on her own). But now all she can do is teleport, and only herself.
ALRIGHT, alright, alright, alright. This, is amazing. Yes.

Name: Koru
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He's not the mean devil you would think of, but he does do his job taking care of the underworld. Normally he can switch between over world and underworld pretty easily, but when he was put in the mansion, he couldn't. He often takes leadership, that being his only role, but he doesn't know common courtesies that the humans do, which can lead to something looking like Thor. Although I said he wasn't normally mean, he does have a short temper.
Other: Actually the devil. Except, y'know, younger. And hotter. Close friends with Skyler, and acts more like a father to her.

Name: Skyler
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Her cat form is a normal brown cat.
Personality: Pretty much acts like a cat. She doesn't want all attention on her, but she does like to run ahead, bounce off-topic, and is very adventurous. She is full of energy like a kit, which she pretty much is, and is very friendly. Adorable :3
Other: Half human half cat, can switch between the two. Close friends with Koru.

(Normally this character would be OP, but I've watered her down)
Name: Time
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She is laid back and and seems pretty tough, but she's really kindhearted. She wants to warm up anyone's day. She is very responsible (Mostly because of her power), and trustworthy.
Other: So her power is, as you could guess, time. This is where the watering-down comes in. When she entered the mansion, her powers didn't work anymore, similar to Koru. The dust in her bottle creates portals to go though time and space, although she doesn't really need it (She can do it on her own). But now all she can do is teleport, and only herself.
OMg I love crazy cross over things. YEs yes yes.

So just to clarify, we can use any oc of ours, no matter the story, universe or background? Anything goes?
OMg I love crazy cross over things. YEs yes yes.

So just to clarify, we can use any oc of ours, no matter the story, universe or background? Anything goes?
oooh, this sounds really fun! Any excuse to have some fun with other people's cool OCs 8U

Name: Nate Bishop
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: About 5'8" and fairly lean, Nate is a weenie of a white boy with twiggy arms and a slouching tendency, making him appear shorter. He has messy ash brown hair that flops on his forehead most the time and brown, coppery-colored eyes. He also has a small diamond-stud earring on his left earlobe. He wears fairly common attire, ratty blue jeans and sneakers and a shirt he nabbed from Zazzle probably, ones with asinine sayings on them like this.
Personality: Nate is a very nervous boy. He has a clinically diagnosed Generalized anxiety disorder, and while he works hard to keep it managed, still has panic attacks and gets himself very worried about the littlest things. He's quiet, shy and his social skills aren't quite the best, but once he befriends someone he starts to open up and clearly enjoys their presence. He's easily grossed out and made uncomfortable by a massive laundry list of things, but blood gets him really bad. He loves drawing, fantasy stories, and dogs. He loves dogs so much.
Other: Nate is Chuck's Thrall, a human forever bonded with a certain demon. Nate is still really a bit on the fence about the whole relationship.

and, said demon:

Name: Chuck
Age: 600+ years old
Gender: Technically his species doesnt have a set gender system, but he uses he/him pronouns to make things easier for interactions with humans.
Appearance: Chuck is a big gross demon accidentally summoned by Nate and his friends back home in Wisconsin. He's about the size of a small cow, and has bristly, ruddy red-brown fur. His head is goat-like ,with curling sharp horns and glowing red eyes, and he has 8 limbs: hooved hind and forequarters, a pair of small arms on his chest, and a pair of broad, cicada-like wings. He has a long, whip-like spiked tail and black markings on various parts of his body. His belly is coated in a hard, golden plating.
He speaks through telepathy to humans; his native demon tongue is ridiculous and incomprehensible to others outside his species.
Personality: Chuck is highly interested in humankind, and is continuously baffled and amazed by various Earth inventions, even stuff like different kinds of food (he loves microwave ac n cheese). He is highly protective of Nate and is always watching to make sure nothing bad befalls the young man. He's usually pretty chill and relaxed for an ancient demon, but when he is angered he can be quite vicious. His voice is absurdly deep, and he sometimes takes a while to figure out what words to use when speaking to people, leading to long pauses in his speech.
Other: Technically, Chuck is an ancient otherdimensional being called a Liator, a species that took on the term 'demon' after millennium of humanity calling them that.

And here's a picture of Nate and Chuck together for reference, boy and big dumb demon ;u;

I hoep these forms are all right and my OCs fit any critera necessary! This seems like a lot of fun!
oooh, this sounds really fun! Any excuse to have some fun with other people's cool OCs 8U

Name: Nate Bishop
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: About 5'8" and fairly lean, Nate is a weenie of a white boy with twiggy arms and a slouching tendency, making him appear shorter. He has messy ash brown hair that flops on his forehead most the time and brown, coppery-colored eyes. He also has a small diamond-stud earring on his left earlobe. He wears fairly common attire, ratty blue jeans and sneakers and a shirt he nabbed from Zazzle probably, ones with asinine sayings on them like this.
Personality: Nate is a very nervous boy. He has a clinically diagnosed Generalized anxiety disorder, and while he works hard to keep it managed, still has panic attacks and gets himself very worried about the littlest things. He's quiet, shy and his social skills aren't quite the best, but once he befriends someone he starts to open up and clearly enjoys their presence. He's easily grossed out and made uncomfortable by a massive laundry list of things, but blood gets him really bad. He loves drawing, fantasy stories, and dogs. He loves dogs so much.
Other: Nate is Chuck's Thrall, a human forever bonded with a certain demon. Nate is still really a bit on the fence about the whole relationship.

and, said demon:

Name: Chuck
Age: 600+ years old
Gender: Technically his species doesnt have a set gender system, but he uses he/him pronouns to make things easier for interactions with humans.
Appearance: Chuck is a big gross demon accidentally summoned by Nate and his friends back home in Wisconsin. He's about the size of a small cow, and has bristly, ruddy red-brown fur. His head is goat-like ,with curling sharp horns and glowing red eyes, and he has 8 limbs: hooved hind and forequarters, a pair of small arms on his chest, and a pair of broad, cicada-like wings. He has a long, whip-like spiked tail and black markings on various parts of his body. His belly is coated in a hard, golden plating.
He speaks through telepathy to humans; his native demon tongue is ridiculous and incomprehensible to others outside his species.
Personality: Chuck is highly interested in humankind, and is continuously baffled and amazed by various Earth inventions, even stuff like different kinds of food (he loves microwave ac n cheese). He is highly protective of Nate and is always watching to make sure nothing bad befalls the young man. He's usually pretty chill and relaxed for an ancient demon, but when he is angered he can be quite vicious. His voice is absurdly deep, and he sometimes takes a while to figure out what words to use when speaking to people, leading to long pauses in his speech.
Other: Technically, Chuck is an ancient otherdimensional being called a Liator, a species that took on the term 'demon' after millennium of humanity calling them that.

And here's a picture of Nate and Chuck together for reference, boy and big dumb demon ;u;

I hoep these forms are all right and my OCs fit any critera necessary! This seems like a lot of fun!
@Grizabella Yep, anything goes ^.^
@Grizabella Yep, anything goes ^.^
Name: Nagi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'6" semi-built, dark brown hair, reddish eyes, wears a bandana thats covers his nose and mouth, normal attire but sometimes wears ripped clothes.
Personality: Nagi is shy but he acts serious most of the time. He always listens to everything around him so he can notice anything going on without anybody realizing it. He's also really chill and he lets anybody talk to him. If someone pisses him off, he will backfire.
Name: Nagi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'6" semi-built, dark brown hair, reddish eyes, wears a bandana thats covers his nose and mouth, normal attire but sometimes wears ripped clothes.
Personality: Nagi is shy but he acts serious most of the time. He always listens to everything around him so he can notice anything going on without anybody realizing it. He's also really chill and he lets anybody talk to him. If someone pisses him off, he will backfire.
Oh wow fun! I'm only gonna use two or threeof my OCs cause I have problems keeping track of more of them, but I'll give this a shot!

Name: Irix O'Hara
Age: 15?
Gender: Female
Appearance: Extremely pale coloring: pale skin, white hair cut choppily at the shoulders, and big quartz-colored eyes. She's short and skinny as a twig at about 5' and 100 lbs with slightly pointy hair and fine features. She wears a short silvery colored robe over brightly colored form-fitting tank tops and black skinny jeans with black boots. She also carries a large silver staff (It's just a large stick) for whacking things.
Personality: Very bubbly, positive, and energetic, a bit like a squirrel on coffee. She can mellow, but it takes a lot of effort and a lot of shock for her to do so. She tends to make friends really fast and she wears her heart on her sleeve, which can both help and hurt her.
Other: She is a member of an alien race caled the Prismatics, who can change the wavelength of light reflected off an object and therefore change its perceived color. That's the reason for her ultra-pale coloring and unusual build.

Name: Kristek
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: In human form he has tan skin with wildly curly hair in dark brown, and he usually wears a deep blue coat covered in silver swirls over black pants and a pair of deep gray boots. In his natural form he looks like a big fluffy dark brown cat with a long pointy tail, a pair of rather small and nonfunctioning wings, long ears that look almost webbed, and a strangley human face. His other forms generally reflect this
Personality: He seems very in-charge, but in reality he'd rather be in the background than in the spotlight. He has a long history with many stories he'd rather not repeat, but if you get to know him well enough he'll tell you some (but not all) of his stories. He enjoys painting and drawing, but he never seems to be able to find a pencil when he needs one...
Other: He's a Changeling, Shapeshifter, or Mirrorwalker, depending on what you want to call him, though he prefers the first two, so he can change his form as long as he has the energy to.

This good?
Oh wow fun! I'm only gonna use two or threeof my OCs cause I have problems keeping track of more of them, but I'll give this a shot!

Name: Irix O'Hara
Age: 15?
Gender: Female
Appearance: Extremely pale coloring: pale skin, white hair cut choppily at the shoulders, and big quartz-colored eyes. She's short and skinny as a twig at about 5' and 100 lbs with slightly pointy hair and fine features. She wears a short silvery colored robe over brightly colored form-fitting tank tops and black skinny jeans with black boots. She also carries a large silver staff (It's just a large stick) for whacking things.
Personality: Very bubbly, positive, and energetic, a bit like a squirrel on coffee. She can mellow, but it takes a lot of effort and a lot of shock for her to do so. She tends to make friends really fast and she wears her heart on her sleeve, which can both help and hurt her.
Other: She is a member of an alien race caled the Prismatics, who can change the wavelength of light reflected off an object and therefore change its perceived color. That's the reason for her ultra-pale coloring and unusual build.

Name: Kristek
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: In human form he has tan skin with wildly curly hair in dark brown, and he usually wears a deep blue coat covered in silver swirls over black pants and a pair of deep gray boots. In his natural form he looks like a big fluffy dark brown cat with a long pointy tail, a pair of rather small and nonfunctioning wings, long ears that look almost webbed, and a strangley human face. His other forms generally reflect this
Personality: He seems very in-charge, but in reality he'd rather be in the background than in the spotlight. He has a long history with many stories he'd rather not repeat, but if you get to know him well enough he'll tell you some (but not all) of his stories. He enjoys painting and drawing, but he never seems to be able to find a pencil when he needs one...
Other: He's a Changeling, Shapeshifter, or Mirrorwalker, depending on what you want to call him, though he prefers the first two, so he can change his form as long as he has the energy to.

This good?
Three hours ahead of server time.
Name: Kael
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Messy, cream colored hair and green eyes. His skin is actually made of porcelain, but he looks like a normal person as long as you don't pay close attention to detail, and so long as you don't see the cracked hole in his back. He is pretty muscular, but not ripped or anything, and he's about 6'2"
Personality: When first meeting people he shows basically no emotion other than cold indifference, and either keeps it that way or warms up some if he likes you. Even when he's comfortable around you, he's still very reserved and always keeps a calm head.
Other: N/A

Name: Amy Ward
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long brown hair with bangs that she usually keeps clipped back, hazel eyes, and tan skin. Pentacle scars on her back and chest.
Personality: Very kind and cheerful unless something bugs her. She's basically the 'team mom' and looks after all the younger members of my OC group. She's easy to get riled up, and sometimes goes on long rants if she's ******. Not much of a fighter, but she's a master of blunt force trauma.
Other: Tends to hit people with baseball bats when surprised.

Name: Miriam
Age: Vaguely 16-ish?
Gender: Female
Appearance: Usually switches between two forms. She has her natural form- A 16 year old with long, wavy, dark brown hair, ridiculously good figure, full ram horns, and usually very little clothing. She has a second form that she only uses when trying to seduce humans, a human guise of blonde hair, blue eyes, and rosy skin.
Personality: Kind of ****** and aloof, but not overall cruel. She likes playing with people and generally only listens to Amy. If she legitimately likes you, she can be really spunky, if still kind of a *****. Used to be taken advantage of a lot, so she's learned to hit first and ask questions later.
Other: She is a succubus, and Aeriel's twin.

Name: Aeriel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Switches between his two forms, the natural one with pink eyes, swirly tattoos, a well toned but lean figure, and long horns that point back slightly. Can put on human guise of blue eyes and tan skin.
Personality: Painfully shy and nervous. He doesn't talk much,and when he does it's generally very quietly. Will jump 2 feet in the air if you so much as say 'boo' behind him. Puts on a completely stoic mask most of the time, but he's basically a marshmallow. Was used a lot like his sister, but prefers to hide rather than fight.
Other: Incubus, and Miriam's twin brother.

Name: Cole Malikyeh
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Cole is short and not particularly muscular or heavy, but not really skinny either. His blonde hair is gelled and mess on the top and short short on the sides. He has sharp features, blue eyes, and pointed ears studded with earnings.
Personality: Cole is very outgoing, and kind of creepy. He's really friendly to everyone, whether he likes them or not. He tends to be very intense, and say some weird stuff without seeming to realize how weird it is. He's rarely serious, and if he is he will still be smiling. The world could be ending and he wouldn't even look concerned.
Other: I wasn't sure about adding this guy because he's not very well developed and also 5 people why, but I figured I'd add him anyways. I might take him away later.

Thanks for joining everyone : )
Name: Kael
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Messy, cream colored hair and green eyes. His skin is actually made of porcelain, but he looks like a normal person as long as you don't pay close attention to detail, and so long as you don't see the cracked hole in his back. He is pretty muscular, but not ripped or anything, and he's about 6'2"
Personality: When first meeting people he shows basically no emotion other than cold indifference, and either keeps it that way or warms up some if he likes you. Even when he's comfortable around you, he's still very reserved and always keeps a calm head.
Other: N/A

Name: Amy Ward
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long brown hair with bangs that she usually keeps clipped back, hazel eyes, and tan skin. Pentacle scars on her back and chest.
Personality: Very kind and cheerful unless something bugs her. She's basically the 'team mom' and looks after all the younger members of my OC group. She's easy to get riled up, and sometimes goes on long rants if she's ******. Not much of a fighter, but she's a master of blunt force trauma.
Other: Tends to hit people with baseball bats when surprised.

Name: Miriam
Age: Vaguely 16-ish?
Gender: Female
Appearance: Usually switches between two forms. She has her natural form- A 16 year old with long, wavy, dark brown hair, ridiculously good figure, full ram horns, and usually very little clothing. She has a second form that she only uses when trying to seduce humans, a human guise of blonde hair, blue eyes, and rosy skin.
Personality: Kind of ****** and aloof, but not overall cruel. She likes playing with people and generally only listens to Amy. If she legitimately likes you, she can be really spunky, if still kind of a *****. Used to be taken advantage of a lot, so she's learned to hit first and ask questions later.
Other: She is a succubus, and Aeriel's twin.

Name: Aeriel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Switches between his two forms, the natural one with pink eyes, swirly tattoos, a well toned but lean figure, and long horns that point back slightly. Can put on human guise of blue eyes and tan skin.
Personality: Painfully shy and nervous. He doesn't talk much,and when he does it's generally very quietly. Will jump 2 feet in the air if you so much as say 'boo' behind him. Puts on a completely stoic mask most of the time, but he's basically a marshmallow. Was used a lot like his sister, but prefers to hide rather than fight.
Other: Incubus, and Miriam's twin brother.

Name: Cole Malikyeh
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Cole is short and not particularly muscular or heavy, but not really skinny either. His blonde hair is gelled and mess on the top and short short on the sides. He has sharp features, blue eyes, and pointed ears studded with earnings.
Personality: Cole is very outgoing, and kind of creepy. He's really friendly to everyone, whether he likes them or not. He tends to be very intense, and say some weird stuff without seeming to realize how weird it is. He's rarely serious, and if he is he will still be smiling. The world could be ending and he wouldn't even look concerned.
Other: I wasn't sure about adding this guy because he's not very well developed and also 5 people why, but I figured I'd add him anyways. I might take him away later.

Thanks for joining everyone : )
Name: James Neeves
Age: 19
Gender: Male
He is around six feet tall and is rather muscular. He is missing a leg and instead has a metal, brass colored prosthetic. It has a few different gears on it which all interact with each other while he walks and stop when he's not in motion. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. His complexion is slightly tanned.
He wears a pair of large, blue tinted goggles at all times, whether they're over his eyes or on his top hat. The sides are made of brass and seem to be artistically crafted. He wears a long sleeved blue dress shirt with a tan vest over it. He keeps a pocket watch in the pocket of his vest. His pants are long and gray with black pinstripes running down the legs. He also wears a pair of black dress shoes.
Personality: James can be called many things but shy is not one of them. He has always been a people person and loves to meet new faces. He is very ambitious and continued his quest to become an explorer and archaeologist even after he lost his leg. He crafted his prosthetic himself to make sure it would be able to handle any type of terrain he would explore. He has trouble following direction and always likes to forge his own path.
Other: This was my steampunk OC so I hope it's acceptable.
Name: James Neeves
Age: 19
Gender: Male
He is around six feet tall and is rather muscular. He is missing a leg and instead has a metal, brass colored prosthetic. It has a few different gears on it which all interact with each other while he walks and stop when he's not in motion. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. His complexion is slightly tanned.
He wears a pair of large, blue tinted goggles at all times, whether they're over his eyes or on his top hat. The sides are made of brass and seem to be artistically crafted. He wears a long sleeved blue dress shirt with a tan vest over it. He keeps a pocket watch in the pocket of his vest. His pants are long and gray with black pinstripes running down the legs. He also wears a pair of black dress shoes.
Personality: James can be called many things but shy is not one of them. He has always been a people person and loves to meet new faces. He is very ambitious and continued his quest to become an explorer and archaeologist even after he lost his leg. He crafted his prosthetic himself to make sure it would be able to handle any type of terrain he would explore. He has trouble following direction and always likes to forge his own path.
Other: This was my steampunk OC so I hope it's acceptable.
*excited screaming* Okay please hold a slot for me, I'm not sure if I will get the chance to post my characters till I get in from uni.

Just a random question, but is there a plot for this rp, or are we just gonna throw all the ocs together and see what happens? And were the ocs taken to the mansion against their free will or did they have a choice? (Just cause obviously my characters would react differently depending on what happened XD)
*excited screaming* Okay please hold a slot for me, I'm not sure if I will get the chance to post my characters till I get in from uni.

Just a random question, but is there a plot for this rp, or are we just gonna throw all the ocs together and see what happens? And were the ocs taken to the mansion against their free will or did they have a choice? (Just cause obviously my characters would react differently depending on what happened XD)